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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Of course, they'd first fire them than increase their wages...


Okay, time to head through Kaldia Tunnel... again!

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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's actually a very good reason lmao. Do you know how exploitive American-based jobs can be?

If you ain't paying my worth, I'm only gonna do the minimum. Executives were freaking out at this "quiet quitting", which is "oh my employees don't go above and beyond and are content with just doing the bare minimum, why???????"


So... What you are saying, is "im never going to apply myself, therefore nothing will get done." That explains everything!

If they really believed that, they likely wouldnt do it in the first place.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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8 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

So... What you are saying, is "im never going to apply myself, therefore nothing will get done." That explains everything!

If they really believed that, they likely wouldnt do it in the first place.

They are doing it my guy! 

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I'm the kind of person that really puts my all into whatever my current task is, so this just sounds so silly to me. Why not put in effort and please everyone? Isnt doing the right thing important?

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If it isnt up to standard, I will sit there and keep changing things until its perfect so i can not only make myself proud, but please anyone who uses my work (referring to modding here)

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For clarity: I made a mod for CSIV that allows for random BGM to be selected when entering battle, it was reported to have issues, and I fixed it as soon as it could. I hated that it was a failure, and that I let someone else down. I didnt just let it fade away and forget about it, though. I did my best to fix it and this time around? No issues. 

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14 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

For clarity: I made a mod for CSIV that allows for random BGM to be selected when entering battle, it was reported to have issues, and I fixed it as soon as it could. I hated that it was a failure, and that I let someone else down. I didnt just let it fade away and forget about it, though. I did my best to fix it and this time around? No issues. 

That is something you chose to do, of your own volition. You were not doing it to get paid. There's a difference.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That is something you chose to do, of your own volition. You were not doing it to get paid. There's a difference.

Shouldnt I want to do my best regardless? If that's is my Sole motivation, then my work would feel empty. Which is how theirs comes off as, ironically!

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4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Shouldnt I want to do my best regardless? If that's is my Sole motivation, then my work would feel empty. Which is how theirs comes off as, ironically!

In an ideal world perhaps. But we do not live in that ideal world.

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11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


it's called being a professional

Being told to always be professional is the hallmark of corporate driven profit. It doesn't not benefit the worker in the slightest to act professional to a tee, it only effects the company's image which is why they drive it so hard. If you think you have to sacrifice comfort for absolute professionalism despite the fact that the company does not reward you with any additional material benefit then you have fallen victim to their propaganda.

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wrong - Some might be, but not even close to all.

Who are you trusting to say what is and isn't authentic? A fluent speaker of both? Because if not then what authority do you have in saying a certain translation is more authentic to the original version than another?

Regardless, all translation is a form of interpretation because no language perfectly maps onto each other like pallet swaps, especially not Japanese and English who have evolved completely independently from each other.

As an example I could say "Konnichiwa" translates to "Hello" in English and we commonly understand it as such, but it also could translate to "Good afternoon" "Good morning" "How's it going" "Hi" and so on. The word doesn't literally translate to anything because there's no such thing as a single language map that the Gods use for every language. It has always just be an interpretation from translators to connect words that have the same use cases in their respective societies. etymologically speaking the words "Hello" and "Konnichiwa" have absolutely zero relation to each other historically but are interpreted as translating into other because they are used in the same contexts.

That is just one simple greeting phrase. Now imagine that nuance for the entire language and how things like different grammar functionality have to give some form of interpretation. 

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

the fans

I specified that fans aren't a monolith and that the fans I was referring to are the ones actively antagonizing the workers. That I specified that and you still went onto the defense, in effect claiming that behavior as being endemic to fandom as a whole, then that is certainly disappointing.

So I ask again, who are you more willing to side with? The specific sect of fans sending death threats to a translator? Or the translator trying to push back against the harassment? Unless of course you deny that something like that is even happening and every single fan has always been acting in good faith.

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

People pay with their money and get a product - have every right to complain with something they dislike and air grievances - and if said "minimum" wage workers responds to questions with namecalling, swearing and hate on the fans, then they aren't free of blame - and honestly lose all my sympathy. If you get question on the wrong communication channel, then point to the right one or block. If you use the wrong communication channel yourself (ie private account) then you just made that communication channel the defacto right one.

Perhaps, but that has nothing to do with translation or localization conceptually, it's about individual character, something that I personally would also find pretty irritable if I had a two year deadline for a localization that requires six. There's no "evil localizer" conspiracy.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that's not a good excuse imo

It is the perfect excuse if your definition of "The Fans" is really just the small demographic of a fanbase who are invested in this and not even close to representing the entire group of people who might consider themselves a fan. The people's communist party very rarely has much of "The People" actually within it if you get what I'm saying.

7 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

This again, is an excuse. How about giving me a good reason? Lol 

Hey now. Don't get too political with what has been one of the core discussions in politics for the past 200 years and still going strong.

If you like to work hard than good for you. Some others however try to work as hard as they can because they are told they will achieve great things and well...there's a reason the suicide rate in this country is so high.

