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in that chapter where you control Ephraim and Co., do you ever use Orson actively, knowing that he will betray you and you won't be able to use him in more than one chapter in normal campaign?

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in that chapter where you control Ephraim and Co., do you ever use Orson actively, knowing that he will betray you and you won't be able to use him in more than one chapter in normal campaign?

I rid his items and use him as a meatshield or not at all

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I knew Orson was a turncoat long before I even played Sacred Stones, so I've never used him for much other than meatshielding. One time, I let him die just to read his death quote.

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I usually have the boss kill him for lols. I never use him. The chapter can be soloed with Ephraim, it's that easy.


i always do that, he deserves it, the filthy turncoat!

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I just take away his weapons and not use him for the duration of chapter 5x since that's the only thing that I actually find him useful for lol utilities. Since it's a waste of EXP anyways.

Orson betray his Kingdom and his nation just to bring back his stupid dead slut of a wife. He is such a loser...

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I don't use Forde and Kyle often, so whenever I go Eirika route, I usually let Orson kill everything (since Ephraim gets autoleveled when he returns). The chapter is so boring I'd rather have it over with. If Orson kills everything he gets a level-up ^_^

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Never use him since he is a traitor. I took his items and just used him as meatshield.

What happens if he dies? Is the other chapter where he is suppose to appear playable? The one where some dude has the queen hostage.

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And of course, me being an idiot I use Orson pretty heavily even though I know he won't be used after that particular chapter. It's a big problem I have, actually; I just can't seem to handle my units since the prepromotes take precedence over all when I play.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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What happens if he dies? Is the other chapter where he is suppose to appear playable? The one where some dude has the queen hostage.

That's Eirika route Ch14 with Caellach and Ismaire, and has no relation to Orson whatsoever.

If Orson dies on 5x, he merely retreats, and everything continues as normal. Forde and Kyle only retreat if they die, as well.

Edited by Mekkah
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The first time I played through FE8, it's possible that I might have used him in limited capacity, but nothing more. I didn't have prior knowledge of his betrayal, but my experiences in FE7 shaped me into knowing not to use him too much. My second time (and subsequent times) through, I stripped him of his weapons and had him follow along as a meatshield and path blocker.

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I remember getting spoiled by someone speeding through the Japanese version.

What I usually do is just take his equipment and ignore him. One time, I let him solo the map to see how many Levels he could obtain, but that was me being bored and random.

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I have the horsies go around for chests and a battle or two; they're terrible. I have Orson kill everyone that Eff doesn't, then I take off Orson's weapons.

But the first time, I lost Orson's weapons ;-;

They don't even go to the convoy ;-;

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I have the horsies go around for chests and a battle or two; they're terrible. I have Orson kill everyone that Eff doesn't, then I take off Orson's weapons.

But the first time, I lost Orson's weapons ;-;

They don't even go to the convoy ;-;

Lol, another classic by D.Hero

I have Orson weaken/take hits. That's all that traitor is good for in the regular campaign.

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Lol, another classic by D.Hero

I have Orson weaken/take hits. That's all that traitor is good for in the regular campaign.


They're the worst IN THAT LEVEL, and I'd rather level up characters that I like, and they're ugly.

That better?

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