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The Fire Emblem 3 Houses General Questions Thread

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23 hours ago, ruruo said:

I'm at the point in the game where I need to pick a dancer, but it's honestly been giving be a headache. I've asked around but haven't made a definitive choice. 

My full endgame team is Byleth, Dimitri, Felix, Annette, Ingrid, Mercedes, Sylvain, Ashe, Ferdinand, and Lythesia.
Of them I had planned for either Ingrid or Ashe to be the dancer, since they're more prone to getting stat screwed. Atm they've doing ok on Ch9, I'm comfortable with where they're at, and feel like it'll be a waste to put them into dancer, so I feel a little lost over what to do.

I think, I'd rather keep to these 10 characters, since most maps only allow for max 10 deployment. 

I think Ingrid could be good since she has access to Thoron and Physic. Thoron can help with setting up linked skills with Felix and Sylvain. Atm, she's doing ok for str, so feels a waste to turn her into a dancer? I've had good experiences with her on endgame chapters. 

Ashe could also work, since he's usually the most lacking in the Lions, and also has access to Physic. But his str is also ok atm, and he's also the only one I'm planning to run into Sniper. 

Lastly I could go a little chaotic and use Ferdinand lol. He doesn't have good support links other than Mercedes, so I could just delegate him to dancing only, and keep main units as in-house as a theme. It again just feels like such a waste too since he's a natural WL. 


If Ashe will be your only bow class character, I wouldn't switch him to a dancer, you need at least 1 bow user.

Considering you're using Lysithea as well, you could make Annette your dancer. I don't really like this option because it forces you to choose between her strong rally abilities and dance, but it's something I think a lot of people use. Personally, I enjoy stacking Rally boosts with Special Dance.

In Part 2, there will be a lot of maps that with a max of 12 deployed units. If you don't mind adding to your roster, Flayn makes a good dancer, it's what I would do personally. Otherwise, Ferdinand can be a good choice and can double as an evade tank if you build him right.

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Hello! Doing my first NG Maddening run for Crimson Flower, and was just wondering how you guys would approach. From what I understand, it does require some planning for recruitment beforehand, but I wasn't really sure how to go about gaining some of those goals. Here's who I'd like to use, and some reasoning.

Main Team

  • F!Byleth:  Lancer(or Fighter?) > Peg Knight > Dark Flier
    • Not sure how to this without grinding, but I figure since you need Flying to get Ingrid, might as well make sure of it. DF is has crazy speed, so it should help with reducing get doubled?
  • Edelgard: Soldier > Peg Knight > Wyvern Lord
    • Not sure what to do with her. I feel like she should use her Unique class, but I feel like the mobility is more useful.
  • Linhardt Monk > Priest > Bishop
    • Default healer. No real reason other than convenience.
  • Bernadette Sniper
    • Not too crazy about her, but I've read that she can be some crazy glass canon that can one-shot bosses or something. Not sure how to go about that, but as a general unit, she's a token archer.
  • Petra Fighter > Thief/Merc > Assassin/SM
    • Not sure what to do with her. I'm leaning toward Assassin, so she can serve as a backup archer.
  • Ferdinand Soldier > Cav > Paladin > Great Knight
    • If Edelgard goes Wyvern Lord, might consider making him more taking with Armor Knight route?
  • Dorothea Dancer
    • Can heal/nuke, but primarily dance slave.
  • Sylvain  Soldier > Cav > Paladin > Great Knight
    • Just a second horse unit, and also an ez recruit.
  • Ingrid Pegasus Knight
    • Super fast, so less chance of being doubled? Also flies.
  • Lysithea monk > mage >  > Warlock > Gremory
    • Need some kind of nuking power outside of Dark Flier


  • Mercedes monk > mage > Priest > Valkyrie
    • Backup healer/nuker
  • Jeritza Death Knight???
    • Idk anything about this dude, just that he's been added since I last played TH. DK was no pushover, so I'm sure Jeritza is useful right? TBH i just want to see the supports between him and Mercedes, but I can do that in a normal/casual run, but I was just curious to see how these two work with each other.
  • Hubert Dark Mage
    • Alternative to one of the Horse units to get some more magic power in the group.
  • Caspar 
    • Don't really care for this character, but he's available by default, and i guess he could make a good War Monk?
  • Felix
    • I think you can recruit him in his Chapter after the Timeskip. Decent backup swordie.


