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  • 9 years later...

i have a proposition


we should be able to warn people for necroposting in fftf for no reason other than to necropost on account of just because you can doesn't mean you should

who's with me

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46 minutes ago, Integrity said:

i have a proposition


we should be able to warn people for necroposting in fftf for no reason other than to necropost on account of just because you can doesn't mean you should

who's with me


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1 hour ago, Integrity said:

i have a proposition


we should be able to warn people for necroposting in fftf for no reason other than to necropost on account of just because you can doesn't mean you should

who's with me

If I was an admin, I would make it happen

hint hint

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On 6/16/2017 at 7:49 PM, Integrity said:

i have a proposition


we should be able to warn people for necroposting in fftf for no reason other than to necropost on account of just because you can doesn't mean you should

who's with me

Remind me again what the reason is that necroposting is bad. I mean the reason for SF, not the reasons generally for that kind of thing.

One historic error is the preference of punishing the bad rather than rewarding the good.

I personally think that not necroposting but continuing an old topic should be rewarded, if the content posted is good or interesting, by continuing discussion in the topic.

But I don't really post in real time. The ratio between the importance of a post from me and the time it takes to complete it is quite poor - I assume - especially because I want to exercise all bad and impute all good into the things I am given the time to say here. If you guys post with an attempt towards dealing with topics quickly and easily, I could see why easy rules to close a thread with stuff like necroposting makes sense.

And there's also the possibility users will be reminded of stuff.

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hi sev


2 things:

4 hours ago, Professor Groeteschele said:

 if the content posted is good or interesting,

most of the time (overwhelming majority most) necroposts are one of three things:

1: garbage "hey because i can" bullshit like this, which many forums prevent by having threads auto-lock after a certain period of inactivity but we don't for the sake of project threads and the like

2: somebody finding a thread via search and responding to a post from years ago, in many cases attacking a poster for an old opinion - and either the poster has changed that opinion with the times, or the poster isn't even on sf anymore

3: somebody calls a four year dead hack from the depths because they can't figure out how to apply the patch/encountered a bug


none of these are good or interesting content. hypothetically, the second could provide decent content - but we do have people occasionally reviving discussion from '09 about radiant dawn character rankings, and there's literally nothing interesting in discussing how we felt about radiant dawn characters 8 years ago anymore. for that reason, it's much easier for us to say it's verboten by default and decide on exceptions, rather than it's allowed by default and warn for exceptions


EDIT: take this post for example: the necrobump post was literally "necropost time" with no addition. the person in question bumped for literally no reason other than to feel like they were getting away with breaking a rule because they won't be punished in this forum. there is no content contributed, neither is this a thread that deserved to be seen again.


4 hours ago, Professor Groeteschele said:

 If you guys post with an attempt towards dealing with topics quickly and easily, I could see why easy rules to close a thread with stuff like necroposting makes sense.


and this is #2. specta and i are various levels of college students, balcerzak has a job, eclipse is overworked here, the admins have other shit to worry about, and the minimods are focused in their own areas. the point of rules like necro- and doubleposting is to have an excuse for warning the ~80% of bad behavior without having to defend it, and forcing us to justify not warning for the 20% of legitimate reasons to do it. if we did it the other way around, we'd be ignoring the 20% happily and coming up with reasons to warn for the 80% of low-effort necrobumps like this shit (but in real, non-fftf forums)

Edited by Integrity
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3: somebody calls a four year dead hack from the depths because they can't figure out how to apply the patch/encountered a bug

I lol'd when I saw this yesterday.

I don't understand why these people don't PM the creator instead of taking necropost punishment.

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On ‎17‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 0:49 AM, Integrity said:

i have a proposition


we should be able to warn people for necroposting in fftf for no reason other than to necropost on account of just because you can doesn't mean you should

who's with me

You could extend the no necroposting rule to FftF. Alternatively, you could just ignore all necroposts in FftF altogether (unless it's abuse/discrimination/whatever).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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21 hours ago, Integrity said:

hi sev


2 things:

most of the time (overwhelming majority most) necroposts are one of three things:

1: garbage "hey because i can" bullshit like this, which many forums prevent by having threads auto-lock after a certain period of inactivity but we don't for the sake of project threads and the like

2: somebody finding a thread via search and responding to a post from years ago, in many cases attacking a poster for an old opinion - and either the poster has changed that opinion with the times, or the poster isn't even on sf anymore

3: somebody calls a four year dead hack from the depths because they can't figure out how to apply the patch/encountered a bug


none of these are good or interesting content. hypothetically, the second could provide decent content - but we do have people occasionally reviving discussion from '09 about radiant dawn character rankings, and there's literally nothing interesting in discussing how we felt about radiant dawn characters 8 years ago anymore. for that reason, it's much easier for us to say it's verboten by default and decide on exceptions, rather than it's allowed by default and warn for exceptions


EDIT: take this post for example: the necrobump post was literally "necropost time" with no addition. the person in question bumped for literally no reason other than to feel like they were getting away with breaking a rule because they won't be punished in this forum. there is no content contributed, neither is this a thread that deserved to be seen again.



and this is #2. specta and i are various levels of college students, balcerzak has a job, eclipse is overworked here, the admins have other shit to worry about, and the minimods are focused in their own areas. the point of rules like necro- and doubleposting is to have an excuse for warning the ~80% of bad behavior without having to defend it, and forcing us to justify not warning for the 20% of legitimate reasons to do it. if we did it the other way around, we'd be ignoring the 20% happily and coming up with reasons to warn for the 80% of low-effort necrobumps like this shit (but in real, non-fftf forums)

The worst part about soliciting this post from you is that I have read things similar before, and thus haven't learned the lesson (even if mostly I don't necropost).

However, I'm glad you were willing to send me the explanation. Thanks dude.

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On 6/19/2017 at 1:06 PM, はたの 秦 こころ said:

Isn't there a way to autodelete topics after a certain time of inactivity?

It'd also clean the forest a little bit.

Anyways I'd not mind to extend the necrorule for FTTF.

there is a way, but we don't want to do that at all.


think about it, you (i) don't update your (my) lp for like six months because you (i) have two hellish semesters in a row, you (i) come back to life and finally shit doesn't suck again and your (my) lp is-


wait, where is it again...?

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17 minutes ago, Integrity said:

there is a way, but we don't want to do that at all.


think about it, you (i) don't update your (my) lp for like six months because you (i) have two hellish semesters in a row, you (i) come back to life and finally shit doesn't suck again and your (my) lp is-


wait, where is it again...?

If there was an autodelete system in place, I (you) would be aware of the time threshold and would bump my (your) thread before then so that I (you) can continue it once I (you) have time for it.

Though six months would be a pretty low cutoff point imho. Maybe two years?

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setting up that kind of system would only catch the most fringe of posts tbh


for all my bitching, some kid doing something pointless like this only happens once or twice a year, we'd spend more time setting the system up than manually locking threads at that point


also like, hypothetical me literally didn't log into sf for multiple months because hypothetical me didn't have time, this wasn't a thing like i could have bumped my thread to beat some auto delete timer

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Oh yeah, RIP to LPs then.

I guess it's not possible to autodelete topics only in certain sections (fttf and all Fire Emblem sections).
It'd be still a hellish work I think.

If autolocking after one month existed, it'd save the mods lots of work and some users from lots of warning points.

Edited by はたの 秦 こころ
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