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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You mean as in their shape? I can only think up Fodlan also being Europe-esque.

11 hours ago, ping said:

To be honest, I don't entirely see it. Nabata peninsula = Iberia, I assume? Clearly FE7 plays in the future, after the desertification of Iberia is complete. And bonus points for Aquileia being where Aquitaine would be. But I don't see equivalents for Italy or Scandinavia in Elibe.

Or do you mean a more general "vibe", like frozen lands in the northeast, islands in the NW, decentralised confederation in the center?



It always looked to me like if Europe and some surrounding areas were just smashed together like play doh.

13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yep, and if you can't go back to trigger it... here, enjoy:


Oh wow.

Imma just pretend that was a canon conversation that totally happened in my playthrough even though Jill wasn't at an A support with Mist.

And I'm also going to pretend that "special someone" Jill's father mentioned she wants to protect is Lethe.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fairly certain not, if I recall my PoR run correctly.

Maybe it's region based.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I will critique Marth and Azura now:

Marth: Is a prince before he is a son or brother

Azura: Actually planning on taking over in the vacuum that arises from the chaos she enables

Maybe it's just because MoTE is still fresh in my head but other than a few lines I can't think of much stuff Marth did that was particularly memorable or interesting.

Similarly with Azura, she has her moments but for the majority of the Fates' storylines, she mostly just serves as exposition dumbing/Corrin ego-boosting machine.

And that's mostly my criteria for that tier, that if their heroic moments are vastly outnumbered by their

Moments, than they stay there.

Though who knows, I could be off base with all of those characters in that tier, especially since I haven't played all of Three Houses' routes and have yet to play the support filled New Mystery.


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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



It always looked to me like if Europe and some surrounding areas were just smashed together like play doh.

Still feels like reaching it a bit, I'd say. Outside Sacae/Saka, nothing else would really match for a disfigured Eurasia.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh wow.

Imma just pretend that was a canon conversation that totally happened in my playthrough even though Jill wasn't at an A support with Mist.

And I'm also going to pretend that "special someone" Jill's father mentioned she wants to protect is Lethe.

As opposed to the one where she defects? XD

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Maybe it's region based.

Possible, but I feel this would've been discovered long already. This place has researched the workings of the whole Jill thing since at least 2011.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Though who knows, I could be off base with all of those characters in that tier, especially since I haven't played all of Three Houses' routes and have yet to play the support filled New Mystery.

I mean, yeah, with SNES Mystery it's hard to gauge much since it doesn't have a lot of text. Not that New Mystery is going to add a whole lot. Still, I feel Marth at least is also "Generically Heroic", perhaps if a bit less so in English!ShadowDragon.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 Everyone's growths seem to be pretty god-tier (which does beg the question what I want Tiki for), 

Limits are meant to be broken.

16 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

always looked to me like if Europe and some surrounding areas were just smashed together like play doh.

I feel like this is more accurate with the Archanea map. Especially since to the west, Valentina, looks very similar to the Americas.

You want fantasy Europe tho? Look at the Ys series map. 

17 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Similarly with Azura, she has her moments but for the majority of the Fates' storylines, she mostly just serves as exposition dumbing/Corrin ego-boosting machine

She's hot tho so I'll let it slide.

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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Maybe it's just because MoTE is still fresh in my head but other than a few lines I can't think of much stuff Marth did that was particularly memorable or interesting.

That line's from SD though. I'm not calling him an astounding lord or anything, but I just didn't agree on the tier.

Arguably NMotE takes away from Marth too. The dialogue is pretty straightforward in the original, but I'm not going into what NMotE does. 😛

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Similarly with Azura, she has her moments but for the majority of the Fates' storylines, she mostly just serves as exposition dumbing/Corrin ego-boosting machine.

That one's fanon, but one I almost want to buy as the real motive. Just a shame she never gets to do it.

Then again, the story role of all the cast seems to serve that to me.

7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

have yet to play the support filled New Mystery.


Just now, Armagon said:



Oh look, that trailer.

Hold on, does she know? Oh man.

Also, I see we're getting an accused villain out of Miles here? We'll see in June I suppose.

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9 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hold on, does she know? Oh man.

She knows (or rather learns) in the Insomniac-verse.

We know The Spot is the main villain of the movie so i'm curious as to how this all relates.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank TMS for first putting Technically FE Characters in workout wear.

The difference is that there it fits. TMS takes place in modern day Tokio, not the middle ages of anime. If those characters geared up in medieval armor and spears it would feel a lot stranger.

Then we have Engage, with its fantasy kingdoms, its knights and wizards, its romanticized war and its overall bizarro medieval aesthetic. And they threw modern workout wear in there without the slightest regard for consistency.

I have to admire the balls on 'em. They didn't give a shit.

31 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh wow.

Imma just pretend that was a canon conversation that totally happened in my playthrough even though Jill wasn't at an A support with Mist.

And I'm also going to pretend that "special someone" Jill's father mentioned she wants to protect is Lethe.

I said it before in a spoiler, but I'll say it again: I personally believe this would've been a lot better if it had been mandatory. Just have them talk at the start, and if the proper supports aren't achieved Jill defects. I don't care if some whiners cry about losing Jill after giving her kills - the game is piss easy and even Sothe can competently fend off its garbage enemies, as Sooks handily proved in his run. Losing Jill in a great story moment isn't going to cost anyone their run, keeping her would be all the more satisfying and either way it would greatly benefit the characters, as opposed to the whole convo just... not happening, because it's dumb to actually do it without a save state at the ready.

