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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Even tho you aren't thaaat bad. A solid B-tier team.

Where does Venezuela rank?

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Some nations do try, but they aren't that succesful really.

Some nations aren't the United States.

Jokes aside, the US does make you feel American simply by living there so i suppose it's not out of the question if a player moved there recently-ish and started playing for America.

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I really hope i can visit during that time 😄

I took a look at the stadiums they'll be at. Let's see...

>Quarter-Final match in Kansas City

Ok if you go to this one, it's the Kansas City is in Missouri, not Kansas. This is because the city predates Kansas state and the city simply expanded that way.

>Bronze Final in Miami

This and basically any match taking place in Mexico and California ensures you will get top-tier Latino food. I've read many a story from Americans who moved overseas that one of the biggest things they miss is Latino food. They exist but don't hit the same overseas (unless you're living in Spain specifically, maybe Portugal).

Also wow, Canada only has Toronto and Vancouver this year and it's like the starting matches too. Actually, looking at it, Mexico has Mexico City, Zapopan and Guadalupe and it's also just the general matches. Seems all the finals stuff is in the US.

>Finals in New Jersey

>Stadium usually hosts football matches

This is how we win.

Just remember to uh...rent a car. Not just for the US but for NA in general. I mean, there probably will be shuttles for an event this big but uhhhhhhhhhhh


Los Angeles Stadium.

Wait, this is Los Angeles, you can actually expect some level of transit.

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

Mmh, grandparent clause is not as it once was on this, but can still be viable.

I can get Italian citizenship through this actually.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Where does Venezuela rank?


They aren't good afaik

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Seems all the finals stuff is in the US.

Yeah it's mostly US + others getting the scraps (&Host privileges)

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Finals in New Jersey

>Stadium usually hosts football matches

This is how we win.

You are gonna go full handegg in a football match?

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Scenario 48- Creatively named “The Emperor Strikes Back”😝


The intermission menus told me that the Vals, GaoFighGar, and GoLion were are all force deployed, pretty obvious who we’ll be fighting today. At the Database base, the imprisoned former Emperor Dai Bazaal is visited by his usurper son, who tells him to get in the cockpit of a special Mechadark Beastman. Dai refuses, his son attacks him, the old man triumphs over his son’s swordplay. Nonetheless, judging that his son’s failures against GoLion are his own, the former Emperor owns up to them to honorably go and fight Neue Warter. Pretty awesome of Dai Bazaal, Michalis truly is a fool, a setting sun for Galra, inferior in both honor and combat prowess against his father.

Now for the heroes, Kazuma dates it as Jan 4th, still no idea where the Database took Kaname and Chidori, their super-advanced tech means the trail has gone cold. Yet, others then say a lead has come in from a mysterious “Mr. Silver” who told them where the Whispered girls were before. (Leonard really does enjoy treating thing like a game.) The Database base in the Solar System is by big old Jupiter, where they were interested in the Power a year before. The heroes trust the intel so they’ll Boson Jump shortly, but not before discussing the now-public knowledge that Applicant is Blessfield, a highly-talented man they know well and they realize this can’t be easy on the Ardyguns.

The Boson Jump goes off without a problem, though Inez is a touch tired from it. All four battleships are deployed here for once. They’re still a good distance from Jupiter itself, concerned that warping in too close would result in coming under heavy fire the second they materialize. They speak of the Sol Masters, and the cautiously-positive lack of signs they’ve begun to consume dark matter for Trinary Star System restoration. The Galrans deploy the initial defense force, which when destroyed enough brings out Dai Bazaal. He still refers to himself as Emperor and through what the heroes diagnose as awe of power and fear of punishment, all the Galrans see their Will raised to 150. It’s no concern, and I clear out the grunts and five battleships briskly enough.

Dai Bazaal’s generically-named Beastman Galra looks like him, if slightly overweight. No annoying MAPs, but he does have 110k HP, the first boss in the game to break into six-digits. He drops a Barrier M too, but I belatedly realized that Big Volfogg’s weakest attack- Melting Siren- not only itself pierces barriers, it debuffs enemies so their barriers won’t work at all for one turn. Still, while I do pop some Valor and a Bless (he’s worth 20k), I conserve plenty of SP for when I presume the Database & Sol Masters arrive the moment Bazaal dies. Attacking Bazaal with Shin Getter Robo, he speaks of records wherein Shin Getter may have come from another world. Odd.

