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Route 5 is off to a phenomenal start.

CG wise, of course.



Truly glorious.

I thought the story was immediately going to go somewhere interesting too, but instead the writers were cowards took it in the friendship direction as opposed to the suffering direction.

And look, more Ruben relatability to Daru!

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Route 5 is off to a phenomenal start.

CG wise, of course.



Congratulations, Daru. You did it. You managed to look dumber than Okarin in a CG. That is quite the accomplishment, you should be proud.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Is that Okarin getting physically abused? Yes, great, I love it. Give me more of that.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Truly glorious.

I love how Okarin looks more distraught by the sight of a naked Maho than when he was craddling Luka's dead body in his arms. He's actually looking at her, for one.

Also, what the hell is going on here.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And look, more Ruben relatability to Daru!

I mean, at least this time he's not perving on a kid, or a teen or an adult that the story claims looks like a kid. I think that's a first. And besides, as we know, Moeka best.

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Who would've guessed that when me and my friend held off on beating It Takes Two for two months because of scheduling, it would turn out we were at the home stretch anyways.

Review soon.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose I was proud of the result of 200 attempts of hard work.

As someone who has beaten The Perfect Run, i can relate.

28 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Wide Daru

28 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Truly glorious.

So we went from a literal hostage situation to funny bath scene.

Okarin looks like he got tricked into googling Sonic inflation.

30 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought the story was immediately going to go somewhere interesting too, but instead the writers were cowards took it in the friendship direction as opposed to the suffering direction.

Sooks when the characters are happy instead of dying horrible deaths


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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, what the hell is going on here.

Maho was having a… trauma reaction, we’ll call it, in the bathroom. After getting out of the bath, she couldn’t move, and Faris came to check on her. Faris tried to help her move and failed horribly, which ended with both of them crashing to the floor and Okabe going to check after the noise.

I’m actually surprised at how seriously they took this. At that moment, I was sure the funny moment music would start playing and Maho would start screaming “BAKA PERVERT” while Okabe goes “AAAAAAAAAA”, but instead they both apologized (not that Maho really had anything to apologize for, but it’s a much more human reaction) and the scene immediately shifted to focus more on Maho’s… issues. I was impressed.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So we went from a literal hostage situation to funny bath scene.

See above.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sooks when the characters are happy instead of dying horrible deaths


Ahaha… hey, this specific instance was me wanting relationship-ruining drama to unfold, specifically character A to stop lying to character B about something they did they knew character B absolutely would not like and watch the friendship be destroyed as they both suffer. But yes, this too.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Maho was having a… trauma reaction, we’ll call it, in the bathroom. After getting out of the bath, she couldn’t move, and Faris came to check on her. Faris tried to help her move and failed horribly, which ended with both of them crashing to the floor and Okabe going to check after the noise.

I’m actually surprised at how seriously they took this. At that moment, I was sure the funny moment music would start playing and Maho would start screaming “BAKA PERVERT” while Okabe goes “AAAAAAAAAA”, but instead they both apologized (not that Maho really had anything to apologize for, but it’s a much more human reaction) and the scene immediately shifted to focus more on Maho’s… issues. I was impressed.

Tbf, this was not conveyed well but i'm aware it's because you posted the images out of context.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ahaha… hey, this specific instance was me wanting relationship-ruining drama to unfold, specifically character A to stop lying to character B about something they did they knew character B absolutely would not like and watch the friendship be destroyed as they both suffer.

Sooks when the characters play Mario Party


Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

he learned from me

Shrimpy when he sees characters having fun


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tbf, this was not conveyed well but i'm aware it's because you posted the images out of context.

Oh yeah, plus I also skipped like 3 CGs. I just posted the funny ones.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sooks when the characters play Mario Party


GOATed reply.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Daru + Suzuha PFP next?

You would inflict a Daru PFP upon yourself? Truly a noble sacrifice.

