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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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1 minute ago, Codename Shrimp said:



Oh no, the pasta breaking was only the beginning.

Which fans will spill the sauerkraut?

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Even in jail. -Well, what else are you going to do while imprisoned?😛

Hey, it's the Database. Of course they'll let him continue to record stuff in his diary. XD

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Concludes it must be Regulate, she prepared a backup of herself if she was deleted.

You'd think he'd have known this could happen. They record, and as they say... Always have a backup!

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
    • Inference also reveals when asked by Tessa, the reason for destroying everything that gets recorded- knowledge rightfully belongs in the hands of the few.
      • No further explanation is given. But I do remember a literal cult member in another game I’ve played who said basically the same thing, adding this prevents the clouding of the Truth.

Saves on having to update EVERYTHING every so often.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Guy is still brainwashed as the copy GaoFighGar falls apart, Guy’s father sacrifices himself, Guy thinks he has died not a true hero, but his dead father and mother talk to him inside Jupiter. Via The Power his father invoked, he lives.

Fun fact, Guy's father actually dies in the original series. W had him live for a bit longer... likely since they needed to do this, so he had to die regardless.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Valzacard! FINALLY!😄


11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Applicant comments that this must the Database countermeasure Blessfield created. Regulate doles out responsibilities to everyone:

  • Regulate manages the core systems.
  • Shihomi is commander. (Same as on Valstork)
  • Akane handles targeting. (Same as on Valstork)
  • Horis the engines. (Same as on Valstork)
  • Aria provides auxiliary offense support.
    • The Arm Arcus can turn into a sword or bow; a sort of R-Gun.
  • Mihiro is radar and communications.
  • Kazuma ofc pilots the entire thing.

Oh, nice to detail this.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

United as one, they attack Applicant. The damage to his battleship is jarring enough to inflict physical damage to his person, revealing his body is mechanical, an android, not the Ardyguns’ real father. That’s a surprise relief.

Well, other than dad is still truly dead.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(yet Regulate isn’t a sub for some reason, despite computers counting as subs in other SRW instances, like Tomoro in the King J-Der and 8 in the Astray Red Frame).

Gonna say, considering Applicant and Aria, I'm surprised Regulate does not have a robot body as well.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No more docking allied units in this like I could the Valstork/guard, and I can’t separate Valzacard, but does it really matter?😏


Hahaha, guess not.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

…Though I don’t think Valzacard looks aesthetically Super to me.😆 (The artwork more not-Super than the sprite.) It isn’t exaggerated, fantastical, cartoonish, nor especially bulky. Valzacard has a very mechanical design. If you told me it was the design of a 17m Real, I could believe you. Not the sleekest Real don’t get me wrong, perhaps it has its Full Armor on it, but it could still dodge plenty. Maybe I haven’t seen enough Supers, maybe if I had seen a Macross I wouldn’t feel this way?🤔 -And this sounds sooooo weird b/c its two battleships combined! It's HUGE!😆

Possibly. Since the Macross battleships would be the closest comparison to make. Still... it's there for you to enjoy using it!

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As someone who's trying to go through the Star Wars material when he can, BRUH if true.

20 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

This is MMA not football

Wait, was there a 10-man fight or something? Has to be some serious reason the ref's terrible right?

Also, is Mbappe about to be soccer's Dupont on this with having to wear the mask? (Sorry, the fact a French player who's prominent got attacked in the face early on the tournament is certainly a coincidence)

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I do hope they go out with 0 Points.

Then again, it's Serbia lol. Easily one of the most unfun Teams and some of the worst fans.


The English doing something right


Just now, Dayni said:

was there a 10-man fight or something?

nah, but we got a broken nose, a bleeding head, a goalkeeper almost taking a foot to the face, everyone fouling, etc.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Has to be some serious reason the ref's terrible right?

Alot of his decisions were pure shit and plain wrong. And the last 20 minutes he pretty much lost control of the game. What Mbappe did might be pure shithousery, but it was because the ref didn't allow the french to switch when the game was stopped twice already wtf.

3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Also, is Mbappe about to be soccer's Dupont on this with having to wear the mask? (

He about to become a ninja turtle

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12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

As someone who's trying to go through the Star Wars material when he can, BRUH if true.