15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Limits are meant to be broken.

Really depends. If she does a like, 10% growth increase in a game with massive growths, it simply won't have the slightest impact. Which makes it a pretty laughable thing to burn 30 buckarinos over.

But then, the entire package would be laughable at 10 buckarinos, let alone 30. Try again next December.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The difference is that there it fits. TMS takes place in modern day Tokio, not the middle ages of anime. If those characters geared up in medieval armor and spears it would feel a lot stranger.

Then we have Engage, with its fantasy kingdoms, its knights and wizards, its romanticized war and its overall bizarro medieval aesthetic. And they threw modern workout wear in there without the slightest regard for consistency.

Reminds me that the pool we saw is also quite modern looking, specially with the lounge chairs too. Just watch, Pool Party mode, complete with stuff like a modern barbecue...


I have to admire the balls on 'em. They didn't give a shit.

I said it before in a spoiler, but I'll say it again: I personally believe this would've been a lot better if it had been mandatory. Just have them talk at the start, and if the proper supports aren't achieved Jill defects. I don't care if some whiners cry about losing Jill after giving her kills - the game is piss easy and even Sothe can competently fend off its garbage enemies, as Sooks handily proved in his run. Losing Jill in a great story moment isn't going to cost anyone their run, keeping her would be all the more satisfying and either way it would greatly benefit the characters, as opposed to the whole convo just... not happening, because it's dumb to actually do it without a save state at the ready.

They kinda tried to do similar with Kaze in Birthright, specially with "automatic unless you reach this support level with this person"... although your mileage may vary on the execution.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Reminds me that the pool we saw is also quite modern looking, specially with the lounge chairs too. Just watch, Pool Party mode, complete with stuff like a modern barbecue...

Yeah, good point. Generic prison will actually be the Somniel Police Department lololololololol


They kinda tried to do similar with Kaze in Birthright, specially with "automatic unless you reach this support level with this person"... although your mileage may vary on the execution.

I thought of it back when I first brought up the idea, and I thought of it now. This little thing perfectly encapsulates the differences between the two games: Fates's moment boldly commits to the risk and forces the player into it, but completely crumbles when it actually has to deliver some of the text; whereas PoR's moment makes for the better story beat, but utterly fails to integrate it into the gameplay in any remotely organic way. Good gameplay, bad story - bad gameplay, good story. The duality of FE, you could call it.

...In my opinion, of course. I've seen people claim that PoR's gameplay is good and Fates's story is good. It's not impossible to enjoy them.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, good point. Generic prison will actually be the Somniel Police Department lololololololol

For more modernism, you can force your captives to do prison labor too. Penal Military Unit gogogo!

Too bad this wasn't a thing in Fates. Just imagine Garon in casual clothes flipping burgers on a grill. lol


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

She knows (or rather learns) in the Insomniac-verse.

Different story, that.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We know The Spot is the main villain of the movie so i'm curious as to how this all relates.

I didn't.

Also don't know who The Spot is.

Don't tell me anything.

32 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

3-0... yeah, no way they can turn that around...

No 2018 rematch.... Unless Morocco win tomorrow.

Go Morocco!

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If I were to check, SRW T would be the only thing in there. XD

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

No 2018 rematch.... Unless Morocco win tomorrow.

Go Morocco!

France better not bring Charles Martel out of cold storage.

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-The books, it's the books.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

France better not bring Charles Martel out of cold storage.

France aren't on home turf this time

Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

Although Jill going red and critting my Ike is a moment i will always remember xD

Man, I'm sad this moment has not been recorded for posterity.

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's that time of year again when we get our Switch games in review. You can get your info here!

Well that's going to be a sad display. I've played like two games on the Switch this year.

Also I don't remember my credentials soooo tough luck.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

will cost them Jill, a fav. character of many.

Although Jill going red and critting my Ike is a moment i will always remember xD

Everyone's always praising the story of PoR, and this would be a straight improvement for the story. It may be a heartbreaking moment, but that's the good kind of reaction for a story to get. It's only going to make the game and the character all the more memorable for it.

Honestly, I feel like FE could stand to be just a bit more ballsy with this kind of thing. Orson leaves after one chapter, Jill can bypass the entire Shiharam event, Jeralt and Greil straight up don't join... These are all characters who would benefit from being in your team for a sizeable amount of time, then being taken. But FE prefers to play it safer most of the time. It's too afraid of upsetting the player in this very specific way. I say cry me a river, and in time you'll appreciate it.

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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

yeah because it will lead to an outrage, and rightfully so

Would there, though? I've never seen anyone outraged over


The Funny that happens in TearRing Saga. Quite the opposite, actually. I often see The Funny praised as one of the game's most robust and memorable characters. Because turns out, you still have plenty of other units and it benefits the character's story a LOT to be playable for half the game.

And that's just an example I bring up because it's hits very close to FE. I've played other games that aren't afraid of killing off your characters and it only makes the story and your choices within a lot more impactful. Sometimes you just have to make the player a bit upset - in the end they'll think back on it as one of the moments that made the game truly great.

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