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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Seriously, it's like if I played Engage and found that Vandad was secretly an unplayable NPC all along because IntSys decided to fix the anime teen to actually cool character ratio.

Why would they fix Weeping Watson

How do I restore him

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah but she catgirl

Well, how would I know?

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Scenario 28: Showdown with the Martian Successors

Alright, we be at The Prince of Darkness finale now. Two story finales back to back... well, actually, Expelled from Paradise has a Light Novel sequel, but SRW T doesn't include it. As it stands, I should mention that the movie did ended without an outright resolution. The DEVA High Officials are still at large and their plans still in motion. Maybe the light novel addresses this, and perhaps the game itself might still do something, but as far as the movie itself goes, we're done.

Anyway, the stage begins... not at Mars, but rather a city. A couple Martian Successor mechs Boson Jump in, but most blow up, not surviving the process. One of the remaining pilots isn't happy with this margin of error, but the other says it's enough to sow terror on the masses. What they need is to stabilize somethin they call the Sleeping Beauty. In any case, they take this chance to announce to the people they'll bring in a new world order, and Boson Jump out.

It seems it wasn't an isolated incident. As Akatsuki reports to Goldwin, they've been doing this for days now. In addition, all the Boson Jumping means they got a Super A-Class Jumper, but more shockingly, they can let others do the jump. The likely reason they had been kidnapping jumpers and experiment on them. In any case, the Mars Polar Cap Ruins is where they're keeping the Calculation Unit, the place that controls all Boson Jumps. Once they can perfect the Boson Jump, they'll likely see the Federation's surrender, and in case of refusal, enact pinpoint strikes to strike a coup. Thus, they can only rely on the T3 to stop them. Akatsuki has prepared something out to help them, but isn't sure if it will arrive in time. Still, they both place their faith on them to succeed.

Now see, Interdimensional, this is why it was a good thing they jettisoned the Calculation Unit off into deep space in SRW A. This is what happens should the movie be allowed to happen!

On Mars itself, at the Martian Successors' HQ, Yamasaki reports to Kusakabe that Boson Jump accuracy is rising. Soon they can put their plan into motion. The pinnacle of their research, controlling an A-Class Jumper's thoughts from the outside to allow a specific target to jump to a specific location. That's why they did all those experiments. In the end, their breakthrough was the synchronized thoughts of a husband and wife couple, the one showing the highest synch rate. Said couple having been none other than Akito and Yurika. Kusakabe notes the irony how the destroyers of the Jovian Federation were now the unwitting test subjects. Even with Akito's escape, they were able to emulate him, and thanks to Neo Zeon providing a Psycommu, they got the system to still have it contact with her, and they to the ruins. Now they need more testing to get the accuracy as high as possible. Yamasaki worries they might not have time, for T3 is already on Mars, but Kusakabe has it covered. A... human weapon of sorts. Once the Federation falls, they'll go after Neo Zeon next. So they need as much arsenal as they can get. At the Calculation Unit itself, Hokushin tells the imprisoned Yurika that Akito on his way... and he'll be there to receive him...

Back with the heroes, it seems Domon and Akito have finished their training sessions. It's now all up to the latter for the rest. If this leads to a Love-Love Boson Jump Tenkyoken then... Elsewhere, Tochiro has finished overhauling Chirico's Scopedog. That's not only a stat boost, but also gainst the Turbo Custom parts. End result might be too much, but Chirico finds it no problem. He'll be there to support Akito. On the subject, Akito is asked if he knows what he'll do once he defeats Hokushin. He has an answer to that, but before he can say, Hokushin himself Boson Jumps in! Who then rubs it in it was thanks to Akito himself and Yurika. He's not alone, for more footsoldiers warp into the battleships. Their objection being... Ruri. Hokushin mocks Akito that he won't be able to protect her just like how he couldn't protect Yurika. Still, a fight ensues, though Spike runs off to the Nadesico.