Oh, time for a new trilogy? Eh, you're fine. May take until 2027-2028 to be in theaters or so.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hey, it's the Database. Of course they'll let him continue to record stuff in his diary. XD

Ya know I'd considered the possibility of him unknowingly contributing to the Database's logs.😅

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You'd think he'd have known this could happen. They record, and as they say... Always have a backup!

But what if you're too lazy to do that? -Speaking about someone else.🙄

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Saves on having to update EVERYTHING every so often.

The universe is a pretty big place, eternity is a really long thing.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, other than dad is still truly dead.

...Yes... definitely yes. But killed?

...Intermission- End of Game Revelations Galore!:



...No need for the N-Jammer Canceller?😲

I was not expecting this!😯 -But this ain't a bad twist!😆

Now that's what begins this. Yet as soon as the ZAFT base goes out with a flash, it's off to the Neue Warter at the Orbit Base.

With Regulate here, one the Recorders of Knowledges' Triumvirate, it's time to begin a MASSIVE lore dump!🤓

First, Regulate starts by calling herself, and the others, the "legacy of the 5th planet of the Omega Cluster's 13th system". An autonomous recording plant left by  Progenitor Civilization Es. Hyuma off GGG politely (he knew/was attracted to Blessfield's wife, Regulate looks like her) asks if "legacy" means Es is gone. Regulate answers that, yes, Es is gone, the original world ceased to exist long ago. It "shared the fate of the previous universe". The three original civilizations -Leo, Solar, Es- were civilizations that crossed space and time, from the previous universe to the current one.

At this point, some characters are confused, so....





Wufei's "I cannot make sense of him at times..." is followed by Kazuma internally thinking "And not making a lick of sense is your thing, right?".😛

For Inez's Q&A:

  • First, our beret-wearing Explanation Lady begins by stating the Solar Civilization existed in the Solar System. The Martian ruins of Nadesico and the Mycenae Empire of Mazinkaiser, are both of the Solar Civilization. The Leo Civilization was as stated before, the origin of GoLion and GaoGaiGar.
  • Second, "universal death and rebirth"- means that the universe has wasted away and died several times since its creation, reborn shortly thereafter.
  • Third, the three ancestral civilizations arrived in this universe from the most recent previous one.
    • GoLion and Galeon weren't created in this universe. Soldato J realizes his memories and himself from the previous world.
    • In the previous universe, the people very much resembled those of the current one, but the arrangement of planets has seriously changed.
    • The Solar Civilization first emerged in a different part of space from where the Solar System is currently located.

Regulate asks if she has to stand in front of the backdrop, she is told Inez only does that because she likes it. The Q&A ends, back to the usual lounge backdrop, where Regulate continues the revelations.

  • The Es Civilization had become aware of universal death and rebirth. So it was that they built the autonomous recording plant, to relay the collective knowledge of their civilization into the next universe.
    • This was the Database's original purpose.
  • A dimensional storm arose on the day of collapse and the Records of Knowledge began their voyage into this new universe, where they would make new records.
  • The Leo and Solar Civilizations Regulate imagines took measures to preserve their legacies.
    • The Sol Masters were likely meant to restore the Trinary Solar System in this new universe.

However, the three ancient civilizations had no control over how they were brought into the new universe, and like Shadow-Mirror, the civilizations arrived in different locations and at different dates. The Recorders arrived ten millennia ago. The Solar Civilization three millennia ago. The Leo Civilzation's GoLion arrived in Altea four millennia & four centuries ago. The Leo Civilization's Mamoru, Galeon, Kaido, and Zonder arrived 10 years ago.


Next up, Kazuma asks about who Applicant is if not their dad, and how he created Applicant and Inference. Regulate unseals the records in the Ardygun family robot Caret, and projection of Blessfield begins playing a recorded message. The message he begins was intended for his father on Mars, but he hasn't a clue who'll get it and begins relaying the story of his life anyhow.:

  • February 14th, 100 ASC. Carrying a Chulip Crystal as a lucky charm in his pocket, Blessfield an A-Class Jumper? Boson Jumps during a battle.
    • Bless makes sure his unknown audience knows a Boson Jump is a movement across space-time. 
  • Blessfield says he found himself 15 billion years in the past, in the prior universe.
  • This prior universe, Blessfield says, has only a few decades before space itself breaks down the Big Crunch?.
  • Blessfield was saved by the people of the 5th planet, who says, in understated and casual language "the news hit the people really hard". Waiting day in & out for the universe to end.
  • To give the Es Civilization hope, Blessfield spoke of the invaluable nature of memories and Es decides to build a recording plant. 
  • Blessfield creates three persona to govern the recording plant.:
    • Recorder- the leader. Archivist of knowledge and information.
    • Critic- Judging and providing council to Recorder's actions.
    • Regulate- Who harmonizes Recorder's decisions.
      • Bless admits he modeled the shape and thoughts of Regulate after his wife, Yumi, "since I could". 
        • Kazuma disapproves, but Chief Taiga of GGG and Tsukumo approve.
  • Lastly, Bless built a full copy of himself to act as their custodian- Applicant. Who for all intents and purposes, is another Blessfield.
    • Applicant is accompanied those three personas during their never-ending voyage of recording knowledge.
  • Blessfield already knew the Database would become enemies of all other civilizations in his universe. And he doesn't understand why.
    • So, he combined Earth and 5th planet tech to create a check, to trigger when any one of the personas becomes a threat- the Valstork.
    • As Inez states- "a classic bootstrap paradox."😆
  • Blessfield didn't get to see how the personas were doing before his COLOSSAL Boson Jump.
    • But, he didn't want to steal newfound hope from the people of the 5th planet that he had given them. Especially since he would have no answers to give.
    • So it was the Valstork was sent to the Solar System, under the guise he had scrapped it. He believes it should reach Mars ~50 ASC.
  • One final system was added to the Valstork, to unite with the Arm Series units.
    • In the event of two of the recording plants's three personas going haywire, the remaining persona may trigger the combination that creates Valzacard.
      • This message being played could only happen once Valzacard was formed.

Blessfield ends with a kind word to his family, though he knows not who shall see this message. Regulate then keeps the lore dump pouring out.:

  • Abnormalities, as Blessfield Ardygun knew, indeed began to show up in the personas.
  • 3862 years ago in this universe, Recorder redesignated himself "Inference".
  • It's at this same time that the recording plant changes its directives. -When it began destroying subjects after recording.
    • Although, prior to the Solar System, something else always eliminated the civilizations the Recorders recorded. (Kinda bleak.😬)
  • Sosuke asks if this was a bug. Tessa states this is a natural thing for humans to do. 
    • Humans monopolize power and influence, why not knowledge? Regulate is correct.
  • 3519 years ago, the Database fought GoLion, which is why King Raimon of Crimea knew about the Recorders and told the GoLion team this back at Jupiter in part one.
  • The Database traveled to Earth and Mars three millennia ago, to record the newly-arrived Solar Civilization. This is why the Myceneans could warn Neue Warter on their defeat.
    • However, when the Recorders arrived, the Solar Civilization was long gone for reasons unknown. The ruins of their civilization, the Martian polar ruins, had a powerful shield on them.
    • With the recent rebirth of a Solar Civilization, the Database returned to the Solar System.
  • And as for Aria, she was made by Applicant using Blessfield's memories of Kazuma.

*Phew!* Thats a ton of exposition!😵

I forget how, but the conversation pivots to what to do next.😅

I think the first thing to come up is the obliteration of ZAFT's Jachin Due fortress. The Earth Alliance getting hands on fermion missiles is why they didn't object to the Secretary General declaring the N-Jammer Canceller would only be used peacefully. Fermions in SRWW are antimatter particles (IRL, they're a type subatomic particle that can include antimatter, but could refer to regular matter too). Mu says antimatter missiles > nuclear missiles, so who would care about Cancellers? As for how in the world the Earth Alliance could have developed those- Tessa instantly realizes but doesn't say that her brother told Blue Cosmos. They're still working together as in part one. Waltfeld relays that his subordinate DaCosta almost died discovering GENESIS exists on ZAFT's side (Athrun was the one who knew in J, Dacosta was the second subplot of the Eternal). Lacus shows up and says the Eternal is ready for action. Neue Warter also knows it'll be one week before the Radam Trees bloom. They've footage of the Radam mothership surfacing on the moon. They must be exterminated now.