So I've read a couple articles about how you want to recruit all the students so you can get the paralogues for the money/exp. I don't even see how that's feasible. It's a pretty significant investment of class hours to get to a point to be able to recruit any given character. The only reason I even considered using Dark Flier for Byleth is because you have to get D in flying to get Ingrid, but I can't really justify leveling Armor for Raphael, or Bow for Mercedes when I could be focusing on skills Byleth will actually use.

There's also the matter of when to recruit them. From what I understand, recruiting after the timeskip gimps mages but not badly enough they're unusable. Physical units should be recruited asap to level their Auth, Gambits, and Weapon Arts.

I've heard Gambits are pretty crucial in higher difficulties, but not really sure how to level up Authority(on all characters?) without hampering their weapon/armor/riding levels.


So yeah... this post became longer than I thought it would. 


tl;dr What are the nuances of Maddening runs for CF?

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5 hours ago, levelxplane said:
  • Lysithea monk > mage >  > Warlock > Gremory
    • Need some kind of nuking power outside of Dark Flier

I would recommend making Lysithea go through Bishop instead of Warlock for better growth and Warp x2 since she can't even enjoy the benefit of Warlock's Black Tomefaire.

(I'll leave others talk about how bad a class Great Knight and probably stuff about not putting Petra in the most efficient offensive melee class you can find for her)

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11 hours ago, levelxplane said:

Hubert Dark Mage

  • Alternative to one of the Horse units to get some more magic power in the group.


Hubert learns Frozen Lance as a budding talent which means he will likely be able to OHKO enemies earlier than anyone else on your roster using either a Silver Lance+, Blessed Lance against monsters, or Horse Slayer against cavalry. The latter is less important when you get Dark Spikes but remains a cheap option. His Mire spell will be very important especially in the early game for it's Def -5 affliction and range of 3 to support linked attacks. He also gets early access to Arrow of Indra when you complete his paralogue which is a strong weapon. He can make a strong Dark Knight.

11 hours ago, levelxplane said:

Bernadette Sniper

  • Not too crazy about her, but I've read that she can be some crazy glass canon that can one-shot bosses or something. Not sure how to go about that, but as a general unit, she's a token archer.


She will be a good sniper or Bow Knight if you focus on her crit stat. With a killer bow+, crit battalion, and critical ring she should reach above 70 crit against many endgame enemies. It's easy to activate her personal ability on maps with fire terrain so be sure to do so. Her glass canon build however focuses on her lance combat art, Vengeance. You can use Blessing gambit to safely get her to 1hp after which she can practically ohko nearly anyone i guess. Here's an example of a somewhat 'meme' dark knight build for Bernie but you can see how powerful she can be (with both magic and Vengeance) in the screenshots linked in this comment by Rengor1997.

11 hours ago, levelxplane said:

Petra Fighter > Thief/Merc > Assassin/SM

  • Not sure what to do with her. I'm leaning toward Assassin, so she can serve as a backup archer.

Petra can be good at a lot of things, I think many consider her strongest route to be Wyvern Lord though. She's basically a stronger Ingrid, just grab Deathblow before getting on wings Pegasus Knight > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord. The only real advantage Ingrid has over her is high Res which makes Ingrid excellent against mage enemies.

Regarding the rest:

Yes, battalions are very important, try to get everyone to a minimum of C rank but I'd say the majority will want to end up at B or A rank. There is this pretty good early-game ranking guide if you want specifics. I don't ever optimize this much and mostly feel it out, but it's still probably nice to look at and is the only real step-by-step guide I've seen for this game.

