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Corrupt a wish: normal variation


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Granted, now you can't stop talking and everybody finds you insufferable.

I wish I had more time to play the games I bought.

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He becomes immortal and takes over the game industry, becoming the only writer for every game. Every. Game.

I wish I could just go ahead and record the video for my class instead of being too... shy I guess?

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Granted, but because you’re never embarrassed, you decide to hold a live street performance of you singing very poorly. Who knows though, maybe those tomatoes will look nice on you?

I wish fog of war wasn’t in fe games anymore.

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Granted, but they get arrested for incest and also for suspected murder when Edelgard is heard asking for Dimitri's lance.

I wish that my opinion of TH's story was "Fates with smaller chests."

I mean, it is still an improvement.

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Granted, but they get arrested for incest and also for suspected murder when Edelgard is heard asking for Dimitri's lance.

They’re not related though.

Granted, because why not?

I wish that I could enjoy playing FE4.

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Granted. You undertake a crusade to walk across Europe under the alias of Arden, with the goal of slaying the Emperor of Flame.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

They’re not related though.

Weren't they raised as siblings?


I wish that Castor would keep getting speed.

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Granted, global warming reverses and everything north of Guatemala freezes over and is -0 celcius every day of the year.

I wish for the next FE to happen soon.

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Granted, so it takes Radiant Dawn’s frame rate and it puts it on the switch. Animation wise it’s more like dsfe though. And the story and writing and characters were inspired by fates, as was the character design. And the gameplay is strongly based off of fe2. And the music is actually inspired by modern falcom.

At least Ike makes a cameo!

I wish Draggy knew that I like reading him talking about his favorite things.

12 hours ago, Benice said:

Weren't they raised as siblings?

Massive Azure Moon spoilers, although since you’re asking this question I’m guessing you at least slightly don’t care, so short answer: no.

Also most of this info isn’t actually told to you in Azure Moon, some of it comes from paarlogues and Black Eagles supports so you have to piece the details together. If that makes any difference.

Long answer:


In the aftermath of the insurrection of the seven, which long story short was basically a period of time in the empire where everyone went “Hey emperor! You suck!” (violently), and as one of the emperor’s many consorts and a member of a noble family who still backed the emperor, Anselma von Arundel (Edelgard’s mom), and her BROTHER!!, Volkhard von Arundel, decided to flee to Faerghus. They fled separately, however, (Arundel with Edelgard and separately Anselma (who ended up changing her name to Patricia anyway)) and while there Anselma met and quickly fell in love with the king of Faerghus and Dimitri’s dad, so they got married in secret and she secretly became the new queen (Dimitri’s mom died when he was young). Either before or after this Lambert naturally went to visit Edelgard and Arundel, who were also living in the kingdom capital, and he took Dimitri with him and they hit it off and were pals for just under a year iirc and then Edelgard and Arundel left and Anselma “died” and then he found out that his stepmom was Edelgard’s mom.

Or something like that, the details aren’t all given, like how Dimitri was never told who his new mom’s kid was. Maybe they got married after Edelgard and her uncle left, but the point is they didn’t know they were siblings. Almost all of what I wrote is confirmed in game.


Edited by Sooks
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Just now, Dragoncat said:


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I thought Lord Arundel was Anselma/Patricia's brother.


LMAO you’re right that’s what I meant.

I guess I’ve been playing too much Fates...

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10 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I wish the wind wasn't blowing so hard right now.

Now the wind doesn't even function across the world and as a result it causes the planet Earth to suffer from a long and painful era of dehydration that forces the human race to adapt to the apocalyptic conditions where all progress is reverted back to the stone age.

I wish music was never conceived.

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