So it is that the heroes split up again. Fighting the Radam will be Nadesico, Orgun, the Space Knights, Mithril, and GaoGaiGar. All the Gundams, Shin Getter (so maybe it's a relic of the past universe like GoLion -but of the Solar Civilization?), Mazinkaiser, and GoLion shall intervene against the Earth Alliance and ZAFT and their respective weapons of mass destruction. It's a route split evenly dividing of Supers and Reals. I pick to fight the Radam because I want Tekkaman Rapier. And with Valzacard almighty, it doesn't really matter which I pick, now does it?😜

Before they leave, Tessa says she is returning to Merida Island, and gives Sosuke the order to rescue Kaname. The Valstork family mentions the Valstork itself is still badly damaged from Jupiter, and will have to be used solely as part of Valzacard -a reason why I can't split it. (Kaido is silently back as a sub-pilot on King J-Der. And I've as quietly unlocked GenRyuJin and GouRyuJin after the prior battle BTW.) Aria is welcomed into the Ardyguns now, Mihiro is willing to call her her sister, and Aria grudgingly begins to warm up to Kazuma. One nice word to Kazuma from Aria, and...


Selfcest is gross.😝

Kazuma tells Regulate not to try some motherly schtick on them.


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AHAHAHAHA, just last month I was pondering if I should buy it at last. Welp, good thing I waited!

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56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ya know I'd considered the possibility of him unknowingly contributing to the Database's logs.😅

But what if you're too lazy to do that? -Speaking about someone else.🙄

The universe is a pretty big place, eternity is a really long thing.

...Yes... definitely yes. But killed?

...Intermission- End of Game Revelations Galore!:

  Reveal hidden contents


...No need for the N-Jammer Canceller?😲

I was not expecting this!😯 -But this ain't a bad twist!😆

Now that's what begins this. Yet as soon as the ZAFT base goes out with a flash, it's off to the Neue Warter at the Orbit Base.

With Regulate here, one the Recorders of Knowledges' Triumvirate, it's time to begin a MASSIVE lore dump!🤓

First, Regulate starts by calling herself, and the others, the "legacy of the 5th planet of the Omega Cluster's 13th system". An autonomous recording plant left by  Progenitor Civilization Es. Hyuma off GGG politely (he knew/was attracted to Blessfield's wife, Regulate looks like her) asks if "legacy" means Es is gone. Regulate answers that, yes, Es is gone, the original world ceased to exist long ago. It "shared the fate of the previous universe". The three original civilizations -Leo, Solar, Es- were civilizations that crossed space and time, from the previous universe to the current one.

At this point, some characters are confused, so....





Wufei's "I cannot make sense of him at times..." is followed by Kazuma internally thinking "And not making a lick of sense is your thing, right?".😛

For Inez's Q&A:

  • First, our beret-wearing Explanation Lady begins by stating the Solar Civilization existed in the Solar System. The Martian ruins of Nadesico and the Mycenae Empire of Mazinkaiser, are both of the Solar Civilization. The Leo Civilization was as stated before, the origin of GoLion and GaoGaiGar.
  • Second, "universal death and rebirth"- means that the universe has wasted away and died several times since its creation, reborn shortly thereafter.
  • Third, the three ancestral civilizations arrived in this universe from the most recent previous one.
    • GoLion and Galeon weren't created in this universe. Soldato J realizes his memories and himself from the previous world.
    • In the previous universe, the people very much resembled those of the current one, but the arrangement of planets has seriously changed.
    • The Solar Civilization first emerged in a different part of space from where the Solar System is currently located.

Regulate asks if she has to stand in front of the backdrop, she is told Inez only does that because she likes it. The Q&A ends, back to the usual lounge backdrop, where Regulate continues the revelations.

  • The Es Civilization had become aware of universal death and rebirth. So it was that they built the autonomous recording plant, to relay the collective knowledge of their civilization into the next universe.
    • This was the Database's original purpose.
  • A dimensional storm arose on the day of collapse and the Records of Knowledge began their voyage into this new universe, where they would make new records.
  • The Leo and Solar Civilizations Regulate imagines took measures to preserve their legacies.
    • The Sol Masters were likely meant to restore the Trinary Solar System in this new universe.

