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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Cool teams, although the lack of grass starters for most of it is a little surprising.

A degree of holding back.

With the bases a lot of grass types have, I kinda have to use them as they're some of the few left with 500+ by the end of it. Doesn't help Grass's defensive typings make me sad.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:



Happy to hear you agree on these two in particular.

Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:

Must I pour a libation and prostrate myself on the altar of moe to be taken seriously here? Am I that much of an atavism? 

I don't think you need to do the latter.

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1 minute ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

To be taken seriously, you must do all of that and perform in this video.


Then I welcome the ninth circle of Hell.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 minute ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

A preview for you Tsundewraith:


…What sins did you commit that so rotted your soul from the inside out “Saint”_Siegfried? You’re less a man and more a walking corpse. 

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My God, such a pernicious insanity has envenomed “Saint”_Siegfried once stalwart soul? What a noble countenance he must’ve once had, and yet it now lies in ruins! Why oh tyrannous stars must man be brought so low as to be no better then the cruelest of creatures? 

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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Scenario 31: Beyond Anxiety and Fear

Aboard the NSX, the Autozam are reviewing the Federation's data on the Cephiran monsters. Eagle can only pinpoint they might be showing up in places already in chaos... and they show up in large numbers. Which means back at their world, their numbers must be higher still. They can only conclude both worlds are still connected.

Over at the Ra Cailum, talk is more on Zagato's intentions with Earth. As it stands, they only know of his original purpose as an adjutant to Princess Emeraude, leading to the princess' kidnaping, the destabilization of Cephiro, and that causing the Aura Road to open. The time-displaced group muse how, despite being in the US right now (as Tod is from Boston and Marvel from Texas), it's just not the one they know of and don't really feel like making nostalgic trips to those places they once knew. Still, as Show says, it's still their world, 700 years into the future or not, so they must fight to protect it. And then there's Shion, who while still being willing to fight, just doesn't have even that kind of attachment to Earth. His priority is still Remul's rescue. Silkie exasperates on that, but Chum tells her they can't just change him, and then compares him with Show and how Shion doesn't understand yet what it means to be an Aura Battler. Shion doesn't take well to that. After being explained what an Aura Battler is, Joe compares him with himself, though Shion also doesn't take well either. In the end, he leaves to calm down, but still claims he doesn't care what the monsters do to Earth. Silkie tries to follow, but they tell her Shion must have some time alone. Still, some like Tod and Joe just repeat Shion's right in that he doesn't really much of a personal stake for Earth, so he takes issue when asked to help it. Still, Show hasn't given up, and even reminds Tod that he is here fighting with them, so it must mean he feels he had to do something for the world. And that's what being an Aura Battler is about. He's confident Shion will figure out his reason for fighting in due time, and so he'll go all in to guide him. In fact, he already had something planned, with some help from the mechanics crew...

Nearby, Amuro is still surprised to see warriors from another world. He asks once again for Kamille, but he's told he's in his room, again. Speaking of, Kamille is currently being paid a visit by... well well, our old friend the Arm Primeval, having been drawn by his current slump, and... actually, it looks like Kamille isn't doing so well resisting. But before long, Guy and Mamori burst in, forcing the Primeval to escape. Though not commenting how they'll consume it all. And then the alarm sounds... it's the Zonder!

The group deploys and... the Billbine is sporting a new paint job! The Night Camo, courtesy of Astonaige and Uribatake. It's not just a paint job, as it comes with a stat boost and the Aura Shoot attack. It was the color scheme the mech had in Show's final battle in the past, so it's a sign of his determination to wear those colors again. Marvel and Tod hope Shion gets the message, though he tries to say it doesn't change who he is. Still, he inwardly is frutrated that he gets angry to be compared so much with Show. Meanwhile, Kamille is still reeling a bit from the Primeval encounter, making Amuro note that "shadow" must've hit him hard. Still, he won't back down from the fight. And stage begins!

Okay, so, enemies are a varied bunch, as expected when it's the Zonder. There's Atlas Mk-II's, Majins, Garasect V2's, EI-15's, Pez Batallas, Dreissens, Kneeohs, and Paozus. SR Point is to rout within four turns. Let's go!

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12 hours ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:


I can’t watch the video due to it being copyrighted, but I’ll hazard a guess it isn’t good for my soul and I’ll respond accordingly with my reply:


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On turn two, more monsters and Aura Battlers show up, led by Allen. They wonder if he's taking advantage of the situation, but Allen instead muses this makes him understand why Zagato's so confident. He tells T3 they've already lost. With the boundary unstable, monsters will be pouring endlessly from Cephiro to Earth. Though it makes the group whatever they do to the monsters might not mean anything if more will come anyway, they still aren't going to let Zagato's plans succeed. Allen considers they might need to be taught a lesson. Still, the heroes won't give up in protecting the world!

So, more Golems, Vierreses, and Allen in his Leprechaun. No Drumlos this time? Okay, TacP Bonus. Shion and Tod must fight Allen within turn three. Or is it within three turns of him showing up? Either way, must still rout within four for the SR Point. Let's do this!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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