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Pairings you like but you feel is underrated?

Fire Emblem Dude

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16 hours ago, X-Naut said:

Because people are bitter that she retires from knighthood to wed Clive instead of domming on the battlefield in their ending. Never mind that with how powerful and pervasive the pressures that be are, coupled with how sensitive to her surroundings Mathilda is shown to be, she has a good explanation for it.

I wonder if the writers were trying to imply that Mathilda found raising children to be a greater yet more rewarding challenge than fighting in combat, which I could see being in-character, albeit they failed to provide enough hints to leave it anything other than up to interpretation. It is the ending I'm most surprised they kept intact from the original Gaiden. The original cast was so broad that one could interpret Mathilda as being a good fighter that just wanted to go home afterwards, but given how focused Mathilda is on being a warrior, it comes off as jarring though not unbelievable. It does give some more credence to my theory that character endings are some of the first things to be written and the last to be changed.

1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Personally I chose to believe Mathilda retired from knighthood in order to become Alm's all powerful spymaster. Her ending doesn't mention it because she's just that good at it. 

I never heard this interpretation before, but now I can't unsee it. And I have a new headcannon about what Kellam did with his life after Awakening. I have to thank you for that.

2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Also there's the fact that almost every ending in SoV is badly-written and ill-fitting, and are thus easy to discount. 

Out of curiosity, which ones do you think were badly written and ill fitting? I can understand finding some of them to be strange or poor, but this is the first time I've seen someone call "almost every" one of them bad.

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4 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

Out of curiosity, which ones do you think were badly written and ill fitting? I can understand finding some of them to be strange or poor, but this is the first time I've seen someone call "almost every" one of them bad.

Really? I thought it was a fairly common criticism of SoV; perhaps not as common as the level design or Alm being a Gary Stu, but a common criticism nonetheless. "Almost every" was definitely an exaggeration, but it really is quite a large number:

  • Faye continues to be obsessed with Alm despite finding a husband, and abandons her family repeatedly for periods of several days before returning. 
  • Sonya's search for a cure for becoming a witch becomes not only in her becoming a witch, but also the new Nuibaba. 
  • Delthea locks away her magic for no reason. 
  • Sir Mycen becomes chancellor despite being part of the plot to trick Alm into killing his own father. 
  • Mathilda's epilogue is especially bad when one considers that Clair, even after marrying Grey, doesn't stop being a Pegasus Knight (Clair's is good; it's Mathilda's that's bad). 
  • Clive: the guy who spends the whole game going, "Woe is me; I'm not worthy to lead" becomes Captain of the Knights of the One Kingdom. The character we were shown would turn it down in a heartbeat if offered and recommend someone else for the position; likely Mathilda. 
  • Kamui: his ending is fine overall and at least in-character, but "He went for a stroll and simply vanished" is just a terrible way to say a character left and disappeared. 

And I'm working from what I can remember about those characters; I haven't played the game in two years. 

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I rather like Leo x Charlotte. While their C-A supports aren't spectacular, I very much like their S Support.


Charlotte initially turns down Leo's marriage proposal, fearing that she loves his money instead of him as a person. But Leo assures her that she does actually love HIM, otherwise she wouldn't be so hesitant and afraid. The two end up really happy by the end of the Support.

I also enjoy Camilla x Odin. Odin is his usual odd self in this one, and Camilla does seem initially put off by how he acts. But she wears the name he gave to her armor with pride, and she's overall pretty nice to him (unlike Corrin). Corrin is only ever brought up once in this Support, and that's only to say "hey, I mentioned the armor's name to them". Also, what she says to him at the end of their A Support is just really sweet: " Before you go, Odin, let me say this: the world is a more joyful place with you in it. And don't hesitate to come tell me your troubles. You will always have my ear."


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3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Really? I thought it was a fairly common criticism of SoV; perhaps not as common as the level design or Alm being a Gary Stu, but a common criticism nonetheless. "Almost every" was definitely an exaggeration, but it really is quite a large number:

I've heard of the criticism that Echoes focuses a little too much on the female cast getting married, but not on the endings themselves being bad. Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if IS increased the focus on said marriages so that in the event they ever return to Valentia they could have some children of previously playable characters, which seems to appeal to some. Doesn't necessarily make them better, but I can see the logic behind a few of the changes (that aren't "Gaiden states something that Echoes shows throughout", such as Boey and Mae bickering).

