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With Three Houses released, let's shine a light on the thing that started building hype for FE16: What did you think about the Vampire Emblem leak?


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Did you like the ideas it presented? Would you have been interested if it had been real? What critiques or problems did you have with it?

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From what I remember of Mangs going over it, it seemed really interesting. 'Course, it probably helps that I'm a huge Castlevania fan. But that kind of atmosphere was the sort of thing I was hoping to get from Nohr when I heard it had wolfmen. I had these mental images of fighting horrible monsters in a land consumed by endless night, which... well, I mean, we all know how the tone of Fates turned out.

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The thing that started building hype for FE16 was the announcement there'd be an FE16 on Switch almost three years ago, which predates any rumors of vampires. We didn't even know what FE15 would have been before that day.

Edited by Glennstavos
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That started the hype for FE16?!

In all honesty; I didn't read it, nor did I really care about it in the first place. I only ever saw "Vampire Emblem" get mentioned a few times on this very forum. 


1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

The thing that started building hype for FE16 was the announcement there'd be an FE16 on Switch almost three years ago, which predates any rumors of vampires. We didn't even know what FE15 would have been before that day.

This. What got me hyped for FE 16 was the announcement that FE16 was coming, and that it would be coming for the Switch; the first time an FE game had been on a home console since Radiant Dawn.

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It sounds interesting in theory, but it may be a little too edgy for my tastes. Depends on the execution of it though. I'm happy that FE16 turned out to be 3H.

I did like the idea of the Fire Emblem being a sundial, that is an interesting thing for it to be. The day/night cycle could also be an interesting mechanic.

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2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

This. What got me hyped for FE 16 was the announcement that FE16 was coming, and that it would be coming for the Switch; the first time an FE game had been on a home console since Radiant Dawn.

The conversation surrounding Fire Emblem in January 2017 shifted from "..." to "huh, what's Fire Emblem Warriors, and will I need to buy a switch for that?" to "holy crap there are FOUR fire emblem games coming out". That's more hype than "leaks"

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Gonna echo Glennstavos on this, it was the announcement of Three Houses that started the hype.  And back then, it was super hype because that FE Direct featured four games - Heroes, Warriors, Echoes, and Three Houses.  Like, when you think about it we went from the series almost dying to suddenly getting all these games dumped on us.  Even if some of them got mixed reception in the end, just the fact that FE had its own direct and it had all those big announcements was hype.  All the vampire discussion did was help ensure people didn't stop talking about the game during the long dry spell of news.


Anyway, onto my actual thoughts on the fake leak.

Back then, a lot of people were extremely skeptical about how good it could actually turn out.  I was... maybe semi skeptical if only because I knew how it could turn out poorly, but I also knew it had the potential to be good.  I'm usually open to new ideas, and FE Vampires didn't seem as far-fetched as FE Mars Edition.  If it was done Castlevania or Hellsing style, it'd be something I was down for.  If it was weird, pandering, fetish stuff then I'm not sure I'd have liked it as much.

It's funny, though, people were also skeptical about Three Houses having a school element.  And while I'd say the actual application of the mechanic is probably not the best received among the fandom (not for reasons people would've thought, though; less to do with anime high school tropes and more to do with the fact that it bogged down future playthroughs, thus lowering player motivation to replay the game), the story generally hasn't gotten much flak (not as much as Fates, anyway).

Now... I know this is well into the future between when the "leak" was thrown out there and the wave 4 DLC, but... I have to wonder if some of what was being talked about in that leak has anything to do with the Abyss.  I say this mostly because of what this merchant said:


"Absolute paradise for those who can't stay above ground."  Hmm, people who can't stay above ground?  That kinda sounds like vampires, or something akin to such creatures.

Of course, it was a 4chan leak, and those are usually BS, but...  I just wonder if somehow there's some connection.  Not even necessarily that it'd actually be vampires, but maybe the "leak" was a highly changed and exaggerated version of whatever the Abyss concept was at the time (or rather, what the leaker may have heard about it at the time), or perhaps it was something the devs once considered.  It's not too much of a stretch to go from "people who shun the surface" to vampires.  It helps that people who talk about it seem to imply it's horribly inhospitable to those on the surface, with Anna herself telling you to stay the hell away from it.

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I was really excited for a darker FE premise after Fates, even if it was a little edgier than what the series is used to. I will say that the second they showed the shot of those arms bursting from a coffin in one of the FE16 trailers, I was immediately reminded of the vampire leaks. That made me think there might have been some credence to those leaks, even, but it was probably just coincidence.

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