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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yesterday, I was merely learning the controls. Today is the day I kick Dracula in the face. Or, y'know, whoever is Bloodstained's final boss.

ah yes

can't wait for your reaction on a certain event

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Kinda surprised a modern remake kept the archaicness of retro Ys.

When it comes to Ys 1 i kinda agree, Ys 2 not so much it still holds up really well.

Ys 1 bosses are just really terribly designed

especially bat cancer and DPS race bosses

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


ty 😄

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Gebel is Roy! Gebel's voice is Roy!

Oh, this is going to be easy.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It'll take you quite a while. Idk how long Eclessia is but this is one of the longer Castlevanias.


....I say as I haven't played a single one other than this one.

Who cares, I'm loving it so far. Makes me a little sad that they ditched the relatively painless glyphs and returned to Dawn of Sorrow's grindy way of acquiring abilities, but eh, the animation's worth it.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

can't wait for your reaction on a certain event

Only the animest of animes could hamper my enjoyment of this game.

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Okay, so

1. Already this boss is cooler than like 80% of the bosses in Ecclesia. Ecclesia for me was weird in that regard, because a lot of them were like "meh", but then there were a few that were so awesome that they were the entire reason I even played the game. This already feels like a step above that.

2. Attacks from the foreground, attacks from the background, attacks from the side, from above, from below, from behind, extra enemies dropping in to help... Aaahhhh

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Still waiting on that to happen, Falcom

But what Adol's father didn't realize was that this was a long running series that makes Falcom a lot of money, which means Adol doesn't get to come back unless Falcom says the series ends.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

ty 😄

Now do it again with the other two characters


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who cares, I'm loving it so far. Makes me a little sad that they ditched the relatively painless glyphs and returned to Dawn of Sorrow's grindy way of acquiring abilities, but eh, the animation's worth it.

You end up with a lot more Shards than you know what to do with tbh.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

But what Adol's father didn't realize was that this was a long running series that makes Falcom a lot of money, which means Adol doesn't get to come back unless Falcom says the series ends

According to Adol's travel journal he dies all alone trying to reach the North pole, not at home....

something which i hope they rectcon since it's side material stuff and not shown in any game

There have been hints they might retcon this since Kondo once said they wanted to show Adol's kids (!!!) or students in a game where Adol will be a Jagen Mentor figure

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

According to Adol's travel journal he dies all alone trying to reach the North pole, not at home....

Wait what the fuck?

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

or students in a game where Adol will be a Jagen Mentor figure

Ah yes.

Ys: School Edition, Shrimpy's favorite two things rolled into one.


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have to keep the generic enemies stunlocked so I can use them to cover myself from one of the boss's attacks.

What kind of evil mind came up with this. Holy shit.

Same dude who came up with Eclessia lol.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

According to Adol's travel journal he dies all alone trying to reach the North pole, not at home....

Damn. What an inglorious ending for an adventurer like that.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, I need to change my strategy. As awesome as it is, kicking this asshole won't work when she's way too far away most of the time. Gun time.

I sure hope you enjoy the guns cause they're honestly pretty ass.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait what the fuck?


and iirc it was mentioned somewhere those cold lonely nights were him trying to reach the north pole

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah yes.

Ys: School Edition, Shrimpy's favorite two things rolled into one.



Adventurer students lol

I honestly think some of them we already saw in the Ys games and we will get to play as them later (again)

but that's just me theorycrafting

15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now do it again with the other two characters

Maybe someday i will do Toal, but never Hugo, didn't like playing with him much

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56 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I actually made up names for some of the demons the person playing didn't talk to, so on occasion, I went like "Mitch, NO!" xD

Awww, that's really cute!

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Oh wait, I think I just got it. It's not that this is the tutorial area and thus you can't level up here.

It's that you can't level up at all in nightmare difficulty. I accidentally went ahead and picked the equivalent of Ecclesia's hardest mode for my first run.

Right on, goddamnit. This is gonna be fun.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I sure hope you enjoy the guns cause they're honestly pretty ass.

Eventually I realized it was a lost cause, so I switched to the claymore. Now that was the stuff. That and the throwable bone that I happened to grab off of a skeleton-- Sorry, a bone morte. That shit deals 44 damage, it's a goddamned nuke.

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17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



You will get Ys School and you will like it.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's that you can't level up at all in nightmare difficulty. I accidentally went ahead and picked the equivalent of Ecclesia's hardest mode for my first run.



*Bloodless flashbacks*.

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Oh shit, and I didn't even realize, but I had to get so good at the boss to beat her, I got the medal for beating her without taking damage without even meaning to! Awesome.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:



*Bloodless flashbacks*.

I've seen worse. Have you any idea how insane Albus is in the hardest difficulty? I'll be fine.

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Okay, so Lindsay wants me to kill monsters for her. I have to avenge her husband by killing five regular zombies. Painless enough...

...Aaaaand she also wants me to murder the developer of the game.

Sure, why the hell not.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, so Lindsay wants me to kill monsters for her. I have to avenge her husband by killing five regular zombies. Painless enough...

Some of these avenging quests are really funny. You've got simple ones like "avenge my spouse" and then you've got "my cousin's sister's boyfriend was killed by these demons. Avenge him for me". iirc, some of the descriptions are like that.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aaaaand she also wants me to murder the developer of the game.


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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Some of these avenging quests are really funny. You've got simple ones like "avenge my spouse" and then you've got "my cousin's sister's boyfriend was killed by these demons. Avenge him for me". iirc, some of the descriptions are like that.

It's wonderful. Also, the old woman who wants rice. Very Ecclesia it is.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I think that's the DLC.

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