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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:


This one xD

Although that's the expensive brand, i usually try to find a cheaper one.

Don't blame you, Kerrygold be expensive here too.

But I see mature, so you pass. The colour was a trick question, though I have my preference for white.

I'm not what you'd call a cheese connoisseur, I don't go around eating the obscure stuff and the minute mould gets involved I'm out. I look at cheap dutch stuff and go "Sweet, there's a good amount in this".

5 minutes ago, ping said:

She will definitely pursue everybody in the house and poke them. Seizing chairs has not worked thus far. I suspect that my brother accidentally installed the 20x!Sacae throne randomiser and we just haven't been able to find the correct chair yet.

It'll turn out the chair will be the last one you sit in.

Try all of them next time.

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8 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

The colour was a trick question

I was honestly confused ngl, that's why i decided to just go with a picture of what i usually get xD

8 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I look at cheap dutch stuff and go "Sweet, there's a good amount in this".

If only it was still cheap

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36 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I think you're now expecting lotsa pics when i go there xD

I ask for nothing in return. Having a justification to blab about history to someone is its own reward.😆 If only I knew more.🤓

34 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Speaking about museums, the last one i went was the Spy museum last month.

There is one of those in DC. I've never visited it though, costs 💵 and DC has enough free museums/monuments/memorials to visit to avoid spending on those for a short vacation or three. 


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Museums are a good first start but if you really want to learn about First Nation peoples than you should visit reservations and talk to people, which I know is easier said than done, but it's worth it.

True. Native Americans/First Nationals/Indigenous/American Indians are still here, they're still alive, they ain't the Hittites. A good museum should try to incorporate the living experience and draw attention to those living peoples, but they can't replace actually being among them in a normal setting on a normal basis.


29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God and I'm just this year starting to really get into it too...

I've been wanting to get into artisan cheeses and whatnot. Would make me seem "cultured" and I like that notion.😄

But, the world of cheeses is complicated and pricey, so I have no idea where to start. I pass by the cheese section in specialty food stores and buy nothing from it, every, single, time.😐 The most """""exotic""""" I've ever gone is brie!🤣

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's great, I've found I legitimately enjoy cheaper cheeses more than expensive ones. Or at least this one expensive one I had, it crumbles easy and tastes a lot worse.

You're reminding me of the story of Roquefort. I had read an article (IDK if Smithsonian actually lets you read a few articles online for free) about how this blue cheese had once been called "the King of Cheeses", but its consumer base is aging away.

Roquefort has a distinctive flavor as strong and acquired as Fauxnel, and that is precisely the problem. Parents are no longer willing to force their kids to eat Roquefort when they're little and thus involuntarily develop a lifelong fondness for Roquefort.

There is one notable Frenchman who campaigns against modern food products that readily appeal to everyone but have no true flavor at all. He has tried to save Roquefort in one of his many campaigns from newer cheeses that have Roquefort's well-liked features with none of its disagreeable edges, but the campaign is failing. Roquefort demand continues to decline.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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45 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Many just say "It's how it is and maybe even should be" while all i could think about is "how can anyone even believe this?"

It can be especially hard to bring it up in the states with how like I said, many people seeing Communism as a buzz word for anything bad, as well as socialism and so we delay the ability to incorporate some of those ideas into our system.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If this was a book it'd be passed by and forgotten for being too generic and cliché. Sheesh...

Hahahah! Dystopias critique the present indeed.

If you want any more of an idea on how badass my mom was, she was also working to help immigrants not get deported and working with fair trade companies that properly paid their craftsmen. Keep in mind, my dad was in jail at the time, so she was doing all of this while still being a single mother for my brother and I.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Having a justification to blab about history to someone is its own reward.😆

You really must love history hehe!

Ofc. i knew that since it was your study path and all, but still talking about your passion is always something nice 😄

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I was honestly confused ngl, that's why i decided to just go with a picture of what i usually get xD

There's both here.

I assume white cheddar isn't sold where you are then?