When I drop Dai Bazaal to about half HP, he Guts-Strike-Valors up and starts speaking of this Solar System having relics belonging to the Leo and Solar Civilizations and the hitherto unnamed Progenitor Civilization Es pronounced like “Ys”?, which Horis recognizes. When Princess Fala asks why she never knew of the Trinary Star System, Bazaal explains that it’s because it was destroyed in another world? -The topic to immediately gets changed to the fate of Galeon and Mamoru, and Bazaal says they were killed, to the heroes’ sadness. As Arvis dies (I give GoLion the final blow), the Emperor thinks that this group has what it takes to defeat the Evoluted, the Radam, the Sol Masters, and the Database. Though his last words are "I rule the universe mwahaha!", paraphrasing but indeed his last pronunciations were that of an evil laugh.

The Database with Applicant & Aria and a Sol Master -Palparepa- accompanied by Database grunts, arrive as expected near Jupiter. I forget what’s said but it’s obviously war. Tekkaman Hiver is the perfect position to greet them with a Valor’ed MAP Reactor Voltekka, so the grunts aren’t an issue here, nor is Aria. Applicant still has over 50k HP 2xAction and one crazy MAP, while Palparepa Plus has over 90k HP and a -10 Will -30 SP debuff on his second strongest attack.

Defeating Palparepa sees Guy get into a 1 v. 1 against the Sol Master, wherein on the second round Palparepa wins and everyone thinks Guy has died, Mikoto passing out. Applicant’s defeat comes with him defeating Kazuma, the Valhawk separates from the Valstork, the Valstork is immobile, the Valhawk is about to be destroyed. -Except Regulate refuses to let Applicant do that, creating turmoil within the Database. Critic and Inference chimes in via comms and Inference decides to capture this unknown power they had want to kill instead, 2-1 in favor of capture sees Kazuma and Mihiro taken away. The battle is over.

Aboard the battleships, sadness. Though Mikoto says that via her Semi-Evoluted ESP, Guy was captured, not killed. The Valstork can rudimentarily move again, but its weapon systems have been brutalized. Horis also reveals that the Valstork’s and Valhawk’s unknown technologies are the same as the Database and belong to the same Progenitor Civilization Es, which he knows being a former OZ agent specializing in ancient civilizations.

Elsewhere aboard, Ruri and others determine that the Database base is near the moon Ganymede. Tsukumo says there is an abandoned fortress from the old Jovian Federation, which the Database must’ve repurposed. (It sounds like the Jovian Federation defunct now. Either AP or J said life on the Jovian moons was harsh until the Martian tech was found, so I get it the moons were abandoned after the Lizard War.) To rescue Kazuma, Mihiro, and the Whispered girls, the ReHOME will go there with a small ground infiltration team of FMP’s SRT, Tomoru, and Aki. Though D-Boy despite his health issues says he will go instead of Aki. Guy’s father and Mikoto (now announcing Guy’s survival) also ask to board the ReHOME, and that request too is granted. Tomoru asks why he’s involved in the lineup and the answer is b/c a power suit is small and fast. Sosuke will standby in the Arbalest waiting for the others.

Then at the Database base itself, Kazuma, Mihiro and Guy are shown in captivity. The Sol Masters speak to Guy and the last thing that happens in this scene is him being tortured (obviously not killed). Backing up Inference changes his mind and upon meeting Kazuma and Mihiro order them dead. Regulate refuses to allow it, Kazuma says she looks like his mother but younger. Applicant sides with Critic and Inference and deletes Regulate from existence, who is revealed like the other two to be merely incorporeal programs. Mihiro rejects Aria for participating in this. Kazuma punches the mask off of Applicant, revealing his father’s likeliness. Applicant takes the two away for disposal as Inference orders, and Inference thinks to now get rid of Aria that doll too. Sure, disposed of, like how Vindel asked Lemon to dispose of the Angelg.

Plenty of drama, plenty of Original revelations. More no doubt to come in the next fight. And quite possibly those two supreme Super Robots I’ve known about, but have yet to acquire. Depends on how the ‘cards are dealt.😜

 ..And was this some kind of end for GoLion?🤔 Sincline still lives, but his father put on a nice performance, and the prince is a doofus. -We still don't have an explanation for the goddess yet. That's the one odd thing that makes me not think that SRW kept Sincline alive when he should be be dead and Dai Bazaal was the final boss of the anime. If I'm wrong and Sincline was canonically GoLion's final opponent, well he'll probably fail to live up to the last stand of his evil! -but competent and abiding by an evil! honor code- father.

