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Illogical Is something that you are going to have when you do or dont like things. Alot of people like some characters for who they are, how they look, etc. Some are on the opposite side. Neither is right or wrong, and you could argue that both are, but the end is how we personally feel about it. 

I personally think Edelgard is an awful character, you might disagree, fine, but my reasons dont have to hold water with yours. My opinion is mine alone, you don't dictate what I think.

I dont like her attitude, maybe you do, that doesnt mean that I'm wrong at all. I could give you a ton of reasons why, but someone who likes her would never understand, as personal bias comes I to play as well. They can try to convince me my reasons are "wrong" but they arent me, and they dont feel and see what i do.

He doesnt like the less serious tone, and thinks it doesnt mesh with the story well, and he has a fair point why. You dont agree, obviously, but you dont have to blitz him about it. A civil reasoning would have went a longer way I think.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

He doesnt like the less serious tone, and thinks it doesnt mesh with the story well, and he has a fair point why. You dont agree, obviously, but you dont have to blitz him about it. A civil reasoning would have went a longer way I think.

Did I ever say it was wrong for him to have that opinion? No I never did not once did I even remotely imply that. It’s the fact that he’s making an objective claim against awakening that I have an issue with. It’s fine to simply not like how awakening handles its tonal balancing. That is totally okay. I have no issues with that. I definitely disagree but hey whatever. Personal preference is personal preference. It’s another thing entirely to say that awakening is tonally inconsistent because that is a criticism against the quality of the game. It’s an argument that he is trying to back up with logical reasoning that is simply not true. Awakening isn’t tonally inconsistent. Sure it has humor during serious moments but that humor serves a purpose in trying to balance out the tone and create levity before the tone of story gets darker. It serves a purpose and to call it “bad” without understanding the reason as to why it’s there is a little disrespectful if you ask me. It’s a bad faith argument. I don’t care what his opinion is. I’m just saying he’s making a bad faith argument. To label something as “bad” is to imply objectivity inherently. There’s a difference between simply stating an opinion and bad faith debate. This is the latter

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

You’re missing my point. Did I ever say it’s wrong to have an opinion? Did I say that? Did I even imply that? No, I didn’t. I never did. It’s totally okay to have an opinion. It’s fine to feel a certain way about anything. I never said it wasn’t. (1) However, it’s when you try to justify that opinion with objectivist language and arguments that are provably wrong that’s when it becomes more than just an opinion. To say you don’t like how awakening handles its humor is one thing. That is a completely subjective statement that I have no issue with. (2) To call awakening tonally inconsistent is a different matter entirely. You’re making an actual argument when you say that because again you’re using objectivist language. (3) So don’t get mad when I engage in debate with you because I think you’re wrong. (4) You’re making an argumentative claim and trying to justify it with logical reasoning and evidence which are things that can be proven to be incorrect. Again it’s fine to say “I don’t like Edelgard”. That’s fine whatever personal taste will be personal taste. To say “I dislike Edelgard because she has no real reason to do what she does” is a factually incorrect statement that is provably wrong. Cause again you’re trying to justify your opinion with supposed facts and that’s where it becomes more than just an opinion. It becomes an argumentative claim that can be debated and proven wrong. I can’t prove that you don’t like something. (5) I can prove that the reason for that dislike is illogical though.

I've bolded the statements you made that are blatantly incorrect.

1. For you to judge whether or not I'm implying that my opinion is an objective fact by your supposed interpretation of statements I've made is absurdly presumptuous.

2. If I call Awakening tonally inconsistent, that reflects my experience with the game's story. You have no right to say otherwise, regardless of what you may think to be factual or not. You obviously have the right to a diverging opinion, but to criticize my opinion as "illogical" or something you can prove to be incorrect demonstrates a superiority complex inherent to your thinking in the first place.

3. I'm not mad. I don't get mad when discussing things with other people. If I got angry every time I disagreed with someone, I would be a ridiculously petty person.