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

If only it was still cheap

In relative terms really, we're talking lidl cheap pack at this stage.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

If you want any more of an idea on how badass my mom was, she was also working to help immigrants not get deported and working with fair trade companies that properly paid their craftsmen. Keep in mind, my dad was in jail at the time, so she was doing all of this while still being a single mother for my brother and I.

Your mom sounds like she tries to do as much as she can for others and proactively help the marginalised. She sounds like a fantastic person in that regard.

Is that a good way of putting it?

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

It can be especially hard to bring it up in the states with how like I said, many people seeing Communism as a buzz word for anything bad, as well as socialism and so we delay the ability to incorporate some of those ideas into our system.

And that's where we come to the question of systems.

Personally, I can't see much of the current economic system as aiding much and capitalism as it stands and even in less inequal periods being where we should hang our hats in terms of systems of production and how they're arranged, but I'm also someone who's absolutely not sure what the fuck to replace it with in the specific.

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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I assume white cheddar isn't sold where you are then?

it's available, but not what i prefer.

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm also someone who's absolutely not sure what the fuck to replace it with in the specific.

That's the problem, ain't it.

But well, we (as in, humanity) could atleast try to make the current system more fair.

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43 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Your mom sounds like she tries to do as much as she can for others and proactively help the marginalised. She sounds like a fantastic person in that regard.

Is that a good way of putting it?

I could go on and on talking about how amazing my family is honestly.

44 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And that's where we come to the question of systems.

Personally, I can't see much of the current economic system as aiding much and capitalism as it stands and even in less inequal periods being where we should hang our hats in terms of systems of production and how they're arranged, but I'm also someone who's absolutely not sure what the fuck to replace it with in the specific.

I personally believe we need absolute reform but realistically the best we can do for now is try and change what we already have.

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Scenario 17: Treasure of Baran-Baran

Baran Doban?

Hope you like CLAMP, because we're in for a ride...

So, first order of business... T3 has no idea where they ended up. GPS is blank, and there doesn't to be any man-made satellite either. Their only conclusion is that they're no longer in the Sol System. More shockingly, their scout drones brought back pictures of floating islands, making them question if it's actually real. Most of the group can't make much sense of it, but Koji remains calm, stating they simply must have to find back to Earth. And that means, trying to first find out just where exactly they currently are. lol, Saburouta mentions they could be in an entirely different world altogether, and Judau comments of course the Jovian thinks that and that... well, what else? Anime Ja Nai! XD Anyway, it seems not everyone thinks it's that farfetched of an idea, with Ruri inwardly bringing up about an incident that happened 700 years ago... there's that timeframe again. In any case, they briefly bring up the Company, but the idea it was them who brought them here is quickly shot down. They remember the mysterious woman's voice after all. Thus first order of business, rotational scout groups...

Elsewhere, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu are pretty much going through their series events. Wondering where they are, introducing themselves, and meeting with Master Mage Clef, who tells them they can't go back home until they save Cephiro, the world they are at right now. As well that they were summoned by Princess Emeraude to become Magic Knights. Oh God, I already know how this is gonna go down even if this is SRW, don't make me play through this! Anyway, Umi is very skeptical about all this, but just then a Golem shows up! Clef is quick to take it down with magic. He explains how Cephiro didn't used to be like this, with monsters plaguing the land. Only when High Priest Zagato kidnapped the Princess, did it all fell out of harmony. But there's a legend, that when Cephiro finds itself in crisis, that the Magic Knights will be summoned from another world to save this one. And the girls are these very Magic Knights. Many have tried to take down Zagato to no avail, thus, it must come down to the otherworlders. Hikaru is quick to jump at the call, though Umi remains adamant in letting this world sort its own business without involving others. Unfortunately, they can't go back no matter how much they'd want to right now. Clef then brings up about the Pillar of Cephiro. A world where willpower rules supreme. As the Pillar, Princess Emeraude has kept order and peace on Cephiro, and it was her wish that brought the girls here. Should it be fulfilled, they'd be allowed to go back. And in order to save Cephiro, they must seek the acceptance of the Rune Gods. He can already sense the world has granted them the ability to use magic, so he simply conjures armor for them to wear.