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An RNG event the likes of which just shouldn't happen again

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


That's a busy incident, wonder what it'd be called.

Also, what has the Master done in making that machine?

28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is how we win.

Just remember to uh...rent a car. Not just for the US but for NA in general. I mean, there probably will be shuttles for an event this big but uhhhhhhhhhhh

As someone who was in New Jersey this year, yeah renting is recommended, unless you have someone over there (or several in our case)

29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Jokes aside, the US does make you feel American simply by living there

Even visiting there.

27 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:




What a flip, people will wonder how legit he's being about it and I'd say fair enough to question it.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Pretty awesome of Dai Bazaal, Michalis truly is a fool, a setting sun for Galra, inferior in both honor and combat prowess against his father.

Certainly the comparisons never end, heh.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

but not before discussing the now-public knowledge that Applicant is Blessfield, a highly-talented man they know well and they realize this can’t be easy on the Ardyguns.

It's certainly a bit of a mood to read this on Father's Day, huh.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Attacking Bazaal with Shin Getter Robo, he speaks of records wherein Shin Getter may have come from another world. Odd.


It could be a nod to the fact the Shin Getter is the Armageddon design, so indeed otherwordly in a world that has classic anime Getter Team. On the other hand...

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

When I drop Dai Bazaal to about half HP, he Guts-Strike-Valors up and starts speaking of this Solar System having relics belonging to the Leo and Solar Civilizations and the hitherto unnamed Progenitor Civilization Es pronounced like “Ys”?, which Horis recognizes. When Princess Fala asks why she never knew of the Trinary Star System, Bazaal explains that it’s because it was destroyed in another world? -The topic to immediately gets changed to the fate of Galeon and Mamoru, and Bazaal says they were killed, to the heroes’ sadness. As Arvis dies (I give GoLion the final blow), the Emperor thinks that this group has what it takes to defeat the Evoluted, the Radam, the Sol Masters, and the Database. Though his last words are "I rule the universe mwahaha!", paraphrasing but indeed his last pronunciations were that of an evil laugh.

Hmm... now that's curious. Between this and the Shin Getter comment... hmm...

Also, I looked up. It's not like Ys. Ys is イース, while Es is エス. So different pronunciations.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then at the Database base itself, Kazuma, Mihiro and Guy are shown in captivity. The Sol Masters speak to Guy and the last thing that happens in this scene is him being tortured (obviously not killed). Backing up Inference changes his mind and upon meeting Kazuma and Mihiro order them dead. Regulate refuses to allow it, Kazuma says she looks like his mother but younger. Applicant sides with Critic and Inference and deletes Regulate from existence, who is revealed like the other two to be merely incorporeal programs. Mihiro rejects Aria for participating in this. Kazuma punches the mask off of Applicant, revealing his father’s likeliness. Applicant takes the two away for disposal as Inference orders, and Inference thinks to now get rid of Aria that doll too. Sure, disposed of, like how Vindel asked Lemon to dispose of the Angelg.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

... And was this some kind of end for GoLion?🤔 Sincline still lives, but his father put on a nice performance, and the prince is a doofus. -We still don't have an explanation for the goddess yet. That's the one odd thing that makes me not think that SRW kept Sincline alive when he should be be dead and Dai Bazaal was the final boss of the anime. If I'm wrong and Sincline was canonically GoLion's final opponent, well he'll probably fail to live up to the last stand of his evil! -but competent and abiding by an evil! honor code- father.

I believe so, yes, that Sincline was the final "boss" of GoLion. So you have not quite reached the end of the storyline yet. Though I'll admit I don't know the full details of its storyline.

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Okay, the Autumn Harvest Festival approaches in RF4. I got my Level 10 Carrot to present, should be an easy win.

Now, the matter is about the Winter Harvest. I do have some Winter crops, which I hope I can level up to a decent level to not have much issues winning. I guess I can go with a Hot-Hot Fruit, since it's the fastest growing one. With some Formula C, it should be doable. Just planted Level 2 seeds on Autumn 27. Should go even faster once I reach Winter itself.

