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18 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Your group is pretty doable.

I guess. But the big question would be once we're past that.

Also, as per our last performance in the World Cup, even I'd doubt if we can even move on beyond the group.

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Breakdancing was what Engage was missing

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Say, does that make Lief crossing the River Thraccia like Washington crossing the Delaware?

I shouldn't do it, but I'm tempted to make an edit.

24 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Rip Canada tbh

US has a very good chance to advance tho

Wait, when did all of the Americas get the one tournament?

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5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wait, when did all of the Americas get the one tournament?

They have a special edition every now and then where they get countries from outside south america to join (usually North american ones). It's even taking place in the US this time

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


It's football season after all. You guys also have the Copa America next week!


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Alright, Freak Sheet defeated.

I read u  that the remake added a  i e serving as a shortcut between the stee le and the town. I remember that one of the biggest com lains from  eo le about Chapter 4 was all the back and forth through Twilight Trail. Though the shortcut isn't unlocked until a fair bit, it's certainly still convenient as it avoids the last two tri s.

Now, ho efully I don't find another Amayzee Dayzee as I backtrack, hahaha.

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52 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Saw it earlier today and ngl a pretty arrogant attitude.

But i guess many in Brazil feel similar?

He said what I had been feeling since 10 years ago. King shit, the 7-1 was not enough

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10 hours ago, Dayni said:

EU can into Paraguay

Funnily enough, French Guiana, by virtue of belonging to France, is the only South American country that is part of the EU.

This is pisses off James Monroe but he's dead so....

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nothing at all, including on getting my own driver's license.

Same brother.

Honestly part of the reason is that I don't live in Bumblefuck Nowhere, Kansas. I live close enough to Downtown Orlando that the bus network is actually alright. The godforsaken heat also means I don't go out too much anyways.

4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Rip Canada tbh

US has a very good chance to advance tho

Shrimpers I have a question about the German language. I see that "co" usually gets translated as "ko" here "Mexiko, Kolumbien" and also on that note, does the "ia" not exist either?

I'm always fascinated by how languages spell different countries' names. Ireland in Spanish is "Iralandia" but Scotland is "Escosia" and this is how I found out Nova Scotia essentially means New Scotland.

Anyways idk about USA's chances, soccer is usually the one sport we get beat the fuck out in (what we need to do is recruit immigrants from the top soccer nations for our cause like we did in cricket against Pakistan).

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

It's even taking place in the US this time

And then the FIFA World Cup is also taking place in the US in 2026 (actually NA as a whole). Last time was in the 90s iirc.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is pisses off James Monroe but he's dead so....

Nah. The Monroe Doctrine specifically excluded anything that still belonged to Europe. The Doctrine was more that only the US was allowed to meddle with the affairs of recently independent Latin America. Even then, it was the British who actually enforced the Doctrine, since they wanted the now open markets, as Spain always blocked them off from them.

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Scenario 47-


A very short intro on this scenario. Akito and Erina at a lunar Nergal facility. With Ruri on the Nadesico C, Akito is sure they’ll win. Erina still can’t imagine that Akito would ever become so dark, he says it is what is and departs, the silent Lapis Lazuli girl showing up at the end.

At the Martian ruins, the Martian Successors receive word of their forces’ mass-surrender, inconceivable! Tessa relays that Lacus’s songs of peace and Yurika’s feedback have subtly influenced the Boson-Jumping Successors, making them more amenable to making peace. The captive conscious ladies are feeling more confident about what’s about to happen now.

Neue Warter then arrives via the Boson Jump. The Archangel and ReHOME can’t be fielded as they jump in at a different location and are fighting the Successors there. Kusakabe orders the Martian fortress to fire on them, and nothing happens, they’ve been disabled. A CG of Ruri shows up and Ms. Inez does her favorite thing for the first time in a long time and explains the Electron Fairy system that allows Ruri and Omoikane to engage in cutting edge cyber-warfare. Most of the Nadesico cast gets a word in before the final battle against the Martian Successors begins.

…Although I don’t see Hokushin and the Hokushin Six for some reason. Maybe this isn’t the final battle of TPoD after all, has Kusakabe been a pawn and he will be sacrificed by Hokushin or that researcher dude Tessa was talking against to summon Satan the ancient Martian? Or maybe Hokushin is the inevitable wave two? The four Super-styled robots from TV Nadesico have their HP inflated to +20-40k and their values upped, the Jovian battleships over 30k, the Kagurazuki has 89k. And of course, everything has a Distortion Field.