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It Takes Two was almost a masterpiece but then the ending happened. Game still good tho (review)

It Takes Two is a special game. For starters, exactly like the title says, it requires two players to play through the game (unless you're Mr. Sakurai who took photographic evidence of him playing through the game on two controllers by himself). But the co-op isn't a gimmick, it's a fundamental aspect of the game design. "Little man in big world" is a trope that will always be good because there's so much you can do with it and this game goes above and beyond with it. There are so many creative setpieces just within a single chapter alone here it's hard to find a favorite, though if you were to ask me, i'd say the clock-themed world of Ch.4. Oh but then the music themed world of Ch.7 is very cool too. Or how about Ch.3 where you're travelling through toy sets of various different eras? See what i mean, it's hard to pick. And what brings these worlds to honestly some of the best gameplay i've ever had the pleasure of playing is the way they are fundamentally woven into the co-op design. Every time you get somewhere new, you are given new gimmicks to mess around with and these compliment each other perfectly. The only time it falls a tiny bit short is the snow globe world where both players are essentially given the same power. But even then, Hazelight Studios found unique and creative ways to use that power. Each puzzle is so simple yet well-designed and the way we interacted with the various world left both me and my friend with various "wow that's so cool" moments and sometimes these moments would just happen with how certain locations were shot because this game has some of the best art direction i've seen in a while. And these "that's so cool" moments were especially apparent in how the game is basically every game genre ever. You could be doing the standard gameplay one moment, then it turns into a shoot em-up. Then it turns into Street Fighter. Then it turns into a dungeon crawler, then it turns into Ace Combat and then there's even a "Sony cinematic third-person game" segment lmao. Like this game can have so many different game genres under it's belt and not once does it feel out of place. And this is just the main content because It Takes Two has a Nintendo-level of polish that i wasn't expecting at all. All across the world are various little competitive minigames you and your friend can do and just like the main game, there's a great variety of genres here. From sports games to racing to tank fighting to straight-up chess. And outside of this, there's a lot of little things you can interact with in the worlds that are just there to be neat. A lot of times we'd come across things that don't actually affect anything but it was neat that we could do it in the first place. Things that you can just do because it's neat is a Nintendo-tier level of polish and passion and it makes perfect sense that this game won the awards it did.

I've been exclusively talking about the gameplay here so i'm going to shift on to the story. As far as the story goes, it's basically "divorce sucks lmao". A magic book personified as a Latino stereotype (but like the funny kind and i say this as a Latino myself) makes it his life's mission to fix the marriage of our main characters. The humor generally lands and there are some neat themes here although i do think that despite the game's message, an actual couple going through a divorce or otherwise having their relationship near ending would....maybe not want to play this game. However while the story generally works, it unfortunately failed to stick the landing. As in, the game did not feel over when it ended and despite the wonderful game design, the wonderful art direction, the wonderful ideas put on display and the generally good script, i ended up feeling a bit....empty when we finally finished the game. I was fully prepared to admit this game into The Masterpiece Club throughout the entirety of the playthrough but unfortunately, that ending does really bring things down a bit.

It Takes Two is a fantastic game that, even if it wasn't my personal GOTY, i can see why it did win that and other awards even if award shows are pointless but shh . While the ending is really the game's only real negative, it's still a wonderful game that should be experienced if you're able to. The Friend's Pass is there so only one of you would need to purchase the game. 


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I'm asking.

Also my god, his beard lines perfectly with his chin

2 hours ago, Sooks said:


I haven't been paying much attention to this visual novel adventure you folks are doing but I've seen this girl at least a few times and I have to wonder if she wears that the entire game amongst all the serious, casual wear characters.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:


I'll never play it, but I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Sounds positively distinctive. 

As for the ending, that's always a bummer when it ends poorly, leaves one wistful of what could've been. Been there before ofc.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

even if award shows are pointless but shh

For music, they're a TV concert and the popular stuff usually wins, so they're decent to watch. For movies, it has a long, storied tradition that goes back to the Golden Age of Hollywood; and can sorta claim nowadays to briefly present the artsy stuff to the masses (this latter excuse can kinda be applied to TV). Literary awards are very niche and similarly historic, paid attention to only by hardcore readers.

Video game awards have nothing. There is no grand old-timey history of video game awards, and video games have to be played. They're a medium where I see no purpose in award ceremonies. Since video games are longer and require more investment, I don't see the ability to partake deeply of every genre the way a movie/TV/music devotee can possibly watch/listen to all the big hits from each genre in a single year.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I do know there are weird movement tricks to push your speed just a bit further.

