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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But tell me - how to do you suppose we can channel the...let's call it anger... the right way?

Lure the CEOs to a dark alley. Starting with David Zaslov /s

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That left me IRL as overheating & red as Id-Weltall.😊

Will I sleep well tonight? Or shall my aspie man-child fixating mind be overran with undissipated energy still coursing through it?😆

Sorry I blurted out all of the above.😅 I really wanted to put those wonderful feelings and surprises down somewhere so I wouldn't forget them. And writing it out made me live it again in a sense, which I greatly liked.

Looks like you found your GOTY (it came out last year I know).

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I got hit by "gamergate" (right wing) and "communism" in the same discussion.

Amazing honestly.

Let's go three for three. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh *checks notes* racist, yes. /s

19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sometimes i dread and hate my own curiosity


I should never become drunk - the world will not survive it

Well at least you didn't just randomly wake up in Portugal (you took the train home drunk but it was actually a charter bus and you woke up in another country).

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54 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Thank you.🙂 Although there is no need for the hug across fiber optic cables. For the reminder was also the remedy.😆

(YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ ANYTHING THAT FOLLOWS! -Written after spending like an hour (maybe more) typing out everything below.🤣)

After posting that, I got on the treadmill, to try to burn off the kama-ic energies still coursing through me. Decided I simply had to listen to some music. I began with this:

Because I felt like I could Love Love Tenyouken the Devil Gundam with impact enough to send it blasting into the Sun!🤜👿☀️

I followed up with more of the same. But then, after debating whether to save it for later tonight, I went ahead and gave into my desires, and went with something you'd recognize.:

The reason- I had forgotten Ys VIII's ost after finishing it (with the exception of lclucian Dance). I rediscovered it during my emotional downturn following my unintended self-outing and subsequent overprotective & condescending dismissal (almost two years past😬). Ever since, this one particular track (helps that it's great and the associated dungeon was COOL!) has become fused in my memory to my queerness. Any time in a game I'm playing I get a good male-male intimate scene, I've the want to listen to it afterwards. It is the sound that -if- I ever get a guy IRL, I want running through my mind as the first 😘 happens. 

After that, couldn't think of what else to listen to from Ys. But I hadn't listened to Xenoblade stuff in what felt like months I'd start XC3 very soon, were it not for wanting to simulplay Unicorn Overlord with you and Arma, I don't want to miss that chance, so I jumped into the Torna battle theme, very free, very spontaneous, I wanted those qualities. Gave a quick listen to the also-light Future Connected, before deciding to swap over Xenosaga's Godsibb. Maybe not the best of ideas, Godsibb to slow and too restrained for the elated mood I was in. But I didn't NEED music to make the treadmill bearable today, nor television, a mind whose thinking circuitry was overclocking, by itself made it not a bother whatsoever. And I got my daily 30 minutes of admittedly not the most intense exercise done at exactly 8:30 AM; not, a, problem.😄

...This is how I've been reacting. I've lovingly stared at (excellently drawn) fully exposed garbo online. Yet, two fully-clothed males, simply 😚😚ing, in an anime-styled game that I'm actually playing, the non-avatar one being very much into it, a little dominant & cocky but nowhere near disagreeably so... *Cathartic sniffles* Love is more than carnality, I feel it on a spiritual level.😇

-I know, I'm weird, very weird. So bizarre.🙃 

I'm emotionally acting like an innocent schoolgirl half my age. My actual age being that at which by J/S/ARPG standards, I'd have instantly shriveled into an old man with a big white beard and self-sacrifice myself for the teenage heroes. And my soul, were I in the afterlife and I could take but one human form, would have the ultimate manifestation of who I see myself would resemble... the bland-as-heck Eternights silent protagonist actually?😅 Swap the pants for shorts, add a little flab, but it'd honestly rather reflect my daily appearance IRL. And it's not like I feel like I've ever, perhaps will ever, stop acting as I have since high school, entering college? I know I've changed, nobody can deny the change as gradual as the replacement of the cells in our bodies, but do I feel like I never truly mentally transitioned into how one should feel in their 20s, and now 30s.