My general approach for Maddening is to stick to simple builds as much as possible, nothing that requires investing heavily in more than 2 weapons (an extra D+ in axes for Brigand is okay) plus authority and flying/riding/armor as needed. I might do something more complicated for 1 or 2 characters. Bear in mind that for mounted/armor classes you will get a lot of the skill points by simply being in that class. Similar for authority, by just having a battalion equipped so get everyone a battalion as early as possible prioritizing those whose auth you want to raise higher/sooner. You should do Seteth's seminar in that first seminar for the Auth boost.

You really don't need to recruit everyone, I don't go out of my way for anyone (Edit: except for paralogues, special supports, or guard adjutants, and obviously if it's someone I genuinely want to have on my roster). It can certainly make things easier since you do get extra money/items and you won't have to face them later on but I don't know if that's worth not spending your activity points on morale or Byleth's training. Try to focus on raising your Prof level early, for earlier access to higher monthly funds, stronger weapons, activity points, instruction points, etc. This early investment makes a huge difference as the game goes on and raising your unit's ranks quickly makes a big difference on how they perform especially with the boosts of Prowess and ability to use silver weapons sooner. The other big thing is to use guard adjutants on your tanks so you may want to recruit 1 or 2 characters for the sole purpose of making them armored knights to be guard adjutants.

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Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.



Try to focus on raising your Prof level early, for earlier access to higher monthly funds, stronger weapons, activity points, instruction points, etc. 

How would you suggest getting Prof level as high as you can? I see fishing on Fistful of Fish events is a strategy, but this says otherwise?

What weapons are generally considered better in Maddening? I've heard Steel/Silver are pretty much useless. Are my only option Training/Iron/Brave?




7 hours ago, salinea said:

I would recommend making Lysithea go through Bishop instead of Warlock for better growth and Warp x2 since she can't even enjoy the benefit of Warlock's Black Tomefaire.

(I'll leave others talk about how bad a class Great Knight and probably stuff about not putting Petra in the most efficient offensive melee class you can find for her)


Ahh yeah, I just read about how Advanced Classes are apparently better than Master. Wooops. Good catch on the Lys suggestion.

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34 minutes ago, levelxplane said:

Ahh yeah, I just read about how Advanced Classes are apparently better than Master. Wooops. Good catch on the Lys suggestion.

It's variable, but yeah not all Master Classes are worth it.


Wyvern Lords are awesome. So are Falco Knights.

Gremory are pretty damn good. Dark Knights are decent in some cases, but in others not that much (it's a trade off). Bow Knights I think are good but many people consider Sniper better for Hunter's Volley (but Bow Knight does have unparalleled range and mobility which i feel still makes it a different kind of thing that it's not a direct comparison and more of a trade off which may or may not be worth it depending on the character and how you want to use them). War Master is a good class, but it might not be worth it over Grappler in some cases.

Outside of those most Master Classes are iffy. Great Knights are bad. Holy Knight are bad because Dark Knight is just better. Mortal Savant isn't really worth it over Assassin outside of just having fun with greater utility.

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2 hours ago, levelxplane said:

How would you suggest getting Prof level as high as you can? I see fishing on Fistful of Fish events is a strategy, but this says otherwise?

What weapons are generally considered better in Maddening? I've heard Steel/Silver are pretty much useless. Are my only option Training/Iron/Brave?

Probably anything I'll say has already been said better in this post. One other thing that was mentioned briefly in linked comment but I want to emphasize is getting the best answer to the monthly student questions after instruction. I'd save scum if I answered wrong because it gives a LOT of prof exp (600exp). Another one is winning the tournaments for  whopping 300exp. Considering getting mission assistance to use the character in tournaments as well if needed (looking at Felix).

