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Dang, I can't believe I spent the last 8 hours writing this. Yes, I'm lazy.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I see. Thank you for humoring my question.

4 hours ago, Benice said:

Out of curiosity, why did they let Lula run again? Surely after the corruption scandal, he'd be a lesser option than whoever the other candidate would be...

Or, why go through the rigamarole of getting Lula exonerated for something he definitely did so that he could run again?

I'm fleshing out my comments from earlier because since you asked, I think you deserve more than a few short comments. But in short: because Bolsonaro was a threat to the current political establishment, and Lula was the only person who could defeat him.

Brazil was (and still is) a conservative, rural and agricultural country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of commodities. Leaving the military regime, we had some crises, but things started to improve with the installation of the new currency (the Real). In the 2000s, there was a sharp increase in commodity prices, driven by growing demand from China. It was a favorable period for the Brazilian economy, and the consequent economic growth generated euphoria. This increase favored exports, which made the GDP grow in the first years of the decade. Exports were the main engine of growth in the first Lula administration.

Despite the growth, it was not as significant as Lula's supporters had hoped. The government was accused of being moderate and of not promoting the change in economic policy expected by the Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores or PT) electoral base. This changed at the end of the first term and throughout the second. During this period, growth was mainly driven by the domestic market, no longer by exports. Government policies became responsible for growth, and no longer the luck of a favorable external situation. These internal policies involved greater income distribution, greater access to credit and greater public investment. For congressmen to vote in favor of projects of interest to the Executive Branch, he created, facilitated and participated in corruption and money laundering schemes, which moved billions of reais in bribes, such as the Mensalão and the Petrolão. He also used BNDES (a national a bank to invest in the development of the country) money to finance socialist dictatorships like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

The strong internal market was responsible for Brazil going through the global economic crisis of 2008 with relatively little damage and due to several measures adopted to overcome the crisis, the country resumed growth. However, stimulus to consumption in the Lula government was not accompanied by growth in productivity, leaving the country's economy still very dependent on exported commodities. Unlike the "Brazilian economic miracle" of the military regime, industry was not the protagonist of growth. Brazil did not have the necessary productive structure to meet the new demand created by the internal policies of the second Lula administration, and adding this to the inflationary character of the government, resulted in the greatest economic crisis in the country's history. The economic crisis was followed and intensified by a political crisis. In 2014, a series of corruption scandals uncovered by Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato) engulfed many influential politicians. In the presidential election of the same year, President Dilma Rousseff was re-elected for a second term, but the result was not recognized by a section of the opposition and provoked popular discontent. Due to the disputed legitimacy of the election, the Operation Car Wash investigation, and the economic crisis; dissatisfaction with the government became widespread and culminated in her impeachment.

All this filth made the people disillusioned with the political state of the country and looking for a kind of savior. The name of Jair Messias Bolsonaro became popular then, an army captain and congressman famous for controversial phrases and attitudes (a project of chemical castration for rapists and being in favor of the death penalty, openly defending the previous military regime and its enforcers, chauvinists speeches in general), but who, according to all the whistleblowers of Operation Lava Jato, always refused to participate in corruption schemes. To the Left he was every "ist" and "obic" in existence, and to the Right he was a good man ready to bring Order and Progress to the country at last.

You see, in Brazil there is a big problem which is impunity. You can kill a person and you will go into a semi-open regime in 3 years. The population was tired of this, and embraced Bolsonaro as their hope. He became a new symbol that went against the political establishment that ruled the country for a long time (the “old politics”). This “new politics”, formed by candidates and supporters without a background related to people and practices of the old politics won the elections in 2018. The establishment underestimated him this time, but they would not make that mistake again.

When Bolsonaro took office, several allies were opportunistic and disbanded, and he also had to make agreements with the establishment to pass the necessary reforms to recover our economy. This irritated part of his base, which also disbanded. Then he covered up a money laundering scheme by his son and his wife. Then came the pandemic, which worsened our economy, which had been recovering little by little since 2016, and all the baggage that this brought. He said that the disease was not more serious than the flu, he was against the use of masks, vaccines, etc. who contributed to death toll. Plus he acts like a shitposter, so our diplomacy went down the drain. It was then that an arm wrestling match began with the Supreme Court, the STF, which is also corrupt (their leader, Alexandre de Moraes, was a lawyer for the largest criminal organization in Brazil and was appointed by the previous president). Make no mistake about what I said up there, he remained extremely popular, and was going to be re-elected. The establishment and the Supreme Court, seeing that even after screw up after screw up, Bolsonaro was still popular, tried to fuck him relentlessly throughout this period and place a new candidate, but they couldn't, so they did legal gymnastics to free Lula and form an anti-government coalition.

