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The Dream Topic


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dreams are ever-shifting, elusive little things that are really entertaining to talk about, since they tend to be a bit wacky and/or scary.

in this thread, you post some dreams you've had that are funny, scary, or just plain weird.


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Had this one last night, takes place in GR.7.

I played tag. But to tag people you had to catch them with nets. We then heard the bell. All of a sudden we are at my front doorstep. Teacher comes out holding a stopwatch saying: "I know your times, I counted."

I then woke up.

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This one time, I had a dream where Vincent was an evil dictator and made everyone do jumping jacks, especially Songbird and Nightmare for some reason. I was the only one who escaped Vincent's wrath because I'm just that badass and then later went on missions as a trooper.


I know, weird...

(I also remember blowing up a crate with my bazooka. =D)

Edited by Fireman
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I had a dream where there was a space man in my room. He was about three feet tall and he was attacking me with a giant flamethrower. I had taken cover behind my bed, and strangely enough, nothing was catching on fire. I'm surprised I still remember it after all these years.

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lol i swear there was a dream topic before this but oh well. :P

Hmm... well i've had a few wierd dreams from time to time.

I remember one dream where i somehow managed to jump to the top of the gym cieling and stay there, and the gym teacher told me to get down. :(

I've had a dream where gas was $9 D=

I also had a dream where gas was somehow under $1 O_o

I had a dream where a gas station was on fire and the gas prices were like $8

I remember one where i was trying to get gas or something and it was expensive so i think i was trying to steal it, but failed. D=

i'll post again when i have recollected a few more wierd dreams. :o

Edited by SmartRutter7
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I'll skip a nasty part of it.

I had my friend's pug instead of my dog, and she came with a pug starter kit. There was a bag of crap in the kit. To throw it out properly, I was to attach it to my shirt collar (I was like WTF who has those?) and walk to the trash outside.

Well, the kit had doggy poo in it, so I was realy nervous about opening it. *skips nasty part, which surprisingly has nothing to do with pug poo*

Then I was at my kitchen counter, looking for some battaries so I can watch the tiny TV from the kit that has the shitty keyboard I'm using attached to it. I wasnted to watch the Colbert Report, and Stephen Colbert was sudden;y next to me, and we just talked.

REALLY lame.

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I recently had a dream about Bianchi.

A man stole my shotgun. He tried to shoot Bianchi, and Lyle roundhouse kicked him, and I picked up my shotgun and blew his brains out. Then a bunch of cops started shooting at me with automatic weapons, and I did a barrel roll and tried to kill them, but they shot me in the heart, and Lyle and Bianchi killed them all. Bianchi shot beams of fire out of her eyes. Somehow I think that part was really accurate.

~Blue Fox.

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My dreams are delightfully insane when they're comprehensible.

Here's my most recent crazy dream:

It started out with me going to school. I was taking notice that I was there early, so I decided to go to a lost and found area. I was busy looking at pencils in the area until the scene randomly turned into a Legend of Zelda type setting. I was busy walking in a dungeon. I tryed to Grapple Hook to a chest when I suddenly turned into a girl. I went out of the dungeon and went north to a cave. I went through the cave filled with green stones and once I got out on the other side, I was a guy again. I started to head south, grumbling about some random person and how he was doing something or other. Suddenly, the scene changed even more and I was in an aquarium. While there was fish, there was also some video games. One was a Nintendo 64, and it had Superman 64, of all games. I was being baffled why they'd choose a dreadful game like this when the scene changed yet again. I was gone, but the Hulk became the focus of the dream. He was fighting some dude who looked like a purple K. Rool. He eventually pushed him into the water, knowing he wouldn't die, since he's a Saiyan. As the dude went into the water, it turned out he was a dude with green hair and massive muscles. He started to recall when he was in school, which changes to the final, and perhaps the strangest, part of the dream. There was a room of girls and an adult woman, probably the teacher, in this scene. It was the dude's flashback, but he was apparently nowhere in sight. The teacher was spazzing out. Then, one girl, supposively the guy who was having the flashback, kissed another girl. They started singing something along the lines of "It's Kissy time" and then I woke up. The first thing I said was "What the heck", trying to do my best Wolf imitation. I haven't had a dream that weird in a long time.

Let's see, I once had a dream that gas was around $1.50. (for what it's worth, it's close to coming true. it's $1.75 in my area)

There's also all those Fire Emblem dreams, but you can just look at the topic for that there.

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I recently had a dream about Bianchi.

A man stole my shotgun. He tried to shoot Bianchi, and Lyle roundhouse kicked him, and I picked up my shotgun and blew his brains out. Then a bunch of cops started shooting at me with automatic weapons, and I did a barrel roll and tried to kill them, but they shot me in the heart, and Lyle and Bianchi killed them all. Bianchi shot beams of fire out of her eyes. Somehow I think that part was really accurate.

~Blue Fox.

What do you imagine they looked like?

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I had a dream I was falling down the stairs and running back up and falling down the stairs agin and then hiding in a basement :/

And then I jumped in the gutter (don't ask how I got to a basement to a gutter) and then I was swimming in a pool of water and then I got out of a pond :/

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Let's see, I once had a dream that gas was around $1.50. (for what it's worth, it's close to coming true. it's $1.75 in my area)

It's around $2.50 here. RARGH TAXES. >.<

Hmm, well one dream i had recently was kinda wierd, i don't remember too much of it though. :(

So it starts out, i'm on the side of some old kinda wierd house (i mean kinda wierdly constucted), next to me, i notice two females with cat ears O_o. Inside the house, i remember it looked like Christmas time or something, had trees and presents all over the place. I believe one of the trees ending up burning somehow.

Near the end i remember some sort of wierd animal that was like a puny dog but had macaroni for fur. O_o o_O O_o

After that, i was in my living room, with a microwave on the floor, cooking pizza inside it, it ended up getting burnt.

Yeah... rather wierd.

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I can't even describe my dreams. They are usually totaly random flashes of actions that make sense when I'm asleep, but no other time.

But I did dream about jumping around my yard last night. I'd fly like 100 ft. with each jump. But I don't remember anything else.

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Me and my brother have something very similar, which is a big reason why I am deciding to tell about this.

Whenever we dream about tornadoes (which, being in Indiana, will happen quite often, mostly in the spring during the season they actually come), we often dream them real tiny... or at least smaller than normal. My brother would dream them to be about 10 feet tall, and I would dream them just about as tall as a human (or sometimes smaller). And that's not all, we both always imagine about ten of them or something like that all surrounding us or right in front of us.

If I could possibly count how many of these dreams I've had in my life, I'd say... probably 10-20 times.

Those dreams mostly end up that they surround us and then we try to find a way out, but every dream is pretty much eventless and I either have a dream change or wake up.

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I remember several of my dreams, mostly because they made me feel these very strong emotions.

When I was four or so I had a couple of dreams that I remember vividly.

One was where I was at a swimming pool in my neighborhood by myself, and I found out I could breathe underwater. The whole dream I just swam around without surfacing, and I felt this sense of peace and calm.

Also around that age I had this one nightmare that really scared me. I was running on this trail in my neighborhood near my house with my brother and my mom, and we were being chased by a witch (more like a hag than anything else). The witch turns my brother and my mom into stone as we get near my house, but I keep running until I get to safety. Then I feel bad for being a coward and run back to find no one there.

I remember after I read Lord of the Rings I dreamed about it.

I'll have to dig out my old dream journal and try and find some the stuff I wrote down.

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