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Special Heroes - Summer Refreshes


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Well, this is certainly an interesting one. Looks like the tradition of introducing new characters through seasonals is here to stay.

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@Glaceon Mage Guess who finally got into Heroes.

I'm a bit disappointed that there's only one boy again, but at least Wolt and Fiora are new, and I've really been wanting Fiora.

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Another Lyn? I was only a matter of time. Damn Ursula looks like that under the robes. And more crazy tier 4 skills. Still going to pass on the banner to recover my orbs for later. What is their fascination with dagger horses and summer only?

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Just now, Rezzy said:

@Glaceon Mage Guess who finally got into Heroes.

I'm a bit disappointed that there's only one boy again, but at least Wolt and Fiora are new, and I've really been wanting Fiora.

I'm being tagged literally all over Discord

I've got 80 orbs.  Gacha gods bless me.

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Worst seasonal banner in a long time. A sixth fucking Lyn, random Ursula, and it's still one male to three females. Why the hell do Lyn and Camilla get so many seasonals while the most popular male, Ike, takes FOREVER to just get ONE? That is really shitty. As an Ike fan, it makes me want to hate Lyn and Camilla's guts even more than I already do because of how much IS shoves them down our throats and ignores the also extremely popular Ike seemingly just because he's not a woman.

The TT unit looks to be Fiora though? FIORA?! I'll take that! New grail project later!

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Wait, this is only the sixth Lyn? I thought this was the seventh. Wow my count is way off.

Still not happy to see her, especially with a personal weapon.

I'm also doubly displeased that Wolt is debuting as a seasonal with his regular weapon type, and Fiora is once again a flier. This makes me pessimistic that we won't see characters who debuted as seasonal units in their regular selves for a long time. Or ever.

EDIT: Neutral on Lilina, although there could've been better options besides her, and I'm okay with Ursula. She didn't have an alt, and her regular art is awful.

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Fuck. I want Wolt. And Lyn since she's a blue bow and I lack L!Lucina. At least Fiora is free and Florina has one of her sisters. Best Ilia knight is still missing though. Ugh, I hate having to wait till near August for this since I'll be strapped for cash the next couple weeks. 

I didn't see Ursula as a possibility, though. Her art is a major improvement over her GHB art. I'd like Lilina too, just to give her a carrot, but I may be waiting for a good colored dagger unit to give that one too.

In all, due to constraints, this banner is a skip for me. I'll do a circle and call it a day.

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Oh God, oh fuck. Summer Lilina is real. This does put a smile on my face.

2 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I'm being tagged literally all over Discord

I've got 80 orbs.  Gacha gods bless me.

Praying for you to get that Wolt. We all know you've been waiting a very long time for him to come home.

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Well, so much for taking a break from Heroes. I guess I'm doing the Tempest Trials cuz Fiora is my favorite of the Pegasus sisters from FE7. As for the banner itself, I guess I'll try to free summon for Wolt since he's the only new character on the banner, but other than that, I'm skipping.

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Well a banner with two cav dagger units on it is good for me since I want one.  Fiora being the TT reward is nice.  I am liking this banner and I am glad I have been saving orbs and honestly this this the first banner in a long time that I will do full circles on since I really like it.

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Anyone wanna point out that Ursula is showing more fanservice than even Camilla? Cause she is. And that is saying something. 

So is Fiora the GHB unit or Tempest Trial unit? 

And Wolt made his debut at last.

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IS did this to spite me. I remember saying in the Pull topic that I finally got the whole Lyn collection after getting OG!Lyn from the rotation banner but nooooo, of course they release another one that I'll need to pull to calm my OCD.

That aside the banner is relatively meh. Brazen Atk/Spd 4 is not much of an improvement over it's lower counterpart and the weapons are pretty gimmicky overall. 

Ruse skills sound good for arena cheerleaders but not much else, and it's not like they are some kind of must have skills. 

It's funny how Lilina's dagger is Gunnthrá's Blizzard but inheritable. It looks fun but still gimmicky. 

Lyn's weapon is a powercreep version of Gleipnir/Ivaldi, which means even if it's better than those two weapons it isn't all that great. 

Objectively Summer 1>Summer 2. I'll still go for Summer two because I need that Lyn.

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Oh yeah, I can't believe they're already powercreeping Brazens, too. The desperation is real.

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I guess the 3H banner will at least be a hope for getting a banner with more than one guy for a change.  Male Byleth, Claude, and Dmitri would be our first banner with multiple guys since what, like 6 months ago?

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Lyn looks great, but not tempting enough to roll for with Edelgard most likely on the Three Houses banner at the end of the month. 

Im excited about Fiora though! She’s not a unit type I really need, but her sprite is cute and I’m excited to see her art. 

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sees Lilina's weapon

Well, RIP my Gunnthra, I guess.

Brazen Atk/Spd 4 is mine. I will have it.

EDIT: I think they put Ursula in just because that opportunity for her epithet was too good to pass up

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I'm thirsty now, I'm going to grab myself a cup of water

but I'm still going to hold onto my orbs until I get Spring Felicia

3 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Geez another Lyn lol. It's just funny at this point. Well, good, I need to save orbs anyways.

well, if we don't get a Lyn refresh every 6 months someone at IS will likely get fired by his higher up and thrown into the dungeon where they keep the OG script for Fates where he will have to play Gaiden for the next 20 years

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10 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I'm being tagged literally all over Discord

I've got 80 orbs.  Gacha gods bless me.

I thought you were constantly saving orbs for Wolt and as a result there was little incentive to spend orbs. What happened to your orbs? 

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