3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Sonya's search for a cure for becoming a witch becomes not only in her becoming a witch, but also the new Nuibaba.

I've seen discussion over whether or not Sonya actually became a witch or just took up residence at Nuibaba's mansion and people started to refer to her as one. It is said to just be a rumor, after all.

3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Delthea locks away her magic for no reason. 

This was in the original gaiden, despite being one of the strongest mages in the game. She does mention in her final base conversation that despite bragging about her powers, she isn't interested in magic being the center of her life. Though similar to Mathilda giving up being a knight, it's up for interpretation over what ultimately pushed Delthea into sealing away her magic

3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Sir Mycen becomes chancellor despite being part of the plot to trick Alm into killing his own father. 

Alm mentions in their support chain that he still sees Mycen as his grandfather, and as the new king, he can probably anoint positions as he pleases. Mycen was also a well-respected knight in both Rigel and Zofia that many knew was wrongly accused, so there likely would be little backlash towards him becoming a chancellor.

3 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Clive: the guy who spends the whole game going, "Woe is me; I'm not worthy to lead" becomes Captain of the Knights of the One Kingdom. The character we were shown would turn it down in a heartbeat if offered and recommend someone else for the position; likely Mathilda.

Clive never states that Mathilda originally lead the Deliverance, only that she suggested creating it and was a wise adviser. He was also planned on giving Mycen leadership partially because he was a common soldier that rose to becoming a well-known knight, so he could inspire the common folk that were joining the Deliverance's cause, who Clive hard a hard time relating to. Clive decided that Alm was the next best thing, and only has second thoughts when he hears that Alm may not actually be Mycen's grandson, which was the main reason he was given the position (It's for this reason that I agree with the theory that Alm was made leader as a publicity stunt (and potential scapegoat) that turned out for the best. I don't have an issue with Alm being given a high position because his track record and credentials are impressive up to that point, but I do think that making him the full blown leader could have been handled better and was mainly done for gameplay reasons). Clive didn't give up leadership because he thinks he was a bad leader, but because he didn't think it was the one the Deliverance needed at the moment.

I should mention that I did look up the games script to be sure and misremembered quite a few things myself.

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Well, time to throw some more raw meat into the gladiator and tiger pit.

Dimitri x Ingrid

Ingrid really goes well with most, if not all, of the Blue Lions boys, but I can't be the only one who sees how good of a queen she'd make. She's fierce when she needs to be and can be soft and caring, dare I say motherly. She could easily do what Byleth did for Dimitri in his route with the cute comfort and "You're alright, you've got this" stuff.

Hubert x Edelgard

There could be some social hurdles to jump through for this one. But I see it working because Edelgard isn't going to live forever, especially with her crest implant shortening her lifespan. She'll need to make an heir to take over. She can make Hubert her prince consort and nobody would have the right to complain too much. There's already a strong bond there. Might as well boink the guy who's least likely to turn around and backstab.

My Claude ship is with Hilda, but I think that pairing is done a lot so it doesn't count as underrated.

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Linhardt x Lysithea: 

I don't mean "underrated" in the sense of being unpopular in this case. But most people I've spoken with about just seem to describe it as just one of the pairings in which Lysithea gets to live a long life. That's true, but that's not the only important thing this pairing does. 

One constant throughout Linhardt's supports is that he's very smart and a skilled researcher, but he has zero motivation outside of personal curiosity, resulting in his seeming laziness and limiting how far he can go with his research. Linhardt even addresses this as an issue for him in his supports with Hanneman. Lysithea gives him the motivation he needs to keep going in his research. 

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

Linhardt x Lysithea: 

I don't mean "underrated" in the sense of being unpopular in this case. It does seem fairly popular from what I've seen. But most people I've spoken with about just seem to describe it as just one of the pairings in which Lysithea gets to live a long life. That's true, but that's not the only important thing this pairing does. 

One constant throughout Linhardt's supports is that he's very smart and a skilled researcher, but he has zero motivation outside of personal curiosity, resulting in his seeming laziness and limiting how far he can go with his research. Linhardt even addresses this as an issue for him in his supports with Hanneman. Lysithea gives him the motivation he needs to keep going in his research. 

I think this is an underrated pairing actually, most Lysithea shipping I've seen is with male Byleth. I ship it. Linhardt and Lysithea, that is.

