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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

You can do fun meme builds in Awakening so that's something at least.


Meme builds!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Marth: "So, what are you looking to accomplish in this new job"

Generic soldier: "Well, i'm looking to earn money to help my sick mother"

Marth: "Excellent, you'll be assigned to the kamikaze squad and we'll send your mother compensation pay".

2 days later

Marth: "Yes, Ma'am. Your son is still alive and well. Just charge that way, and you'll find him soon enough."

Points towards the enemy army.

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  • Codename Shrimp


  • Acacia Sgt


  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

How Ruben defined a good FE:

The ability to make and use fun meme builds

Well... It's one of the things. What can I say, I love a terrible unit to root for. There is no victory like the victory of a scrub.

So, who do you think will be like that for me in Awakening?

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

And before someone comes and says that his fav. is Berwick, my response will be:


Hahahahah... Okay, look, Berwick's different because everyone in Berwick Saga is good and unique, so it's like, they're all a meme build, so to speak. Only bad units are like, Derrick and Ruby, and Derrick is a meme master so he more than makes up for it.

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Welp, Great Britain is allied with the German Empire. The OP power of Victoria 2... and the British.

Truly no one can dare match their might... for now, perhaps...

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54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Chapter 9 in this H5 ironman begins just like the rest: With Malledus."

I mean, there's only three characters who appear in cutscenes regularly, so that's not so surprising.

They're just trying to help. Malledus, or "Mal-Deus", is a soul splinter of the Shadow Dragon. The trifling regrets of the Earth Dragon prince against his choice to attack humanity, which came about and took physical form after his defeat by Anri. Being created at the moment of Medeus's first demise, it was shorn of draconic power, and was born into a body matured and old, albeit aging very slowly. With itself slain, it found no purpose in its existence, and after traveling around for decades, chose to settle to a peaceful life in a village in Altea. Possessing the full knowledge of the Earth Dragon,  wisdom that alas went misused and unused once it turned evil, it was able to advise the humans who supported it and it lived among. His quiet intelligence led him to be requested by the court of Altea, which he humbly accepted in an informal role. When Medeus returned, he found purpose and sought to provide counsel to those who would attempt to slay him, which he found himself fortuitously in the position of doing. Malledus did not wish for anyone to know this, they needn't fear nor pity the old man.

When Marth vanquished Medeus for the second time, it was different from the first. Medeus was in a position of weakness upon his first resurrection, his life-force was not what it was in Anri's time, and this remained so when Marth ended him then. The result was Medeus was deader, still not entirely depleted of his vast reserves of life-force, but it had dropped below a certain point relevant to Malledus. As Malledus retained a spiritual connection to himself, he began to weaken, partly because Medeus craved to live again and was trying to dematerialize Malledus into pure life-force to resurrect himself a second time. It took months before the effects of this began, as Medeus did fall spiritually unconscious after the defeat in Dolhr Keep, yet by the time the War of the Heroes was to begin, Gharnef had begun stirring Medeus awake once more, sooner than he naturally would have. This is the source of Malledus's "illness" that keeps him from advising Marth through his second ordeal.

Malledus plummeted into deathly illness when Gharnef had brought back the Shadow Dragon, the pull on his being grew most intense. He survived it however, and regained a measure of vitality with Medeus's final defeat. It was enough to return to the capital and greet His Majesty Marth for a long ceremony in honor of the grand victory that had been won, which doubled as the prince's wedding to Caeda. Despite that, Malledus's physical body was worn by the stresses imposed on it by Medeus, and he lacked the means Gotoh would have to amend those internal wears. He remained unable to advise the Hero-King in a formal capacity, nor could he make the migration to Pales unless it the transport was most luxurious, which Marth was willing to pay for, but which Malledus rejected. So it was, in a manor along Altea's expansive coastlines, that he fell into his eternal slumber, his heart having no more to give. His creation had been incidental, who could've imagined it, and who could've cared? His short service in Altea's court, offering advice to commoners beforehand, guiding a prince against worse self afterwards, gave him meaning enough for his hundred-years of being.


40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I actually want them to keep the avatar lol. Xenoblade X is a game where the side content is the main content, which is contrasted with the numbered Xenoblade games where the main content is.....the main content.