Just then, a magic spell is fired their way! One of Zagato's minions, Alcyone, shows up. Clef wonders how could a student of his side with Zagato, but she's not here to chat. Rather, to eliminate the Magic Knights! And let Zagato take over the world. Hikaru isn't going to let that happen, and taking up that resolved, combined with being in Cephiro, is able to harness her newly obtained magic power to launch a Flame Arrow spell at her, hitting Alcyon with it. The latter is shocked to see how powerful it is coming from a novice, and makes her retreat... however, this ain't over yet.

More Golems get summoned by Alcyone, and these are giant sized. Clef comments this shouldn't be possible normally, but now with Princess Emeraude in captivity, strange things have begun to happen. Combined with that Hikaru is currently exhausted for that earlier spell, Clef takes it upon himself to protect them. However, just then a mech shows up! An Aura Battler! Alcyone recognizing it, commenting it's the one who escaped from the Black Knight. The pilot, Shion, complains he has ended up with another mess, while his fairy companion, Silky, comments the Golems before them aren't direbeasts. Regardless, he ain't happy to see Cephian monsters. And now Alcyone decides to focus on the Aura Battler first instead. Clef too seems to know what Aura Battlers are, calling them ancient and forbidden weapons long faded into lagend... but have now returned. At the same time, Fuu seems to recall the term as being familiar. Regardless, Shion wonders if the Black Knight is allying himself with Cephirans, so he's now gearing up to bust those Golems up! And stage begins!

Yeah, should be obvious why the Golems are giant sized... for the mechs to fight against of course! Anyway, it's just Shion and Silky in the Sirbine against these Golems. SR Point is to defeat three within two turns. Let's go!


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Kurzgesgat you can't just upload this when I'm about to go to work, God damn it, well at least I know what to watch during break.

Amazing how all of this is theoretically feasible.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even in Fates you got all the royal and retainer trios relatively early, and the later joiners were oddballs.

Xander and Ryoma join a bit late but that's because they are Xander and Ryoma. Giving you them earlier (especially Ryoma) would be a bit much.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, PS games in particluar have always either been on PC or not really been my thing.

If Jedi Survivor can run on my PC, i can delay getting a PS5 even further.

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

How can min. wage people even live like this

Me reading this as an American


3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Living necessities should've never been put full under capitalism

Thinking about how it's illegal for UK water companies to turn off someone's water because they didn't pay.

Meanwhile American water companies:


3 hours ago, Benice said:

Well, unless referring to someone who's from India.

Little kid me used to think "Indian" refered to people from Indiana.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It can be especially hard to bring it up in the states with how like I said, many people seeing Communism as a buzz word for anything bad, as well as socialism and so we delay the ability to incorporate some of those ideas into our system.

It gets worse with Lationos because socialism actually has fucked up some countries but that had less to do with socialism and more because dictators don't care for which side of the political spectrum they're on.

And whenever you point to Europe, they change the goalpost.

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Okay, cutting it close on Turn 2 Enemy Phase, but that's three Golems down... and Surbine down to less than 1K HP. Yikes. Anyway, Shion has taken notice of the onlooking girls, but more Golems have showed up! But then T3 has arrived as well! Naturally, there's some bewilderment of seeing a White Knight looking mecha fighting monsters. The girls, naturally, are glad to see T3, who are also surprised to see them here, but figured they just got caught up in this mess too. Alcyone isn't too surprised to see them, and she has orders to kill any otherworlders, so any chance of diplomacy ends before it can begin. Still, they are able to contact Shion just fine who gladly accepts the help. The group is surprised to see they can understand each other, wondering if there's some connection to Earth somehow.

Now for the TacP Bonus. Either of Guy or Maito must defeat two Golems. I guess it must be two, and not one for each. Well, this should be easy to get...