The reddit post about fishing you linked seems to be looking at fishing from the perspective of gold, not exp. Fistfuls of Fish event got me somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 of the way from rank A to A+ and allowed me to reach A+ prof rank in Ch. 10 during my current run. Apparently you can reach A+ even faster but this is my fastest yet.

The way I approach fishing is similar to the comment I linked in that early on I use it mostly to close out levels, but I also do maybe 1 or 2 extended fishing sessions on certain special events. 5* bait I save only for Fish Mystery event. During Golden Fish event I'll use any 4* bait and under and I'll fish as much as I want/need for money. Fistfuls of Fish event, I'll use all bait less than 5* that I have for the exp as well as stocking up on ingredients for meals. Lots of Large Fish is also good for ingredients and if you just want to close out a level. You should try to get Perfect fishing as often as possible and prioritize large fish (Red shadows) since they give more exp, but don't let your bait go to waste and just catch whatever on the 3rd bite. My only exception to this is if I'm fishing during Fish of Mystery using 5* bait, in which case I'd rather try my luck for a 4th or 5th bite than pull a non rainbow shadow on the 3rd bite even if it goes to waste. But if you don't really care about using Goddess Messenger for meals then this isn't important. I typically catch 5 or 6 of them per run. For the quest requiring an Ancient Fodlan, I also catch that during Fish of Mystery event, which iirc happens the month after you get the quest.

This guide is probably the most comprehensive I've seen about Prof experience and it lists the amount of exp you get with each fish you catch. So you can see how during fistfuls of fish if you get a Perfect catch on a red shadow, you'll get several fish yielding 30exp each, I seem to recall 3-5 fish, that's over 100exp from a single bait. You won't always get Red shadows of course but you can see how you can get a few thousand prof. exp from a single (long) fishing session during this event if you've been saving up bait.

2 hours ago, levelxplane said:

What weapons are generally considered better in Maddening? I've heard Steel/Silver are pretty much useless. Are my only option Training/Iron/Brave?

You can think of this as serving two different purposes. The first is to use your highest damage weapons for Combat Arts. You will rely heavily on combat arts in Maddening so you want the highest might weapons available to you, typically Silver. The other side of this is when you want to maximize your attack speed to either avoid getting doubled or for a select few characters, deal a double attack. In this case you want the lighter weapons. In the early game you'll rely on Training+ weapons for speed, later you'll be able to get the same results using Iron weapons depending on the weapon type and character. Ultimately you'll want each character to carry a mix of weapons switching between them as needed.

If you have a speedy and strong archer, consider also the Mini Bow, not only is it cheap and available, it might allow certain characters to double some enemies from as early as Ch. 2 or 3. I did this with Claude in my GD run. Eventually Leonie was able to do it on occasion too. A Mini Bow+ has double the might of Training Bow+ , while it weighs 3 (as much as a Training Bow+), which  means if you have only 10 str you'll receive an AS penalty of just 1. Some characters start the game with 10 str and enough speed to pull off early doubles with it. Petra can probably double certain enemies as soon as the mini bow is available but I don't think it's a very useful weapon past the early game.

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On 8/29/2020 at 2:57 AM, levelxplane said:


  • Don't really care for this character, but he's available by default, and i guess he could make a good War Monk?

If you don't want to use him, you could just make him an Armor Knight, to function as a Guard adjutant. But yeah, Gauntlet classes work for Caspar.

On 8/29/2020 at 2:57 AM, levelxplane said:

So I've read a couple articles about how you want to recruit all the students so you can get the paralogues for the money/exp. I don't even see how that's feasible. It's a pretty significant investment of class hours to get to a point to be able to recruit any given character.

Giftspam. Basically, give students gifts until they reach B-support with you, then hope they ask to join your class. You can do this with all out-of-house units on Black Eagles routes.


On 8/29/2020 at 2:57 AM, levelxplane said:


  • I think you can recruit him in his Chapter after the Timeskip. Decent backup swordie.


The only way you can get Felix on Crimson Flower is by recruiting him pre-timeskip. That said, he can be good in just about any physical class.