4. No, I'm not. Not once did I ever assert that Awakening is objectively inconsistent in its tone, which would undoubtedly be an argument. If you had read my comment in full, understanding the context of what I said, you would know that I was coming from my perspective

5. Quite honestly, this is the one of the most illogical things I think I've ever heard be stated. You can no more easily prove whether or not my likes and dislikes are logical or otherwise. That is something that I alone determine.

Clearly you and I will never agree on something like this, so I'd say it's best to agree to disagree.

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7 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Did I ever say it was wrong for him to have that opinion? No I never did not once did I even remotely imply that. It’s the fact that he’s making an objective claim against awakening that I have an issue with. It’s fine to simply not like how awakening handles its tonal balancing. That is totally okay. I have no issues with that. I definitely disagree but hey whatever. Personal preference is personal preference. It’s another thing entirely to say that awakening is tonally inconsistent because that is a criticism against the quality of the game. It’s an argument that he is trying to back up with logical reasoning that is simply not true. Awakening isn’t tonally inconsistent. Sure it has humor during serious moments but that humor serves a purpose in trying to balance out the tone and create levity before the tone of story gets darker. It serves a purpose and to call it “bad” without understanding the reason as to why it’s there is a little disrespectful if you ask me. It’s a bad faith argument. I don’t care what his opinion is. I’m just saying he’s making a bad faith argument. To label something as “bad” is to imply objectivity inherently. There’s a difference between simply stating an opinion and bad faith debate. This is the latter

Let me ask you this then, what does good or bad mean to you in this situation? I think you are way overlooking what he means. 

"Serves a purpose" okay I'm gonna use an example here and I'm not sure if you will understand since I dont know if youve played/watched FE4 before.

Holy weapons serve a purpose in the story. They are intentionally overpowered. Is this wrong? Well, from a balance PoV, yes, it is. It's totally there for story purposes yet people dont like it that way. They arent saying it's wrong in that way, they mean it's taking away from the fun aspect of the game. But with your logic applied, it would be completely okay for those weapons to make the game no fun.

Which do you think is right? Honest question right here. 

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I've bolded the statements you made that are blatantly incorrect.

1. For you to judge whether or not I'm implying that my opinion is an objective fact by your supposed interpretation of statements I've made is absurdly presumptuous.

2. If I call Awakening tonally inconsistent, that reflects my experience with the game's story. You have no right to say otherwise, regardless of what you may think to be factual or not. You obviously have the right to a diverging opinion, but to criticize my opinion as "illogical" or something you can prove to be incorrect demonstrates a superiority complex inherent to your thinking in the first place.

3. I'm not mad. I don't get mad when discussing things with other people. If I got angry every time I disagreed with someone, I would be a ridiculously petty person.

4. No, I'm not. Not once did I ever assert that Awakening is objectively inconsistent in its tone, which would undoubtedly be an argument. If you had read my comment in full, understanding the context of what I said, you would know that I was coming from my perspective

5. Quite honestly, this is the one of the most illogical things I think I've ever heard be stated. You can no more easily prove whether or not my likes and dislikes are logical or otherwise. That is something that I alone determine.

Clearly you and I will never agree on something like this, so I'd say it's best to agree to disagree.

Y’know what I’m just link this video and be done with it because it basically summarizes what I’ve been trying to say here. Just watch like the first like 20 minutes


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29 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Let me ask you this then, what does good or bad mean to you in this situation? I think you are way overlooking what he means. 

"Serves a purpose" okay I'm gonna use an example here and I'm not sure if you will understand since I dont know if youve played/watched FE4 before.

Holy weapons serve a purpose in the story. They are intentionally overpowered. Is this wrong? Well, from a balance PoV, yes, it is. It's totally there for story purposes yet people dont like it that way. They arent saying it's wrong in that way, they mean it's taking away from the fun aspect of the game. But with your logic applied, it would be completely okay for those weapons to make the game no fun.

Which do you think is right? Honest question right here. 