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18 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

I think this is an underrated pairing actually, most Lysithea shipping I've seen is with male Byleth. I ship it. Linhardt and Lysithea, that is.

Oh; okay. Perhaps I should've said, "I don't know if it's unpopular or not." 

Thanks. I also like this pairing. What do you think of the reason I gave for liking it (that it not only ensures Lysithea lives, but also gives Linhardt motivation for his research)?

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Just now, vanguard333 said:

What do you think of the reason I gave for liking it (that it not only ensures Lysithea lives, but also gives Linhardt motivation for his research)?

I agree with it. It's very sweet.

Have this exchange with them and their daughter I made up.

Lysithea: You are not going out without combing your hair and putting on deodorant, young lady.
Lillian: Mom I'm just seeing my friends.
Lysithea: Doesn't matter, your hair's a rat's nest.
Lillian: MOM UGH!
Linhardt: Such a temper! Where's that mellow little girl who used to sleep with me-OH GODDESS NO NOT LIKE THAT

Daddy/daughter napping. Adorable xD

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2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Linhardt x Lysithea: 

I don't mean "underrated" in the sense of being unpopular in this case. It does seem fairly popular from what I've seen. But most people I've spoken with about just seem to describe it as just one of the pairings in which Lysithea gets to live a long life. That's true, but that's not the only important thing this pairing does. 

One constant throughout Linhardt's supports is that he's very smart and a skilled researcher, but he has zero motivation outside of personal curiosity, resulting in his seeming laziness and limiting how far he can go with his research. Linhardt even addresses this as an issue for him in his supports with Hanneman. Lysithea gives him the motivation he needs to keep going in his research. 

Yeah, that's pretty much why I like Linhardt x Lysithea too

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Well, while we're on the subject of TH pairings, I'll throw in Sylvain x female Byleth since I realized I typically see Sylvain shipped with Ingrid or Mercedes. And I do think Mercedes is his best pairing other than female Byleth.

But with Byleth, I just was more endeared by how he actually says he'll become a better and more trustworthy man for her, even though this comes up more in the tower conversation than the actual support chain. Sylvain does sorta mention it in the S support convo as well, but it's more noteworthy in the tower bit. And he never says this to his other potential female partners, he just comes to truly love them and they love him in return and his changed behavior only really comes up in the ending. But with Byleth he actually does make the promise on screen which is awesome to me. And I also just love this handsome redhead to death, so of course I put him with the character I'm playing as. XD

Mercedes I think is still noteworthy as a pairing for him for the fact that Sylvain actually treats her kindly from the start. With Ingrid it starts out as "I'm tired of cleaning up your messes, Sylvain!" which is lol but yeah. And Sylvain x Dorothea starts out with him hitting on her, as he does a lot, so it's not all that original, though that one does become sweet at the end.

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I don't know anything about which Three Houses pairings are popular or not, so I'm just going to list the pairings I like from my only finished playthrough so far (Crimson Flower), and someone can tell me if they're unpopular or not. I already mentioned Linhardt x Lysithea, so I'll just list the rest of them:


Male Byleth x Edelgard:

Okay, this one's definitely at least fairly popular; of that, there's almost no doubt in my mind. But I do like this one. I went in picking it because it was my first playthrough, kind-of like how I picked Lucina for Robin in my first playthrough of Awakening, and I picked Azura for Robin in my first playthrough of all three routes of Fates. However, if I were to play Crimson Flower again, I probably would go for Edelgard again simply because I really liked it, unlike Awakening where Cordelia ended up being my main pick for Robin, and especially Fates where I never did a 2nd playthrough. 


Ferdinand x Dorothea: I'm not normally a fan of "one character disliking a character for years over a misunderstanding", but I liked pretty much everything else about their dynamic more than enough to compensate. I like Ferdinand going out of his way to show Dorothea that, unlike most nobles, he's willing to understand what it's like for the lower-class and put the work in, and I like the idea that Ferdinand had a crush on her when he was a kid and had no idea it was her that he had seen all those years ago when they meet again in the Monastery. 


Ashe x Petra: I put them together because I had recruited Ashe in Crimson Flower and she's the only Black Eagles student he can pair with. But, I did end up really liking it. I like how Ashe teaches her quite a bit about Fodlan, I like how Petra creates an order of knights in Brigid with Ashe's ideals of chivalry in mind so he can fulfill his dreams and live with her in Brigid. The only thing I don't like is that it leaves as an unknown who exactly ends up running Lonato's territory. But that never got addressed at all in the story anyway, nor did Ashe searching for answers; weirdly enough. 


