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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Today, in Fiya Emburem Feights: Bugquest...

Help Serenes refuses to let me post images for some reason.

Hinoka dyed her hair and is also a hentain protagonist Berwick Saga generic.

This girl is possessed by a demon!

K̴̨̺̼͖̰͈̞͉̙͈̈́̉̃̏͌̌̀͜͝a̸̟̜̬͔̭̘̮͚̤̩̒̈́̍̑̉̆́͊̊́̇͘͜b̵̮͉͉̈́̑͌̊̀̈́̎̈́͗̃̔͘ͅb̸͈̯̟͚̖̦̗͐̏̃̔̊̃̓̈̾̎ã̷̧̟̙̼̩͑̓̔͛͊̿̓̄͠͝ģ̵̥̰̞̹͉̪͍̩̖̥͖̥͂ȩ̷̗̳̮̱̣̪͈̗̑̾͒̾̃̉̆͌̈́̃̈́̿͊͘ doesn't understand why people are scared of her. In my opinion, it's probably because she's covered in blood and guts. Never a good look to make friends.


Stay tuned for more idiotic reactions, soon.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And that reminds me. Modern Spanish, regardless of which side of the Atlantic, also has Arabic influence, thanks to the centuries-long occupation of Hispania/Iberia.

Of course, good old Al-Andalus. The Muslim kingdom that made Medieval Iberia relatively tolerant by the standards of the pre-modern world. Of course, it backfired in a way, because having a heretical neighbor whom you're fighting to kick back into Africa led to a real sharpening of Spanish-Christian identity. And that was not only bad for Spanish views towards Arabs and Muslims, but also Jews. Spain, the country where the national meat is proudly anti-Semitic. Well, was for a long time, don't mean to condemn modern Spaniards.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What RN does Fates use, again?

Just asking because it appears my units are incapable of landing non-100 blows in this map.

It's complicated. Below 50, it uses 1 RN, above 50, it uses 2 RNs, but not in the same way as FEs 6-13, it is less slanted towards hitting than that old 2 RN system.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's complicated. Below 50, it uses 1 RN, above 50, it uses 2 RNs, but not in the same way as FEs 6-13, it is less slanted towards hitting than that old 2 RN system.

Right... That makes sense, I think. Maybe?


Oh, what a load of bullshit... A random faceless reached Sakura, and because Hinoka has no movement, she just let her sister die one turn before Ryoma could make it to them.

You know what? Fuck it, I'm not resetting again. Little girl can rot for all I care.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course, good old Al-Andalus. The Muslim kingdom that made Medieval Iberia relatively tolerant by the standards of the pre-modern world. Of course, it backfired in a way, because having a heretical neighbor whom you're fighting to kick back into Africa led to a real sharpening of Spanish-Christian identity. And that was not only bad for Spanish views towards Arabs and Muslims, but also the Jews. Spain, the country where the national meat is proudly anti-Semitic. Well, was for a long time, don't mean to condemn modern Spaniards.

I think the term would be heathen. Heretic is more like Cathars, Lollards, etc.

Still, they were there driven by Jihad in the first place. After they blitzkrieg their way across North Africa (in contrast to their centuries-later eastward expansion, where it was Muslim merchants who brought Islam to Java and Indochina and stuff). So of course if you push with force, expect to be pushed back all the same.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's complicated. Below 50, it uses 1 RN, above 50, it uses 2 RNs, but not in the same way as FEs 6-13, it is less slanted towards hitting than that old 2 RN system.

This is like, literally then worst RN system. Make it a little more simple, please! Not to mention not biased against the player.

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And now Rinkah has died too. This time because I'm an idiot and thought she would live when she very much couldn't. You know what? Fine, too. As long as Ninja Luigi and Kabbãge are alive, nothing else matters.

Also, Ryoma is sitting next to Hinoka and they're both doing absolutely nothing. Thanks a lot, you two. I am truly going to feel bad when I shank you both.