I mean I haven’t played FE 4 so I can’t really speak much on it. It’s fine to not like something. That’s totally okay. I see no issue with that. You’re completely misinterpreting my logic as well. You’re thinking too much in extremes. Let’s take pair up from awakening for example. From a purely game design perspective. It’s kinda bullshit and only really adds an extra layer of RNG onto it. From a thematic standpoint though it’s supposed to communicate the game’s central theme of bonds and working together. If someone doesn’t find pair up as a fun mechanic then that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that opinion and I can understand why because well it does add unnecessary layers of rng. I disagree with the overall sentiment but hey if you don’t like it you don’t like it. I’m not gonna force you to like it. What bothers me though is when you say the mechanic is bad because the game is centralized around it because yeah it is but that’s kinda the fucking point. That’s what developers were trying to get across. Those are the ideas the game is going for. If you don’t like it that’s fine but don’t say it’s unnecessary because it is necessary for the message the game wants to convey. This story wants to convey its message in this specific way and to say it shouldn’t do that because you don’t like it or think it’s bad is quite frankly disrespectful to the developers. 

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1 hour ago, Ottservia said:


You’re missing my point. Did I ever say it’s wrong to have an opinion? Did I say that? Did I even imply that? No, I didn’t. I never did. It’s totally okay to have an opinion. It’s fine to feel a certain way about anything. I never said it wasn’t. However, it’s when you try to justify that opinion with objectivist language and arguments that are provably wrong that’s when it becomes more than just an opinion. To say you don’t like how awakening handles its humor is one thing. That is a completely subjective statement that I have no issue with. To call awakening tonally inconsistent is a different matter entirely. You’re making an actual argument when you say that because again you’re using objectivist language. So don’t get mad when I engage in debate with you because I think you’re wrong. You’re making an argumentative claim and trying to justify it with logical reasoning and evidence which are things that can be proven to be incorrect. Again it’s fine to say “I don’t like Edelgard”. That’s fine whatever personal taste will be personal taste. To say “I dislike Edelgard because she has no real reason to do what she does” is a factually incorrect statement that is provably wrong. Cause again you’re trying to justify your opinion with supposed facts and that’s where it becomes more than just an opinion. It becomes an argumentative claim that can be debated and proven wrong. I can’t prove that you don’t like something. I can prove that the reason for that dislike is illogical though.

The thing is, if I say "I think FE7 has a weak story because...[insert justifications]" then that is my opinion-If I did not enjoy the story, and the characters did not hold up for me, then that is my opinion. It cannot be factually proven that my dislike of FE7 is illogical. Heck, even if I disliked it for some weird reason such as disliking Eliwood' hair, then the fact is that I dislike Eliwood' hair. Similarly, if I disliked Fates's cast because I felt that many characters were too one-note, then that is my opinion. Even if in another person's viewpoint, that opinion is wrong, the fact is that they were too flat and tropey in the way I saw 'em. 


As another example, me and @Shrimperor have argued plenty of times about FE6's axes and whatnot-the way I see it, axes serve their purpose and have good use and utility, and the way he sees them, they are missing machines with no merit. I like many of FE6's maps, he doesn't. Neither of us are objectively right. We have different tastes on what an FE would be in an ideal world.


Or me and @twilitfalchion arguing a lot about Three Houses' difficulty curve. I think that it is way too easy and mindless and has no ctual difficulty, he sees it as a well-built arc that builds on itself continually. Again, this is our respective points of view. Even if the point of Three Houses was to be very easy, that would not make me like it any more than I do. I'd still dislike Three Houses' difficulty curve.


Or me choosing not to use really good edgy myrmidons because I think that they are boring and do not appeal to me in the slightest. This is my opinion and my point of view on the matter. My choice not to use 'em is not objectively right or wrong. It is simply my choice because I dislike them.

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

We have different tastes on what an FE would be in an ideal world.

And it's fine that way. Every FE is kinda different from the other. It would be boring if FE was like Pokemon and kept cloning itself every game.