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Finally he joins!😃


Funny game, reallllll funny. It's been not even ten hours! And only now you're giving me him?😑

Yeah, this being a game created by a single person for the first shows.😐 Not saying you can't create a good game with a single person- Stardew Valley springs to mind. And isn't the core of Touhou the work of a single man? -But aren't those games also 2D? I know there ought to be Unreal tutorials or whatever that could make accessible to the average person willing to work on it how to make 3D game, but I still feel like that choice, forced by aping Persona, was possibly a hinderance to Eternights.

Enough grumbling, I bought this on sale for $20, time to get to the reason I bought this for.:


A guy blushing. And going through ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushed character development, like, two events that would've taken 5-10 hours to get through in a full-length J/ARPG.

Also annoying, nooooow those useless Social Skills matter, this game did not need them with how short it is. Had to waste some time training Courage (befitting, to bear one's pride requires courage) to actually advance beyond the first level with Yohan. 

So, with Ranks 4&5 and Yohan's personal """""arc""""" taken care of, I have to wonder, will we be getting to something else now?












And he likes it.




Anime eyes so big and round have never shone so brightly.😇

...This was Rank 6, still Rank 7 to go.


He shows sadness at rejection too. -But of, I'm only teasing.😛


Literally, they met in Yohan's dreams, Yohan even thought the MC was just an unreal thing he dreamed up until they met in-person. Sounds romantic, no?

(Neo as an aside is my go-to video game name when a default isn't available and when it doesn't seem ill-fitting BTW, it's ancient -like Metroid Prime 1 on GameCube old- and I've only a vague memory of how I came to it.)

And thanks for the praise, my dear newly-met Yo-Yo!😘





Smutty clothes-on-onscreen man-on-man goodness!🤣


And there, max rank.😄 Took not even an hour, maybe not even thirty minutes factoring out some stuff. There are entanglements that go on longer than this. 

Still, you can easily spend ~$20 on a cheeseburger at a nice restaurant in New York City, I certainly have. Can I can truly complain about brevity after being exposed to such ambrosia, nectar, amrita for the soul?☺️

I had some days left, so I continued for a moment and wanted to see what would happen if I tried spending time with Yohan again...




I know you're going to say the dead guy's stache looks pathetic, Ruben, but how often is it you find an anime character -especially one who isn't an old bearded man himself- who likes facial hair at all?😝 

Yohan also got silly drunk earlier in a different scene with the other characters, and over 800 years old (yaaaaay the immortal eternally-young dateable is a cute, loveably cocky boy, the ultimate trophy husband) so no complaints from Wraith either.😜 

-And honestly, it's nice to see an anime-styled character in game with an MC who can date (almost) everyone, express what besides the MC they possibly find attractive. I say "possibly", because I'm not sure if My Man is joking, he likes to joke.😄


A THIRD!?!!!! *Anime nosebleeds the Atlantic Ocean deep red.*🩸😵


I do LOVE history.🤓💞🥵

Did this provide any gameplay-related boosts? No. But I don't care.😁

...I feel exhausted. I'll finish this game tomorrow.😌

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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That left me IRL as overheating & red as Id-Weltall.😊

Will I sleep well tonight? Or shall my aspie man-child fixating mind be overran with undissipated energy still coursing through it?😆

Sorry I blurted out all of the above.😅 I really wanted to put those wonderful feelings and surprises down somewhere so I wouldn't forget them. And writing it out made me live it again in a sense, which I greatly liked.


10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And crossdressing is not unpopular - across jp media enjoyers anyway lol

Speaking of.😛

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On 3/1/2024 at 7:25 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't do Trails stuff anymore and you know it xD

From the limited human emotions I can express I guess I’m feeling something like sympathy for you Shrimp-kun. Engage maybe awful, but at least most games in the FE series are self contained in terms of their story. There’s always the chance that the next game won’t be an affront to human decency. But with the Trails series it’s an ongoing story set in the same world with the same characters and the latest games look about as exciting as watching paint dry. If this happened to any series I’m genuinely invested in I’d lose want remains of my dwindling sanity as well.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's actually a very good reason lmao. Do you know how exploitive American-based jobs can be?

If you ain't paying my worth, I'm only gonna do the minimum. Executives were freaking out at this "quiet quitting", which is "oh my employees don't go above and beyond and are content with just doing the bare minimum, why???????"


Yeah, fair. I am not gonna argue this because my grievances with product quality aside, i agree with this.

But tell me - how to do you suppose we can channel the...let's call it anger... the right way?

If we can rarely achieve change, should people just be happy with a lower quality product? If the workers attack the fans (like in case of bugs calling fans liars, and in the right place for this too), you expect there to be no backlash?

It kinda goes both ways.

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

For clarity: I made a mod for CSIV that allows for random BGM to be selected when entering battle, it was reported to have issues, and I fixed it as soon as it could. I hated that it was a failure, and that I let someone else down. I didnt just let it fade away and forget about it, though. I did my best to fix it and this time around? No issues. 