Once I defeat Kusakabe, Ruri orders his arrest again and he surrenders. This sounds fishy.🤨 Hokushin and his Six appear in the northwest. Though he is worth 20k, Hokushin has less than 40k HP and the Six not even 15k each. They are difficult to hit, but Strike mitigates that. Akito shows up with Lapis in her ship and I can control both. Kusakabe turned blue too and is now a stationary unit with about 20k HP, I can’t let him be destroyed. When Hokushin is taken out, he regenerates health so Akito can hit him twice, once with Distortion Attack, and once again shedding the Black Sarana’s armor for a Aestivalis Distortion Punch, the dynamic finish emphasizing eyes crying oil.

Next, it’s Aria and Applicant who instantly steal Kaname and Tessa. Aria mocks Kazuma, Applicant drops a Trailer Tenet on them since he knows they know now. They try taking Yurika, but she Boson Jumps herself and the Calculation Unit into the Nadesico C. The Database duo leaves and I’m left with twelve of their troops to kill (the surrendered Kusakabe withdraws here). A very easy finish.

With the fight concluded, the heroes ask Akito to come back. He feels like an utter failure for letting the things that led to this happen, and speaks of the death of some girl that I never heard of before. Akito refuses to shed his darkness. Inez then starts talking from the ruins to Ruri’s surprise, explains she is the girl Akito knew, but b/c Boson Jumps involve time, she got sent to the distant past, the ancient Martians sent her back to her own time -but some years earlier, and her missing memories came back only after the Lizard War. Her younger self then appears for some reason, the adult Inez gives her something, and she goes away.

Off the battlefield, Yurika wakes up, her first impression astonishing those who didn’t know this glorious captain. Akito left Lapis -who tells Ruri she’s a Nergal product made to help Akito- to help Neue Warter. Lapis will take Yurika and Lacus back to Earth, Neue Warter will follow once they get Chidori and Teletha back. The Nadesico cast believes that Akito will indeed return to them sooner or later.

So that’s the end to Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness?

From a gameplay perspective, well maybe I had Super expectations for drama of what’s a Real series.😅 I had all my SP left on a ton of units thinking there would be something truly menacing around the corner.

From a narrative perspective, not great either. Part of it is my own error- there is no Lucifer of the Fourth Planet 👿, which I had envisioned could’ve been some evil Martian of yore sealed in the ruins. The title referred to Akito’s sorry state, my bad!😆 Kusakabe voluntarily surrendering strikes me as odd, unless on the remotest chance SRW is keeping him alive so he can offer help to someone else. Hokushin was merely a bloodthirsty Jovian? No hint of anything else?😐 The most interesting thing to come out of this, was learning that Le Cain’s strange return in J, was in fact nothing new. This was a letdown after the wonderful prior scenario only in-universe minutes before. -Well the end was disappointing, the beginning was still cool. And at least Yurika can live a normal life again!✌️


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Probably in the next game.

The realization dawned on me- Ryusei was in Alpha 3. There MUST be a scene where he goes 😍 over KoRyu & AnRyu.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alright, Freak Sheet defeated.

I read u  that the remake added a  i e serving as a shortcut between the stee le and the town. I remember that one of the biggest com lains from  eo le about Chapter 4 was all the back and forth through Twilight Trail. Though the shortcut isn't unlocked until a fair bit, it's certainly still convenient as it avoids the last two tri s.

Now, ho efully I don't find another Amayzee Dayzee as I backtrack, hahaha.

 raise for commitment to the joke.👏

And yeah that does sound like a very appreciated fix. Between the possible Amayzees, the Hyper enemies, the being partnerless on a trip back, a very dangerous stretch.


47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly part of the reason is that I don't live in Bumblefuck Nowhere, Kansas. I live close enough to Downtown Orlando that the bus network is actually alright.

The benefit of living in the boondocks, would be that unless you regularly go up and down rail-free razor-thin mountain roads, your necessary level of constant awareness while driving is lower. Fewer people = fewer vehicles = lower chances of collision.

...Which is why I curse my fate for living somewhere that's more of the opposite.😐 Me, with my not-great reaction times, with a mind that can get lost in itself too easily. The license is only the beginning, being in a vehicle alone on a daily basis, nobody else as a possible preventative measure against my deep-seated flaws, where I live. ...It's only a matter of time until 🚗⚰️. -Well maybe nothing that bad, but I'd think I'd want to get in the habit of praying.📿 -And I know this is being preeeeeeety defeatist, though I would argue "realist".

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At the Martian ruins, the Martian Successors receive word of their forces’ mass-surrender, inconceivable! Tessa relays that Lacus’s songs of peace and Yurika’s feedback have subtly influenced the Boson-Jumping Successors, making them more amenable to making peace. The captive conscious ladies are feeling more confident about what’s about to happen now.

