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Then your argument is stupid, at best.

Over 50% of abortions happen within the first eight weeks. Only 4.2% are at around six months.

Most reasons for late abortions in particular have nothing with "not wanting" a baby. At that stage it's medical problems. Many times it is rape or incest. That number can't really be proven though because some people won't report they're raped to protect the guy (for whatever reason) whereas some people will lie and say they were for revenge (again, for whatever reason).

You people ASSUME that most people who have an abortion were totally cool with it, that they were just like, "To hell with having a kid! I don't want one!" I'd say that easily, over half of unwanted pregnancies are due to failed contraception. Again, remember that the patient HAS to talk to the doctor and the doctor is the one responsible for noting any psychological problems and the like. Many doctors won't even GIVE abortions for shit like eye color and sex.

"Common sense" worked out really well huh?

And again, the reasons for having an abortion are completely irrelevant. What matters is if you're going to allow a woman to have control over her body.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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That's one of the most perverse reasons for abortion in my book. Especially considering how far into the pregnancy it has to be in order to determine gender.
That is pretty sick, I guess. I mean, abortion should be legalized, but only under extreme, and detailed circumstances...
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I personally am not exactly against abortion, but it is lazy.

It can be lazy, but it doesn't matter, even if it is. Last I checked, leading a sedentary lifestyle isn't exactly illegal.

Over 80% of abortions happen to be because it is more convenient.

Woman: I want a baby.

Man: Let's make one!

Woman: Okay.

6 months later.

Woman: Up, changed my mind, abortion time!!!

I want a source to back up your statistic.

My source is common sense. Not ALL abortions can be simply because a teenager was raped, incest, or something to that affect.

Translation: I like to make shit up, and I have nothing to back my words.


Many of the reasons listed here should not be legitimate.

"Three decades of "programming" that it is a woman's body, a woman's right to choose"

Guess where I decided that your source is batshit insane?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Guess where I decided that your source is batshit insane?

Listen there are tons of points of view out there. Your not the only human on this planet so please try to respect other people's opinion, whether you like them or not.

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He's saying your source is heavily biased and therefore illegitimate.

Everyone has a biased opinion on everything, whether we realise it or not. You don't have to agree with it at all. Just saying, don't make a big deal out of it.

Whatever is discussed in this topic, won't make big changes.

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All right.

Just so you guys can stop harping over one mistake I made, instead of cowering away from my actually valid points, I'll say this. It's far closer to 40% than it is 80%

People that get abortions because it is convenient?

How do you even quantify this statistic?

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Wait, what was your valid point again?
Oh, haha...I guess I forgot that part!

Abortion is a method for those who are stupid, lazy, and ignorant. It can have its advantages, if it is a case of incest, rape, or threatens the life of the potential mother. However, if it is just because someone is a fucking whore, or a wishy-washy "I want a baby, no I don't" types, then it should be illegal, for Christ's sake. Because, the world doesn't need another person who thinks they can get rid of all their problems that easily.

(Note: I make my posts, and that's it. I don't go back and edit it to make it seem more mature.)

~Blue Fox.

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However, if it is just because someone is a fucking whore, or a wishy-washy "I want a baby, no I don't" types, then it should be illegal, for Christ's sake. Because, the world doesn't need another person who thinks they can get rid of all their problems that easily.

Who gets to decide whether the woman is "a fucking whore"?

Where do you get popping into their fucking lives and legislating their approach to the situation? Why do you get to decide that they don't get to make their life easier, here?

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Who gets to decide whether the woman is "a fucking whore"?

Where do you get popping into their fucking lives and legislating their approach to the situation? Why do you get to decide that they don't get to make their life easier, here?

I don't think making their life easier by killing the baby is worth it. Just murdering a baby for convenience is wrong. And if abortion is illegal, women will know that if they get pregnant, there is no easy way out. Now they can say, "Oh, I can just get an abortion." I'm not saying an abortion is an easy choice, but it is there as a way out if they get pregnant and aren't ready yet. And while people will still get illegal abortions if it is outlawed, fewer babies will die than leaving the choice available.

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Just murdering a baby for convenience is wrong.

Except that it's not murder, and there's no reason that I've yet seen why the baby intrinsically deserves life when the mother wants it out.

And if abortion is illegal, women will know that if they get pregnant, there is no easy way out.

If abortion is illegal, we'll be having a lot more women dying from homemade abortions with a jagged coathanger.

Now they can say, "Oh, I can just get an abortion." I'm not saying an abortion is an easy choice, but it is there as a way out if they get pregnant and aren't ready yet.

And they should have that option if they aren't ready for the child yet.

nd while people will still get illegal abortions if it is outlawed, fewer babies will die than leaving the choice available.

And why do you value these babies' lives as so high and the mothers' freedom as so small?

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I don't think making their life easier by killing the baby is worth it. Just murdering a baby for convenience is wrong. And if abortion is illegal, women will know that if they get pregnant, there is no easy way out. Now they can say, "Oh, I can just get an abortion." I'm not saying an abortion is an easy choice, but it is there as a way out if they get pregnant and aren't ready yet. And while people will still get illegal abortions if it is outlawed, fewer babies will die than leaving the choice available.

Although I have nothing to add to this topic, it has already been pointed out that abortions will continue to happen, illegal or not, and the exact same amount, if not more with the mother's life in jeopardy as well, 'babies' will die.

Women who have abortions face prejudice from society and are called--

"a fucking whore"

--for their choice. They actually think about life changing decisions, not go straight to, "Oh hey, I don't want it."

Abortions are expensive, physically and emotionally stressful decisions thought out very carefully after a detailed discussion with a doctor.

By no means is it 'the easy way out'.

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For the record, if you couldn't tell, I think that debating over other peoples lives is stupid. Especially when I don't have a vagina and I have a very firm stand on my own beliefs on how I would handle the matter.

The only point that I find remotely arguable is the dad's perspective - If the mother gets pregnant and the father wants to keep it, that should be as worthwhile as the mother wanting to keep it, provided the father has the means to support the kid. The situation is rarer than an altered opinion on the subject coming from this topic. But in such a situation, the mother is given full control, when the life can be saved without ruining another life.

Once again, I know that my opinion would change if I had the vagina to carry a baby. But I figured I'd make my stance clear.

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It is generally aceptted that a human life has more value than a chicken life. You can get capital punishment for killing a human. Not so for a chicken.

Generally accepted by a certain percentage of the population of the world. If you were a devout Buddhist or Hindu, would you feel the same? I bet you wouldn't.

It's not off topic - my point is what's the difference between a chicken and a human? Between a fetus and an adult?

Why are we allowed to euthanize animals when we feel they should die, (And now in some states humans too! To relieve suffering!) Yet we can't control births with abortion? We can control your Death at the end of your life, but not at the beginning?

As for adoption, there are a LOT, and I do mean a LOT of shitty foster homes. You have no idea how many adopted kids I've heard of with shitty parents/siblings. Would you rather them have a life of suffering, or not experience the pain of not being wanted at all by not making them go through that? Do you understand the mental toll it takes on an adopted child to understand why their parents gave them up? Was it because the didn't love them? Was it something wrong they did, that they can't even remember?

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