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What is your Basic Bitch Fire Emblem Opinion?

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Seems to me like every third thread is asking what you disagree with other people about (popular example). Now, I have my contrarian tendencies, but once contrarianism becomes popular, it's just not cool anymore.

So, what is the most box-standard, unanimously agreed upon, basic bitch opinion about Fire Emblem you have?

Stuff like:

  • The GBA sprites look good
  • Haar is good
  • Wendy is bad
  • Thieves don't make great front-line units
  • There are too many Fire Emblem characters in Smash Brothers
  • Sword lords are a bit overdone
  • I haven't played every single Fire Emblem game but don't feel the need to either
  • It's fun to see an unassuming unit turn into a killing machine
  • Some Fire Emblem games are better than others

See, this is a fun challenge because very few things are agreeable to the majority of the diverse and contrarian body which is the Fire Emblem fandom.

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Sure, I'll give you three more to that list.

  • The animations in the Tellius games are way too slow.
  • The music of the series is generally very well done.
  • Echoes style remakes are cool and I want more of them
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  • I’d like a Lord who’s an actual adult after so many games of all the same teenage pretty boys.
  • There should be army-specific music for enemy/ally/neutral phases again.
  • Yellow units are a neat way to have a third army without the risk of bloating the enemy side.
  • Celica’s maps suck. Magic-related units should be granted the same Mov. reduction immunity as the fliers, and units with white magic should be immune to damaging terrain.
  • Fog of war maps also suck. Using a torch should-at least-not only light the way, but also let the player see the silhouettes of every enemy unit so the player can be better prepared.
  • Character-specific animations were GREAT in the 3DS games! I know IS didn’t have much a budget with TH, but why do only Byleth and the House Leaders get unique animations?
  • Alternate endings could work kind of like Mystery of the Emblem, where if you don’t have enough spheres for the plot to progress, the game ends after defeating Hardin.
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I really liked fe13 and it's my most played game in the series still out of sheer enjoyment


edit: good thread, op

Edited by Specta
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33 minutes ago, Specta said:

I really liked fe13 and it's my most played game in the series still out of sheer enjoyment

i came here to say this you bitch

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  • Sigurd is the best unit in the series
  • There are too many dragons for final bosses (I've considered making up arguments for how every final boss is a dragon, but it's kinda tough for characters like Veld)
  • There are too many sword infantry units in Heroes, and the new ones that get added end up outclassing old ones due to powercreep
  • It was very refreshing to have a Bow Lord for once with Claude (I've personally always wanted a Bow Lord. No, gaining bow use upon promotion doesn't count ALM)
  • There is no "best game" in the series
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  • Lyn is fantastic, for sure one of the best characters in the series if not the best.
  • The GBA sprite battle animations are so dang good.
  • The music throughout the series is good.
  • Oswin is OsWIN for a very good reason.
  • Kris sucks.
  • The Tellius lore is generally built and told well.
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So an alternate thread title for this would be "Stupidly obvious opinion statements on the Fire Emblem series".  Because I'm gonna enjoy making stupidly obvious remarks on par with Captain Hindsight.

  • Horse Emblem is boring
  • Fates: Revelation ruins the story of FE: Fates in a big way
  • Mozu's good if you spend 90 turns ensuring she saps as much EXP out of her own paralogue as humanly possible
  • Oboro is one of the best characters in Fire Emblem: Fates
  • Genealogy of the Holy War is so easy that even a toddler could beat it
  • Blazing Sword is one of the best balanced FE games
  • The tutoring part of Three Houses gets a little bit tedious after the first playthrough
  • Robin is the best avatar that appears as an actual playable unit in-game
  • More Fire Emblem games need to implement a dismount mechanic
  • The 3D models look best in Three Houses - they don't look like chunky, blocky figures with painted-on faces and stilted animations
  • Despite what I just said, the animations of Echoes are still the best 3D animations - they're dynamic and actually make it feel like a battle is happening instead of a round of "I punch you, you punch me"
  • On that note, nothing beats this fight scene:



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15 minutes ago, Integrity said:

i think you completely failed to understand this thread, dog

I don't even think I understand this thread because people have already posted stuff I disagree with. Not that I will directly disagree with them, as such would violate the purpose of this thread.

20 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

On that note, nothing beats this fight scene:

Oh wow, I did not know that the animations in Echoes worked like that. Absolutely brilliant, A+.


Unit who join with A staves are typically pretty good.

Warp is good.

Ballisticians are fun and good and should return and we should get three of them.

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43 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I don't even think I understand this thread because people have already posted stuff I disagree with. Not that I will directly disagree with them, as such would violate the purpose of this thread.

there's been a few i've disagreed with, like the dude who said that sigurd is the best unit in the series, that i felt like didn't fit the ideal of the thread, but nobody's entire fucking post has missed the mark quite like the guy i was responding to. most people, including you, posted a series of things that were Largely Relatable; op just posted a series of things they thought

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The overall OST for Fire Emblem is amazing

Robin is cool

Both the older games and newer games have good elements

FE13 is good and a nice starting point

And I guess this is less with the spirit of the thread and more just me being basic but:

Any character can be viewed as good under the right lens/by someone out there.

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50 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I thought the idea was to give your opinions that are also almost universally agreed upon by the majority of the fanbase.

It's not like it's in the very first post.  😛

Anyway, another basic opinion?  Seth is one of the best starting pre-promotes in the series.

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  • Fire Emblem combat animations are well suited to 2D
  • There are too many boat maps in the beginning of Celica's route
  • FE1 and FE2 are clunky and hard to play, if not downright unpleasant
  • I wish Fire Emblem was a little less basic in the writing department (but they've tried recently)
  • I don't touch Jagens unless I absolutely have to
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I'm seriously considering handing out minor warns to people who completely miss the point of the topic.  A PM explaining how/why their opinion(s) fit into the framework of the first post would be enough to revoke, assuming it was a convincing argument. . .

. . .but that's probably mod abuse.

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