Ah, I get it, because they were involved in the events surrounding Tokyo Tower from back then, which the girls comment about. Also since both are Braves I suppose. Still, neat. And got the bonus. Now it's just a matter of routing the Golems...

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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

You really must love history hehe!

*Cue the scene at the end of The Crystal Skulls where Soviet villain girl says she wants know to everything💀👽*

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Ofc. i knew that since it was your study path and all, but still talking about your passion is always something nice 😄

I don't read enough though!😣 I need to read and or watch/listen to more history stuff, just as I need to play more video games and do more of basically everything b/c I'm intrinsically lazy.😆

I mean, it isn't possible to be caught up and knowledgeable in all fields. The "Renaissance man" ideal died with the Enlightenment -so I read. The late 1600s-1789 was the last era in European intellectualism where it was humanly possible for an individual to be fully knowledgable and up-to-date in everything from mathematics to medicine to metaphysics to art & literature to agriculture and so forth. After this, the sciences began becoming so overloaded with new information and new fields and subfields that being a perfect polymath was no longer possible. I suppose the movements in the liberal arts gradually started to become too diffuse to keep track of them all too (though gradually as I said, since textbooks seem capable of summarizing the most major of movements in the Western visual art world up to WWII).

The above fact, according to another book I discovered in college, explains a decision made in 1920s or 30s by the US's educational elite, a decision enforced at least through the early 1960s. These elite decided that universities should offer an "open mind" curriculum that would teach just enough of everything that you could make "cocktail talk" on any given subject. That you knew something in general about any topic that might come up at an upper-middle class party, enough that you could make a moment of small talk. That would be enough, trying to do more would be impossible, doing less and letting everyone learn just their chosen dedicated field in higher education was deemed undesirable. -Or so I think the book went, I sold it/returned it years ago.😅


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Meanwhile American water companies:

Privatized water rights I know are major problem out west. Not too sure of the specifics, but add in groundwater depletion and the Valley Once A River Called The Colorado, and it's gonna be a Dry Dry Desert out there before you know it. Arizona I know is a booming state population-wise right now, but I can't help but ponder if it's going to be a mirage that shrivels up with awful snappy results sometime in my lifetime.

And I know the Spanish to some extent brought a more communal version of water-use management (partly with Arab/Andalusian influences) to the American Southwest before the US stole the region.

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Anyways yeah, this is for figuring out what the "dark side" of the Emblem Tarots is supposed to represent for each Emblem

  • Marth: anguish at seeing his comrades survive leaving his family behind and just the general nature of war
  • Celica: the whole schtick with Mila and Duma and Jedah
  • Sigurd: I don't need to explain this one
  • Leif: i wanna say post-Manster shit
  • Roy: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
  • Lyn: most likely her parents' deaths
  • Renais Twins: Lyon probably
  • Ike: Greil's death
  • Micaiah: Blood Pact shenanigans
  • Lucina: y'all know this one
  • Corrin: choosing
  • Byleth: Jeralt went bye bye


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22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Privatized water rights I know are major problem out west. Not too sure of the specifics, but add in groundwater depletion and the Valley Once A River Called The Colorado, and it's gonna be a Dry Dry Desert out there before you know it. Arizona I know is a booming state population-wise right now, but I can't help but ponder if it's going to be a mirage that shrivels up with awful snappy results sometime in my lifetime.

Meanwhile Hawaii it's telling both it's residents and it's indigenous people to "use less water" because "muh tourists".

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With the routing of the Golems, Alcyone leaves the area, intending to report to Zagato. Meanwhile, the party ponder if the Golems were after the girls due to not being from this world. If so, then fighting will be inevitable from now on. Meanwhile, Shion suggests meeting up with the group personally, in order to talk. Silky is a bit wary, but Shion feels the group is alright. Besides, if the Black Knight is indeed allying himself with the Cephirans, then he'd need to respond in kind. Clef intends to join in too, as he figures they'll need to be explained things. Inwardly he's worried that Zagato has more forces than first thought, so the otherworlders will need every bit of help they can get.