However, the three ancient civilizations had no control over how they were brought into the new universe, and like Shadow-Mirror, the civilizations arrived in different locations and at different dates. The Recorders arrived ten millennia ago. The Solar Civilization three millennia ago. The Leo Civilzation's GoLion arrived in Altea four millennia & four centuries ago. The Leo Civilization's Mamoru, Galeon, Kaido, and Zonder arrived 10 years ago.


Next up, Kazuma asks about who Applicant is if not their dad, and how he created Applicant and Inference. Regulate unseals the records in the Ardygun family robot Caret, and projection of Blessfield begins playing a recorded message. The message he begins was intended for his father on Mars, but he hasn't a clue who'll get it and begins relaying the story of his life anyhow.:

  • February 14th, 100 ASC. Carrying a Chulip Crystal as a lucky charm in his pocket, Blessfield an A-Class Jumper? Boson Jumps during a battle.
    • Bless makes sure his unknown audience knows a Boson Jump is a movement across space-time. 
  • Blessfield says he found himself 15 billion years in the past, in the prior universe.
  • This prior universe, Blessfield says, has only a few decades before space itself breaks down the Big Crunch?.
  • Blessfield was saved by the people of the 5th planet, who says, in understated and casual language "the news hit the people really hard". Waiting day in & out for the universe to end.
  • To give the Es Civilization hope, Blessfield spoke of the invaluable nature of memories and Es decides to build a recording plant. 
  • Blessfield creates three persona to govern the recording plant.:
    • Recorder- the leader. Archivist of knowledge and information.
    • Critic- Judging and providing council to Recorder's actions.
    • Regulate- Who harmonizes Recorder's decisions.
      • Bless admits he modeled the shape and thoughts of Regulate after his wife, Yumi, "since I could". 
        • Kazuma disapproves, but Chief Taiga of GGG and Tsukumo approve.
  • Lastly, Bless built a full copy of himself to act as their custodian- Applicant. Who for all intents and purposes, is another Blessfield.
    • Applicant is accompanied those three personas during their never-ending voyage of recording knowledge.
  • Blessfield already knew the Database would become enemies of all other civilizations in his universe. And he doesn't understand why.
    • So, he combined Earth and 5th planet tech to create a check, to trigger when any one of the personas becomes a threat- the Valstork.
    • As Inez states- "a classic bootstrap paradox."😆
  • Blessfield didn't get to see how the personas were doing before his COLOSSAL Boson Jump.
    • But, he didn't want to steal newfound hope from the people of the 5th planet that he had given them. Especially since he would have no answers to give.
    • So it was the Valstork was sent to the Solar System, under the guise he had scrapped it. He believes it should reach Mars ~50 ASC.
  • One final system was added to the Valstork, to unite with the Arm Series units.
    • In the event of two of the recording plants's three personas going haywire, the remaining persona may trigger the combination that creates Valzacard.
      • This message being played could only happen once Valzacard was formed.

Blessfield ends with a kind word to his family, though he knows not who shall see this message. Regulate then keeps the lore dump pouring out.:

  • Abnormalities, as Blessfield Ardygun knew, indeed began to show up in the personas.
  • 3862 years ago in this universe, Recorder redesignated himself "Inference".
  • It's at this same time that the recording plant changes its directives. -When it began destroying subjects after recording.
    • Although, prior to the Solar System, something else always eliminated the civilizations the Recorders recorded. (Kinda bleak.😬)
  • Sosuke asks if this was a bug. Tessa states this is a natural thing for humans to do. 
    • Humans monopolize power and influence, why not knowledge? Regulate is correct.
  • 3519 years ago, the Database fought GoLion, which is why King Raimon of Crimea knew about the Recorders and told the GoLion team this back at Jupiter in part one.
  • The Database traveled to Earth and Mars three millennia ago, to record the newly-arrived Solar Civilization. This is why the Myceneans could warn Neue Warter on their defeat.
    • However, when the Recorders arrived, the Solar Civilization was long gone for reasons unknown. The ruins of their civilization, the Martian polar ruins, had a powerful shield on them.
    • With the recent rebirth of a Solar Civilization, the Database returned to the Solar System.
  • And as for Aria, she was made by Applicant using Blessfield's memories of Kazuma.