This decentralization of a kind doesn't have to entirely exclude epic moments associated with a strong central narrative either. Chapter 8 is 🍿.

If they want to keep trying online components, better in a designated subseries than doing the funky Final Fantasy thing where XI and XIV shouldn't be numbered titles. 

Be it plot decentralization or online, delegating it to a specific subseries manages expectations and clarifies what every thing should be.


6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Welp, Great Britain is allied with the German Empire. The OP power of Victoria 2... and the British.

Doesn't sound like they'll be dropping Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in this universe. Best army, best navy, the continent and the empire, France and Russia must be quivering.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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It has come to my attention


that they turned Baragon into an adorable phone case.

For reference:


40 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Marth: Master tactician of not incurring recurring payments by forcing one-off payments as standard.

Marth has achieved super-mega-ultra capitalism: save money by not paying your employees and he can get away with it because he lobbied.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, who do you think will be like that for me in Awakening?

Well idk about you but i remember on my first run of Awakening, i turned Frederick into a Griffon Knight. Now, i've never been one to care about "OPTIMAL" in Fire Emblem but Griffon Knights genuinely suck. They are just worse Wyvern Lords with an added Beast weakness. I think they have less move too.

You can also reclass the shapeshifter units, so there's some fun stuff for you there.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This decentralization of a kind doesn't have to entirely exclude epic moments associated with a strong central narrative either. Chapter 8 is 🍿.

That is true and i know most of us would like a proper resolution to Xenoblade X's cliff-hanger.

But i think most of us are also fine with X's main story not being it's main focus.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Doesn't sound like they'll be dropping Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in this universe. Best army, best navy, the continent and the empire, France and Russia must be quivering.

Well, Germany, still as the NGF, trounced them both in succession... so yeah.

In general, Victoria 2 has Germany be quite OP, and in some mods, that doesn't change too much.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Marth has achieved super-mega-ultra capitalism: save money by not paying your employees and he can get away with it because he lobbied.

It's an easy way around worker's comp.

The sole payment is bereavement payment after all.

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Now that I have Socialists, the POPs are now quite minded in passing Social reforms. Even if they only hold around 8.8% of the Upper House, with how the set-up is, much less militancy is needed to pass Social reforms over Political ones. Not that I need to pass more of the latter. Got almost all of them done already by this point.

In spite of the POPs wishes, I'm focusing more on Education and Health Care. Anything that boosts Social Spending better left it for later, since those will become coffin drainers. I'm content with my almost 1K pounds daily gain. More so since I can now build Level 3 ports, which I need for Monitor ships.

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11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In general, Victoria 2 has Germany be quite OP, and in some mods, that doesn't change too much.

I'm not surprised by this. Germany, so it seems in the games with the trappings of history ("history simulator" is maybe too generous a term), is Bismarck-Prussia-Teutonics & 1930s-1940s, militant as all heck. Obviously, it has some historical truth to it, but it outright ignores the cultured side of Germany, and perhaps its scientific one as well.


5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It's an easy way around worker's comp.

The sole payment is bereavement payment after all.

Although, if life is that bad for soldiers and everyone knows it, unless peaceful life is somehow worse, he will have to raise recruitment bounties. -Assuming Marth doesn't force conscription on people. I did remember reading that later in the 30 Years' War, they had to give out bigger payments for volunteers joining up, because everyone was well aware that war was hell after it had been raging for years and decades.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Silence, save for the sound of flowing water* 😨

We are of one mind on this. If/when X2 gets announced, I'm changing my avi to an Orphean. I need re-so-lu-tion!


I'm not sure if it is the avatar that is to blame for the story issue. Opting to shift away from an emphasis on a main story to emphasizing the world via sidequests is the culprit of that. Takahashi said working with HD graphics for the first time is what caused them to do that, didn't want to try to tell an epic story at the same time they figuring out how to model everything while updating Monolith's technical expertise so, a lesson for 3H?.


Compared to many an avatar (or chatty non-avatar person who feels like a lives-in-their-basement-gamer's wish-fulfillment) Cross was mostly well done. Barring one moment in Chapter 11, their effective disappearance from the plot after Chapter 5 was excellent. 