In the woods below, Clef has finished his rundown. He repeats that they can't go back to their own world, for even he can't override the Pillar's wish. Worse still, its weakening power has sent into flux the boundaries between Earth, Cephiro, and Byston Well... wait, what. Okay, we already saw Shion, it's a given. But for the heroes, it's a shock. They bring up it's the place from the Aura Battler incident, an event from the distant past for both Earth and Cephiro. Hinting at a possible connection between Cephiro and Byston Well. Shion then speaks up, asking if they're talking about the Treasure of Baran-Baran Doban, which is the Sirbine itself, as Clef confirms. As some in the group are still puzzled about all this, Bright explains that 700 years ago, two machines appeared in the skies over Tokyo. Aura Battlers from Byston Well, the world said to exist between land and sea. And whom La Gias would copycat from. The machines soon disappeared, but then two armies of Aura Machines showed up. This being the ancient and primitive 20th century, there was little the people of Earth could do against the mechs, which had spread their war across the world. Soon, this being a Tomino show, both armies destroyed each other and disappeared. Thus, the Aura Battler incident. Ultimately, it's all now on the history books. Still, it's not common knowledge today, for the existence of Byston Well couldn't be proven, and thus it soon faded into urban legend. Even Shion was skeptical of their existence. Clef adds that the prayer of the so called Holy Maiden is what caused the disappearance of the Aura Battler from Upper Earth. The opening of a massive Aura Road, which is what adjoined Cephiro and Byston Well together. Why they're back now... no one knows.

As it stands, helping the Magic Knights is inevitably going to be the fastest way to find a way back to Earth. Zagato is already against them, so conflict is inevitable anyway. Shion agrees to serve as a guide... and inwardly adds that their added company means he won't have to worry too much about the Black Knight... and save someone named Remul. Clef will stay behind, however, saying he'll keep investigating about recent events. He tells them to head west to the Forest of Silence, where someone is awaiting them. Thus, they group departs.

Watching them leave, Clef laments the most he could do is give them armor and magic. He hopes the rest of the otherworlders will help them out. Just then, someone arrives... and turns Clef into stone! He comments how his only other obstacle is the otherworlders... but one way or another, he'll stop the Magic Knights...

This the stage ends.

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I never thought I’d be saying this about Cold Steel but… Kino? (Emphasis on the question mark)


Except human form Celine and like everything she said but we’ve always gotta make room for some Celine cringe.

But I mean wow, Rean had another good scene. At this point he’s hit his one per game quota, but more would be cool.

I knew about Crow, but I didn’t expect Duvalie to at the very least temporarily join us. I saw that she had more casual clothing in one of the openings but I thought that was because she should be doing some more undercover type work, not defecting. And I love how Arianrhod immediately granted her leave from the Stahlritter and thanked her for her service. I kinda wish another one of the Stahlritter defected because Duvalie is already the only one who gets any development, but oh well, what can you do?

Altina is seriously amazing… that scene with Rean, amazing.

The boss battle against Osborne and Arianrhod to try and get all the AP was actually a little fun.

OP theme banger as always. Unfortunately, it’s been the only banger so far, the rest of the OST has actually been forgettable (except the title screen theme).

But why does Rean sound so emotionless in this game? His VA is the same right? That was all a little disappointing…

I think it was kind of a missed opportunity to have a whole portion of the game without Rean and Elise not make a single appearance until he’s being rescued, but oh well, what can you do.

I like how in that scene where everyone he’s linked with speaks to him in his head, Crow and Duvalie are just completely forgotten about.

And with that, the Fragments chapter is over. And our temporary main goal has been concluded, meaning we’re gonna be doing new stuff now, just like in CS2.


