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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


which one

Wait i thought you had Gunvolt 1 before. You asked me about it.

Why are you making me choose, this is impossible.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:


very similar top 10

Also Bestelle Gang!

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And Xeno obviously

Join usssssssss

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait i thought you had Gunvolt 1 before. You asked me about it.


asked yeah but added to wishlist because it was during Engage time iirc

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

None, buy SRW 30 instead.

10 times as expensive

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51 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

All this Trails talk reminds of something a friend sent me a while ago



Looking at this your ties are insane (lol 9 way tie for 41st). I tried not to use that button although in retrospect, there were some places where it was warranted.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

very similar top 10

What being a Sky fan who dooms on the series does to you.

Anyway purely on who made it to top 10 (and not wherein), are only differences are that you have Ries and Tio and I have Agate and Altina.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also Bestelle Gang!

Bestelle gang

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Join usssssssss

But no demo, and gameplay uncertainties

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I will win eventually.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

asked yeah but added to wishlist because it was during Engage time iirc

Well it's gonna depend on what you want. Both are Inti Creates' so it's more than worth it but do you want:

  • a fast-paced action platformer about anime x-men where the goal is to rack up score (Gunvolt)
  • A traditionally structured Metroidvania where you pilot a tank and have a pet frog (BMZ)

I think you'll probably gravitate more towards BMZ based on your previous tastes but both are good.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Looking at this your ties are insane (lol 9 way tie for 41st)

Characters i hate too much to think who i like better lol

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But no demo, and gameplay uncertainties


If you lived nearby i could've loaned you the game


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


This looks different than the Ryza i am used to

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A traditionally structured Metroidvania where you pilot a tank and have a pet frog

This sounds way too crazy lol

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think you'll probably gravitate more towards BMZ based on your previous tastes but both are good.

They are both very cheap anyway so after i finish my current Engage run i could pick one or both of them as a plate cleanser befor i go Zelda

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Oh hey I can make the top 10 images


You know I probably would put Schera below Agate

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Characters i hate too much to think who i like better lol


2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If you lived nearby i could've loaned you the game

Put it in a glass bottle and throw it into the Atlantic. It’ll make its way to me when next I end up at the beach.

It is best to play these games in order, right?

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This image makes me sad.


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I will win eventually.

There are times when I'm like "I'm playing this boss battle badly, maybe I should reset and start anew having learned what the boss does", but I push on anyhow and win despite perhaps dipping into resources heavier than I should've/relying on some luck to win/taking longer than I should've on the fight.

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Aight well there goes 90% of Atelier.

Indeed, probably 90%. Again to fill on my archaeology trip into the black sheep, Iris 3 has one, as does Mana Khemia as perhaps imaginable of a school setting. Iris 2 is one possible exception, since Felt's half of the journey, the actual journey, lacks one. But then you have to swap to Viese for at least five seconds off in her little peaceful world to first-time alchemize anything (if a remake ever happened, it'd be nice if they gave the lead heroine more stuff to actually do, which is probably asking for too much). Iris 1... you do have revisit the initial town a lot for plot and the occasional Lita refreshing (shop synthesis and weapon enhancing can be entirely ignored), but alchemizing can be done anywhere.


44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sigurd is more broken then everything in PoR combines

I dunno about that, he is still practically killable.

I feel like there are three kinds of "broken".

  1. Obvious As Duck Brokenness. Blinks and things die.
  2. Esoteric Brokenness. Something only hardcore players who know every possible detail about a game's inner workings will likely be aware of.
  3. Intermediate Brokenness. Hard to summarize in a single adjective. You don't need to min-max or know what brand of chapstick the game uses, but you do require some knowledge, a more reasonable amount that a normal player might acquire. Without said wisdom, the character/thing can seem nice, but not busted, with it, things change. This kind of brokenness doesn't have to be able to solo the game, it can be situational, but still very strong.
    • This is how I felt about Zeorymer during my SRWJ runs earlier this year, initially it seemed very inaccurate and not as durable as you'd think. Then late on my first run, I realized exactly how to use it and BOOM! went the lategame and second playthrough.

Sigurd is in the third category, if you ask me. Yes he can solo the first gen possibly to some extent, it doesn't feel like it'd be the easiest thing to do. It'd be better to have Sigurd serve as an incredible linchpin, yet the rest of the army backing him up. Or at least those who can keep pace or fight decently. I'd say the same of Ryoma, pick a group of BR/Rev enemies for him to slaughter, but he can be in over his head if you try having him take on everyone, which doesn't deny he's strong.

44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

and then Gen2 is just power kids sweeping unless you fucked up genetics

A few of the strong pairings are pretty easy- ErinysxLewyn, AyraxAnyone (class-provided Pursuit, Astra from mommy, you can't mess them up). All three of the unpromoted kids and their subs who can use Staffs can't become bad because Staffs don't require staffs, also true of Dancer Girl whoever she is. Hawk is a solid substitute too. And then we have Oifey and Shannan as fixed recruits, the latter having a powerful holy weapon. And Seliph once he gets trained up is great too, as is Leif.

