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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

suppose it depends on how you define either

Upset: "I don't like the direction of this game"



If it gets to this point, maybe take a step back and go outside.

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

But it really get's on my nerves how people get pissy about what essentialy is drawn skin

Notice when this only applies to anime.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ring people have rights. Charges of at least harassment will becoming shortly. And no, dragon gods are not above the law.

No worries, consent would be given beforehand.

48 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:




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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:


He needs to be introduced to Nukige

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Notice when this only applies to anime


More People need to complain about the minimum 3 minutes sex scene every episode in murican tv series

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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CS4: Hype Hype Hype


I love how they changed Sharon’s name to Krueger, that’s such a cool detail. Her new outfit is kinda strange but so cool at the same time. Her reactions with Alisa are cool and I like how Alisa didn’t go on a whole “bringing you back” speech like we’ve seen a million times before, even if she probably will eventually. If only I could have Jusis here too…

I’m interested to see where Ash and Joshua goes. We get KeA and Renne? Awesome, hope I get to play as Renne. And the next chapter is called fragments? Interesting. Either we briefly get to play from Rean’s side of things or this whole chapter is dedicated to us rescuing Rean (no spoilers please).. Either way, it’s about time

Engage is also hype.

4 hours ago, ping said:

You know, when you're a little tired, it can be tough differenciating "rn" from "m".

I like how this happened the last time the minigame came up months ago.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Upset: "I don't like the direction of this game"



If it gets to this point, maybe take a step back and go outside.

Yeesh… the mistake was being on twitter in the first place

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1 minute ago, Green06 said:

Is it just me or does Lyn not wear underwear?

I don't know what it says about people that they keep looking for this.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:


If it gets to this point, maybe take a step back and go outside.

This man needs to get out for a while. Not every twitter user is this engaged.

And frankly I'd argue hearing an inanimate object coo sensually like that is more likely to make me throw it away off Somniel than whatever he thinks I'd want.

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11 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

He needs to be introduced to Nukige

The man even hates fucking swimsuit DLC, he needs to be introduced to like, an actual beach.

12 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

More People need to complain about the minimum 3 minutes sex scene every episode in murican tv series

The good American TV shows don't have these, watch those instead.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

the mistake was being on twitter in the first place


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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The man even hates fucking swimsuit DLC, he needs to be introduced to like, an actual beach

Not even a beach, just go outside bro

...ok, it's winter atm, so not many short/revealing clothes around (although they still exist).

Like peeps act like skirts are an anime only thing or something.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The good American TV shows don't have these, watch those instead

Those exist?

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The snow theme of these later chapters certainly fits well with how it recently starting snowing around where I live. It's beautiful.


Ah yes, Mister Steal-your-girl and Miss Steal-your-man, the perfect duo.


Greek philosophers crying right now.


Fire Emblem is communist confirmed.


Aww. It's actually adorable to see Jill grow into caring about the others.


She's really shaping up to be my favorite character of this game.


It's pretty interesting and realistic to create an oppressed people perceived as one entity but they themselves understand the differences between them. To many outsiders, the Laguz are all simply savage beasts when in reality they have many different tribes and different peoples. It's not too different to how many people see Native Americans as a monolithic culture that all look and act the same even though that is far from the case.

Fun fact actually, a good chuck of American Indians actually really dislike the word "Native American" as they see it as far too inclusive since it's a word that could be used to describe literally any Indigenous person in North or South America.

I personally don't mind the term but it's good to know that it's not favored by everybody.


Daaaamn, didn't know Mister Steal-your-girl was also Mister Steal-your-life.


Oh hey, first game over.


"Do you realize how little that narrows it down?!"


What the fuck.

That was just my genuine reaction. I don't even have a joke for this. They really weren't fucking around with this backstory.

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Today I conquered one of my childhood demons, the Security Hall stage in Sonic Adventure 2. It took me three tries and I finished the last attempt with less than a second to spare, so I think my younger self had good reason to dread it.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I agree. There was so much wild shit that it just completely eclipsed that for me. How could I stop and whine about that when Emburem Fit and Star Alear were right there?

I agree. I'm reminded of the time when 3H's Shadow Library was first released and everyone got worked up about Rhea apparently censoring technological development, even though I didn't think much of it when I first saw it.

Also I'm not sure if you needed to quote the workout Alear fanart, but I won't think about it too hard.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a definite possibility that this mechanic has gotten localized out of existence too.

This seems very familiar...


1 hour ago, Green06 said:

Is it just me or does Lyn not wear underwear?

I'd think you would have noticed it sooner.

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Worst thing about FE17:

We won't get Enjeji Cipher Art 😞

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

She's really shaping up to be my favorite character of this game

She's my series wide fav. Character 😄

Or atleast Top 5 now.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That was just my genuine reaction. I don't even have a joke for this. They really weren't fucking around with this backstory.


Edited by Imperator Squilla
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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Greek philosophers crying right now.

So much for δημοκρατία.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

She's really shaping up to be my favorite character of this game.