Eh i wouldn't compare modding - which at the end is a hobby - to a job

That said -

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I'm the kind of person that really puts my all into whatever my current task is, so this just sounds so silly to me. Why not put in effort and please everyone? Isnt doing the right thing important?

I feel this.

If i do my job badly - my team and my clients will suffer for it. Yeah idgaf about the company - and whenever someone talks about "for the good of the company" i roll my eyes.

But my team and the clients are in the same shit cycle i am in - not their fault. We're in this shit together.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Being told to always be professional is the hallmark of corporate driven profit.

I became a perfect wage salve 😭

But see my viewpoint above

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Who are you trusting to say what is and isn't authentic? A fluent speaker of both?

Translators i know personally who made it their life - i talked about it before - and me myself who grew up speaking multiple different languages. Some stuff can be up to interpretation - but not near close to the majority.

But me aside, i trust people who have been translating for over 30+ years over localizers who have been - more often than not- shown to be incompetent.

I know how hard translating can be, it's not an easy job.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Unless of course you deny that something like that is even happening and every single fan has always been acting in good faith.

If you saw my posts - i did not - and i am not gonna side with harassers.

I made that clear before and honestly i am gonna ignore every "but harassment" post or comment from now on. It's a stupid strawman that honestly atm feels like it's just made to shut up legit complaints.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

It has always just be an interpretation from translators to connect words that have the same use cases in their respective societies.

More the context than societies. And the greeting case for example doesn't even need a translation between languages to be misunderstood/different. Someone telling it in the same language will vary on context.

And there's interpretation - and then there's rewriting to "fix/improve it.

Not saying that interpreting isn't a part of translation sometimes - it's quite a big part (but nowhere near the majority), but you shouldn't do that for everything nor should you do it for the reader - sometimes part of the literary work itself is how different readers interpret it - the translator shouldn't act as a middle man here. Your bias should not be seen in the translation.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The people's communist party very rarely has much of "The People" actually within it if you get what I'm saying.

I got hit by "gamergate" (right wing) and "communism" in the same discussion.

Amazing honestly.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of.😛

Ahahaha amazing

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

From the limited human emotions I can express I guess I’m feeling something like sympathy for you Shrimp-kun. Engage maybe awful, but at least most games in the FE series are self contained in terms of their story. There’s always the chance that the next game won’t be an affront to human decency. But with the Trails series it’s an ongoing story set in the same world with the same characters and the latest games look about as exciting as watching paint dry. If this happened to any series I’m genuinely invested in I’d lose want remains of my dwindling sanity as well.

Want beer?

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

In an ideal world perhaps. But we do not live in that ideal world.

I don't think my way of thinking is naieve.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey now. Don't get too political with what has been one of the core discussions in politics for the past 200 years and still going strong.

If you like to work hard than good for you. Some others however try to work as hard as they can because they are told they will achieve great things and well...there's a reason the suicide rate in this country is so high.

Whats so great about you doing your fans a dishonor?

25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Eh i wouldn't compare modding - which at the end is a hobby - to a job

That said -

Should it really matter though? I made a single person happy by creating it, no reason besides that.

27 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I feel this.

If i do my job badly - my team and my clients will suffer for it. Yeah idgaf about thr company - and whenever someone talks about "for the good of the company" i roll my eyes.

But my team and the clients are in the same shit cycle i am in - not their fault. We're in this shit together

For me, this bleeds into my passion, so my views on doing my best may seem a bit "childish" at times, I admit.

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Slept for maybe five hours, woke up an hour before sunrise. I was too hot.😆

I had also wanted to cry before going to sleep last night. Because strongly was I reminded that- "Damn my IRL situation is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C, pa-the-tic." always has been, only getting worse with age.😂



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26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had also wanted to cry before going to sleep last night. Because strongly was I reminded that- "Damn my IRL situation is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C, pa-the-tic." always has been, only getting worse with age.😂




26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Making strong arguments against Witch bias, Vanillaware

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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52 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Should it really matter though? I made a single person happy by creating it, no reason besides that

The difference is you doing it out of love - not forced to do it for a living. It does make a hugeeeee difference

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30 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The difference is you doing it out of love - not forced to do it for a living. It does make a hugeeeee difference

I feel like this really does seperate quality. How can anyone put love into something that "feels" like it's out of neccessity?

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Ofc it's Sony, ofc

But atlest there's this


All eighteen currently managed talents will become independent performers from April 1, 2024 under their current talent names and personas, and will be transferred the rights to their character images to permit a seamless transition to independent talent activities utilizing their current YouTube and other social media accounts


4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I feel like this really does seperate quality. How can anyone put love into something that "feels" like it's out of neccessity?

Maybe when we escape the hellhole of a system we live in we can work out of love

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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The Last Promise used this in good taste:


A simple yet cool special attack from Tales series (and not from Virgil from DMC like most assume) lol

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Maybe when we escape the hellhole of a system we live in we can work out of love

Perhaps more people just need to believe as I do. XD

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