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The english are fucking shite m8

They are leading but man are they boring...

Then again, they are facing Serbia, ie. Bullies extraordinaire

The serbs are never fun to watch

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So I put on Perfect Blue (aka the film people bring up about criticising the idoloshpere back in the 90's)

...... It was not how I expected.

I did get fucked with watching it.

I will not say more for spoilers sake.

37 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The english are fucking shite m8

They are leading but man are they boring...

Then again, they are facing Serbia, ie. Bullies extraordinaire

The serbs are never fun to watch

Look, from the bits I've happened to have on this tournament, I know it's not all this, but I'm just going to link that defining image of soccer.

And who would you say is likely to make it to the final stages?

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25 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Classic kek

Honestly most matches have been pretty fun so far...but today was boring, and i don't think tomorrow will be any better kek


Aside from France maybe going full BOOOM on Austria lol

25 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And who would you say is likely to make it to the final stages?

Too early to say tbh. Wanna see how the other Teams play first.

So far historical favs have been doing well tho (Results wise)

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3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


They aren't good afaik

Well at least we're a top player in other things


(I actually didn't realize America took the #1 spot just last year but it took a while for that to happen).

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Even visiting there.

American cultural victory is simply unmatched.


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Time to continue through Keelhaul Key.

I noticed the remake added a spring that saves you from having to use Yoshi to cross a gap every time. I guess it is a bit time saving, though not as much as the Creepy Steeple pipe. Considering this part is also a bit of doing back and forth, I guess why they also thought they needed to put that spring. No actual shortcut to the cave area, however, I take it.

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For the Spaniard and the one who has visited Spain, some boring history I was reading today.🤓:


(Grabbing these pics from the Web, same as in my magazine minus the caption below.)

The Tholos de Montelirio, a tomb found west of Seville. Dates back to the Copper Age in Iberia, 4800 years ago. A 125ft/38m corridor built into the side of a mountain leading to the two round round chambers with a vaulted ceiling at least 13ft/4m high. The walls and ceilings are of slate, granite and sandstone, which were then coated in red cinnabar, with geometric motifs engraved and or painted over that.

Inside the tomb were 20 skeletons- 15 female, 5 undetermined but probably female given the others, all between 18-45 years of age. Buried wearing elaborate clothing, including a quarter-million beads made from seashells. With a clay slab depicting a goddess placed at the center of the burial chamber, light would filter in from the ceiling and illuminate the slab several times each year. Other grave goods include 200 stone arrowheads, 250 amber objects, and 100 of ivory, all sprayed in cinnabar powder, like the women's bodies. There are no lavish tombs for the era in this part of Iberia for men, which suggests these were very prominent women, in a society with a strong matriarchal element at a time when hierarchy was only starting to be introduced to Iberian culture. 

...There is one peculiarity about the bodies of these women though. Cinnabar is scientifically known as "mercury sulfide".🌡️

  • For a human, having a mercury level of 1 part million is considered dangerously elevated.
  • At the Montelirio Tholos: 
    • Eight bodies were found to at least 8 parts per million of mercury.
    • Nine had at least 100 parts per million.
      • And one of these nine bodies had nearly 484 parts per million.

Levels of mercury well beyond what could be brushed on a person after their death. Which means they ingested it while alive. Heating the cinnabar powder and inhaling the vapors would've been the most effective method. The resulting convulsions, trembling, loss of consciousness, would be similar to a mystical trance. So, these women buried so wealthily were the hypothesis goes- highly venerated priestesses or chieftains with religious functions. Intentional long-term exposure to mercury of such levels has no parallel in human history.

(There is also a nearby tomb belonging to the "Ivory Lady", one woman 2-3 generations older than those at Montelirio. She is of similar mercury levels with as richly-decorated a tomb. And over the tomb were placed more grave goods, in a pseudo-second burial when Montelirio was built, indicating long-term veneration of the woman.)

TL;DR- Southwestern Spain has a magnificent tomb of 4000-year-old women of status who got seriously high on mercury.😜


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, I've always wondered. The Female MC's default name is Frey.


Why not Freyja?

Nobody did a Wikipedia check of mythological figures? Nor played/watched/read anything that delves into Norse mythos?

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's certainly a bit of a mood to read this on Father's Day, huh.