However... where was I going with this? I forget.😅

I know it'll come off as very sincere given the wall o'text above. But I'm sorry for throwing all this at you.🧎‍♂️ I'll turn down the semi-closeted (not here in our digital surefa (reed huts that people in the marshes of the Tigris have been living in for the past 5000 years), but I certainly ain't living loud & proud IRL 😅), Aspie, introvert, Japanophile nerd gayety now. I promise.😅

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Making strong arguments against Witch bias, Vanillaware

The elf girl is the most boring part of the composition. I think she's just there because the artist needed a human figure. All the effort clearly went into drawing the flowers.😛💐

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30 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sometimes i dread and hate my own curiosity


I should never become drunk - the world will not survive it

Don’t ever say such crazy things Shrimp-kun!

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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Lure the CEOs to a dark alley. Starting with David Zaslov /s

We somehow force him and Desantos to duke it out in said dark alley

For legal reasons i have to /s

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh *checks notes* racist, yes. /s

Smh Neo-Nazi was right there.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Nah, i will 😛


31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

this one particular track

I will say i understand this - in that i meant, i associate some tracks with some of my aspects and/or moods.

Or lyricals that made me think about life, etc.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is how I've been reacting.

You need to channel it in some way 😉

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know, I'm weird, very weird. So bizarre.🙃

I told you this before a while back (or something along these lines) but i gotta reaffirm my position in the hopes it gives you some positivity

Be free, be yourself. Weird is not bad. Don't be ashamed. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Din't put yourself into a box/label - and don't let anyone else do it, either.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

m emotionally acting like an innocent schoolgirl half my age


Adult'ing is just acting and being fake - it makes everyone miserable.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

d have instantly shriveled into an old man with a big white beard and self-sacrifice myself for the teenage heroes


~30s rl is barely 15 in anime ages 😉

So go be your fav. 15 yo anime boy!

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but do I feel like I never truly mentally transitioned into how one should feel in their 20s, and now 30s.

I kinda understand - except i am still stuck in the mid20s. And i don't count the years i was sick or in bed or i would go crazy.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

know it'll come off as very sincere given the wall o'text above. But I'm sorry for throwing all this at you

You're always welcome to!

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The elf girl is the most boring part of the composition. I think she's just there because the artist needed a human figure. All the effort clearly went into drawing the flowers.😛💐

As a long standing anime fan, i am legally required to love Elf princesses 😛


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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This was way easier when you have the Flight Module (though i still did Shadowstrike stealth strats).

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm emotionally acting like an innocent schoolgirl half my age.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes" - The Doctor

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47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Looks like you found your GOTY (it came out last year I know).

Time is subjective. Just ask a Civil War reenactor.

And what can be said? I'm really easy to please, if only a dev does.😆

Honestly, I'd pay 50 quid for a remake (yes this sounds strange for a game that's not even a year-old) of Eternights that increased the length by 100-150%, to 20~30 hours, a duration perfectly suitable for some non-Metroidvania ARPGs. Feels a nonliteral tech demo being so danged short.

I know Western Pastiches Of Anime are Worse Than Anime, The Worst Thing In the Universe. And perhaps there's a little too much cringey-dirty dialogue (the MC silently telling his best friend to burn the porn they both stole from one of their grandads as the MC begins to die at the beginning was probably unneeded. Go ahead and imagine if Rex pondered aloud in "Elysium" what'd happen to his collection right after Jin gave him the fate-changing stab😝). But the tropey, corny, lighthearted anime vibe some of us here love is executed solidly enough. Just needs more substance (especially combat) to spread it all out. ...Although, were it diffused over a longer time, I wouldn't have gotten the triple-puckering-whammy within an hour that I did.😍


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I should never become drunk - the world will not survive it

As you sure it wouldn't save the world? 