Cross, so it was said in a Japanese interview, was added and the Lone Hero ejected into Mira's mesosphere, because of the decision midway into the game's development to an online component. The online aspect, as irrelevant as it was for me and probably you and Armagon and yet others, was important enough to be a reason for the game's title.:

"Right, we also named the title overseas Xenoblade Chronicles X, and the X symbolized alien life of the unknown, and exploring an unknown planet. In the Japanese version, we refer to the X as "cross," as in a place that can serve as a crossroad where people can come across one another unexpectedly. The game has an online aspect, so there will be a lot of player interactions, as if they're meeting each other at an intersection or a crossroads. A lot of intelligent life from other planets will also appear, and interacting with them can be a lot of fun as well. For example, they won't come to your town unless you find a way to come across and interact with them."


I never actually knew this before. I'm delighted to see that, what could easily be brushed aside and ignored as nothing special -all the Xeno species coming to NLA- was considered important enough to be integrated into the game's title. 


I wouldn't call it perfect.

I know Monolith dumped the "healer" role because players found it boring (and I think most do), but they could afford to add a few more healing arts. If not for me or you, at least for the beginners. 

Skell combat needs to become more sophisticated as well, it's simplistic as is, foot combat ends up being more fun -once you learn how (some actually-existing tutorials would be a massive first impressions improvement too!).

And with ground combat, Overdrive requires two adjustments.

  • The first is explaining it to the player and making it more readily understandable how to get the most out of it. On my first XCX run, I used it once or twice, and thought it a waste of 3000 TP, because it did nothing for me. Unlike a Chain Attack, wherein the benefits and usage are explained and recognizable as soon as you unlock them, Overdrive requires effort to make good. If you don't figure how to raise the counter and extend the time effectively, Overdrive fizzles.
  • The second modification is on the other end of Overdrive- the Infinite-Nonstop-Flyin'-To-Where-The-Earth-Was-And-Coming-Back-Before-Miran-Noon Overdrive. That Overdrive can be easily sustained indefinitely barring death once you know its inner workings and set up your gear, arts, and skills appropriately even right after it's been unlocked, is a blow against it. You don't require Overdrive, but if you can and know how, why not? 
    • You could raise the counterpoint "Well, why shouldn't I be discouraged from always using Overdrive? Are you saying XC1/2 should provide disincentive (other than revives) from Chain Attacks?". To which I respond, well, Chain Attacks can be awesome and powerful, but barring the Topple-Lock of XC1, can match the brokenness of unending Overdrive?
    • Overdrive should be great, but, it should be forced to end. 

The online could use more exclusive special enemies other than the Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero to make it more fun. It could extend the game's lifespan too, multiplayer games are the biggest ones around nowadays.

Less grind for ultimate augments and Skells and the ilk, half the crafting costs of all of it, now that'd be perfect.

Lastly, some balance tweaks amongst the weapons and arts, and skills. Dual Guns need to be less deadly so the Dual Swords can shine. Javelins need more hits, damage, or just about anything that'd help them.

Haha, XCX deserves more! It was a super fun game with lots of content that made me want to keep playing!

I guess it isnt completely the avatar, but I feel like in some tense/serious scenes, the avatar kinda kills the mood on an otherwise great setting. 

I guess when I said perfect, I didn't mean 100% perfect, mostly that the base was so fantastic, I wouldnt want them to stray from it. 

Wait, the healing skills weren't THAT bad... not with high potential at least. 

I dont mind if overdrive is godlike, as long as they dont design the fights around it. I wouldnt want to stop someone from enjoying it, after all! But yeah, they could stand to explain it a bit better, I agree. Also, please change the way you activate it, I always try to scroll so fast that I accidentally end up using it, which sucks when you first get it and it's kinda a waste.

Less grinding... also agree, as I spent way touch time into it and sometimes it took me a few hours to get all the materials from ONE enemy! 

Games balance is an issue, but that's something all games share so I wont count that against it as a huge flaw, but yeah they could adjust that a bit. Maybe add/edit some of the existing auras so offensive stance isnt well... y'know, busted.

Also, fix damage scaling on some arts, the ones that dont hardly do any damage need a boost!


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I actually want them to keep the avatar lol. Xenoblade X is a game where the side content is the main content, which is contrasted with the numbered Xenoblade games where the main content is.....the main content.