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37 minutes ago, Armagon said:


  • Roy: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 

Not promoting until the end of the war and being useless

Edited by Sooks
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Scenario 18: Magic Knights and their Duty

Aboard the Ra Cailum, Shion tells his story. The Black Knight seeks to conquer Byston Well and seeks out the Treasure of Baran-Baran, for which he gathered people capable of using Aura Battlers. Shion was one such person and thus was kidnapped, but he took the Sirbine and escaped, making Silkie comment she and Shion had been together ever since. At this the group finally notices her presence, surprised to see a fairy of all things. She introduces herself, mentioning she's a Mi Ferario. In any case, Shion saved her from the Black Knight, and she unlocked his cell door. He also brings up about Remul. The princess of a noble house that guarded the Treasure of Baran-Baran, and thus the one that led him to the Sirbine... but also meant being captured alongside him. He had to leave her behind, but the group are more than happy to help him out. Still, he inwardly hopes that once that's done, he can ditch them all before being dragged into a bigger mess.

The topic then changes to the Magic Knights, who have yet to return from the Forest of Silence. They didn't went alone, for Tetsuya and Guy are with them. Some small talk (and Tetsuya fangirling from Umi, lol) ensues, but soon they're approached by Ferio, a local hunter. He warns them of the battle that happened prior (which the group would naturally already know about), but also about the monsters from the forest. He offers to serve as their guide... and then slips up in saying he knows they're part of a larger group. Fuu is quick to laid it out he had ulterior motives, forcing Ferio to admit it, also praising her for figuring it out. He admits he has heard from Clef that they're going to save Princess Emeraude and Cephiro, and wants to help them out. Still, the group wonders why the previous secrecy, and he says it was a test of sorts, intending to just use them if they had been gullible enough. Instead, he offers whatever information about Zagato he knows, bringing up about Princess Emeraude being held at the Water Prison, and that Zagato has allied with a group using Aura Battlers. Not being there for Shion's explanations, they still reach the conclusion that it must be that Black Knight he spoke of, and that they must've found more Aura Battlers despite there not being any since 700 years ago. The group doesn't quite trust him yet, but it's a start.

Just then, a golem shows up! More of Zagato's henchmen arrive, Caldina and Ascot. The latter summons more golems, and Tetsuya, Guy, and Ferio quickly get ready to confront them. But then Ascot just summons even more. Hikaru finally decides enough is enough, and gathers the resolve to help out too, prompting the other two to do the same. Just like Hikaru before, all three unleash magic against the golems, felling them. With the guys also defeating the rest of the golems, Caldina and Ascot bail out, intending to leave things to Alcyone. Tetsuya and Guy decide to head back to the battleships, for they are to come under attack again. And Ferio also decides to bail out...

Expectedly, more giant Golems show up, and T3 deploys, thanks to the guys warning. Alcyone declares they'll go down this time, and stage begins!

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58 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Meanwhile Hawaii it's telling both it's residents and it's indigenous people to "use less water" because "muh tourists".

Well you can't exactly abolish tourism for Hawaii I'd think.

To pull some numbers quickly off the Internet.:


Straight from the EPA.

Household use falls under "Public Supply". Which as you notice, is but 12%. 

In other words, no matter how much families and individuals cut back, it's not likely going to fix any water crises on their own. You need industries to make changes to fix this. Yet we need electricity, and we need irrigation for food to eat, so IDK how we can get those to cut back on water usage. We civvies who have nothing to do with power or agriculture shouldn't feel guilt about failing to address these, though we shouldn't regularly waste water out of moral principle for the sake of it either.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Straight from the EPA.

Household use falls under "Public Supply". Which as you notice, is but 12%. 

In other words, no matter how much families and individuals cut back, it's not likely going to fix any water crises on their own. You need industries to make changes to fix this. Yet we need electricity, and we need irrigation for food to eat, so IDK how we can get those to cut back on water usage. We civvies who have nothing to do with power or agriculture shouldn't feel guilt about failing to address these, though we shouldn't regularly waste water out of moral principle for the sake of it either.

It's part of their playbook. Make us feel we are the ones at fault for not doing enough. When it's them who aren't.

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