The Egyptian lion goddess, Sekhmet, threatened to annihilate humanity in a blind rage. The other gods dyed an entire lake of beer blood-red, which she voraciously drank, and soon calmed back down. Orochi ain't the only mythological being with a weakness for liquor.🤓 

There was also the case of a Mesopotamia goddess (I'll check what her name was later) who got her father who was like the king of the gods drunk. And while he was, the cunning gal got her still-coherent dad to vocally surrender his literal divine rights over basically everything, which she never gave back when he was sober again.😜

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You need to channel it in some way 😉

And I'm a writer, and a blabber.😅 I couldn't say any of this with one-tenth of the coherence if it came out of my mouth, I prefer to have my fingers do the heart's talking.🖐️

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Adult'ing is just acting and being fake - it makes everyone miserable

You've seen how unhappy i am, right?

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


~30s rl is barely 15 in anime ages 😉

So go be your fav. 15 yo anime boy!

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I kinda understand - except i am still stuck in the mid20s. And i don't count the years i was sick or in bed or i would go crazy.

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You're always welcome to!

My sympathies for all your woes just as you give to mine and my self-expression.🙂 And thank you again for bearing with all this rainbow passion.

*Tears up slightly.* I swear that I kid you not. Thank you, my dear Internet friend (you too @Armagon).😂 Our true names may be hidden from each other (which is how I'd like to keep things), but then the Chinese long used style names, those we know as: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, were Xuande, Yunchang, and Yide to each other, no? Internet aliases are nothing new, and nothing truly less True!😄


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


This was way easier when you have the Flight Module (though i still did Shadowstrike stealth strats).

The quest that's memorable for the wrong reason. And it has block a Xeno migration to NLA, one of the best things about XCX, couldn't be a rando human's little nothing-quest.

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18 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Gentlemen my resolve is falling me. I’m now mildly interested in actually buying Unicorn Overlord out of sheer morbid curiosity, despite feeling that the story is a bit too utilitarian for my tastes. 

This comin from the one that’s now a diehard Legacy of Kain fan? 🤔 Lol

I just got a email about this “Unicorn Overlord” and I’m definitely gonna give it a shot

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

dyed an entire lake of beer blood-red, which she voraciously drank, and soon calmed back down.

Wraith's dream!

I think i would make everyone cosplay as Shrimps

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you, my dear Internet friend


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On 3/1/2024 at 8:52 AM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that is because that's the demographic of most gamers.

Remembered to add something here. Most census data on the subject shows that the demographics are far more equal with gender, with males only getting a very slight majority and that getting smaller and smaller each year. It only often feels like a male dominated hobby because those are the people who most often dominate the online spaces regarding it which can create an unequal perception on who is actually playing these games most of the time.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I got hit by "gamergate" (right wing) and "communism" in the same discussion.

I mean if you couldn't already tell I'm not particularly unsympathetic towards communism so it was meant to be an example

6 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Whats so great about you doing your fans a dishonor?

Nobody is saying it's great, the system as we live in it is just too much for some people and I sympathize with anybody whom the expectations of their job plus the act of doing it are destroying them from the inside.

5 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I feel like this really does seperate quality. How can anyone put love into something that "feels" like it's out of neccessity?

Most jobs are out of necessity. If you want to have a roof over your head and food to eat for you and your family, you have to work, it is the way of things. A poor cashier trying to make ends meet has much much more to worry about than putting all their love into each of their daily shifts.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

the MC silently telling his best friend to burn the porn they both stole from one of their grandads as the MC begins to die at the beginning was probably unneeded.

Reincarnated as a Slime starts this way. MC gets fatally stabbed protecting someone and in his dying moments, begs his coworker to dump his harddrive into a bathtub.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The quest that's memorable for the wrong reason. And it has block a Xeno migration to NLA, one of the best things about XCX, couldn't be a rando human's little nothing-quest.

Still incredible how they never patched it. And nobody knows what might actually trigger it either. If it's upon acceptance or upon getting the key. 

At the very least, in both times, i've gotten the key by finding it rather than killing the mook to get it.


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I know it's because different country and all that, but there's some hilarity to think a fast-food cashier only 1-2 KM's away from me makes about triple of what I do, which is mostly administrative work. For less hours even.

Yes, Cost of Living is different and all that, but it still gives me a chuckle. Obvious why we lot go through the trouble to work there to send money back here.