Gen 2 gives you enough stuff to survive even if you make no pairings/bad pairings.

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>4 am

>work in 5 hours

I was up at 4AM yesterday, too much addictive gaming (I love-hate 4X games, they're a time trap for me). And then once I disconnected and tried to go to sleep, silence and darkness forced me to confront my unworthy-of-pity patheticness. Had to jump back online to calm myself through union with the rest of human existence in the form of the U.M.N./Internet, and jotting down my self-criticism in the process both halves of this sentence have become a more frequent occurrence I've noticed. -Also I was sweating b/c heat and I refused to get up and turn on the air conditioning b/c I try not to rely on it. Thankfully someone else was feeling the heat and did what I was too miserly to do.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It is best to play these games in order, right?


But if you have gameplay uncertanies better see if you can try it somewhere first or something

The trilogy in total is worth it tho and really really good, even if i have my reservations about the first game

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he is still practically killable.

Because Arvis is a thing

Imo Sigurd is more the first type - but so are many units in FE4. 

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then once I disconnected and tried to go to sleep, silence and darkness forced me to confront my unworthy-of-pity patheticness.

That's why i don't sleep without my mobile in my hand, or thinking of plotbunnies or games

An empty mind is a scary mind

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You know it would be absolutely insane if someone made a sorter with every playable character in FE.



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23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


But if you have gameplay uncertanies better see if you can try it somewhere first or something

Oh yeah, I’m not buying any of these for the foreseeable future.

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Jesus Christ, it even has Triangle Strategy lol. And rom hacks.

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44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This looks different than the Ryza i am used to

In the Underworld rn.

44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

They are both very cheap anyway so after i finish my current Engage run i could pick one or both of them as a plate cleanser befor i go Zelda

Zelda will devour your free time lol.

I know it, Sooks knows it.

Join us.

41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There are times when I'm like "I'm playing this boss battle badly, maybe I should reset and start anew having learned what the boss does", but I push on anyhow and win despite perhaps dipping into resources heavier than I should've/relying on some luck to win/taking longer than I should've on the fight.

I lost because i couldn't accrue enough CC in time.

I will now repeat this on Easy Mode.

41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This image makes me sad.

Squeenix doing nothing with the IP.

38 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You know it would be absolutely insane if someone made a sorter with every playable character in FE.

I made a tierlist ranking all the women.

It's outdated now.


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36 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Imo Sigurd is more the first type - but so are many units in FE4.

Mind, Lex only is if you find the thing that nobody without the Internet will naturally discover. And Lachesis needs to promote first, but not everyone knows to have her swinging around expensive staffs like the flagpole she chased Eldigan with for the better part of an hour the day she found out he was engaged.

36 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's why i don't sleep without my mobile in my hand, or thinking of plotbunnies or games

But what if the plotbunnies are original smutty fanfics of you pseudo-self-inserting yourself in some way? The latest junk being a person who was abducted b/c he obviously acted neurodiverse to anyone who saw him and neurodiverse = greater magic potential. He then spent years a continually-drugged and sometimes abused magic test subject ascending to class-B out of D-A. Albeit their potential seemed to be maxing out or even declining and they were verge of being downgraded, but that didn't happen b/c their captors are defeated during a raid on the shady research facility and he himself was injured in the resulting battle. But they weren't rescued by anyone, and instead spends another six months to a year wandering around a vagrant without the slightest direction or motivation before by fate joining the JRPG heroes (who in a prior entry of this long-running story might've played a role in the raid on the international criminal magic human trafficking facility where he had been located). The group happens to includes the mercenary who used to be the young man's bodyguard/general-purpose servant while they were living away from home at school, who has been looking for them since the day they went missing. Said character is the last person He Who Now Suddenly Serves The JRPGHeroes As A Mage wishes to have ever seen again, given how desperately he had wanted said Merc to save him at first, but he lost hope and the Merc kept showing up in his drug-induced hallucinations, which tormented him. Having had His hair and eye colors permanently altered by experimentation means He is able to hide who He really is at first, he doesn't want The Merc to know, He doesn't want to burden The Merc with His present wretchedness and would rather be forgotten. Inevitably no duh, The Merc finds out eventually and then He turns to putty in the hands of HIs calm consoler and becomes a very clingy crybaby whom The Merc is 100% willing to devote himself to, The Merc seeking nothing more than to see Him live life with a sense of purpose and smile again.

...And this is just a reminder of why I am pathetic. Oh the amount of time I waste on purest garbage like this.

36 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

An empty mind is a scary mind

There is a reason why solitary confinement is inhumane. Not all of us can embrace positively silence and use it to move past the earthly senses and attain harmony with the underlying existential reality that lay beyond what human faculties can comprehend. In emptiness lay... ...emptiness as the Buddha would say, ...God as the brahmin and the Abrahamic priests would say. The scientist or humanist might use solitude to contemplate the vastness of this intricate universe or the intrinsic beauty of humanity.

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20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This except maddening

I watched this yesterday.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You know you want to Ü

I mean, I’d include Triangle Strategy, 3H… and what else? Fates characters are lol, FE7 I guess, fe4 and fe8 lol, Archanaea and fe6 are cool as units at least.