I meant from the main storyline, sorry for the confusion. But yeah, your right about that, for sure!

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, if life is that bad for soldiers and everyone knows it, unless peaceful life is somehow worse, he will have to raise recruitment bounties. -Assuming Marth doesn't force conscription on people. I did remember reading that later in the 30 Years' War, they had to give out bigger payments for volunteers joining up, because everyone was well aware that war was hell after it had been raging for years and decades.

Sure, that is definitely a point. I'm there assuming people aren't hearing much about their not receiving the money beforehand as part of this whole "Marth is getting an army massacred to minimise costs" idea.

I popped on Fates again, playing the Rev file and managing to prevent Mozu or Kaze dying when they got whisked to the top in Fuga's Miniature Ride thanks to my stupidity (particularly worrying when Rinkah got great levels), but I cleared it and got to that point and am not looking forward to it.

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46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... It's one of the things. What can I say, I love a terrible unit to root for. There is no victory like the victory of a scrub.

So, who do you think will be like that for me in Awakening?

Kellam. Nobody likes him, so you will. He starts as an armor knight and his trope is basically that he’s a joke character... which I think is similar to Derrick? Maybe?

Oh and Gregor. He adds absolutely nothing to the story and literally just randomly shows up plus he’s old. At least, older than everyone else, it’s kind of hard to tell.

...but they’re not really bad. Awakening is “””balanced””” in terms of your units and everyone has relatively good bases and growths. Some candidates for bad units:

Donnel is considered bad because he gets one rounded by everything when he joins, but the problem with that is he’s an Est type character so if you invest in him he will destroy the game.

Panne is awful in her base class (reclass her and she’s good though), even though it’s unique to her (and her kid) since she’s a taguel (it’s a class that transforms with a beast stone). However, she’s dressed in relief of the horn gear during battle and not battle gear so she will hit the bench for you immediately.

Brady is an unpromoted staff unit who will likely join you pretty late in the game, and you have to beat a paralogue for him (he’s a second gen unit though, I can tell you who you need to pair for him if you want). You can reclass him but that’s kind of a waste, although that doesn’t really make him bad so he doesn’t really count either.

Virion is the early game archer, and despite being a modern fe archer actually isn’t that good here. His bases are not good iirc and you have to get him to level ten to reclass him (that applies to everyone but it’s worst here I think), and his reclass options are supposedly bad. One of them is wyvern though, so I’m not quite sure why. But anyway, he has one of the most anime tropes in the game, however it factors into his recruitment (story wise, gameplay wise you get him for free) which is one of the worst in all of fe imo, but he is basically this game’s Roger (Archanea) so your hypothetical opinion on him is unclear.

Ricken is another unit to be considered bad. He has Virion’s (who is already considered to have bad bases and joins in chapter 1) speed 4 chapters later and is supposedly outclassed by the other mage you will have by now (but she deserves the bench for being unendingly boring)  and he’s a mage who gets to reclass to....... cavalier and archer. Woo... He is the I’m-totally-not-a-kid: male edition though, so yeah.

This one actually has a Jagen (Frederick), but I don’t know if he really falls off.

But none of these units are absolutely horrible, this is Awakening where everyone has 50% growths in everything it was a joke why is the Awakening fanbase at my door. Anyway yeah, I would pick for you Kellam and Gregor, but they don’t really qualify as Scrubs though Kellam can be made to stay an armor knight. And you have the worst (imo kind of) listed above.

Edited by Sooks
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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They're just trying to help. Malledus, or "Mal-Deus", is a soul splinter of the Shadow Dragon. The trifling regrets of the Earth Dragon prince against his choice to attack humanity, which came about and took physical form after his defeat by Anri. Being created at the moment of Medeus's first demise, it was shorn of draconic power, and was born into a body matured and old, albeit aging very slowly. With itself slain, it found no purpose in its existence, and after traveling around for decades, chose to settle to a peaceful life in a village in Altea. Possessing the full knowledge of the Earth Dragon,  wisdom that alas went misused and unused once it turned evil, it was able to advise the humans who supported it and it lived among. His quiet intelligence led him to be requested by the court of Altea, which he humbly accepted in an informal role. When Medeus returned, he found purpose and sought to provide counsel to those who would attempt to slay him, which he found himself fortuitously in the position of doing. Malledus did not wish for anyone to know this, they needn't fear nor pity the old man.