You know, now that I think about it, I wonder if Lacus' whole idol singer shtick was inspired by Macross. When I think mechas and idols/singers/bands, it is pretty much Macross that comes first. lol

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Once I defeat Kusakabe, Ruri orders his arrest again and he surrenders. This sounds fishy.🤨 Hokushin and his Six appear in the northwest. Though he is worth 20k, Hokushin has less than 40k HP and the Six not even 15k each. They are difficult to hit, but Strike mitigates that. Akito shows up with Lapis in her ship and I can control both. Kusakabe turned blue too and is now a stationary unit with about 20k HP, I can’t let him be destroyed. When Hokushin is taken out, he regenerates health so Akito can hit him twice, once with Distortion Attack, and once again shedding the Black Sarana’s armor for a Aestivalis Distortion Punch, the dynamic finish emphasizing eyes crying oil.

Huh, that's an interesting stunt to pull there. I can only say VTX didn't do that. Well, don't know about V, but definitely T didn't.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So that’s the end to Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness?

From a gameplay perspective, well maybe I had Super expectations for drama of what’s a Real series.😅 I had all my SP left on a ton of units thinking there would be something truly menacing around the corner.

From a narrative perspective, not great either. Part of it is my own error- there is no Lucifer of the Fourth Planet 👿, which I had envisioned could’ve been some evil Martian of yore sealed in the ruins. The title referred to Akito’s sorry state, my bad!😆 Kusakabe voluntarily surrendering strikes me as odd, unless on the remotest chance SRW is keeping him alive so he can offer help to someone else. Hokushin was merely a bloodthirsty Jovian? No hint of anything else?😐 The most interesting thing to come out of this, was learning that Le Cain’s strange return in J, was in fact nothing new. This was a letdown after the wonderful prior scenario only in-universe minutes before. -Well the end was disappointing, the beginning was still cool. And at least Yurika can live a normal life again!✌️

Pretty much, yes, the movie ends with this battle. Kusakabe does surrender... but doesn't flee. So W is doing something new here. Hokushin also dies here, but SRW tends to have him still be a menace after this battle, so not surprising he lives.

Now, regarding the movie... it still doesn't have exactly a happy ending. Despite the battle being over, Akito sulks off (Lapis still following in tow), even though he was finally reunited with Yurika. Yeah, as if we needed more evidence the movie was very... questionable in its story decisions.

Now, all I can say is that W goes for a more unique approach to post-PoD stuff than other SRW's do. So Yurika, Lapis, and Akito leaving... you won't see that in VTX.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The realization dawned on me- Ryusei was in Alpha 3. There MUST be a scene where he goes 😍 over KoRyu & AnRyu.

Oh my God, I didn't either until you pointed it out! XD LOL

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 raise for commitment to the joke.👏

And yeah that does sound like a very appreciated fix. Between the possible Amayzees, the Hyper enemies, the being partnerless on a trip back, a very dangerous stretch.

Hahaha, yeah, thought it would be fun to do. Even if it lasted for just of one post.

Well, it wasn't that bad. I managed. Though when I was coming back with Vivian, I encountered another Amayzee... though it fled instead. Good thing since I had less than 20 HP. Though unlike before, I took out a Life Shroom from storage.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, now that I think about it, I wonder if Lacus' whole idol singer shtick was inspired by Macross. When I think mechas and idols/singers/bands, it is pretty much Macross that comes first. lol

You know this better than me. It is fairly probable I'll assume.😄

20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pretty much, yes, the movie ends with this battle. Kusakabe does surrender... but doesn't flee. So W is doing something new here. Hokushin also dies here, but SRW tends to have him still be a menace after this battle, so not surprising he lives.

-Hokushin died, I guess I didn't make that clear.😅 And Kusakabe only fled on Ruri's orders b/c the Database had shown up and was attacking everyone, he's still arrested.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now, regarding the movie... it still doesn't have exactly a happy ending. Despite the battle being over, Akito sulks off (Lapis still following in tow), even though he was finally reunited with Yurika. Yeah, as if we needed more evidence the movie was very... questionable in its story decisions.


She's alive, and Akito still doesn't want to be her? What about HER feelings? What if she still wants to be with you? Selfish sulking only adds to the personal failures you loathe Akito! -Ruri, give him a CaptainSlap!

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh my God, I didn't either until you pointed it out! XD LOL

KoRyu seems like the kind of naive girl who would like the affections. If you ever could imagine Ryusei having the flirtatious hormones of Kurz, Irm, Saburota, and Haken combined. -Which is why Renais soon says "ENOUGH!"👊 ...And that's the real reason Banpreios takes so long, Ryusei needed to recover🤕.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

You know this better than me. It is fairly probable I'll assume.😄

Haha, yeah, wouldn't surprise me either.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Hokushin died, I guess I didn't make that clear.😅 And Kusakabe only fled on Ruri's orders b/c the Database had shown up and was attacking everyone, he's still arrested.