And that's how we got to today. Of course, that's not all, because it's impossible to summarize all the sewage that is the Brazilian political system, but it's what's necessary to understand what's been happening in this country. Lula and his corrupt friends have already taken over and he has revoked all the reforms made since 2016, our economy will go back to being shit and everything will get even worse, and Brazilians deserve all of this because they are stupid. I just feel sorry for the Venezuelans who crossed the border in Roraima to escape Maduro and will have to put up with Nine Fingers. They warned us, but we didn't listen.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, so Trump vs Biden: Brazilian edition? Oof...

God, I wish. Trump and Biden are so much better than what we got here.

4 hours ago, Benice said:

Dang... I was hoping that it was just here in NA that political extremism was on the rise.

It's everywhere. Even in Japan, an extremely homogeneous country.

 4 hours ago, Benice said:

Other in-party candidates, since IIRC Brazil's also basically a two-main-parties system the same way Canada is, with a bunch of small, weaker parties surrounding the two big ones.

Like I said, it boils to a popularity contest, and only Lula could win. Historical rivals like PT and PSDB (the former "right-wing") joined hands to form this coalition. Geraldo Alckmin, Lula's Vice President (who participated in a scheme to divert money that was intended for public school lunches), was also his rival before.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Trying to look into it, it seems no one else from his party contested, and anyone from the other parties in the coalition withdrew their candidacies too in order to support him. So he was unanimously chosen as the candidate of the coalition, more or less.

Ciro Gomes objected. He was one of the few leftists critical of Lula, but he lost the elections in the first round.

 3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I did hear that the judge who convicted Lula was extremely right-wing but idk if that has anything to do with it.

This is pure cope. Three courts, first, second and third instances, independent judges (including the Supreme Court that released him years later), plus the public ministries that acted independently before these instances , understood that there was strong evidence, not only of corruption, but of money laundering too.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's not the first time tho, remember, Chavez literally got arrested for attempting a coup and then Venezuela elected him in a landslide anyways.

Nostalgia is a powerful drug. People think they're going to bring back the good times.

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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Apparently an actual fist fight almost broke out in the House Chamber? Tsk...


This infamous event came to mind.

I chose not to watch the proceedings this time, as thrilling it sounds.

...Although they're continuing? I'll head to bed, I'll wake up to whatever the results are. This dramatic failure was one more lesson in hubris and nihilistic treachery at least.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Although they're continuing? I'll head to bed, I'll wake up to whatever the results are. This dramatic failure was one more lesson in hubris and nihilistic treachery at least.

They just had an adjourn vote which is going to end up No. So yes, a 15th vote round by Midnight EST.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

They just had an adjourn vote which is going to end up No. So yes, a 15th vote round by Midnight EST.

And now it sounds like the final vote is there. *Yawn* It's probably over, good riddance. The end of the... first 00.01% of what's to come is over. I'm sure the remaining 99.99% of the journey will be incredibly calm and uneventful.

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44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And now it sounds like the final vote is there. *Yawn* It's probably over, good riddance. The end of the... first 00.01% of what's to come is over.

Yeah, looks like it truly finally over.


I'm sure the remaining 99.99% of the journey will be incredibly calm and uneventful.

Talk about optimism.

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Talk about optimism.

Awake b/c overheated when I should definitely be sleeping, I will say that now I'm in more of a "fear of the next two years, the next el', and the future of 'cracy" state of mind.😬 This is what I kinda get for intensely following the news I suppose, couldn't help but overdo it. Time for a withdrawal into escapism again!🎮🙈🙉

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

You make a good point here, I was mainly thinking about how part of AwakeFates' fun was pairing characters together. You can't really do that in Three Houses besides just you+whoever you marry. Any other paired endings require a bit of messing around.