Ah yes, the "colliding into a wall makes you faster" exploit. Where quirks in the intricacies of ingame physics unintentionally create unreality. You're not a real F-Zero X/GX fanatic if you don't end every race trying careening into a wall and blowing up the moment you cross the finish line.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Really easy compared to mission 1. Hard just added a few more rocks. Very hard just added a few more a few more rocks. The pattern to dodge them was, funnily enough, almost identical for all the difficulties.

And here I was, pondering on Normal for a while "can I knock Goroh out of the race?" IIRC. I didn't end up doing that, but I wanted to.

I commend your patience on all difficulties. Pattern memorization isn't a strong suit of mine.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It reminds me of those hilarious ads for that one stock-investing app. "Simon and Joe both invest in S T O N K S !"

This exists.

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So if Oswald was the DMC character, Velvet is the Spider-Man character. She can swing around with no limit to it other than she can't turn around while doing so. And her attacks are very good, all it's missing is a grapple attack that pulls the enemy in/pulls you towards them.

45 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Browsing FE art when suddenly


Never expected to see that in my life ngl

Not entirely sure what they have in common aside from being retainers i guess.

(Why are they called retainers?)

20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds positively distinctive.

My friend comparing it to the golden age of Pixar.

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They're a medium where I see no purpose in award ceremonies. Since video games are longer and require more investment, I don't see the ability to partake deeply of every genre the way a movie/TV/music devotee can possibly watch/listen to all the big hits from each genre in a single year.

Yeah like pretty much the only people who genuinely care about the awards are nerds who jerk off to Metacritic scores.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(Why are they called retainers?)

Well, as part of the Holy Guard, Tanith is among Sanaki's retainers.

Or if you mean the word itself being retainer, then... wouldn't really know. I guess it has to do with the fact their lieges retain their services or something...?

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not entirely sure what they have in common aside from being retainers i guess.

Well, Sanaki and Olivier are both smartass royal brats that want to change their country for the better, and these 2 are their retainers.

It's an unlikely combo tho true lol

(And the mysteries of the English language evade me)

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I never realized how dissonant this is.😄 If it weren't for the primitive 3D graphics, I'm not sure we would've ever gotten this now that I think about it.


24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So if Oswald was the DMC character, Velvet is the Spider-Man character. She can swing around with no limit to it other than she can't turn around while doing so. And her attacks are very good, all it's missing is a grapple attack that pulls the enemy in/pulls you towards them.

Jumping into the final story I see.

At the very end -after Velvet's final battle- you’ll get a scroll with a lot of commentary. You might not want to read it. You might end up having more fun going back and rereading the prophecies and thinking about their meanings yourself.

And once you’re done with Velvet’s story here is a little advice. (Don't read it until then, though you obviously know by now what the true final book is about.):


I do not advise taking an extended break. Jump right into the final book when you’re game for it.

-But first go back and make sure everyone has a few good healing potions, there are battles to be fought after all. The levels you left them at should be fine, approaching 50 is enough. The only postgame in this game is the boss rush, and item use isn’t even saved during Armageddon, so chuck every attack potion you have if you want.

Once the Book of Armageddon has begun, you cannot go back to any other book without resetting all progress in Armageddon. I believe the game warns you as much if you try to.

And this is all I'll say for now.

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53 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or if you mean the word itself being retainer, then... wouldn't really know. I guess it has to do with the fact their lieges retain their services or something...?

My guess is that it's just the fancier way of saying assistant or whatnot.

44 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Well, Sanaki and Olivier are both smartass royal brats that want to change their country for the better, and these 2 are their retainers.

Well i wouldn't call Olivier a brat but yeah i guess.

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't read it until then, though you obviously know by now what the true final book is about.):

I know you said not to but i went ahead and read it anyway, given i was aware of it conceptually. 

...that and i knew it would probably be buired by the time i actually did finish Velvet's story (i intend to take a short break once again before continuing with her, i did just finish two stories in two days after all).

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I know you said not to but i went ahead and read it anyway, given i was aware of it conceptually. 

...that and i knew it would probably be buired by the time i actually did finish Velvet's story (i intend to take a short break once again before continuing with her, i did just finish two stories in two days after all).

Yeah, I didn't think you run right into Oswald's so soon. That you'd then leap into Velvet's so quickly made me think your logic was "finish the game before Atelier time". I wanted to get that advice out of the way if you did blitz Miss Chains & Flames's tale. No rush.

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