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A bit of an odd request...But I have a school assignment where we're supposed to get many people to fill out this survey thing about our personalities. However, I have a social circle of about five people, and two of them are my cats and the other ones are my direct family. If you guys are okay with it, could you fill out this  survey-thing? (The website does look a little sus, but according to my teacher, it's just old.)


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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I do have a wad of eShop funds sitting unspent now, but indie titles... I don't know. Shovel Knight was great fun, but Wargroove... for some reason, it just didn't sate the Advance Wars craving I bought it for and hoped it could resolve, although it wasn't bad. The old charming old magic AW still has over me wasn't there.

If you're looking to spend your eShop funds on something, I'd say go for CrossCode as it's only $20. Maybe use some gold coins if you don't want to spend too much. Although the PC version is probably the most ideal version. It's spritebased so it could probably run fine on most PCs and according to a friend, mouse+keyboard is not only viable, it's the best way to play (even if you lose diagonal/360 movement).

At any rate, it's a very accessible game. 

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And now Rinkah has died too. This time because I'm an idiot and thought she would live when she very much couldn't. You know what? Fine, too. As long as Ninja Luigi and Kabbãge are alive, nothing else matters.

Also, Ryoma is sitting next to Hinoka and they're both doing absolutely nothing. Thanks a lot, you two. I am truly going to feel bad when I shank you both.

Nobody actually dies until after the route split, IIRC. Even on classic.

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

A bit of an odd request...But I have a school assignment where we're supposed to get many people to fill out this survey thing about our personalities. However, I have a social circle of about five people, and two of them are my cats and the other ones are my direct family. If you guys are okay with it, could you fill out this  survey-thing? (The website does look a little sus, but according to my teacher, it's just old.)


I don't mind. Would you prefer I enter it anonymously or with the name I use here?

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Nobody actually dies until after the route split, IIRC. Even on classic.

So I've been told. Kaze's retreat quote is just him being edgy or something.


Okay, so map beaten. I spent like 8 turns chipping down the boss's health with Kabbãge because Ryoma didn't feel like helping, but we made it through. And now we're discussing how Gray Volcens is gray and evil. Can we go back to Nohr already? I miss those evil morons already. These guys are too reasonable, they're no fun.

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think the term would be heathen. Heretic is more like Cathars, Lollards, etc.

Still, they were there driven by Jihad in the first place. After they blitzkrieg their way across North Africa (in contrast to their centuries-later eastward expansion, where it was Muslim merchants who brought Islam to Java and Indochina and stuff). So of course if you push with force, expect to be pushed back all the same.

Whoops, you're right. I picked the wrong h-word there.😅

And it is true that the Muslims didn't come in peace. For whatever tolerance and channeling of science and philosophy into the European backwater the Arab-Berber forces brought, it started with the sword. And whatever beautiful Christian architecture from the same period that may exist in northern Spain, you probably won't be able to find it in the south, because the Muslims didn't allow it. Likewise, the scrolls of Antiquity's wisdom that the Arabs obtained that the Abbasids later passed onto Europe, may have come from Byzantine conquests and the thus the scrolls would've reached Europe eventually anyhow.

I learned better than to gild an age or civilization too much, particularly when it deployed the use of force to grow and become prosperous in the first place. But if a civilization conquered and likely continued to fight for more, yet in the meanwhile created something of a flourishing economy and culture. Adding a non-insignificant quantity to humanity's basket of wisdom and manifold richness, rather than simply destroying and taxing everything into the ground. I think I can offer them a calculated measure of praise. 

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I've met Azula now. You can tell it's her because "azul" in spanish means blue, and she's very blue. Fates writers are geniuses, like that. Not that you could tell if you were me, though, because her outfit was covered in glitchy red spots. What's with this emulator and smearing red on everyone's outfits? I swear, it's always either blood red or a dirty black! Why not something nice, like... I don't know, pink? I'd rather have glitchy pink than everyone looking like mass murdering monsters!