Over there, Spike reached the bridge. Chibodee is there, but he's having trouble fighting a man named Tongpu, who also smacks Spike without much trouble. Alas, they can't stop him from taking Ruri. Now in the aftermath, Saburouta explains Tongpu is a human weapon created by the Jovian Federation through human modification. The one survivor when the Jovian research centers collapsed. In spite of his current condition, Spike vows to support Akito as well, commenting they're in not too dissimilar situations...

T3 has reached the polar cap ruins. Harry is told to withdraw, the Nadesico having come off the worst out of the attack. The group deploys, encouraging Akito to hurry into the ruins and rescue Yurika. They'll support him all the way. The welcoming party comes out, but curiously Hokushin isn't present... yet. So, let's begin!

Okay, so, the objective is to get Akito into the ruins within three minutes/turns. SR Point is to defeat twenty enemies before that happens. Enemies are Battas, Majins, and Shishikis. Their Distortion Fields will be a problem... but I can do this!

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Altina is amazing.

Altina is wonderful.

Altina is the GOAT.

Altina is fantastic.

But why? Asking due to not knowing.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why would they fix Weeping Watson

How do I restore him

Is there a way to change the version of the game?

Some games do allow you to change game version, though they're few and far between.

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I feel like I can do better than this…

21 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You need to change your Pfp tbh

Well yes, but I had a different idea.


Now rate the game without Altina

It would be the same but I would be simping for Juna instead


We will never get another Sky. Once you accept that fact, you will be much happier.

I mean, I wouldn’t say the fact that there games aren’t Sky affects my overall happiness.


You could go as far and say Sky was it's own series, and the rest a series



You won't get good Falcom OST for the forseeable future, if ever again. Some good tracks yes, but the rest awful

Why not?


Sad when the music was part of the reason i got into Falcom, alas...


16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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Why is the cat not in S



1. She’s a talking cat, and her personality is generic anime tsundere with an annoying voice and somehow being a cat makes her more annoying

2. Trails has had talking animals before, but they were all big and epic and mystical, and while technically Celine is the same in her TRUE FORM™ (well, it’s implied she could be anyway) her being a cat feels kinda forced and I don’t like it

3. She’s the poster child for the bad and undeveloped magic/mech lore from the first two games and her dialogue is just her pulling out undeveloped/setup magic spell after undeveloped/setup magic spell

4. She randomly gets a cringe human form in Cold Steel 4 that hadn’t been mentioned in the first three games just to pander to cat girl fans. When she first transforms, she literally says she needs to be in that form to do whatever magic she was about to do. Why does she need to be a human? Who cares, cat girl!



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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Is there a way to change the version of the game?

Some games do allow you to change game version, though they're few and far between.

I wish I knew, but to all's great shock and surprise, the masses weren't stampeding to get an old, janky-ass adventure game, so information about the game is scarce online. So scarce, in fact, that I can only find posts claiming Weeping Watson still happens... Y'know, likely from before this awful update happened.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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1. She’s a talking cat, and her personality is generic anime tsundere with an annoying voice and somehow being a cat makes her more annoying

2. Trails has had talking animals before, but they were all big and epic and mystical, and while technically Celine is the same in her TRUE FORM™ (well, it’s implied she could be anyway) her being a cat feels kinda forced and I don’t like it

3. She’s the poster child for the bad and undeveloped magic/mech lore from the first two games and her dialogue is just her pulling out undeveloped/setup magic concept after undeveloped/setup magic concept

4. She randomly gets a cringe human form in Cold Steel 4 that hadn’t been mentioned in the first three games just to pander to cat girl fans. When she first transforms, she literally says she needs to be in that form to do whatever magic she was about to do. Why does she need to be a human? Who cares, cat girl!



That's a lot of words not spent on answering the question of why Factory Worker Garon wasn't in S.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Why not?

The current composer contracted to Falcom is terrible, and Falcom overworks him.

Ys X music is gonna be horrible and i will need to prepare mods.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well yes, but I had a different idea.