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Okay, time for SRW V Scenario 42.

The reason Domel was called back, is because it seems Supreme Leader Dessler's ship was destroyed on its way to the Balun system. So I guess he's dead now? In any case, only two people knew where the ship was headed at the moment, Domel being one of those two. Yeah, he's being accused of masterminding the assassination, alongside Admiral Dietz. Why am I getting Sigurd vibes here...? It seems Domel's wife was also found to engage in anti-Imperial actions, which fueled further the accusations.

Back with the heroes, it seems with the Subspace Gate, the group can warp to... the Balun system. That's not a coincidence, no sir. Anyway, Balun is still in the space between the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud, and is the hub of the warp network which the gate is part of. This would cut a long time to their journey if they can reach the Large Magellanic Cloud straight from Balun. Though tough times will be ahead as over 10K Gamillas ships are stationed there.

Back with the Gamillas at Balun, Goer got promoted to replace the demoted Dietz. His time in the UC Dimension has make him more accepting to non-Gamillas, wanting them in his newly assembled fleet, which now clashes with his superiors' idea of Gamillas purity. That's bound to end so well. Well, Goer caves in, regardless. Anyway, the anoucement of Dessler's death is made, with Zoellik declaring himself to take up the mantle. First order of business, wipe out the crooks in the capital behind Dessler's death.

... seriously, did Kaga watched Yamato? This is very similar...

In any case, it's at this moment the heroes warp in. I guess that will have to wait, huh. Since Zoellik decides taking down the Yamato a priority first, since it's right here and all.

Okay, let's go!

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I feel like sitting outside in the sun and warmth. -Except it's rainy and cold today, so I can't.

I'm still high.🥴 I don't want to read, I don't want to play games (I don't think I can even finish Eternights tonight, I'm afraid it'd be sensory overload if there's anything 💞 left). I don't want to do anything really. I wish I could just sit outside, bask in the sunlit shade, let a gentle breeze sway the trees and alleviate the natural silence. To just lay there, doing nothing -save consuming or being consumed by the bliss within. To relax in perfect climate and become one with the mantra- "life is good". I'm too happy.😄 

And being stuck inside because the day and season, I'm in my bedroom. I'm good at showing no emotion on my face, of tuning down my expression within the vital seconds of leaving my room and into the public spaces. Others would probably never guess why I'd be smiling so strongly even if they saw me do so, but I wouldn't want to risk it. Sitting outdoors would've given me an ideal space to let it out, outside of my resting chamber. It's repressive, confining, with the weather today. Though the inner light makes all better.


54 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Remembered to add something here. Most census data on the subject shows that the demographics are far more equal with gender, with males only getting a very slight majority and that getting smaller and smaller each year. It only often feels like a male dominated hobby because those are the people who most often dominate the online spaces regarding it which can create an unequal perception on who is actually playing these games most of the time.

On the matter of demographics and data, I saw this last month.:


I haven't actually read it, just the Eurogamer article summary on it.:


1452 self-reported PC/console gamers in the US sounds both like a small sample size and obviously limited in global scope. But limited data is better than none?


34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Reincarnated as a Slime starts this way. MC gets fatally stabbed protecting someone and in his dying moments, begs his coworker to dump his harddrive into a bathtub.

And I was reminded of Xiaomu saying in Exceed (paraphrasing) "if I get summoned to another dimension again while I'm on the computer, it might be embarrassing".😀

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>Half the QRTs actually defending this

There could be a Persona game in which if you press the wrong button, it bricks your console and there will somehow be Persona fans defending it.

50 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I know it's because different country and all that, but there's some hilarity to think a fast-food cashier only 1-2 KM's away from me makes about triple of what I do, which is mostly administrative work. For less hours even.

Yes, Cost of Living is different and all that, but it still gives me a chuckle. Obvious why we lot go through the trouble to work there to send money back here.

Read somewhere that a Costco manager makes more money than the Spanish Prime Minister.


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Dude, so many ships can be seen in the battle background... and the map background, for that matter.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Half the QRTs actually defending this

There could be a Persona game in which if you press the wrong button, it bricks your console and there will somehow be Persona fans defending it.