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First off, the advice already here is really good, sorry I'm so late to the party. Will try not to overlap with the above comments

On 8/29/2020 at 7:57 AM, levelxplane said:

Jeritza Death Knight???

  • Idk anything about this dude, just that he's been added since I last played TH. DK was no pushover, so I'm sure Jeritza is useful right? TBH i just want to see the supports between him and Mercedes, but I can do that in a normal/casual run, but I was just curious to see how these two work with each other.

Jeritza works just fine in DK. If you do plan on using him, I'd recommend getting his budding talent in Flying straight away - if you can get it by Ch 14, you'll be doubling lots of enemies in that chapter (though there are a lot of Lancebreaker users so bear in mind/bring swords) and Jeritza's speed will be competitive right the way through to the end, without further help. From there, Jeritza doesn't need basically anything - but below are some optimising tips in case you decide you like him.

IIRC he arrives just short of A Swords, so giving him that gets the Windsweep CA (no counter from enemy), which is another useful bonus to deploying him. Getting him Death Blow is very nice, though again depends on how much you want to use him - he already has C+ Axes I believe, so just class into Brigand, then stick to using Lances the whole way through and depending on your play style you'll get Lancefaire too, which makes him a beast. Yet another way to go is to build him for crits - I ended up doing this and he one-rounded a boss in Ch. 17, who I think is the strongest enemy infantry unit you face in CF, and extremely important to kill in that chapter. Death Knight mastery (the Counterattack skill, that allows you to counter from any range) is also good, but not essential. 

In terms of alternate classes for him, some people try to get him into Wyvern Rider/Lord - this requires some work, but as said above Wyvern Lord is great for any physical unit. Paladin also springs to mind - you'll have slightly worse speed growths and lose magic capability compared to DK, but although Jeritza's magic is not bad for a physical unit, it's far from important (and requires extra investment). In return, it gives an extra point of movement and Terrain Resistance (which is a bit useful for the endgame). My advice would be to stay in DK generally and use Paladin for the end.

Long story short, Jeritza is fantastic if you do invest in him, and great even if you don't. 

On 8/29/2020 at 7:57 AM, levelxplane said:

Ferdinand Soldier > Cav > Paladin > Great Knight

  • If Edelgard goes Wyvern Lord, might consider making him more taking with Armor Knight route?

Sylvain  Soldier > Cav > Paladin > Great Knight

  • Just a second horse unit, and also an ez recruit.


Both Ferd and Sylvain do fine with this path, although beware that going down the cav route means you have to raise Axe and Armour mainly by tuition in order to get to GK. There's a fair amount of (reasonable) hate for GK out there, but I think it can still be used well. I'd recommend your GK at least certifying into Fortress Knight first, and ideally mastering it (to get Pavise, which halves melee damage sometimes) because GK has a lot more survivability with Pavise than without it.

It's worth saying that you definitely don't need two Great Knights. I'd personally pick Sylvain to stay in Paladin, and raise his Lance/Riding ranks. Both these units have Swift Strikes (double hit with lances) which is their best attack, but Sylvain's Crest adds damage to that, as well as him having better strength, so there's little reason to waste his time with Axes.

On 8/29/2020 at 7:57 AM, levelxplane said:

F!Byleth:  Lancer(or Fighter?) > Peg Knight > Dark Flier

  • Not sure how to this without grinding, but I figure since you need Flying to get Ingrid, might as well make sure of it. DF is has crazy speed, so it should help with reducing get doubled?

Byleth's magic stat, or spell list, isn't very impressive. It's not like you can't go this way, but this is just a heads up if you see Byleth flagging after Lv20. Its growths are also fairly poor, so I wouldn't recommend staying in the class for long stretches. That being said, flying suits Byleth well, and having flying Recover can be quite nice. Good luck with this!