8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean, I wouldn’t say the fact that there games aren’t Sky affects my overall happiness.

You keep going "I miss Sky" tho, so there's a part in you that wants another Sky

Play Ys 8, written by the dude who wrote Sky 😉

Also Dana amazing.

You aren't into Action games tho are you

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Moving Akito closer, a warship emerges from the ruins. He recognizes it as the Eucharis. The pilot, a young girl named Lapis... suddenly sends a gravity wave at the party! They comment they may have to take it out in order to stop it, but Akito tells them not to. He explains Lapis was a Designed Human from Nergal, and had been supporting him until... Hokushin arrives to finish that sentence. He got defeated, and Lapis was captured and subjected to mind control. And of course he then gloats how it's just one more of Akito's failures. He and Lapis withdraw... and then more AT mechs show up, led by Yazan. Kamille and Judau accuse him if he doesn't care to become the pawn of aliens, but Yazan says it won't matter being an Earthling or not. He can live so long there's a war to fight. Despite the situation becoming dire, T3 won't give up, telling Akito that he can do it. Save everyone and stop the Martian Successors. The plan goes on!

Okay, so, more Scopedogs and Standing Tortoises, led by Yazan in his Hambrabi. Well, the good thing here is that these will be easier to take down for the SR Point. Let's go!

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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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1. She’s a talking cat, and her personality is generic anime tsundere with an annoying voice and somehow being a cat makes her more annoying

2. Trails has had talking animals before, but they were all big and epic and mystical, and while technically Celine is the same in her TRUE FORM™ (well, it’s implied she could be anyway) her being a cat feels kinda forced and I don’t like it

3. She’s the poster child for the bad and undeveloped magic/mech lore from the first two games and her dialogue is just her pulling out undeveloped/setup magic spell after undeveloped/setup magic spell

4. She randomly gets a cringe human form in Cold Steel 4 that hadn’t been mentioned in the first three games just to pander to cat girl fans. When she first transforms, she literally says she needs to be in that form to do whatever magic she was about to do. Why does she need to be a human? Who cares, cat girl!



Meanwhile, while Wraith is read more of the Elric Saga:


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Miura met Natsuno for the first time and his first response is “why aren’t you wearing pants?” Which is pretty understandable, actually.

58 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And it was this 4th game that played like that that I started to get really tired of it and miss the Sky gameplay.

I have an idea. You could play the first two Cold Steel games after Sky and then play something else before the next two as a break, like Trails from Zero for example…

(Or you could play Sky after Cold Steel, but even I’m not that much of an anarchist.)

58 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Spoilery character tier list

I sure hope Bleublanc is top tier, like he belongs. What, you thought I was going to ask about Rixia?

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I like cats.

Unrelated, but I’m at a resort right now and a cat slept on a chair outside my room for a few hours yesterday. She said hi this morning but I haven’t seen her since.

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In quotation marks since, as I also recall, polygamy is legal in La Gias, so...

If Volkruss disapproves of the practice, I'm joining the Cult.


5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Our DM for the current campaign certainly threw the campaign into a whole other field last session, we've left the dimension we were in by the looks of it

I know well that it isn't, but this sounds like more of a sci-fi twist than proper medieval fantasy. You're not making some Popular TV Show joke here, are you? And I suppose one could technically redress D&D in space rangers with plasma rifles if they so desired.

5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

There's always the DM's Ult, "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies"

But you were outside in the middle of the Pancake Plains! Earthquake/sinkhole then! -With a gravity well effect to drag down anyone who flies or levitates.


3 hours ago, Green06 said:

19-20 The people would not listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want to be like other nations. We want a king to rule us and lead us in battle.”

21 Samuel listened to them and then told the Lord exactly what they had said. 22 “Do what they want,” the Lord answered. “Give them a king.”

So much for the Divine Right of Kings. And the belief that the masses, if given the choice, will always make the right decision. Monarchy and democracy alike struck dead as 100% Old Testament/Tanakh-endorsed with a single blow.