In SMT, MC death = game over makes some in-universe sense, I think. The demons obey you because you control them via pact, you die and SMT grittiness makes me think some would consider the pact annulled and start munching on your corpse.

Persona? You're surrounded by friends, they won't leave you, won't eat you. Why wouldn't they fight on and revive you? (...Actually I don't think Oldsona had MC death = GO?)

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After defeating Zoellik, the heroes quickly rush past him towards the gate. It looks like they hit the Yamato, for it starts to sink into the planet's atmosphere. Everyone else manages to enter the gate. Zoellik is confident they can still just pursue and win through superior numbers... but then surprise! A transmission from Dessler, who is very much alive, arrives. Turns out, he wasn't aboard his ship when it blew up, aware of the scheme thanks to Celestella. Mind powers, remember. So he's aware it was all Zoellik's plan all along. Zoellik still tries to rally the soldiers to his side, but Goer shoots him dead. Then double surprise! The Yamato only feigned being hit, and fires the WMG! Not at the Gamilals fleet, but towards the planet core. The Yamato quickly bails and enters the gate. Goers quickly orders pursuit, if only to escape the planet's destruction. Then everything goes white...

The Yamato catches up with the others, right at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. They made it. Also, it looks like the Yamato also destroyed the gate before entering it. So now whatever survives of the Gamillas fleet will have to pursue the old fashioned way. And so ends the map...

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Okay, coming up next... a Secret Scenario! This one's unlocked by doing one of two things:

Did the early recruit of Melda. Well, I think you only need to do the second step.
Alternatively, Okita becomes an Ace.

I have both, so no problems there. The Melda stuff is route dependent, so the alternative is there just in case.

Anyway, the scenario itself... well, as it turns out, a large interstellar voyage by such a large fleet means supplies will become an issue. Specially when far from any friendly port or places to extract resources. Which leaves them to one final option... salvage enemy ships. Lo and behold! They detect an enemy fleet passing by. Then almost as if fate was smiling on them, it's a fleet who is in turn carrying salvage/captured-cargo from their Gatrantis front at the Small Magellanic Cloud, being taken all the way to the capital. So they be carrying lots of loot.


Well, we do have Tobia on the team, which means...

Wait, hold on. That's not quite right...

Ah, much better.

Time to hoist the colours, mateys! We be plundering some space booty, arrr!

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4 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

This comin from the one that’s now a diehard Legacy of Kain fan? 🤔 Lol

That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy stuff with simple plots, but as I get older I find it harder for such media to hold my attention for long. I’m still very much on the fence about UO seeing that the opening battle didn’t wow me and the villain using mind control doesn’t bode well for the story. I could be 100% wrong about this of course, however if UO’s plot ends up simply getting the job done and nothing else it’ll be the main thing holding the game back from being truly great.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In SMT, MC death = game over makes some in-universe sense, I think. The demons obey you because you control them via pact, you die and SMT grittiness makes me think some would consider the pact annulled and start munching on your corpse.

Persona? You're surrounded by friends, they won't leave you, won't eat you. Why wouldn't they fight on and revive you? (...Actually I don't think Oldsona had MC death = GO?)

Yeah at least in SMT, there's a narrative justification. Doesn't change it from being dumb but at least they justify it. But Modern Persona makes such a massive deal about bonds and whatnot yet the moment you fall to the ground, your friends just give up. Some nice friends you got there Joker.

TMS was smart enough to not make Itsuki KO = game over. It works in Fire Emblem because revives are not a thing but TMS does have revives so that system doesn't need to be there.

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I'm reminded the first Valkyrie Profile has this too, but it's a bit more complex. Since Lenneth is the one manifesting the souls of her Einherjar, then her being KO'ed means the Einherjar can't just continue the battle without her as they simply poof out back to... however the whole "the valkyrie carries the souls of her Einherjar within her" thing works. However, you actually have three turns to revive Lenneth before the Game Over kicks in, so you can afford some wiggle room should bad luck strikes.

Though once Auto-Item + Guts combo kicks in, who cares about that. Mwahahaha!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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