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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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43 minutes ago, Dayni said:

No idea on 11-15 honestly or most side games.

FF15 is opposite.

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I just checked the tier list for TLP at the subreddit, for curiousity's sake more than anything. I am using every single unit in the bottom two tiers except for the two that haven't joined yet and Ace.

I am proud.

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Good news, I can finally return to work starting to tomorrow.

Ain't that great! Don't overdo it now.

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Ahahahahaha... This reminds me of my own Awakening run, where I also fast-forwarded through this entire arc.

...And, you know, everything after it. Awakening was such a dumb experience...

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just checked the tier list for TLP at the subreddit, for curiousity's sake more than anything. I am using every single unit in the bottom two tiers except for the two that haven't joined yet and Ace.

I am proud.

Someone made a tier list for an unpopular fan game? Thats kind of a surprise, actually.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Someone made a tier list for an unpopular fan game? Thats kind of a surprise, actually.

Not just one, but two. And not just "someone", they were collaborative efforts by folks at the subreddit. And they'er not even the only ones, but they're the most recent and the least affected by the "prepromotes bad" mindset from the early years of the last decade.

As for the "unpopular" part... You sorely underestimate how popular TLP is. Thanks mostly to its age and its impressive scope for its time, it is by far and away the most renowned FE fangame out there. None come even close. Let's not forget, until more or less last year, nobody ever seemed to be able to finish a fangame. It was TLP, Requiem, Road to Ruin and perhaps a couple more for a really, really long time; and all of them were just worse than TLP despite coming later. TLP had all the time in the world to garner recognition in an uncontested "market," so to speak.

As such, it has a decent amount of fame. I wouldn't say it's been played as much as the official FEs (well, maybe FE1... actually, I'd go as far as to say that probably FE1, nobody ever plays FE1), but it certainly comes closer than any other fangame, to the point where it's gotten a fair amount of discussion in general FE circles, as opposed to being self-contained within its own little corners of the internet like all the rest.

So yeah, tl;dr: it's really not that surprising. Any other hack, definitely would be, but not TLP.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

As for the "unpopular" part... You sorely underestimate how popular TLP is. Thanks mostly to its age and its impressive scope for its time, it is by far and away the most renowned FE fangame out there. None come even close. Let's not forget, until more or less last year, nobody ever seemed to be able to finish a fangame. It was TLP, Requiem, Road to Ruin and perhaps a couple more for a really, really long time; and all of them were just worse than TLP despite coming later. TLP had all the time in the world to garner recognition in an uncontested "market," so to speak.

If I remember correctly, Blazer had a huge spat with this forum over how his game should ve designed. I read alot of "the gameplay is too punishing!" Stuff to that effect.

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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

If I remember correctly, Blazer had a huge spat with this forum over how his game should ve designed. I read alot of "the gameplay is too punishing!" Stuff to that effect.

Ah, yeah... Unfortunately, Blazer didn't have the best experience during its development. TLP's history is filled with drama, and by the end, Blazer turned his back on the community and never returned. Nowadays he despises even the mention of TLP.

It's a shame, honestly. TLP may have its flaws, but I'd still call it a pretty good fangame, and the fact that it was made by one fifteen-year-old in the prehistory of FE hacking is extremely impressive.

Plus, no matter how many dissenters it may've had over the years, the fact of the matter is that a surprising amount of people still play it to this day. For a so often maligned fangame that is soon going to be 10 years old, it has stood the test of time quite well; when it comes to recognition, at least.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

So it's pro-religion?

Kinda. I can only tell you this: the moral of FFXV is just to do your job as told.

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah... Unfortunately, Blazer didn't have the best experience during its development. TLP's history is filled with drama, and by the end, Blazer turned his back on the community and never returned. Nowadays he despises even the mention of TLP.

It's a shame, honestly. TLP may have its flaws, but I'd still call it a pretty good fangame, and the fact that it was made by one fifteen-year-old in the prehistory of FE hacking is extremely impressive.

Plus, no matter how many dissenters it may've had over the years, the fact of the matter is that a surprising amount of people still play it to this day. For a so often maligned fangame that is soon going to be 10 years old, it has stood the test of time quite well; when it comes to recognition, at least.

I wasnt implying it was a poorly designed game, just that it isnt for me. 

Edit cause I posted too early on accident.

It certainly has some really strong points (music, art, length) that are pretty well done 

Edited by lightcosmo
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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I wasnt implying it was a poorly designed game, just that it isnt for me. 

Edit cause I posted too early on accident.

It certainly has some really strong points (music, art, length) that are pretty well done 

Yeah, of course, that's fair enough. I just think people (not referring to you in particular, just in general) should acknowledge how impressive TLP is more often. It was made long before all the fancy tools there are nowadays, and yet it is bigger and more complex than most hacks out there. Heck, it has a postgame, with its own mechanics and shit. Pretty sure to this day it's the only hack to have such a thing. And, well, I find it fun to play still, flaws and all.

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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, of course, that's fair enough. I just think people (not referring to you in particular, just in general) should acknowledge how impressive TLP is more often. It was made long before all the fancy tools there are nowadays, and yet it is bigger and more complex than most hacks out there. Heck, it has a postgame, with its own mechanics and shit. Pretty sure to this day it's the only hack to have such a thing. And, well, I find it fun to play still, flaws and all.