3 hours ago, Green06 said:

Are you going to install some mods? xD

Other than the special category of mod we call "fan translations", I haven't ever really used them with games in my short pc gaming history, even if they could make things more convenient. It reminds me that video games are malleable constructs, which I don't like to think during the playing of them. And I prefer to play things as they were -for better or worse- officially released. Even something nice -e.g. that FE Fates same-sex S Supports hack- wouldn't interest me, as in that example I would know the supports and any new dialogue written for them aren't actually part of the game.

-I have nothing against mods though, and have no qualms with anyone using them. If "immersion" in the "naturalness" of a video game isn't a big deal for you, and you see each game as a toy box you can mess with as much as you want as soon as the developer surrenders it and puts it up for sale, then I'm fine with that. Make the game what you want it to be if that's your style. I can also appreciate any effort that modders place into their creations, particularly the more elaborate ones, since mods can be real labors of love that go unrewarded.

And it's not to say that I wouldn't give an au naturale mod that included guys the time of day.😛


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I guess Christ-like and Christian doesn't have much overlap?

Well, they say Christ would not have called himself Christian. Christianity began its life as a Jewish sect after all, it's not until around the end of the 1st or early 2nd century CE IIRC that scholars see Christianity making the full definitive break from Judaism.

There is also the joke that Paul is the real founder of Christianity. So much for Peter being the rock of the faith, gets upstaged by a guy who from what little I'm aware of never met Christ before the resurrection. Spreading Christianity through the Roman Empire which would eventually embrace it and from it the entirety of Europe, having a bunch of his -supposedly his- epistles make it into the New Testament, the foundations for the oversimplifying jest aren't exactly flimsy.


2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life.

Sorta same, the depressing stuff was self-criticism and whatnot all in my head.

Best part was playing Mario Party Superstars freshly gifted to me with family.

Happy New Year BTW!

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time. Bless Noctis and the lads for having some of the best, most believable camaraderie in any RPG I've played.

I know people criticize hero-party banter and shenanigans when they're overly repetitive or cliched or poorly voiced, etc.. And yet, when the expressions of the bonds click for someone, it's often really good. So I'm glad it turned out that way for you.😄

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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

That is a sentence that sounds more likely in a mobile game.

The Ultimate Flavour Experience

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Procrastination is such a bitch. I really should be productive right now. It would help me out so much in ~2 hours. So why..?

Literally me

If you want me to scare you off the internet, though, I can start recommending games to you!

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Josette is amazing.

Josette is wonderful.

Josette is the GOAT.

Josette is fantastic.

I can't believe my own son is so based.

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wait wait

Sooks is my grandson?

What did you expect when you added a squid-wife to the Teehee plotline?

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27 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

But why? Asking due to not knowing.

Kino character arc. To be brief…


Altina is an artificial homunculus, created by one of the evil organizations to do their bidding and follow their orders. As she exists just to do what they say, that’s really all she does and ever thinks about, so she comes across very robotic and quite literally lacks emotion. As part of her missions assigned to her, she ends up partnering with Rean Schwarzer, which is a name I’m sure you recognize, who is also working the government. This isn’t stated, but it’s kinda implied he’s one of the first people to truly care about her and value her as a human being. But after they’ve finished working as partners for a bit, Rean stops taking orders from the government and becomes a teacher at a branch campus of the school he graduated from, only to discover that Altina is in his class. This experimental class puts her with classmates from a variety of different backgrounds who journey around because reasons, and as she journeys around with them and Rean she begins to understand more and more the value of other people and emotions. She becomes happy and we see her smile for the first time.

Then spoilers, at the end of the game her “sister” (another homunculus and probably the actual first person to value her) sacrifices herself for everyone and she shows raw emotion, then Rean is captured and separated from the group and at the beginning of the next game she decides to finally decide things for herself and goes on a quest to rescue Rean with her classmates.