Ain't base conversations grand? They really can allow stuff like this without disrupting permadeath or bloating the main story dialogue.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

It's pretty interesting and realistic to create an oppressed people perceived as one entity but they themselves understand the differences between them. To many outsiders, the Laguz are all simply savage beasts when in reality they have many different tribes and different peoples. It's not too different to how many people see Native Americans as a monolithic culture that all look and act the same even though that is far from the case.

It "helps" that Laguz adopt a "united front" when it comes to being anti-Beorc. Like the birds here being a good example. Both hawks and ravens attack Begnion ships in revenge of the Serenes Massacre... but outside of that, yes, they are different. But to those being victims of their raids, yes, it can look like they're not too different and thus get lumped together.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

What the fuck.

That was just my genuine reaction. I don't even have a joke for this. They really weren't fucking around with this backstory.

Yeah, they weren't holding back here.

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Oh yeah, something I forgot to say. I already fulfilled that requirement for Akito and Ruri to have a combined kill total of eighty. I thought it'd take me a while, but no, still had plenty of time to spare on that. Ace related secrets seem to be heading into that direction too.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


What the fuck.

That was just my genuine reaction. I don't even have a joke for this. They really weren't fucking around with this backstory.

Greil was Azor Ahai and upon realising harmed himself to save everyone else

Greil is the kind of person to take his failures to heart, a guilt-laden man. And very self-punishing.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Daaaamn, didn't know Mister Steal-your-girl was also Mister Steal-your-life.

He'll steal what he can get, this shouldn't be surprising.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's basically every appearance save for Warriors.


41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Still, it's a shame. Gonna be a long while before I reach:


Old Man of the Sea Space I see indeed. Not like they aren't a stable of literature and entertainment going back a long time across cultures, but the mere thumbnail says Captain Daitetsu's inspiration indeed.

I did see a comment once saying they placed SBY at the center of V's storyline and that most other storylines things can connect to it. Sounds interesting if true if I ever get to that game.


52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The man even hates fucking swimsuit DLC, he needs to be introduced to like, an actual beach.

Ehhhhh, I think I'm with Young Vader on sand. Beach in the off season or in-season morning/evening with socks and shoes on is best. There is no better way to turn a nerd off from the shores than sitting in the blazing hot sun encrusted with sunscreen and seawater. The only good thing about peak beach hours is people-watching, with sunglasses on so nobody thinks you're stalking them.


56 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I don't know what it says about people that they keep looking for this.

Looking for the presence of underwear is perfectly fine. Underwear is clothing and an artist as with any article of clothing can serve a purpose. Underwear can contribute to a character's overall fashion style and essence/characterization, how it does depends on the underwear the artist chooses to place upon the fictional being. 

Thank you FEW and thank you bl games for this lesson.😃 We need more characters in jockstraps BTW.


29 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The snow theme of these later chapters certainly fits well with how it recently starting snowing around where I live. It's beautiful.

Just me sharing some unrelated video game snow music.:

Picked a vid with a hint of the accompanying scenery.

29 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact actually, a good chuck of American Indians actually really dislike the word "Native American" as they see it as far too inclusive since it's a word that could be used to describe literally any Indigenous person in North or South America.

I personally don't mind the term but it's good to know that it's not favored by everybody.

This reminds me of a Q&A from my Smithsonian Magazine issue a few months ago.:

Q: I still see the term "American Indian" in use, including in the title of a Smithsonian museum. Why Not say "Native American" instead?

A: Native people prefer to be identified with their own specific tribe or tribes. But when it comes to describing all of these nations with one term, there's no consensus. Groups in Alaska like to be called "Alaskan Natives," while those in Canada prefer the term "First Nations." Some others in South America call themselves "AmerIndian." Even though the term "Indian" originally came from a misunderstanding, many tribal people still prefer it over the alternatives. (Some point out that any person born in the Americas could be called a "Native American.") I personally say "American Indian" because it is the language of the law between the tribal and federal governments.

I haven't been to the National Museum of the American Indian yet despite several visits to Washington DC. Seeing one American Indian exhibit among many others in a large art museum is fine, but dragging family members through an entire museum of it isn't quite as easy as the Air and Space, Natural History, American History, or American Art museums. I want to visit the NMotAI, but I'd have to do with on my own, still don't have a driver's license or independent income for that.


27 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Today I conquered one of my childhood demons, the Security Hall stage in Sonic Adventure 2. It took me three tries and I finished the last attempt with less than a second to spare, so I think my younger self had good reason to dread it.

That was Rogue's "get the three Chaos Emeralds before the bombs explode"? Sounds like it with a time limit. I recall some struggling with it as a child, though the stage isn't actually all that big, hit the top floors if nothing pings right away and unlock all the safes, then descend and go scrambling around. -Unless you're not trying for a good rank and are willing to use the hints, which would make it easier ofc.

I never finished SA2, couldn't make it pass the final boss that comes before Char's Counterattack.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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