Anyway, Azula has also decided to talk about how Gray Volcens is gray and evil. Everyone is talking about how that man is gray and evil. It's almost like I'll get a choice soon and the game wants me to pick Hoshido really badly. Well, they got another thing coming.

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Wow, that was so predictable. Hahahahah! Ever since she was introduced, I was wondering when exactly would something horrible happen to Mikoto. Credit where credit is due, at least Jeralt lasted a bit longer. Goodness, what a waste. And that was so preventable, too... Nobody lifted a finger as the extremely suspicious cloaked figure slowly raised its arm towards Kabbãge? C'mon.

Also, I'm probably supposed to find this really dramatic, but Kabbãge suffered three separate voice cracks in the middle of screaming "MOTHER!" Hilarious.

Also also, Takumi is a dick and an Innes rip-off. Can we go back to Gray Daddy already?

EDIT: Oh shit the assailant is of a Hoshidan class. I wonder if this'll have any relevance.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

don't mind. Would you prefer I enter it anonymously or with the name I use here?

Thanks! Either one works.

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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Today, in Fiya Emburem Feights: Bugquest...

Help Serenes refuses to let me post images for some reason.

Hinoka dyed her hair and is also a hentain protagonist Berwick Saga generic.

This girl is possessed by a demon!

K̴̨̺̼͖̰͈̞͉̙͈̈́̉̃̏͌̌̀͜͝a̸̟̜̬͔̭̘̮͚̤̩̒̈́̍̑̉̆́͊̊́̇͘͜b̵̮͉͉̈́̑͌̊̀̈́̎̈́͗̃̔͘ͅb̸͈̯̟͚̖̦̗͐̏̃̔̊̃̓̈̾̎ã̷̧̟̙̼̩͑̓̔͛͊̿̓̄͠͝ģ̵̥̰̞̹͉̪͍̩̖̥͖̥͂ȩ̷̗̳̮̱̣̪͈̗̑̾͒̾̃̉̆͌̈́̃̈́̿͊͘ doesn't understand why people are scared of her. In my opinion, it's probably because she's covered in blood and guts. Never a good look to make friends.


Stay tuned for more idiotic reactions, soon.

This is the most cursed run I have ever seen.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know what? Fuck it, I'm not resetting again. Little girl can rot for all I care.

You’ll still get her the next chapter I’m pretty sure:

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And now Rinkah has died too. This time because I'm an idiot and thought she would live when she very much couldn't. You know what? Fine, too. As long as Ninja Luigi and Kabbãge are alive, nothing else matters.

Eh, it’s okay. Kaze is the only one who you’ll really really want for the next chapter.

23 minutes ago, Benice said:

A bit of an odd request...But I have a school assignment where we're supposed to get many people to fill out this survey thing about our personalities. However, I have a social circle of about five people, and two of them are my cats and the other ones are my direct family. If you guys are okay with it, could you fill out this  survey-thing? (The website does look a little sus, but according to my teacher, it's just old.)


Done! I only know what you put out there though, so it might in accurate. I didn’t pick a single one of the ones you did!

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

because her outfit was covered in glitchy red spots. What's with this emulator and smearing red on everyone's outfits?

That actually sounds like something that happens to her in the plot...

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's almost like I'll get a choice soon and the game wants me to pick Hoshido really badly. Well, they got another thing coming.


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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oh shit the assailant is of a Hoshidan class. I wonder if this'll have any relevance.

Don’t overestimate the writing...

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I'm probably supposed to find this really dramatic, but Kabbãge suffered three separate voice cracks in the middle of screaming "MOTHER!" Hilarious.

But muh qUaLiTy writing!

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Thanks! Either one works.

Done. 300572689616076801.png?v=1

1 minute ago, Sooks said:


Oh gods no.

438269811869351956.png?v=1 for the fallen ones.

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