This is all elevated by a performance from the wonderful Xanthe Huynh, who takes the character from this

to this

in a believable and awesome way. 

…I really just wrote that much on Altina huh (two ish paragraphs with one of them being kinda long is a lot for me)

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

What did you expect when you added a squid-wife to the Teehee plotline?

Was it like this



10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

…I really just wrote that much in Altina huh


Let me guess, one of your new all time favs?

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Was it like this


The Teehee iceberg grows ever deeper.

I forgot how magical some of the dialogue in that game was, though

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know well that it isn't, but this sounds like more of a sci-fi twist than proper medieval fantasy. You're not making some Popular TV Show joke here, are you? And I suppose one could technically redress D&D in space rangers with plasma rifles if they so desired.

I have no idea what show you're on about.

What happened was the town we were in got eaten by a massive worm that seemingly dimension hops. We've so far fought orcs with no plasma weapons, so it doesn't look like 40K. I have no context for if this is in D&D.... and despite getting the monster manual I probably shouldn't confirm if it's in there.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But you were outside in the middle of the Pancake Plains! Earthquake/sinkhole then! -With a gravity well effect to drag down anyone who flies or levitates.

"Somehow, the rocks fell upward"

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is also the joke that Paul is the real founder of Christianity. So much for Peter being the rock of the faith, gets upstaged by a guy who from what little I'm aware of never met Christ before the resurrection.

Peter has the First Pope title, Paul isn't considered to completely outshine him from what I can recall.

Can confirm he never met Christ though, he doesn't enter the story before the Ascension (I kinda have to capitalise this to clarify it's Jesus related).

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

having a bunch of his -supposedly his- epistles make it into the New Testament, the foundations for the oversimplifying jest aren't exactly flimsy.

There's other epistles, but Paul fits the image of the converted zealot, at least in how much of a 180 he took from his past position.

4 minutes ago, Benice said:

The Ultimate Flavour Experience

I saw that, just feel like it sounds like it'd be more likely in a mobile game.

But here it is, FFXV's Cup Noodle Quest. Can't think of a joke right now, shame.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

I can't believe my own son is so based.

Wait, should we write up the family Treehee?

There's the Shrimpy -> Benice -> Sooks generations apparently, I feel like we've had others, what else?

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Kino character arc. To be brief…

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Altina is an artificial homunculus, created by one of the evil organizations to do their bidding and follow their orders. As she exists just to do what they say, that’s really all she does and ever thinks about, so she comes across very robotic and quite literally lacks emotion. As part of her missions assigned to her, she ends up partnering with Rean Schwarzer, which is a name I’m sure you recognize, who is also working the government. This isn’t stated, but it’s kinda implied he’s one of the first people to truly care about her and value her as a human being. But after they’ve finished working as partners for a bit, Rean stops taking orders from the government and becomes a teacher at a branch campus of the school he graduated from, only to discover that Altina is in his class. This experimental class puts her with classmates from a variety of different backgrounds who journey around because reasons, and as she journeys around with them and Rean she begins to understand more and more the value of other people and emotions. She becomes happy and we see her smile for the first time.

Then spoilers, at the end of the game her “sister” (another homunculus and probably the actual first person to value her) sacrifices herself for everyone and she shows raw emotion, then Rean is captured and separated from the group and at the beginning of the next game she decides to finally decide things for herself and goes on a quest to rescue Rean with her classmates.

This is all elevated by a performance from the wonderful Xanthe Huynh, who takes the character from this

to this

in a believable and awesome way. 

…I really just wrote that much in Altina huh


So the artificial life catches feelings over two/three games (depending on which one she first shows up in) from being around coworkers and fellow students, goes through losing her testtube-sister (Don't know how they're made and if this is wrong I apologise) and breaks Preantag-kun out in the next game as an active choice. Does she go making smaller decisions herself before that point?

I'm not going to knock the performance itself but I gotta admit, Claíomh Solais being pronounced like that hurts. It's just, completely not the pronunciation of those words in any dialect.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



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