*Phew!* Thats a ton of exposition!😵

I forget how, but the conversation pivots to what to do next.😅

I think the first thing to come up is the obliteration of ZAFT's Jachin Due fortress. The Earth Alliance getting hands on fermion missiles is why they didn't object to the Secretary General declaring the N-Jammer Canceller would only be used peacefully. Fermions in SRWW are antimatter particles (IRL, they're a type subatomic particle that can include antimatter, but could refer to regular matter too). Mu says antimatter missiles > nuclear missiles, so who would care about Cancellers? As for how in the world the Earth Alliance could have developed those- Tessa instantly realizes but doesn't say that her brother told Blue Cosmos. They're still working together as in part one. Waltfeld relays that his subordinate DaCosta almost died discovering GENESIS exists on ZAFT's side (Athrun was the one who knew in J, Dacosta was the second subplot of the Eternal). Lacus shows up and says the Eternal is ready for action. Neue Warter also knows it'll be one week before the Radam Trees bloom. They've footage of the Radam mothership surfacing on the moon. They must be exterminated now.

So it is that the heroes split up again. Fighting the Radam will be Nadesico, Orgun, the Space Knights, Mithril, and GaoGaiGar. All the Gundams, Shin Getter (so maybe it's a relic of the past universe like GoLion -but of the Solar Civilization?), Mazinkaiser, and GoLion shall intervene against the Earth Alliance and ZAFT and their respective weapons of mass destruction. It's a route split evenly dividing of Supers and Reals. I pick to fight the Radam because I want Tekkaman Rapier. And with Valzacard almighty, it doesn't really matter which I pick, now does it?😜

Before they leave, Tessa says she is returning to Merida Island, and gives Sosuke the order to rescue Kaname. The Valstork family mentions the Valstork itself is still badly damaged from Jupiter, and will have to be used solely as part of Valzacard -a reason why I can't split it. (Kaido is silently back as a sub-pilot on King J-Der. And I've as quietly unlocked GenRyuJin and GouRyuJin after the prior battle BTW.) Aria is welcomed into the Ardyguns now, Mihiro is willing to call her her sister, and Aria grudgingly begins to warm up to Kazuma. One nice word to Kazuma from Aria, and...


Selfcest is gross.😝

Kazuma tells Regulate not to try some motherly schtick on them.


Considering it's A LOT to go through and comment, I'll just say this.

That Trivia thing I mentioned. As you know, Kazuma is the sole protagonist of the game, but originally it wasn't. He was to have a female counterpart, not unlike the Akimi/Akemi choice. So no case like Axel/Lamia where they both exist. Anyway, if you played with the female version, then Aria would instead be male. Said design? The same design for the Despair units. When the idea of the female protagonist got scrapped, they repurposed the Male!Aria design, even if the character too got scrapped.

Well, one more thing to say... lol, Regulate's comment regarding Kazuma and Aria. XD Though, to be fair, it's only a partial personality template, no? Otherwise that's like saying that because two people exhibit a few behavioral patterns...

Either way, it is something of a joke that Kazuma is heavily unlucky when it comes to having a love life.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Considering it's A LOT to go through and comment, I'll just say this.

I know 😫, which is why I wanted to get it posted before moving on to the next battle. -Feel free to go back through it and comment on it at any time if you want to.😉

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That Trivia thing I mentioned. As you know, Kazuma is the sole protagonist of the game, but originally it wasn't. He was to have a female counterpart, not unlike the Akimi/Akemi choice. So no case like Axel/Lamia where they both exist. Anyway, if you played with the female version, then Aria would instead be male. Said design? The same design for the Despair units. When the idea of the female protagonist got scrapped, they repurposed the Male!Aria design, even if the character too got scrapped.

Just a helmeted robot? (Unless the helmet comes off later?) That's odd. But thanks for the tidbit!😀

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Either way, it is something of a joke that Kazuma is heavily unlucky when it comes to having a love life.

Indeed, I've noticed that. One DS game too soon he was. Maybe he should try asking Mist for the girl he doesn't choose.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, one more thing to say... lol, Regulate's comment regarding Kazuma and Aria. XD Though, to be fair, it's only a partial personality template, no? Otherwise that's like saying that because two people exhibit a few behavioral patterns...

I think so? Better than Alphaverse/OGverse Ingram & Viletta, though in that case the whole Hebrew names means that maaaaybe it's got an element of Adam & Eve in it (her words- "I am your double. And your flesh and blood.").