However it also means not every fan will like every FE game. And it's fine that way. I'd rather have the series be like this than like pokemon.

to stay on topic: I am playing Berwick Saga

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12 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

I mean I haven’t played FE 4 so I can’t really speak much on it. It’s fine to not like something. That’s totally okay. I see no issue with that. You’re completely misinterpreting my logic as well. You’re thinking too much in extremes. Let’s take pair up from awakening for example. From a purely game design perspective. It’s kinda bullshit and only really adds an extra layer of RNG onto it. From a thematic standpoint though it’s supposed to communicate the game’s central theme of bonds and working together. If someone doesn’t find pair up as a fun mechanic then that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that opinion and I can understand why because well it does add unnecessary layers of rng. I disagree with the overall sentiment but hey if you don’t like it you don’t like it. I’m not gonna force you to like it. What bothers me though is when you say the mechanic is bad because the game is centralized around it because yeah it is but that’s kinda the fucking point. That’s what developers were trying to get across. Those are the ideas the game is going for. If you don’t like it that’s fine but don’t say it’s unnecessary because it is necessary for the message the game wants to convey. This story wants to convey its message in this specific way and to say it shouldn’t do that because you don’t like it or think it’s bad is quite frankly disrespectful to the developers. 

That's true. In FE4, that holy weapons are integral to the story, but how much is acceptable until it really hurts the gameplay? 

The devs trying to impliment something and doing it right are two different things. Like, pair up is considered so game-breaking it makes it no fun or "braindead". Could they have done it differently? Sure. But it's not always designed to be around difficulty. 

That's their opinion, if they dont like it because it removes real "challenge", then it isnt for them. You should like what you want. hell, I love the pair up idea in Awakening.

The devs cant please everyone, since we all have different standards of fun.

In FE4's case, it was simply bad design. Centering the game around 4-5 units doesnt make it fun.  So how do you please everyone? 

On topic: HW: DE!

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

to stay on topic: I am playing Berwick Saga

the only game that is objectively the best

And, I guess to get back in topic as well, I'm in the midst of being buffetted by Verdant winds and Three Houses, with an FE8 randomizer and Berwick Saga on the side.

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

The thing is, if I say "I think FE7 has a weak story because...[insert justifications]" then that is my opinion-If I did not enjoy the story, and the characters did not hold up for me, then that is my opinion. It cannot be factually proven that my dislike of FE7 is illogical. Heck, even if I disliked it for some weird reason such as disliking Eliwood' hair, then the fact is that I dislike Eliwood' hair. Similarly, if I disliked Fates's cast because I felt that many characters were too one-note, then that is my opinion. Even if in another person's viewpoint, that opinion is wrong, the fact is that they were too flat and tropey in the way I saw 'em. 


Again you’re completely misunderstanding my point here. If you said “I don’t like FE 7 because I don’t like Eliwood’s hair” that’s fine. I can’t prove that wrong no one can. But if you said instead “I don’t like FE 7 because Eliwood’s hair is blue” then that’s just a factually incorrect statement cause his hair isn’t blue

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10 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Again you’re completely misunderstanding my point here. If you said “I don’t like FE 7 because I don’t like Eliwood’s hair” that’s fine. I can’t prove that wrong no one can. But if you said instead “I don’t like FE 7 because Eliwood’s hair is blue” then that’s just a factually incorrect statement cause his hair isn’t blue

Well that's simply a fact, so of course you cant dispute that. Alot of other things hinge much more on interpretation and opinions/views. 

Good story/gameplay is much more opinion based, and so are characters.

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9 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Again you’re completely misunderstanding my point here. If you said “I don’t like FE 7 because I don’t like Eliwood’s hair” that’s fine. I can’t prove that wrong no one can. But if you said instead “I don’t like FE 7 because Eliwood’s hair is blue” then that’s just a factually incorrect statement cause his hair isn’t blue

Yes, but if we go back to thing that caused this discussion, 'twas a discussion about how Samz viewed awakening as being unfunny and tonally inconsistent, and there is nothing objectively wrong with that opinion, since humor and perception of text is subjective. 