It was part of the fun indeed. I mean, heck, I myself ended up getting some enjoyment out of playing matchmaker. But it's far from being the main feature. Again, there's very little depth to it, it's just a few conversations that unlock an extra chapter.

As for Houses and its oddly convoluted paired ending system... Remember what I said about Fodlan's approach to everything being "one step forth, three steps back"? Yeah. It's one thing what they clearly intended to do, it's another what they ended up with in Fire Emblem: Three Delays (Weren't Enough).

7 hours ago, Armagon said:


FE4 remake going wild

FE4 remake OC: Cornpop.

It's just Garon.

6 hours ago, Green06 said:

Brazil was (and still is) a conservative, rural and agricultural country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of commodities. Leaving the military regime, we had some crises, but things started to improve with the installation of the new currency (the Real). In the 2000s, there was a sharp increase in commodity prices, driven by growing demand from China. It was a favorable period for the Brazilian economy, and the consequent economic growth generated euphoria. This increase favored exports, which made the GDP grow in the first years of the decade. Exports were the main engine of growth in the first Lula administration.

Despite the growth, it was not as significant as Lula's supporters had hoped. The government was accused of being moderate and of not promoting the change in economic policy expected by the Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores or PT) electoral base. This changed at the end of the first term and throughout the second. During this period, growth was mainly driven by the domestic market, no longer by exports. Government policies became responsible for growth, and no longer the luck of a favorable external situation. These internal policies involved greater income distribution, greater access to credit and greater public investment. For congressmen to vote in favor of projects of interest to the Executive Branch, he created, facilitated and participated in corruption and money laundering schemes, which moved billions of reais in bribes, such as the Mensalão and the Petrolão. He also used BNDES (a national a bank to invest in the development of the country) money to finance socialist dictatorships like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

The strong internal market was responsible for Brazil going through the global economic crisis of 2008 with relatively little damage and due to several measures adopted to overcome the crisis, the country resumed growth. However, stimulus to consumption in the Lula government was not accompanied by growth in productivity, leaving the country's economy still very dependent on exported commodities. Unlike the "Brazilian economic miracle" of the military regime, industry was not the protagonist of growth. Brazil did not have the necessary productive structure to meet the new demand created by the internal policies of the second Lula administration, and adding this to the inflationary character of the government, resulted in the greatest economic crisis in the country's history. The economic crisis was followed and intensified by a political crisis. In 2014, a series of corruption scandals uncovered by Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato) engulfed many influential politicians. In the presidential election of the same year, President Dilma Rousseff was re-elected for a second term, but the result was not recognized by a section of the opposition and provoked popular discontent. Due to the disputed legitimacy of the election, the Operation Car Wash investigation, and the economic crisis; dissatisfaction with the government became widespread and culminated in her impeachment.

All this filth made the people disillusioned with the political state of the country and looking for a kind of savior. The name of Jair Messias Bolsonaro became popular then, an army captain and congressman famous for controversial phrases and attitudes (a project of chemical castration for rapists and being in favor of the death penalty, openly defending the previous military regime and its enforcers, chauvinists speeches in general), but who, according to all the whistleblowers of Operation Lava Jato, always refused to participate in corruption schemes. To the Left he was every "ist" and "obic" in existence, and to the Right he was a good man ready to bring Order and Progress to the country at last.

You see, in Brazil there is a big problem which is impunity. You can kill a person and you will go into a semi-open regime in 3 years. The population was tired of this, and embraced Bolsonaro as their hope. He became a new symbol that went against the political establishment that ruled the country for a long time (the “old politics”). This “new politics”, formed by candidates and supporters without a background related to people and practices of the old politics won the elections in 2018. The establishment underestimated him this time, but they would not make that mistake again.

When Bolsonaro took office, several allies were opportunistic and disbanded, and he also had to make agreements with the establishment to pass the necessary reforms to recover our economy. This irritated part of his base, which also disbanded. Then he covered up a money laundering scheme by his son and his wife. Then came the pandemic, which worsened our economy, which had been recovering little by little since 2016, and all the baggage that this brought. He said that the disease was not more serious than the flu, he was against the use of masks, vaccines, etc. who contributed to death toll. Plus he acts like a shitposter, so our diplomacy went down the drain. It was then that an arm wrestling match began with the Supreme Court, the STF, which is also corrupt (their leader, Alexandre de Moraes, was a lawyer for the largest criminal organization in Brazil and was appointed by the previous president). Make no mistake about what I said up there, he remained extremely popular, and was going to be re-elected. The establishment and the Supreme Court, seeing that even after screw up after screw up, Bolsonaro was still popular, tried to fuck him relentlessly throughout this period and place a new candidate, but they couldn't, so they did legal gymnastics to free Lula and form an anti-government coalition.

