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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah, ok. That makes sense then.

Notably, the map animations aren't very quick. Much faster than PoR, (Most of the time...) but still rather lengthy. Vanguard and Dragon map anims are particularly slow. I will say that it didn't bother me until part 3, which is when the game becomes an enemy phase slog, though.

And I love most of RD regardless, unlike PoR, so the animations don't ruin the game for me.

Plus, the actual main animations actually look good unlike in PoR, so having them on for a while is worth considering.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Any plans to pick one up?

Well, they're rated M, (Although from what I can tell, that's more for the risque optional side content than violence, but there is definitely violence as well. That said, I honestly feel like the violence part is about equal to or less than TH's, for what it is worth) and are Xbox/PS exclusives. So...Nope. But I have really enjoyed watching a playthrough of 0 and 7. The stories are really interesting and I love the way that it doesn't always take itself too seriously-Lots of lighthearted side stories and stuff.

But they are free with gamepass!

And then there's the karaoke.

10/10 games just for that.

(My personal favorites are Judgement and 24 hour Cinderella from Yakuza 0, in case you wanna listen to them.)

To put the series in a nutshell, it's about the Japanese mafia(s) and the conflicts surrounding it. The series has a massive emphasis on story, worldbuilding and cutscenes, with tons of minigames and side content, (A mini Mariokart, Mahjong, Karaoke, slot car racing and more) and often goofy substories.

In terms of gameplay, Like A Dragon aside, it's a beat 'em up in a semi-open world. It's often set in the fictional city of Kamurocho, but multiple other cities are present. You explore them and find new things to do there. It's really neat. Like a Dragon has turn-based combat, but it looks really neat as far as turn based combat goes, at least to me.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Wait, the warp range is infinite?

Yep! With the exception of FE4, (in which the warp staff is weird) warp is infinite from FEs 1-5. That is something I'd like to see come back, not gonna lie.

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11 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yep! With the exception of FE4, (in which the warp staff is weird) warp is infinite from FEs 1-5. That is something I'd like to see come back, not gonna lie.

Technically, the FE4 staff is infinite range! It just only sends you to castles. :v

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When you think about it, the range is even magnified. Can you even prove the Warp Staffs in other games can send you from one corner of a country to another?

Well, maybe in the cutscenes...

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16 minutes ago, Benice said:

Notably, the map animations aren't very quick. Much faster than PoR, (Most of the time...) but still rather lengthy.

Map animations in PoR didn't seem that slow to me tbh.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Free with what?

A subscription service for xbox and I think some other platforms? It nets you a whole ton of games for free.

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Got to another boss in Sakuna. I really, really tried my mediocre best at action games to defeat it at level 8. I got its HP really low on one try, but, I couldn't move fast enough to dodge all its jumps in time, and using the Divine Raiment on the boss's underside as it came crashing down didn't always work out because it could immediately follow the landing with tongue swipe that could hit me after I finished slingshotting above it. I spent like six attempts try to kill it, to no luck.☹️

Then, I opted to ignore the boss for now and did some grinding for a few days, waiting until my third year's rice harvest came in. I hulled it 100% again and got to level 11 from it. That was the recommended level for the boss I couldn't beat. When I was ready to fight it again, it turned out to be easy, my damage intake was less and my damage output was significantly greater. This confirms a single rice harvest can make all the difference in this game. I feel a little sad about how imbalanced that could feel though. I'm playing on Default difficulty and the only other one is Easy, no Hard that I see for someone who wants to have fun growing rice and a challenge too.

The game gave me a set of scrolls explaining how to maximize Yield (HP gains) from my rice crop, going season by season as to what to do during each phase of the cultivation process. This I would think means I'll get other scrolls later as maximizing the increases of other stats. I like the concept here of having superficial stats for plants that have some form of real impact on the gameplay.


4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Why do people spend time praising this...

From what I've heard secondhand about Medieval European warfare "strategy" and "tactics" didn't exist. If a general attempted to envelop an enemy regiment once in a while, they had a big brain. FE does use Medieval Europe as the basis, or to put it rather bluntly as a veneer, for its games.

Of course, 3H is more late-classical China so it goes, where the arts of directing warfare were much stronger. And I'd assume Classical Europe- aka Greece & Rome- was more intelligent in its bellicosity than the Germanic and Slav nations that followed further north centuries later.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

the historical Zhuge Liang actually pretty much sucked at battle tactics, yet pop culture portrays him as this unmatched genius

Zhuge Liang didn't die after the Wuzhang Plains, he "fell asleep", and didn't wake again for over a thousand years.

He then, having not aged a day since he slept, took a new name and plagiarized that glorious historical record he knew his fellow Han Chinese would one day write. Surely, he would've known that no kingdom lasts forever. Whether his slumber was to blame for Shu's downfall was of no consequence to him, because in the passing of over one thousand years he knew it would've collapsed regardless.

To grant Shu, his liege Liu Bei, and himself a form of immortality that would succeed where mercury and a jade burial suit would fail, he would write a romanticized account of Shu whilst hiding his true identity. Who, would know of Shu, were it not for the Romance? And who, does not know that his tale is in a tier second only to the likes of the ancient Analects in the traditional Chinese literary canon? Zhuge, truly this time, died having finished his masterpiece convinced he had at last triumphed over Sima Ye and Wei. 

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1 hour ago, Robert Stewart said:

I didn't see, was what you said good or bad :v

I said it didn’t leave me wanting to come back, after just the first chapter. And frankly, it didn’t, I don’t really like that chapter. BUT other than that, the map design has been surprisingly decent and the gameplay fun, so yeah. I can’t say it’s my favorite fire emblem but it’s far from my least favorite, it’s like what SoV felt like it was trying to do but a million times better. Can you guess what my least favorite one is?

25 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

And the adventures of Kagafish are complete!

Good job! Lunatic conquest twice.

39 minutes ago, Benice said:

What the heck? Claude just dealt 19 damage on a crit as an adjutant.

...This mechanic is so confusing...


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I have finished Path of Radiance. I'll give my full thoughts later but for now, I present to you, my top five MVPs during my run







And because I just finished a game, I present to you know my updated and objectively correct Fire Emblem tier-list



1 hour ago, Benice said:

What the heck? Claude just dealt 19 damage on a crit as an adjutant.

...This mechanic is so confusing...

Adjutant is one of those mechanics I don't think I ever understood. Same with Gambit Boost.

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