Ah, well, oops if he does show up later in W, then, haha.

And I see, regarding Kusakabe.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:


She's alive, and Akito still doesn't want to be her? What about HER feelings? What if she still wants to be with you? Selfish sulking only adds to the personal failures you loathe Akito! -Ruri, give him a CaptainSlap!

Yeah. The only thing I can think of is that they were setting up another movie... but since PoD effectively killed the series, then... yeah.

At least in PoD's other appearances this won't be happening.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

KoRyu seems like the kind of naive girl who would like the affections. If you ever could imagine Ryusei having the flirtatious hormones of Kurz, Irm, Saburota, and Haken combined. -Which is why Renais soon says "ENOUGH!"👊 ...And that's the real reason Banpreios takes so long, Ryusei needed to recover🤕.


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I just think it's really neat how the TARDIS, which is normally a symbol of hope, was made so ominous in the latest episode because of the evil that hitched a ride in it.


Like the bright blue is just gone bro. 

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Me, with my not-great reaction times, with a mind that can get lost in itself too easily. The license is only the beginning, being in a vehicle alone on a daily basis, nobody else as a possible preventative measure against my deep-seated flaws, where I live. ...It's only a matter of time until 🚗⚰️. -Well maybe nothing that bad, but I'd think I'd want to get in the habit of praying.📿 -And I know this is being preeeeeeety defeatist, though I would argue "realist".

Time to go through your family records and see if they match with any country that has a grandfather clause (Spain, Italy) and move to a country with actually good public transit.

As long as you live in a city because at least Spain's Bumblefuck Nowhere regions actually feel worse off than America's.

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9 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

He said what I had been feeling since 10 years ago. King shit, the 7-1 was not enough


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

does the "ia" not exist either?

It does (Malaysia for example) but it's more rare and "ien" defo flows better.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

soccer is usually the one sport we get beat the fuck out in

Even tho you aren't thaaat bad. A solid B-tier team.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

what we need to do is recruit immigrants from the top soccer nations for our cause like we did in cricket against Pakistan

That won't work thaaat easily. Some nations do try, but they aren't that succesful really. Not to mention most peeps would prefer representing their nation (or a really really succesful one then - but that stuff is usually more a club football thing)

Many of the Top nations do have players of foreign background yes, but it's usully people who are born/grew up there - and thus usually naturalborn citizens. There're exceptions, and some nations do sometimes skirt around citizenship laws to "recruit" someone with alot of promise, but it doesn't happen as often as you'd think.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

actually NA as a whole

I really hope i can visit during that time :D

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10 hours ago, Venger_06 said:


Yeah, that's a fair frustration.

Look, at least Brazil had significant glory days.

10 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

They have a special edition every now and then where they get countries from outside south america to join (usually North american ones). It's even taking place in the US this time

Well, that's certainly one way to do things.

8 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

Pfft the sparkles on the knife, like as if the POV is more interested in that.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Time to go through your family records and see if they match with any country that has a grandfather clause (Spain, Italy) and move to a country with actually good public transit.

As long as you live in a city because at least Spain's Bumblefuck Nowhere regions actually feel worse off than America's.

Mmh, grandparent clause is not as it once was on this, but can still be viable. Someone I know is having the issue of extending their stay so they can be around long enough for citizenship despite having a parent who has citizenship as they got it after they were born.

20 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

That won't work thaaat easily. Some nations do try, but they aren't that succesful really. Not to mention most peeps would prefer representing their nation (or a really really succesful one then - but that stuff is usually more a club football thing)

Many of the Top nations do have players of foreign background yes, but it's usully people who are born/grew up there - and thus usually naturalborn citizens. There're exceptions, and some nations do sometimes skirt around citizenship laws to "recruit" someone with alot of promise, but it doesn't happen as often as you'd think.

It's interesting seeing how this goes on and how players can be secured, especially in other sports that are a bit looser about the requirements.

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34 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It's interesting seeing how this goes on and how players can be secured, especially in other sports that are a bit looser about the requirements.

Iirc they used to be more loose, but they made them more strict to limit the poaching. There're also matters with nations that share a nationality (like UK), so there more requirements than just citizenship (usually living there for a time or some kinda clear connection - which 99% of the times is the case when you hold the nationality)

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:


I just think it's really neat how the TARDIS, which is normally a symbol of hope, was made so ominous in the latest episode because of the evil that hitched a ride in it.


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