Caspar x Bernadetta: Okay; admittedly, this one was a result of me pairing the people leftover after pairing the others. But I ended up really liking it. I like how Caspar finds Bernadetta a lot of beautiful sights to see, I like that Caspar does become more thoughtful around Bernadetta, and I like how it's one of the Bernadetta endings where she doesn't end up cooped up in her home and instead is willing to go outside more. 


If you've done the math, then you've probably noticed that Hubert wasn't mentioned at all. Sadly, he ended up all alone. If I could've paired him with anyone, I would have just to see it. 

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On 2/22/2020 at 11:54 AM, Hawkwing said:

Kellam and Miriel: One of the less grandiose romances, but I think that works in its favor. It's one of the few supports where Kellam's lack of presence is the focus, and it's done surprisingly well for how it makes sense for both characters and progresses pretty naturally. It helps that it's one of the very few romances where Miriel seems legitimately interested in her partner romantically (a lot of them more or less have her saying "sure" to the other characters proposal) and it has one of the gentler "his name was lost to history" endings for Kellam.

I really like this one, too! The ending feels pretty organic and makes a lot of sense, honestly. The impression I get, setting aside Kellam's gimmick, is that Miriel and her achievements were just far and away more historically-noteworthy so Kellam ended up largely forgotten, but there's no implication that he would've been unhappy in the relationship, so that's alright!

As for myself, I... would have to say that while I do like Robin/Cordelia, Cordelia's performance in "favorite character" polls really calls the pairing's supposed "unpopularity" into question for me, haha
Though there is certainly a difference between appreciating the pairing as it's written and just pairing it because you, the player, really like or have a crush on Cordelia, so I suppose I can't really speak to what the ratio is there and whether that condition would affect whether one counts it as "unpopular" or not!

As for myself...

  • I actually think Marth/Xane is potentially a really cute idea, although I also like both Marth and Caeda and them together so I'm not sure what my complete feelings about it are.
  • Another one I like a lot is Eliwood/Fiora. It seems to be the least popular pairing for Eliwood and I... actually don't know how it stacks up against Fiora/Sain, but I'm fairly certain it's less popular than her with Kent. It's a sweet and low-key relationship, and I think the two are a good match for each other, personality-wise!
  • As a kid, I definitely remember being frustrated that there was no Lucius/Serra ending, although I've since come to be less sure how I feel about interpreting that relationship as being romantic in nature. I still love the support chain, though.
  • Ever since I first played Sacred Stones and read about character endings and stuff, I always automatically read "...and as [Eirika and Tana] grew older, their children shared a bond of friendship as close as Eirika and Tana themselves did." as referring to like, children that they had with each other, as opposed to just kids they had independently with other spouses, before correcting myself to what I'm pretty sure is the intended reading. However, I think that my initial gut reading of it from childhood should be correct. They should be happily married with kids, is my opinion.
  • For some Awakening pairings, Lissa and Ricken are actually really cute together. They're about the same age, and I feel like they have good chemistry that I could easily see forming the foundation for a healthy and happy relationship. Plus, Owain gets access to the Dark Knight class, so he needn't choose between his sword hand and his darkness. I mean, with the Dread Fighter DLC, he can use both at once regardless of his father, but
  • I'm also definitely in the minority for liking Chrom/Sully as much as I do. Mainly I'm just a sucker for childhood friendships and friends-to-lovers romances, but I think their supports are really sweet. I actually don't pair them too often in gameplay, but I'd definitely say that I "ship" Chrom/Sully the most just for the two of them as a pair out of all Chrom's romance options, with only Chrom/Robin perhaps tying with it.
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On 3/4/2020 at 2:02 AM, vanguard333 said:

If you've done the math, then you've probably noticed that Hubert wasn't mentioned at all. Sadly, he ended up all alone. If I could've paired him with anyone, I would have just to see it. 

According to their ending Hubert and Petra apparently have a very active sex life together so naturally I went above and beyond to get that one. 