I remember using the EA assembler and Nightmare + modules! That... Wasnt fun.

But your right its deserves credit for actually being the first fully complete mod as well.

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I think the most I ever did was helping a hack project with a little writing and a little portrait splicing. I'm more someone helping more supplying ideas than making them come to fruition. Wow, that coming from someone spending years with an engineering career.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I think the most I ever did was helping a hack project with a little writing and a little portrait splicing. I'm more someone helping more supplying ideas than making them come to fruition. Wow, that coming from someone spending years with an engineering career.

Any contribution makes a huge difference! Seriously, it matters more than you realise.

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Man, I really want to play again it. I still need my platinum.


59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, of course, that's fair enough. I just think people (not referring to you in particular, just in general) should acknowledge how impressive TLP is more often. It was made long before all the fancy tools there are nowadays, and yet it is bigger and more complex than most hacks out there. Heck, it has a postgame, with its own mechanics and shit. Pretty sure to this day it's the only hack to have such a thing. And, well, I find it fun to play still, flaws and all.

Should I play it?

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think the most I ever did was helping a hack project with a little writing and a little portrait splicing. I'm more someone helping more supplying ideas than making them come to fruition. Wow, that coming from someone spending years with an engineering career.


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38 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I remember using the EA assembler and Nightmare + modules! That... Wasnt fun.

I made a tiny hack that simply gave every FE6 boss a proper combat palette. At the time I didn't really know about FEBuilder, so I did it with Nightmare and the old palette assembler. I also changed the music in chapters 15 and 16 to the music from the Western Isles, because lol beyond the clear skies.

For some reason that I still don't understand, changing the music nuked the prepscreen from those two chapters. Just, poof, gone. If I had trouble with a super small, basic hack, how did people ever make full hacks with that crap...?


But your right its deserves credit for actually being the first fully complete mod as well.

Certainly does!

5 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Man, I really want to play again it. I still need my platinum.

Kill every last one of them.

5 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Should I play it?

I would recommend it. It has its flaws, a few tedious maps here and there, and a rather laughable story (less than other people say, in my humble opinion, but it has its memeworthy moments), but the units and weapons are super imaginative, the maps are (exceptions aside) fine enough and the portrait art and characters are great. Overall, I'd say it holds up quite well. If you look past the infamy, it's a solid hack that is quite fun, even if it is not perfect. I mean, what is perfect, right?

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

For all the Trails refences and Silver Will, sure. Xd

Hey, you know what I just realized, TLP doesn't take 50 hours to get to the fucking point! TLP > Trails! Ain't that something.

Please don't kill me.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Any contribution makes a huge difference! Seriously, it matters more than you realise.

I guess. Though if I recall correctly, most if not all of what I helped with was eventually replaced. Granted, I left the project long before it went under, but still.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:


I'd say, I've long had the desire to help with stuff like that. You'd think I'd search a career more oriented to game-making, but, well, expectations and desires sometimes clash between what I'd want to do and what I'd need to do in order to survive this world. But pretty much I've joined up a couple projects throughout my time here on Serenes. Heck, the reason I signed up to Serenes in the first place was to help with a hack. Though after a while the sentiment died down, but recently I picked it up again, joining a SRPG Studio project, also helping in fleshing out its story. Project died. Guess I can never help out in a project bound to completion. They all die out.

It's also why I've had the desire to make a game of my own... but ultimately, I feel I work best planning it than making it.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, you know what I just realized, TLP doesn't take 50 hours to get to the fucking point! TLP > Trails! Ain't that something.

Please don't kill me.

Kill? What exactly is your opinion of me?!

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I guess. Though if I recall correctly, most if not all of what I helped with was eventually replaced. Granted, I left the project long before it went under, but still.

Then it just paved the way to bother options!

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Kill? What exactly is your opinion of me?!

You still hold a grudge for the shit thing even though that wasn't even my fault and I was just the messenger

Well, that wasn't intended for you in particular. Just... in general. Let's not forget, this thread is Trails territory. I am treading on thin ice here. One of these days I'll make one too many of those remarks, and then when wake up I'll find that I am dead.

My only ally here is Draggy, but Draggy hasn't showed up since monday. Hope he's doing fine and he's just busy or something like that.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

You still hold a grudge for the shit thing even though that wasn't even my fault and I was just the messenger

Well, that wasn't intended for you in particular. Just... in general. Let's not forget, this thread is Trails territory. I am treading on thin ice here. One of these days I'll make one too many of those remarks, and then when wake up I'll find that I am dead.

My only ally here is Draggy, but Draggy hasn't showed up since monday. Hope he's doing fine and he's just busy or something like that.

Look at it from my PoV, it isnt the best position to be in! Xd

So you dont enjoy Trails, so what? I honestly dont have any issues with that, and I have no reason to. I really enjoy talking about it of course, but I dont equate my conversations of Trails to being annoyed by you not enjoying it.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Look at it from my PoV, it isnt the best position to be in! Xd

Well yeah, but that doesn't mean you should lash out at the messenger! I am innocent, blameless in this whole thing!

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

So you dont enjoy Trails, so what? I honestly dont have any issues with that, and I have no reason to. I really enjoy talking about it of course, but I dont equate my conversations of Trails to being annoyed by you not enjoying it.

Hahaha, of course, of course. I was just fooling around, as I tend to do.

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