And that's how we got to today. Of course, that's not all, because it's impossible to summarize all the sewage that is the Brazilian political system, but it's what's necessary to understand what's been happening in this country. Lula and his corrupt friends have already taken over and he has revoked all the reforms made since 2016, our economy will go back to being shit and everything will get even worse, and Brazilians deserve all of this because they are stupid. I just feel sorry for the Venezuelans who crossed the border in Roraima to escape Maduro and will have to put up with Nine Fingers. They warned us, but we didn't listen.

Thank you for the in-depth lesson. It was a very interesting read.

6 hours ago, Green06 said:

Nostalgia is a powerful drug. People think they're going to bring back the good times.

Yes, unfortunately. There are still people here in Spain that are nostalgic for Franco. You know, our actual, straight up, no strings attached fascist dictator that finished ravaging our already decaying country? There are people who think things would be better with him.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I had no idea Rubenio was in the game.

I am? Dicks, they appropriated my likeness and didn't pay me royalties! I'll burn them to the ground... Where's my plume?

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:


FE4 remake going wild

Biden stopping the villains by dimension hopping like:

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Uh oh.

Who's marginalised?

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I knew the House was going to turn special today.


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Apparently an actual fist fight almost broke out in the House Chamber? Tsk...

Who woke up groggy in the chamber and chose violence?

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You know what's bullshit? They started CyL 7 before Engage so that Three Houses gets to win everything one last time and Sommie has to wait a whole year to claim what's his.

Anyway, I kinda wanna vote for Fado for reasons that are entirely self-indulgent and have nothing to do with his role in the real game. But I must save my guy Frost from landing last a second time.

10 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:



Okay I wasn't expecting that. Thanks old man. Made me smile.

Anyway, I suppose it's "express my futile wish for Fates capture" o'clock again. That man is a walking meme and I love him already. Fuck the more I look and listen at him the more he reminds me of Robbie Rotten. Half expect him to start singing any moment.

...And then Zephia walked in with her shitty-ass design and made me sad. Boy can I not wait to murder her. Or recruit her so I can reclass her out of what horror of an "outfit".

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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One of my old hack save states is so fucked up that it causes the emulator to suffer thousands of errors and start fucking my computer up.

Like, legit thought I was going to get bluescreened. I barely managed to end the process as my computer got slower and slower. Christ...

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1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

And you’re going to be a recurring villain as well!

I seriously doubt it, he looks like he's going to die in the same chapter he appears. Unlike Houses, this game seems to have had the budget and the time to create throwaway bosses.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of my old hack save states is so fucked up that it causes the emulator to suffer thousands of errors and start fucking my computer up.

Like, legit thought I was going to get bluescreened. I barely managed to end the process as my computer got slower and slower. Christ...

How does it cause that? Is it from differences between versions?

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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

How does it cause that? Is it from differences between versions?

Late into the hack's development I ran into issues due to the amount of characters I'd added to the game. I installed a patch that changed how save files work, so almost all the older saves (though not all of them, puzzlingly enough) are screwed up. Most of them up to chapter 8 load the prologue, all of the mid-map saves have no save file if you try reloading the game, and a couple that were made after suspending cause glitched out versions of the maps to appear.

...Except this specific one that causes the emulator to start destroying my computer. Legit error messages every nanosecond, CPU ussage skyrocketed to 100%, computer started slowing down massively, impossible to close it without the task manager.

The panic was real.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I seriously doubt it, he looks like he's going to die in the same chapter he appears. Unlike Houses, this game seems to have had the budget and the time to create throwaway bosses.

But if you watch the footage you’ll see that you actually retreat Rubenio.


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41 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

But if you watch the footage you’ll see that you actually retreat Rubenio.


Oh Christ... They're having random-ass throwaways retreat now? That can't be right, he has to be retreating only to get killed by Zephia later. I refuse to believe everyone is Hubert now, Hubert was dumb enough.

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