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On 3/2/2020 at 10:19 AM, Dragoncat said:

Dimitri x Ingrid

Ingrid really goes well with most, if not all, of the Blue Lions boys, but I can't be the only one who sees how good of a queen she'd make. She's fierce when she needs to be and can be soft and caring, dare I say motherly. She could easily do what Byleth did for Dimitri in his route with the cute comfort and "You're alright, you've got this" stuff.

I am considering this, but I need to see his supports with Hapi in order to really evaluate things.

Dimitri pairs well with all the Blue Lions girls, really.

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4 minutes ago, Azure loves his Half Elves said:

I am considering this, but I need to see his supports with Hapi in order to really evaluate things.

Dimitri pairs well with all the Blue Lions girls, really.

And Ingrid pairs well with all the lion boys. Lol.


According to their ending Hubert and Petra apparently have a very active sex life together so naturally I went above and beyond to get that one. 

@Etrurian emperor LOL YES the batch of kids. I find that hilarious but I think that Hubert would be the type to pull his hair out if he had a bunch of crotch goblins. Which is why with Edelgard in my ficverse, they just have the one son. Actually they did conceive a second time, but the poor thing was miscarried because Edelgard's implanted crest was starting to kill her. Big oof.

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On 2/20/2020 at 8:50 PM, Sir Wolfram of Vallora said:

Another moght be Corrin x Mozu, but I think it makes sense. They both recently lost parents, she's hard working and a good cook, and well, lets just say M!Corrin doesn't really wear the pants in any of his relationships. And from a mechanics standpoint Mozu is one of the first characters you can get, meaning she and Corrin would likely grow closer than most, as well as she is available in all three paths. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Also, while she shares a lot of these traits with Azura, Mozu isn't your cousin, so...


Yay, another one!
This is actually my favorite male Corrin pairing, because it feels genuine and it develops well from her paralogue to the eventual S-support.
Kana with Mozu's hair color looks great, so that helps, too, of course.

My second favorite male Corrin pairing is with Nyx, which I also don't see too many people talk about.

Another one from Fates that I really like is Kaze x Selena. Not only because it portrays Selena at her most sympathetic (in the English version of the game, I know she was better in Japanese), but also because I just like how it was written in general.

Me saying good things about Fates. The world as we know it will come to an end and tomorrow, it'll rain ice cream.

And by far my favorite romantic support from Awakening is male Morgan x Nah and getting this is my main reason for playing as female Robin at all (aside from the gameplay advantages female Robin brings, of course). It's just so gosh darn cute, yet I feel like it's very underrated as well, which is kind of a shame.

Another pairing I don't see a lot of love for is male Robin with Sumia. For the obvious reasons, perhaps, but them bonding over books is adorable and makes sense to me, as well. I also like to picture the sisters Morgan and Cynthia wreaking havoc together with Owain as kids and then, as they grow older, it turns into a story straight out of a shoujo manga where he can't decide which of the two he's actually in love with and there's a lot of back and forth until he finally settles on one of the two in a very tear-jerking, yet heart-warming scene. And the fandom will be on fire with half the people saying he should've picked the other one.

I also think male Robin x Nowi is a very cute support, but yes, sirens, prison, yada, yada, yada...

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9 hours ago, Sir Wolfram of Vallora said:

It was the first one I got for Awakening.

Same here, actually!
In my first Awakening playthrough, I had Robin and Nowi paired up a lot to conserve her Dragonstone (because I assumed it would be like other games, particularly FE8 where you get one Dragonstone and that's it) and thus got the S-support by complete accident. I didn't even know marriage was a thing in Awakening when I first played it. Needless to say, I was happy with the results. Morgan and Nah turned out to be really good units, as well.


In order to avoid going off topic, here's a Radiant Dawn pairing I came to like, albeit not without a tinge of irony:
Ike x Sanaki.
Yes, I know. Odd choice. And a little weird, too, but this started out as a joke pairing a friend and I made up purely based on the scene where Sanaki acts like a tsundere towards Ike in Radiant Dawn Part 4. But the more I think about it, the more I'd find it hilarious if that actually was a thing.

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On 3/2/2020 at 6:44 PM, vanguard333 said:

Linhardt x Lysithea: 

I don't mean "underrated" in the sense of being unpopular in this case. It does seem fairly popular from what I've seen. But most people I've spoken with about just seem to describe it as just one of the pairings in which Lysithea gets to live a long life. That's true, but that's not the only important thing this pairing does. 