I knew the holiday was today, but I didn't put the two together.😄

Considering you get to use Blessfield as Valstork's captain for the entire first half, they really wanted to weave some dad into W. 

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, I looked up. It's not like Ys. Ys is イース, while Es is エス. So different pronunciations.

Thank you!😀 But there's no reason North Atlantic Atlantis couldn't have giant robots if Mycenae did.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, that escalated quickly.

I'm left to wonder how Inference went so haywire from any neutral recorder of the universe he was supposed to be. Critic too, but he's more the Sikalog strong & less-talkative type. I'll learn tomorrow I guess, since between playing and typing all I'd do on the writeup, I'm afraid it'd be past 1:00 AM if started the next episode now.😅

It's not like Inference has had much time directly interacting with Kazuma either, other than causing the tragic end to the Originals in the first half. And Regulate didn't have any interactions at all.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TL;DR- Southwestern Spain has a magnificent tomb of 4000-year-old women of status who got seriously high on mercury.😜

Eh, we all have that weird great-great-great-... ... ... ... ... ... - great grandma. XD

I claim some Basque descent anyway.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nobody did a Wikipedia check of mythological figures? Nor played/watched/read anything that delves into Norse mythos?

I'd say using the name Frey does say they did. And either Frey or Freyja, using the name of a fertility deity certainly feels fitting to give an Earthmate. Still, why Frey over Freyja, I wonder.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I knew the holiday was today, but I didn't put the two together.😄

Considering you get to use Blessfield as Valstork's captain for the entire first half, they really wanted to weave some dad into W.

Reminds me I should've made a FE Dad joke back then. FE has fathers who die or evil fathers (or not quite evil but still with an antagonistic agenda). But not one who starts good and then turns evil? Does Sombron counts if he turns evil before becoming a father? Is Anankos splitting up into mad and good halves count as cheating? Hmm...

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you!😀 But there's no reason North Atlantic Atlantis couldn't have giant robots if Mycenae did.

An old civilization having mechs or at least being hi-tech? Plenty of examples in fiction for sure!

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm left to wonder how Inference went so haywire from any neutral recorder of the universe he was supposed to be. Critic too, but he's more the Sikalog strong & less-talkative type. I'll learn tomorrow I guess, since between playing and typing all I'd do on the writeup, I'm afraid it'd be past 1:00 AM if started the next episode now.😅

It's not like Inference has had much time directly interacting with Kazuma either, other than causing the tragic end to the Originals in the first half. And Regulate didn't have any interactions at all.

Well, I mean, recording everything means he probably has seen things...

Too much Rule 34 of countless civilizations, probably.

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> Cortez saying "estúpido"

Well, this is new.

They actually have him say Spanish words instead of just amigo. That's an improvement at least. Actually, he doesn't even say amigo anymore. Or at least not so far.

Also, I didn't need it, but it's nice they added a merchant Toad among the stranded guys. Just in case you need to restock I guess.

> Refers to ship as "mágica"

Doh, you were so close! Or maybe it's that law of referring to ships as female, I don't know.

Oh man, they turned the ship sequence even more awesome here. Between the characters emoting more and having Cortez' ship actually fire back, the remake really nailed it here.

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

That's a busy incident, wonder what it'd be called.

>Sutekh shows up randomly

Forget the Daleks, the whole universe is fucked bro.


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Intentional long-term exposure to mercury of such levels has no parallel in human history.

I wonder why they all died young...

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Ah, so Cortez still says amigo, but after the whole thing with Crump is over. Where it'd make more sense, I guess.

And Chapter 5 done.

lol the Bowser vs Crump face-off ending in a bomb explosion is so hilarious. XD

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... I think I'm done? I feel I can really say Chapter 10 is finally done. Though I don't feel too satisfied. Maybe since too much time has happened.

Well, it's too late to upload, but tomorrow I'll do it.

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Ah, wish they'd be at a time I could actually watch it. Well, it's fine. If something big does get revealed, I'd know anyway once checking up. And if it's somehow FE related, well, I'd first see Serenes blowing up first too.


I'd say, only now am I realizing that SRW T only has regular GGG, not FINAL.

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19 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The english are fucking shite m8

They are leading but man are they boring...

They’re the English Shrimp-kun, what were you expecting? Why do Europeans like soccer so much?

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