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If there were actual support conversations in heroes, who would you want to support who?

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Sorry for the long title : P 

But like the title said, which characters should have supports if they were in the game? ACTUAL supports, with conversations. 

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So...many... There's a thread on where where people write up supports between characters in Heroes, too.

Ones I think would be interesting, off the top of my head: Nils/Ewan (lil bros who want to protect their dancer big sisters),  Duma/Thorr (gods of war) (if she was playable), Cynthia/Ophelia (heroic heroes), Gaius/Mercedes (baking buddies), Soren/Lute (smart and stoic), Sigurd/Julius (acceptance?), Griel/Zelgius (potential expressions of regret), Cherche/Lute (thinks zombies are cute; would talk about the risen and the Magvel revenants)

Edit: Oh man how could I forget Lon'qu/Florina?!

Edited by Mercakete
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Frederick and Silas! Silas wants to be the best knight he can be, and Frederick's the perfect mentor for him. Even better if Silas can actually take Freddy's brutal teaching/training methods well and enjoy them! lol

Also, Ike and Ephraim would be interesting. Ike would be surprised that a prince is so much more into battling than politics and find that Eph is a lot different from the nobles and royals he's more used to and as a result, be friends with him. They'd spar constantly despite Eph's weapon advantage. lol

Something nice could stem from that little bit we got between Ike and Gerik in a Forging Bonds too. Fellow mercenary leaders!

I'd also be interested to see Greil's opinion of his son's RD self.

Edited by Anacybele
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I could probably come up with a lot of ones I'd be interested in, but I'll just list a couple I thought of off-hand:

Catria and Cordelia
Altena and Dimtri
Ashnard and Walhart
Yune and Sothis
Tharja and Rhajat, because someone had to
Iago and Hubert
Forrest and Hilda

12 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Grima and Zephiel. It would be true love.

Or if you want to go to the opposite end, then Zephiel and Edelgard.

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Lyn and Ike
Lyn and Claude
Marth and Roy
Marth and Caineghis
Alm and Seliph
Alm and Dimitri
Sigurd and Chrom
Catria and Cordelia
Est and Florina
Thea and Fiora
Soren and Hubert
Maria and Lissa
Delthea and Klein
Clarine and Maribelle
Priscilla and Elincia
Abel and Stahl
Cain and Sully
Hector and Eirika
Eliwood and Ephraim
Minerva and Heath
Lewyn and Joshua
Lute and Lysithea
Finn and Frederick
Nils and Ewan
Serra and L'Arachel
Micaiah and Edelgard
Celica and Julia
Lilina and Mist
Rebecca and Norne
Bartre and Arthur

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Or if you want to go to the opposite end, then Zephiel and Edelgard.

I don't really see how that's the opposite end. They both get tortured and decide and logical response would be to conquer the world, but a pretty big difference is that Zephiel is a misanthrope while Edelgard isn't. The wouldn't particularly hate or love each other. Though they might have some fun discussing the merits of hereditary rule. If you want to pair Edelgard with someone though, Ashnard would be the perfect fit. As he's essentially just a male version of her with some extra puppy kicking sentiments.

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39 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I don't really see how that's the opposite end. They both get tortured and decide and logical response would be to conquer the world, but a pretty big difference is that Zephiel is a misanthrope while Edelgard isn't.

It was meant to be a joke in that one of them wants to hand the rule of their continent over to dragons while the other seeks to end the rule / influence that dragons have over their continent.

In other words, I'm personally not so sure that Zephiel and Edelgard would get along well hence me jokingly suggesting them as a support pair.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

If you want to pair Edelgard with someone though, Ashnard would be the perfect fit. As he's essentially just a male version of her with some extra puppy kicking sentiments.

I'd say Arvis is more like Edelgard's male versions since those two are mainly concerned with governing well. In Edelgard's world she'd like to see power go to those best suited to use it in general. In Ashnard's ideal world its all about how hard you can hit other people with big pointy sticks. I'd suspect Edelgard would find that barbaric. 

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

It was meant to be a joke in that one of them wants to hand the rule of their continent over to dragons while the other seeks to end the rule / influence that dragons have over their continent.

In other words, I'm personally not so sure that Zephiel and Edelgard would get along well hence me jokingly suggesting them as a support pair.

*That comment*------------------------>

                              *My head*

1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I'd say Arvis is more like Edelgard's male versions since those two are mainly concerned with governing well. In Edelgard's world she'd like to see power go to those best suited to use it in general. In Ashnard's ideal world its all about how hard you can hit other people with big pointy sticks. I'd suspect Edelgard would find that barbaric. 

Edelgard derives her same narrative beats from Alvis, but her actual world view comes more from Ashnard. Alvis never expresses any issue with the current system of rule, he just thought he could do a better job of actually ruling than anyone else.

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I haven't actually played Radiant Dawn, but to my understanding, Edelgard isn't that different from a way less evil and more mentally stable Ashnard. They have a similar philosophical core. But one obviously is better than another. Ashnard is essentially what Dimitri accuses Edelgard of being, someone who wants to create a world where the strong rules of the weak. The truth of the matter is that Edelgard wants those who are qualified to rule to have positions of power, regardless of their bloodline. 

I would also love to see a support between her and Arvis. Why? I don't think there is a coincidence that both of them have the title of Flame Emperor (or I guess Emperor of Flame in the case of Arvis)

I will also love to see a support between Edelgard and Dimitri because irony. I usually pair them up in the game because I actually like seeing them get along.