One constant throughout Linhardt's supports is that he's very smart and a skilled researcher, but he has zero motivation outside of personal curiosity, resulting in his seeming laziness and limiting how far he can go with his research. Linhardt even addresses this as an issue for him in his supports with Hanneman. Lysithea gives him the motivation he needs to keep going in his research. 

As someone who really hates this ship with passion, i explain it with...

Lin being a creep in his C&B support with Lys (and with Flayn as well). It creeped me the hell out. While i eventually grew to like Lin a bit more during the game, him ending with Lys i see as a punishment for Lys, even if she lives longer.



In order to avoid going off topic, here's a Radiant Dawn pairing I came to like, albeit not without a tinge of irony:
Ike x Sanaki.
Yes, I know. Odd choice. And a little weird, too, but this started out as a joke pairing a friend and I made up purely based on the scene where Sanaki acts like a tsundere towards Ike in Radiant Dawn Part 4. But the more I think about it, the more I'd find it hilarious if that actually was a thing.

i am pretty sure if Sanaki was a bit older, this would've been a popular ship lol.

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16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

As someone who really hates this ship with passion, i explain it with...

Lin being a creep in his C&B support with Lys (and with Flayn as well). It creeped me the hell out. While i eventually grew to like Lin a bit more during the game, him ending with Lys i see as a punishment for Lys, even if she lives longer.


i am pretty sure if Sanaki was a bit older, this would've been a popular ship lol.

Would you rather Lysithea die from a shortened life span then?

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2 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

Would you rather Lysithea die from a shortened life span then?

... or you could just CF Lysithea with Byleth and she would be fine... is that underrated? Byleth and Lysithea I never really see anyone on about that

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26 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

Would you rather Lysithea die from a shortened life span then?

With Byleth, Claude, Hanneman and Edel she lives just fine.

And the last 2 are non-romantic as well, which is fine, especially in the case of Hanneman, since this being romantic would've been creepy af.


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45 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

... or you could just CF Lysithea with Byleth and she would be fine... is that underrated? Byleth and Lysithea I never really see anyone on about that


22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

With Byleth, Claude, Hanneman and Edel she lives just fine.

And the last 2 are non-romantic as well, which is fine, especially in the case of Hanneman, since this being romantic would've been creepy af.


Oh trust me, I married Lysithea in my first GD run, and I had Lysithea paired up with Hanneman in my third CF run (since I S supported Edelgard). In both my second BL playthrough and fourth SS playthrough, I paired Lysithea with Linhardt, cuz GODDAMMIT, she's gonna live in all my runs no matter what XP

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

As someone who really hates this ship with passion, i explain it with...

Lin being a creep in his C&B support with Lys (and with Flayn as well). It creeped me the hell out. While i eventually grew to like Lin a bit more during the game, him ending with Lys i see as a punishment for Lys, even if she lives longer.

My sentiments exactly.
Except for the liking Linhardt part. Him being mandatory in the Ashen Wolves DLC has contributed somewhat to my decision to skip it.

1 minute ago, Gregster101 said:

Oh trust me, I married Lysithea in my first GD run, and I had Lysithea paired up with Hanneman in my third CF run (since I S supported Edelgard). In both my second BL playthrough and fourth SS playthrough, I paired Lysithea with Linhardt, cuz GODDAMMIT, she's gonna live in all my runs no matter what XP

Whenever I recruit Lysithea or play Golden Deer, I'm getting her S-support, because 1) she's gonna live and 2) I just love the S-support and ending so gosh-darn much!
And I have yet to play as female Byleth.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

i am pretty sure if Sanaki was a bit older, this would've been a popular ship lol.

Yeah, I can see that. XD


Speaking of Three Houses, I find it very interesting how many Byleth ships barely get talked about, especially in comparison to Corrin or Robin around the time Fates and Awakening released respectively. There is a slight bias for Byleth x Lysithea, perhaps (understandably, since that S-support and ending is so good), but I haven't seen much discussion for the others, like Byleth x Annette (best S-support alongside Lysithea's, their Crimson Flower ending is adorable; I wish it was their ending on all routes, but alas) and Byleth x Flayn (also a very cute ending on the routes on which this is possible, also an equal parts funny and heartwarming S-support).
Also the ships with female Byleth that I have yet to do, though I did see some discussion for Byleth x Dimitri.

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