14 hours ago, Owns said:

Petra can probably double certain enemies as soon as the mini bow is available but I don't think it's a very useful weapon past the early game

The stuff you said about early game Mini Bow is really true, but I actually think it holds up even past the early game, simply because it has 10 Crit, and means you don't need to deploy Close Counter. Bow users naturally have great crit, but also have a fair amount of competition for their skill set. Mini Bow accentuates both of those advantages (alongside everything else you said about it), and still allows for the relatively rare scenario where you need an archer to have an enemy phase, or hit a guy from 1 space on player phase. Unless you've built an enemy phase archer (which the likes of Claude and Leonie could definitely be) I think Mini Bow is a good use of an inventory slot for all committed bow users. 

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As an final class, would Holy Knight or Valkyrie be better for Marianne? I find White Tomefaire to be pretty much useless, and I feel like the classes are pretty similar otherwise, as Valkyrie has 6 move but +1 range, and Holy Knight just has 7 move.

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1 hour ago, Carter said:

As an final class, would Holy Knight or Valkyrie be better for Marianne? I find White Tomefaire to be pretty much useless, and I feel like the classes are pretty similar otherwise, as Valkyrie has 6 move but +1 range, and Holy Knight just has 7 move.

In general I find Valkyrie better, because their mastery skill gives +30 to your Hit rate on Player Phase (and Marianne has an inaccurate spell list, so that's really helpful), whereas Defiant Res is one of the least useful skills in the game. But tbh it depends how you use them - the extra range from Valkyrie is good if Marianne is functioning as a magical sniper, and 4-range Thoron can come in really handy for positioning. However, if you like to switch between spells and Frozen Lance/Soulblade for Marianne's offense, then Holy Knight and its extra point of movement (and the subsequent boost to Canto) works well for that. Although I'd say Dark Knight is straightforwardly better than Holy Knight for Marianne.

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Quick one now: If you get someone to B rank so they'll recruit themselves, will they try again if you reject them the first time?

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3 hours ago, Carter said:

As an final class, would Holy Knight or Valkyrie be better for Marianne? I find White Tomefaire to be pretty much useless, and I feel like the classes are pretty similar otherwise, as Valkyrie has 6 move but +1 range, and Holy Knight just has 7 move.

Valkyrie, easily. Holy Knight is inferior to Dark Knight.

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8 hours ago, Carter said:

As an final class, would Holy Knight or Valkyrie be better for Marianne? I find White Tomefaire to be pretty much useless, and I feel like the classes are pretty similar otherwise, as Valkyrie has 6 move but +1 range, and Holy Knight just has 7 move.

Minor weird note: Valkyrie has 4 move dismounted, while Holy/Dark Knight have 6. No, I don't know who decided these penalties.

Anyway, unless you're doing a weird Nosferatu/Aura/Faith-Prowess build, Dark Knight is preferable to Holy Knight. It gets the better Tomefaire, and higher magic modifier. Holy Knight is technically easier for her to reach, but if you're already getting her to B-reason for Valkyrie, then A isn't too far away.

I would suggest Valkyrie as an Advanced class, then to train her up to have the option of Dark Knight in Master tier. That's how I've been training Mercedes on my current (SS, Maddening) run. Dark Knight has better attack power and mobility. But the extra attack range on Valkyrie can help in surprising ways.

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Silly question given I'm on my 5th playthrough and should probably have noticed for myself, but is NG+ Renown total Renown earned in previous playthroughs, or total unspent Renown? Ie. If I were to blow 50k Renown to set up certain paired endings with the Wayseer, would that be 50k less that I'd have to play with on starting the next NG+? 

Thank you! ☺️

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I've got one on the timeskip.

I've seen weapons be repaired post timeskip. How is that handled? Will it repair fully broken weapons? Does it only count for those in your party in Chapter 13, does it count those in 12 as well or will it apply to everyone you recruited? Also, how are weapon ranks affected by the timeskip?