Anyways ,best to move on, since this ain't the point of the thread.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Well that's simply a fact, so of course you cant dispute that. Alot of other things hinge much more on interpretation and opinions/views. 

Good story/gameplay is much more opinion based, and so are characters.

To a degree yes but there’s a certain extent to which you can only really interpret something one way. Like if a character says “I am angry!” How else do you interpret that other than they are angry. Or like if a character slams the door closed on their way out of a room then it’s pretty clear that they’re upset. There’s really no other way to interpret that.


2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yes, but if we go back to thing that caused this discussion, 'twas a discussion about how Samz viewed awakening as being unfunny and tonally inconsistent, and there is nothing objectively wrong with that opinion, since humor and perception of text is subjective. 

Anyways ,best to move on, since this ain't the point of the thread.

You’re a writer right, Benice? Let me give you a piece of advice. If I write a story about my own issues regarding my low self-esteem then had three different people read that story. I then asked them what they thought the story was about and the first one said “it’s about your granpa”, the second said, “it’s a story about your love of bread”, and the third one said “it’s a story about how great life is”. Then I have failed as a writer because I failed to communicate what my story was about. The people who read the story should have responded with some variation of “this is a story about having low self-esteem” because that’s what it was about. A story that can be about anything is a story about nothing.

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6 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

To a degree yes but there’s a certain extent to which you can only really interpret something one way. Like if a character says “I am angry!” How else do you interpret that other than they are angry. Or like if a character slams the door closed on their way out of a room then it’s pretty clear that they’re upset. There’s really no other way to interpret that.

This is hard to say. Is there voice acting? Do the vas imply that tone correctly? I suppose it depends on how you define "angry". 

Simply being angry isnt enough, as the reader, I should be feeling that emotion in some form. If I dont, then does it do its job? Connecting with the audience is important, especially with voice acting. If the va does the scene completely wrong, then the point won't drive home.

how do you slam the door? Do you do it while in tears? While yelling? How that's handled makes me feel different things and how I see a scene.

Edit: say you finish that scene with said character saying, jk guys, jk.  Would the scene imply a serious tone anymore, or would it just sound silly?

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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

This is hard to say. Is there voice acting? Do the vas imply that tone correctly? I suppose it depends on how you define "angry". 

Simply being angry isnt enough, as the reader, I should be feeling that emotion in some form. If I dont, then does it do its job? Connecting with the audience is important, especially with voice acting. If the va does the scene completely wrong, then the point won't drive home.

how do you slam the door? Do you do it while in tears? While yelling? How that's handled makes me feel different things and how I see a scene.

Well regardless of the specifics if the idea was that the character was upset then I, as the author, accomplished that correct? Lemme just repeat what I said earlier to benice.

If I write a story about my own issues regarding my low self-esteem then had three different people read that story. I then asked them what they thought the story was about and the first one said “it’s about your granpa”, the second said, “it’s a story about your love of bread”, and the third one said “it’s a story about how great life is”. Then I have failed as a writer because I failed to communicate what my story was about. The peoplewho read the story should have responded with some variation of “this is a story about having low self-esteem” because that’s what it was about. A story that can be about anything is a story about nothing.

it’s why I don’t agree with “it’s all subjective personal interpretation” because to a degree it isn’t. If a story I write is about the pain of loneliness. The reader should be able to come to that conclusion without me needing to tell them.

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2 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

it’s why I don’t agree with “it’s all subjective personal interpretation” because to a degree it isn’t. If a story I write is about the pain of loneliness. The reader should be able to come to that conclusion without me needing to tell them.

Well, unless the devs/writers state otherwise, isnt it? If you dont tell me that said character is unhappy in some way, how would I know? And if said character is supposed to be unhappy, you shouldnt have them never take a scene seriously, or I wouldn't respect their feelings at all. That doesnt show their feelings, and doesnt support character growth in the right ways either.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, unless the devs/writers state otherwise, isnt it? If you dont tell me that said character is unhappy in some way, how would I know? And if said character is supposed to be unhappy, you shouldnt have them never take a scene seriously, or I wouldn't respect their feelings at all. That doesnt show their feelings, and doesnt support character growth in the right ways either.