When Marth vanquished Medeus for the second time, it was different from the first. Medeus was in a position of weakness upon his first resurrection, his life-force was not what it was in Anri's time, and this remained so when Marth ended him then. The result was Medeus was deader, still not entirely depleted of his vast reserves of life-force, but it had dropped below a certain point relevant to Malledus. As Malledus retained a spiritual connection to himself, he began to weaken, partly because Medeus craved to live again and was trying to dematerialize Malledus into pure life-force to resurrect himself a second time. It took months before the effects of this began, as Medeus did fall spiritually unconscious after the defeat in Dolhr Keep, yet by the time the War of the Heroes was to begin, Gharnef had begun stirring Medeus awake once more, sooner than he naturally would have. This is the source of Malledus's "illness" that keeps him from advising Marth through his second ordeal.

Malledus plummeted into deathly illness when Gharnef had brought back the Shadow Dragon, the pull on his being grew most intense. He survived it however, and regained a measure of vitality with Medeus's final defeat. It was enough to return to the capital and greet His Majesty Marth for a long ceremony in honor of the grand victory that had been won, which doubled as the prince's wedding to Caeda. Despite that, Malledus's physical body was worn by the stresses imposed on it by Medeus, and he lacked the means Gotoh would have to amend those internal wears. He remained unable to advise the Hero-King in a formal capacity, nor could he make the migration to Pales unless it the transport was most luxurious, which Marth was willing to pay for, but which Malledus rejected. So it was, in a manor along Altea's expansive coastlines, that he fell into his eternal slumber, his heart having no more to give. His creation had been incidental, who could've imagined it, and who could've cared? His short service in Altea's court, offering advice to commoners beforehand, guiding a prince against worse self afterwards, gave him meaning enough for his hundred-years of being.

Okay, this is amazing and I wish it were canon.

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not surprised by this. Germany, so it seems in the games with the trappings of history ("history simulator" is maybe too generous a term), is Bismarck-Prussia-Teutonics & 1930s-1940s, militant as all heck. Obviously, it has some historical truth to it, but it outright ignores the cultured side of Germany, and perhaps its scientific one as well.

I suppose. And the time period Victoria 2 covers (1836-1936) was the time where for most of it, Prussia/Germany was quite formidable.

Well, Victoria 2 itself is barebones in general, but mods at least make an effort in adding stuff, whether historical or allowing some ahistorical stuff. So that second part does get covered too, at least in mods.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

However, she’s dressed in relief of the horn gear during battle and not battle gear so she will hit the bench for you immediately.

Well if Panne is kept as a Taguel, you'll see more of her beast form than human form so not sure outfit really applies here.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This one actually has a Jagen (Frederick), but I don’t know if he really falls off.

Frederick is pretty good all around. I just made him worse by turning him into a Griffon.

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Just now, Sooks said:

his trope is basically that he’s a joke character... which I think is similar to Derrick? Maybe?

Well, not really. Derrick's joke is that he comes out of nowhere and has no character, with like four lines that you can't even read because they're mostly just dots.

Then you find out who he is under the helmet and he becomes unironically one of the best characters in the game.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Oh and Gregor. He adds absolutely nothing to the story and literally just randomly shows up plus he’s old. At least, older than everyone else, it’s kind of hard to tell.

Yes! An old man in anime! I clearly must use him.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Panne is awful in her base class*, even though it’s unique to her (and her kid) since she’s a taguel (it’s a class that transforms with a beast stone). However, she’s dressed in relief of the horn gear during battle and not battle gear so she will hit the bench for you immediately.

Pfffhahahaha... I love these little bits where you try to judge the units based on my mindset. It's hilarious to watch.