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4 hours ago, Dayni said:

I've seen weapons be repaired post timeskip. How is that handled? Will it repair fully broken weapons? Does it only count for those in your party in Chapter 13, does it count those in 12 as well or will it apply to everyone you recruited? Also, how are weapon ranks affected by the timeskip?

Every weapon in a unit's inventory and every equipped battalion will have their uses/HP restored. This includes fully broken weapons, all special weapons and consumables, but the effect does nothing to rusted weapons. This applies to every character who is carrying weapons, including those you didn't deploy in Ch. 12. However, beware that Lorenz, Ashe and Dedue go missing in certain routes (so weapons you give them won't be available till Ch.16 on those routes). And if you give items to units you don't use in Ch. 12, those weapons won't be accessible (even through the convoy) in Ch. 13 unless you're on CF.

Weapon ranks do not change during the timeskip, except in the case of your house leader and Hubert - their Authority ranks will be rounded to C unless their Authority rank is already C+ or higher. If their Authority rank is C, they will lose whatever WEXP they accumulated towards C+. Note that for Edelgard and Hubert, this rounding process will happen after the Ch. 11 battle.

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recently just completed that NG AM run. Finding it hard to just drop the game after that experience. 
Any tips for some of the GD students and M!Byleth for a VW Maddening NG+ run?

Default class

I've always used F!Byleth on previous runs, so for M!Byleth I'm not too sure what to do. It would be nice to use a male exclusive class, and I heard he makes for a pretty decent War Master. Are skill masteries from genderlocked classes accessible to the other Byleth on NG+? Think it might be fun having Darting Blow + Gauntlets on a War Master if it is possible. Going to miss that Pegasus though x'D. 

Adjunct to Claude? I think Claude might do well with that extra boost, but I do really like Hilda, tempted to just use her. 

I'm thinking going magic+swords for a more offensive build maybe ending in Mortal Savant or Dark Knight? Not too sure. 

The traditional Bow Knight path or Trickster for magic access and Foul Play utility? 

Adjunct to Ignatz?

I'm also not sure what to do with him. I find his stats and growths to be so balanced that if it screw up, it hurts. See if he's fine until Ch10, otherwise Dancer? 

Bow Knight or Falcon?


In terms of recruits, again not 100% sure yet. 
I've just did a couple BL runs back to back, so might opt out of BL students to give other characters a chance.
At most I'm thinking of Mercedes as a dedicated healer.  Maybe as options:

I think he has some good lore with the deers, probably would take him down the natural War Master route. 


extra magic/heal support

as a dedicated healer, extra warp + access to Leonie's paralogue


Another Dancer or Flier option

I like Ferdinand von Aegir, and I cannot lie. 


Another Flier + SS option. 


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I've also experimented with Darting Blow + Battalion Desperation with Ingrid as a Falcon Knight. If you're fast enough she can hit an enemy with an immediately follow up attack. That tends to work really well with Death Blow and maybe Brave Lance pending on the speed stat. Jeritza can also do that same combo as well

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Responses are bolded in the quote.

15 hours ago, ruruo said:

recently just completed that NG AM run. Finding it hard to just drop the game after that experience. 
Any tips for some of the GD students and M!Byleth for a VW Maddening NG+ run?

Default class

This is good.

I've always used F!Byleth on previous runs, so for M!Byleth I'm not too sure what to do. It would be nice to use a male exclusive class, and I heard he makes for a pretty decent War Master. Are skill masteries from genderlocked classes accessible to the other Byleth on NG+? Think it might be fun having Darting Blow + Gauntlets on a War Master if it is possible. Going to miss that Pegasus though x'D.

Male Byleth can get Darting Blow and stuff if Female Byleth mastered the Pegasus Knight class on the previous playthrough. If you need flying utility, though, there is still Wyvern Lord. However, I will say that War Master will require investment in Axes and Brawling, which means putting a lot of investment into 3 weapons. I suggest getting to the minimum Axe rank needed to get into War Master (approx. B+) after getting into Grappler. You can even just stick with Grappler, though, because Fierce Iron Fist is that good.