There's also a debate about what to consider Aria as being in the Ardygun family. Kazuma says she is his "little sister", his other sisters say she's his older sister (because they love busting on him trying to act cool by welcoming Aria to the fold). With the time loop, both answers are correct.♾️

...I'd also like to say now, I do hope they keep W out of 3rd OG. The Database is simply too much to fit into the lore at the end of everything. Furthermore, with the talk of universe death & rebirth...

...I would like to rename Hypothetical OGverse 2.0- The ZOGverse to "Hypothetical OGverse 2.0- The ZWOGverse"!😃🎊

This WOULD require extending on W's storyline, but that's fine, Banpresto can do that with its own material. If we consolidated the two halves of Z2 into one game, and the two halves + prologue of Z3 into one game, IDK if that'd be possible, then we could have a ZWOGverse trilogy. In which case W gets Valstork and Valhawk for the ZWOG1, their only upgrade being the Proton Cannon Focus combination attack. That in W was sorta weak in gameplay, and narratively overshadowed by Valguard unlocking five episodes later. Valguard is delayed to ZWOG2, and Valzacard is the ZWOG3 finish.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Didn't see this before posting the above.😅 Nintendo's legal rights over Origins are indeed nonexistent or a nonissue, unless whatever little they were, was why this was a timed exclusive.

I know you said the duology was low-prio for you (which is perfectly fine!😃). But if you WERE to get it -IDK where to find it- you should get the mod that adds English voices for Origins. Eternal Wings has bad voice-acting, but Origins's is decent to great, and I feel like Guillo's voice-acting in particular is better enjoyed in a language you understand.

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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

As someone who's trying to go through the Star Wars material when he can, BRUH if true.

That's nothing dawg, i've been doing a giga marathon of Doctor Who, from 1963 to current year. I'm currently on Season 15....of 40.


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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know 😫, which is why I wanted to get it posted before moving on to the next battle. -Feel free to go back through it and comment on it at any time if you want to.😉

Well, let's take a gander at it.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



It's just not Nadesico without it. XD

Though I don't recall if any What and Why did happened in the movie. Probably, but I can't say for sure.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



The portraits being static makes it doubly funny. lol

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Regulate asks if she has to stand in front of the backdrop, she is told Inez only does that because she likes it.

Wait, I thought she didn't had a body. Or did she gained one just recently?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

February 14th, 100 ASC. Carrying a Chulip Crystal as a lucky charm in his pocket, Blessfield an A-Class Jumper? Boson Jumps during a battle.

I guess he was our non-Nadesico A-Class Jumper after all, heh.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bless admits he modeled the shape and thoughts of Regulate after his wife, Yumi, "since I could". 

Gives me Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den vibes, pft.

Anyway, it speaks much that likely nothing happened out of it. Considering he'd make a robot clone of himself, then...

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, prior to the Solar System, something else always eliminated the civilizations the Recorders recorded. (Kinda bleak.😬)

Hmm, do they ever explain this? Probably not, but still... really ominous.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shin Getter (so maybe it's a relic of the past universe like GoLion -but of the Solar Civilization?)

Considering Getter lore, there's a non-zero chance at least one Universe ended due to the Getter Emperor. Or at least one will be ended? Both could apply...

Getter Emperor is to the Getter Robo, what the XN-Geist is to the Gespenst, pretty much. Except much more Eldritch Being.

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just a helmeted robot? (Unless the helmet comes off later?) That's odd. But thanks for the tidbit!😀

Then I guess I still got ahead of it. XD It is stated at some point at least about Aria being cloned, from what I recall.

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Indeed, I've noticed that. One DS game too soon he was. Maybe he should try asking Mist for the girl he doesn't choose.

Pft, perhaps.

Speaking of, I recall that at some point in K, there's a CG showing J's Touya in the background. Just an Easter Egg, though still, makes you wonder...

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think so? Better than Alphaverse/OGverse Ingram & Viletta, though in that case the whole Hebrew names means that maaaaybe it's got an element of Adam & Eve in it (her words- "I am your double. And your flesh and blood.").