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Henry x Azama, because i dont know what those 2 would say to each other lol

Alfonse x Brave Veronica

Lonqu x Loki

Sonya x Brunnya

Odin/Owain x Arthur

Raven x Takumi, those 2 would prolly be at each others throat

Karel x Subaki

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56 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

I haven't actually played Radiant Dawn, but to my understanding, Edelgard isn't that different from a way less evil and more mentally stable Ashnard. They have a similar philosophical core. But one obviously is better than another. Ashnard is essentially what Dimitri accuses Edelgard of being, someone who wants to create a world where the strong rules of the weak. The truth of the matter is that Edelgard wants those who are qualified to rule to have positions of power, regardless of their bloodline. 

What you're even doing comparing him to Edelgard in a support thread when you haven't played his game is beyond me, but I should at least mention that Ashnard isn't in Radiant Dawn.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

What you're even doing comparing him to Edelgard in a support thread when you haven't played his game is beyond me, but I should at least mention that Ashnard isn't in Radiant Dawn.

I guess it is Path of Radiance then, I always get those games mixed up. Honestly, I am just going by reputation. Ashnard to my understanding also wanted to remove the nobility system to create a society where anyone could rise to any rank. But maybe it makes more sense comparing the two in theory than in practice. I am assuming this is the same game with Micaiah and the Blood Pact? I have seen some scenes from it

I do play heroes, however, so I have gained some familiarity with some characters that way.

I also wonder what will happen if Naga had a conversation with Sothis. From what I can tell that they do seem to have a lot in common.

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I posed a topic similar to this a while back so some of these options would be a repost. 

Arvis and Edelgard: For obvious reason. I think that as far as political philosophy and ruthlessness go that they would respect each other quite a bit. However I do think Edelgard would find her fellow emperor to be naive. She resolved to slaughter the insane mole people that would have turned on her in a heartbeat while Arvis seemed to believe he could have helped his insane cultist and that they would be grateful for that. 

Annette and Ross: They are both tiny axe users. Annette might really appreciate the kid's go getter attitude and give him some pointers on how to use an axe aside from blindly rushing in. Ross in turn might find Annette to be really cute and in need of his protection

Takumi x Lugh/Chad: Its a bit of a hidden trait but Takumi is actually very good with kids. Heroes even incorporated that into Summer Takumi by having him babysitting Tiki who clearly thinks fondly of her ''Tak-Tak'''. If paired with Lugh then Takumi could be a warm and friendly big brother figure to the ever innocent Lugh. If paired with Chad it could be about their similarities as they are both big brothers with feelings of insecurity and a prickly attitude. 

Forrest and Oliver: I think Oliver might be strangely supportive of Forrest. They are both champions of beauty after all. The nicer RD Oliver could assure Forrest that he's wonderful no matter what the world thinks of his ways. The meaner POR version might also say that but conspire to ''invite'' Forrest to his mansion and never allow him to leave. 

Hector and Siegbert/Eliwood and Shiro After the storyline Siegbert and Shiro would pretty much have been the Fateslandian counterparts of Eliwood and Hector. As such Siegbert might recognize his friend in the boisterous Hector, and Shiro might see his pall in the more gentle Eliwood. 

Alm x Marth/Caeda x Celica: The lordly couples are technically each others neighbors and thus have a lot to talk about for when they return home. 

Elise and Forrest: Because they really, really, really should have had a support in Fates. Forrest introduction established very quickly that Elise adored him and yet that never went anywhere. 

Veronica and Siegbert: Veronica either sees Xander as her big brother or perhaps even her dad. This would make Siegbert part of the family too. It would be funny to see Veronica try and fail to take up the part of doting big sister. 

Arthur x the Black Knight: Because the Black knight is masked, caped and covered in black armor Arthur recognizes him as a real super villain and challenges him to battle. In the first supports Arthur gets either trashed or has to flee due to his bad luck but in their final support Arthur accidentally weaponizes his bad luck to wound the Black Knight. Impressed the Black Knight deems Arthur a true warrior and spares him. 

Arvis x Lyon: At first Arvis recognizes Lyon as just another Julius and acts very hostile. When seeing the real Lyon is still in there he softens up greatly and takes the prince under his wing. It would be a good way to show Arvis better traits. 

Raigh x Lucius: We've never seen Lucius with his orphans. It would be funny if the though grumpy tsundere was actually a total daddy's boy when near Lucius. 

Zephiel x Grima: Grima randomly walks up to Zephiel to tell him how humans are just the worst. Zephiel fully agrees and starts his own tirade against Grima about why humans suck. And thus a beautiful friendship is born. 

Male Morgan x Female Morgan: I have the feeling the two would be fascinated by each other. One drama CD portrays them as the best of palls which would be a very likely outcome of their meeting. 

Serra x Boey: Boey and Mae seem a little bit like Erk and Serra so Serra decides to adopt Boey as ''Erk 2'' and returns to her slave driving ways. 

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Selena and Cordelia: it would be a very awakward reunion to be sure. Severa trying to hide her identity but being horrible at it(as she always is) allowing Cordelia to see right through her. It would honestly be adorable and sweet

Masked Marth with any of the awakening trio for similar reasons. It would just be hilariously awkward.

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