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Zelda will devour your free time lol.

I know it, Sooks knows it.

Join us.

Incidentally, I’m in a weird place with it now where because I was hard binging it for so long I started to grow slightly bored. Unlike other times where that’s happened I decided to take a small break now, but I do plan to return to it because story good. This might be the first open world game I finish.

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

ncidentally, I’m in a weird place with it now where because I was hard binging it for so long I started to grow slightly bored. Unlike other times where that’s happened I decided to take a small break now, but I do plan to return to it because story good.

You played like 80 hours, that's understandable lol. It's important to take breaks and not like me where the game fucked my sleep schedule and tbh i still haven't recovered.

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2 hours ago, Hanes said:

To be honest a friend of mine is more important to me than my brother lol.

Tbf sibling situations can be… complicated sometimes.

2 hours ago, Hanes said:

She suckssss Rean off i hate her writing

Worst Trails characters: Shirley, Elise, and Ilya

2 hours ago, Hanes said:

Yeah me too, I like talking to him but idk if it's like that, maybe sometimes it is. Anyways, still a 10/10 friend. I will stand by his side like Harken, not like Harken does but I will take Harken's aesthetic and slam my Brave Sword (Based!) into enemies.

The real question is, is your friend Eliwood or Isadora and did they support Legault if so

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's important to take breaks

Yeah, I just hope I can get back into it. I don’t wanna just leave it like every other open world because the story is so good. And I need more totk flute in my life.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and not like me where the game fucked my sleep schedule

Yo same

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and tbh i still haven't recovered.

Does sleeping literally the entire day and most of the night count towards something for me?

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Just now, Sooks said:

Tbf sibling situations can be… complicated sometimes.

Hey I was just thinking how did no one reply to me haha.

And yeah, true. I stand by my brother but he doesn't stand by me in anything. Whatever though, I am the eldest so I just know he'll be a dunce.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Worst Trails characters: Shirley, Elise, and Ilya

Idk bout Ilya or Shirley? Add Luciola there too. Amalthea maybe? Nah.

LuciLOLa ughhh

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The real question is, is your friend Eliwood or Isadora and did they support Legault if so

My friend is like the edgy myrmidon. Idc, I just said I will be like Harken: Strong, epic, have a brave sword, carry spiky armor.

Ga damn I really like Harken. Harken and Isadora awesome FE7 characters imo.

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20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, I just hope I can get back into it. I don’t wanna just leave it like every other open world because the story is so good. 

Perhaps change the approach a bit. You did say you were scouring every region as you went. Maybe streamline the process a bit. You don't have to do everything right now.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And I need more totk flute in my life


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2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Hey I was just thinking how did no one reply to me haha.

I got distracted by the sorter thing.

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I stand by my brother but he doesn't stand by me in anything.


2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Whatever though, I am the eldest so I just know he'll be a dunce.

These are things I hear from people with traditional families and sibling relationships, yes.

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Idk bout Ilya or Shirley?

See they both suck because they SA other characters and it gets played for laughs, which is definitely the worst anime trope. Especially in games with writing that’s fairly good like Crossbell and then they just randomly drop that on you and go “haha funny right guys” and it just completely shatters the enjoyment, the believability, takes me out of the story, makes me feel strange for playing a game that thinks this funny, hate the game, etc. It also ruins the other characters present, like it was just Ilya and Rixia in Zero but in Azure Shirley does it in front of the entire party and everyone’s like “lol lmao gottem” and the police detective says “I think this is sexual harassment…” or smth LIKE YES STOP LAUGHING.

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Amalthea maybe? Nah.

Amalthea’s decent.

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

LuciLOLa ughhh

You’re not ready for CS4 Ouroboros

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

My friend is like the edgy myrmidon.

Karel and Harken? Impossible, shattering reality

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ga damn I really like Harken. Harken and Isadora awesome FE7 characters imo.

Yeah because he’s cool. Hero is just such a cool class and there’s not that many in FE. There’s Samson, Astram, Echidna, Harken, and… that’s it I think? Even if we throw in character who can only promote to hero (so not branching) that just gets us Ogma, Caesar, Dieck, Ogier (lol), and Raven. Also I think Navarre and Radd would count in the original fe1 (and maybe fe3 idk) but in the remakes they became myrms.

I mean that’s a solid smattering but nothing compared to like, the cavs or pegs or knights of the series.

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah because he’s cool. Hero is just such a cool class and there’s not that many in FE. There’s Samson, Astram, Echidna, Harken, and… that’s it I think? Even if we throw in character who can only promote to hero (so not branching) that just gets us Ogma, Caesar, Dieck, Ogier (lol), and Raven. Also I think Navarre and Radd would count in the original fe1 (and maybe fe3 idk) but in the remakes they became myrms.

I mean that’s a solid smattering but nothing compared to like, the cavs or pegs or knights of the series.

In a matter of speaking, Ike is also one. More so in RD, as his Vanguard class gives him the Sword+Axe combo that tends to be the Hero's.

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