Adjunct to Claude? I think Claude might do well with that extra boost, but I do really like Hilda, tempted to just use her.

Make her a Wyvern Lord, and make the Accuracy Ring permanently attached to her. If she falls behind everyone, it might be best to make her an adjutant for Claude.

I'm thinking going magic+swords for a more offensive build maybe ending in Mortal Savant or Dark Knight? Not too sure.

Dark Knight is easily the better option of the two. A C in Lances is the requirement for that, so you can have Marianne focus on everything else. Raising her Faith will still be good for stuff like Physic and Silence.

The traditional Bow Knight path or Trickster for magic access and Foul Play utility?

Don’t count Sniper out. Hunter’s Volley is really good. Bow Knight can be made an option for him when needed, though. He can switch between the two depending on what you need. Trickster, on the other hand, is not exactly the best class, as the magic he has will have low uses and Foul Play requires mastery of the class.

Adjunct to Ignatz?

You can make him an Armor Knight or Brawler to make him a Guard adjutant for Ignatz. There’s also Grappler if you need it.

I'm also not sure what to do with him. I find his stats and growths to be so balanced that if it screw up, it hurts. See if he's fine until Ch10, otherwise Dancer?

You get a Dancer in Chapter 9, so there is that. I’d suggest Dark Knight as his class if he doesn’t screw up. Otherwise, put him on the bench if you think Dorothea would be better than him after Chapter 13.

Bow Knight or Falcon?

Why not both for when you need either class’s utility? You can even just use Pegasus Knight to put full focus into Bows. Flying is just that good.


In terms of recruits, again not 100% sure yet. 
I've just did a couple BL runs back to back, so might opt out of BL students to give other characters a chance.
At most I'm thinking of Mercedes as a dedicated healer.  Maybe as options:

I think he has some good lore with the deers, probably would take him down the natural War Master route.

A good option. Same goes for Grappler, which might be even better. You can even master War Master for Quick Riposte before going back to Grappler.


Again, a good option due to his hidden talent in Bows and the Fetters of Dromi. However, any Crest bearer good with Bows can do the same thing. But Yuri is the only one here doing it, so that’s fine.

extra magic/heal support

I suggest making Hapi a Gremory and Constance a Dark Flier. Rescue pairs well with Dark Flier, so there’s that.

as a dedicated healer, extra warp + access to Leonie's paralogue

Bishop would be your best option, then.


Having both Flayn and Mercedes as healers when you already are investing into Linhardt.
Another Dancer or Flier option

I like Ferdinand von Aegir, and I cannot lie. 



Another Flier + SS option. 


In general, I think investing in a team of 12 units might be best for you. And what is shown here is more than that. So, pick 12 units from here and give an update.

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Supports question: Why do I no longer see the heart icon after battles with linked attacks. If the units have already reached maximum support level, do they no longer gain support points? I'm trying to get certain characters paired up before the end of the run but it seems no matter how many meals or linked attacks I do I can't get the Close Allies list to change. I was under the impression that the Close Allies list in the Notes page ranks units in order of highest support and 2 units will get paired at the end if they're both listed at the top for each other, is this correct?

To be specific, trying to pair Lorenz with Manuela and Claude with Hilda.

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11 hours ago, Owns said:

Supports question: Why do I no longer see the heart icon after battles with linked attacks. If the units have already reached maximum support level, do they no longer gain support points? I'm trying to get certain characters paired up before the end of the run but it seems no matter how many meals or linked attacks I do I can't get the Close Allies list to change. I was under the impression that the Close Allies list in the Notes page ranks units in order of highest support and 2 units will get paired at the end if they're both listed at the top for each other, is this correct?

To be specific, trying to pair Lorenz with Manuela and Claude with Hilda.

It could be because of certain points in the game. Like there are cut off points for some bonds i.e Catherine x Lorenz or Byleth x Leonie

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