And there’s your problem. The writer shouldn’t have to tell you what their story is about. You should be able to come to that conclusion on your own based on how the story is written. That’s literally the definition of show don’t tell. If you want the reader to believe a character is upset, You show them being upset. It’s basic writing 101. If I write:

His heart ached with a throbbing pain as his ears continued to ring with a familiar scream. The world crumbled around him. All that existed was him and the limp corpse of his sister in his arms. Memories of her smiling face flooded down his face as hot wet tears. 

“Why...” he sputtered out inbetween sobs.

Now let me ask you, what ideas or emotions was I trying to get across here?

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4 hours ago, know_naim said:

I just finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, the latest game from Vanillaware. Fantastic sci-fi storytelling mixed with light, fun tower defense RTS gameplay. If you like crazy stories like Steins;Gate, Virtue's Last Reward and such, you'll love this. The way the narration is structured makes me gush. 

I do like Vanillaware aesthetics and have been paying some attention to this game, though the visual novel approach and drab color scheme, combined with me not having the appropriate console, mean I'm only rooting for this on the sidelines.

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35 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

You’re a writer right, Benice?

More like a wronger

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Let me give you a piece of advice. If I write a story about my own issues regarding my low self-esteem then had three different people read that story. I then asked them what they thought the story was about and the first one said “it’s about your granpa”, the second said, “it’s a story about your love of bread”, and the third one said “it’s a story about how great life is”. Then I have failed as a writer because I failed to communicate what my story was about. The people who read the story should have responded with some variation of “this is a story about having low self-esteem” because that’s what it was about. A story that can be about anything is a story about nothing.

I don't necessarily agree-I think that a story should have a clear and focused idea, (something I struggle with a lot) and you can guide your reader, but ultimately, what the reader gets from it, and whether they enjoyed it, is what really counts in my uneducated opinion.

Never taken a creative writing course, though, so my perspective will likely change once I do later this year.

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8 minutes ago, Benice said:

More like a wronger

I don't necessarily agree-I think that a story should have a clear and focused idea, (something I struggle with a lot) and you can guide your reader, but ultimately, what the reader gets from it, and whether they enjoyed it, is what really counts in my uneducated opinion.

Never taken a creative writing course, though, so my perspective will likely change once I do later this year.

I can speak as a licensed English teacher (lots of teaching of writing and story analysis! Fun shit!) that there is a lot of merit in the effect of the writing isolated from the intent of the writing. It's just two different approaches to judging something. Generally judging by the effect is the more commonly suggested route because you don't always know what someone was explicitly going for but you can always gauge some message or meaning based on how you respond to the text

I imagine your perspective will not change drastically haha but have fun seeing what you learn

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3 minutes ago, Specta said:

I can speak as a licensed English teacher (lots of teaching of writing and story analysis! Fun shit!) that there is a lot of merit in the effect of the writing isolated from the intent of the writing. It's just two different approaches to judging something. Generally judging by the effect is the more commonly suggested route because you don't always know what someone was explicitly going for but you can always gauge some message or meaning based on how you respond to the text

Huh. That is good to know! Thanks!

5 minutes ago, Specta said:

I imagine your perspective will not change drastically haha but have fun seeing what you learn

We shall see indeed! Hopefully I end up doing well in this course, since I've always liked writing...

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Getting back to the topic myself.

Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy

It's kind of interesting how these games are both equally enjoyable to me, but for different reasons.

Sunshine, for example, is a much less polished game with glitches, tedious shines, and strange difficulty spikes in certain areas. Galaxy, on the other hand, while much more polished, has a better presentation than actual gameplay in my opinion. The art style, music, and overall atmosphere are fantastic, but the actual platforming isn't nearly as fluid or fun (haha) as Sunshine's. I may get frustrated with some gameplay aspects of Sunshine at times, but I can see myself returning to it more often than I would Galaxy, which I kind of see as a one-and-done type of game, although it is quite excellent in its own right.

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