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37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They're just trying to help. Malledus, or "Mal-Deus", is a soul splinter of the Shadow Dragon. The trifling regrets of the Earth Dragon prince against his choice to attack humanity, which came about and took physical form after his defeat by Anri. Being created at the moment of Medeus's first demise, it was shorn of draconic power, and was born into a body matured and old, albeit aging very slowly. With itself slain, it found no purpose in its existence, and after traveling around for decades, chose to settle to a peaceful life in a village in Altea. Possessing the full knowledge of the Earth Dragon,  wisdom that alas went misused and unused once it turned evil, it was able to advise the humans who supported it and it lived among. His quiet intelligence led him to be requested by the court of Altea, which he humbly accepted in an informal role. When Medeus returned, he found purpose and sought to provide counsel to those who would attempt to slay him, which he found himself fortuitously in the position of doing. Malledus did not wish for anyone to know this, they needn't fear nor pity the old man.

When Marth vanquished Medeus for the second time, it was different from the first. Medeus was in a position of weakness upon his first resurrection, his life-force was not what it was in Anri's time, and this remained so when Marth ended him then. The result was Medeus was deader, still not entirely depleted of his vast reserves of life-force, but it had dropped below a certain point relevant to Malledus. As Malledus retained a spiritual connection to himself, he began to weaken, partly because Medeus craved to live again and was trying to dematerialize Malledus into pure life-force to resurrect himself a second time. It took months before the effects of this began, as Medeus did fall spiritually unconscious after the defeat in Dolhr Keep, yet by the time the War of the Heroes was to begin, Gharnef had begun stirring Medeus awake once more, sooner than he naturally would have. This is the source of Malledus's "illness" that keeps him from advising Marth through his second ordeal.

Malledus plummeted into deathly illness when Gharnef had brought back the Shadow Dragon, the pull on his being grew most intense. He survived it however, and regained a measure of vitality with Medeus's final defeat. It was enough to return to the capital and greet His Majesty Marth for a long ceremony in honor of the grand victory that had been won, which doubled as the prince's wedding to Caeda. Despite that, Malledus's physical body was worn by the stresses imposed on it by Medeus, and he lacked the means Gotoh would have to amend those internal wears. He remained unable to advise the Hero-King in a formal capacity, nor could he make the migration to Pales unless it the transport was most luxurious, which Marth was willing to pay for, but which Malledus rejected. So it was, in a manor along Altea's expansive coastlines, that he fell into his eternal slumber, his heart having no more to give. His creation had been incidental, who could've imagined it, and who could've cared? His short service in Altea's court, offering advice to commoners beforehand, guiding a prince against worse self afterwards, gave him meaning enough for his hundred-years of being.

How did I miss an actually halfway decent H!Anankos earlier?

This is pretty good. I want to see this story get it's due now, it's more for the poor guy than he's ever got.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well if Panne is kept as a Taguel, you'll see more of her beast form than human form so not sure outfit really applies here.

That’s not enough for Ruben. It must be entirely wiped from the game. ⚔️

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, not really. Derrick's joke is that he comes out of nowhere and has no character, with like four lines that you can't even read because they're mostly just dots.

Kellam’s joke is that he comes out of nowhere and has no character.

But in this case I mean everyone else sees him as coming out of nowhere. Every time he shows up.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffhahahaha... I love these little bits where you try to judge the units based on my mindset. It's hilarious to watch.

Well? Was it an accurately reflection of said mindset?

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Kellam’s joke is that he comes out of nowhere and has no character.

But in this case I mean everyone else sees him as coming out of nowhere. Every time he shows up.

So basically, he's Derrick but written by IntSys.

Ah yes, it truly will be a great idea to jump to this game after a Berwick Saga replay.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well? Was it an accurately reflection of said mindset?

...To an extent, maybe.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So basically, he's Derrick but written by IntSys.

Ah yes, it truly will be a great idea to jump to this game after a Berwick Saga replay.

Forgot to include the word literally in the second part. Oh well, you’ll see.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...To an extent, maybe.

Speaking of, I forgot to mention that Panne can and will beat you up. So do with that what you will.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Forgot to include the word literally in the second part.

Did I stutter?


So basically, he's Derrick but written by IntSys.


Speaking of, I forgot to mention that Panne can and will beat you up. So do with that what you will.

Okay, now you're just sending me mixed signals.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, now you're just sending me mixed signals.

Blame IS for making her that way. I’m just the messenger, you don’t need to hurt- wait I forgot you’re a generic boss oh no!


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, now you're just sending me mixed signals.

Ruben's ultimate dilemma: what if girl character wears revealing clothing and can kick his ass? Does he accept or reject?

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