There's also a debate about what to consider Aria as being in the Ardygun family. Kazuma says she is his "little sister", his other sisters say she's his older sister (because they love busting on him trying to act cool by welcoming Aria to the fold). With the time loop, both answers are correct.♾️

Yeah, for starters, the Database are all artificial lifeforms, so it's not like there's any DNA similarities... when one side has none to begin with. Also, Blessfield only used his memories of Kazuma. The Kazuma up to the point of the timeskip. And since Aria has been active for a long time (though admittedly since being an android and all that, it is plausible she'd not have gone through too much personality change, if at all), and how Kazuma went through character development in the early parts of the second half... it's almost a miracle they still act similar enough to be compared with each other.

As it is, the only reason they'd consider themselves siblings is because in a certain way, Blessfield is also the Database's father. But then that would include Applicant and Regulate, and they certainly don't get treated as such. It's obvious due to who they're modeled after, as it is. Which brings a curious point. Blessfield made a copy of himself and his wife... and that's it. Aria has Kazuma as a memory/personality template (and Recorder/Inference too? I know the answer, but has it been stated already?), but she's not him. So Blessfield never thought to make copies of his children and/or Horus? I suppose since he wasn't exactly replacing them... and he admits the copy of his wife was a personal whim. But then why a copy of himself? And then there's Critic...

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...I'd also like to say now, I do hope they keep W out of 3rd OG. The Database is simply too much to fit into the lore at the end of everything. Furthermore, with the talk of universe death & rebirth...

...I would like to rename Hypothetical OGverse 2.0- The ZOGverse to "Hypothetical OGverse 2.0- The ZWOGverse"!😃🎊

This WOULD require extending on W's storyline, but that's fine, Banpresto can do that with its own material. If we consolidated the two halves of Z2 into one game, and the two halves + prologue of Z3 into one game, IDK if that'd be possible, then we could have a ZWOGverse trilogy. In which case W gets Valstork and Valhawk for the ZWOG1, their only upgrade being the Proton Cannon Focus combination attack. That in W was sorta weak in gameplay, and narratively overshadowed by Valguard unlocking five episodes later. Valguard is delayed to ZWOG2, and Valzacard is the ZWOG3 finish.

Hmm, I guess it's doable. Depends on how many games you want to do. Even for the Zverse, they could compress it even further. I guess we'd have to see what they do first with the current OGverse, before seeing how they'd manage a second one.

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I know this is way too much hopium but...

SRW 30 was in the Japanese Nintendo Direct of June 2021...

Dammit, I just want any scrap of news for a new mainline game.

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56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The portraits being static makes it doubly funny. lol

Does Trowa even express much? My impression of him is "stoic like Heero, but more eccentric".

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, I thought she didn't had a body. Or did she gained one just recently?

A hologram can still be seen on camera. Glenn did that before the Successors.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, do they ever explain this? Probably not, but still... really ominous.

My initial thought was "the dark answer to why we haven't found life elsewhere in the universe IRL yet- all galactic civilizations destroy themselves". ...But then with the Evoluted, the Radam, the Galra later, I guess there's enough would-be invaders out there somewhere. Plus, the Recorders have only been here for the past 10000 years what took so long?, very short in the history of the universe, how many civilizations could they really have seen destroyed?

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Considering Getter lore, there's a non-zero chance at least one Universe ended due to the Getter Emperor. Or at least one will be ended? Both could apply...

Getter Emperor is to the Getter Robo, what the XN-Geist is to the Gespenst, pretty much. Except much more Eldritch Being.


...Someday I guess I could behold it en Anglais.😛

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Then I guess I still got ahead of it. XD

Not a problem!😉 Can't be more than like six scenarios left.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Speaking of, I recall that at some point in K, there's a CG showing J's Touya in the background. Just an Easter Egg, though still, makes you wonder...

Neato!😀 The fourth Touya ending would be declared canon.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, for starters, the Database are all artificial lifeforms, so it's not like there's any DNA similarities... when one side has none to begin with. Also, Blessfield only used his memories of Kazuma. The Kazuma up to the point of the timeskip. And since Aria has been active for a long time (though admittedly since being an android and all that, it is plausible she'd not have gone through too much personality change, if at all), and how Kazuma went through character development in the early parts of the second half... it's almost a miracle they still act similar enough to be compared with each other.

Good point.🤔

Honestly, Aria doesn't feel very much like Kazuma to me. Yes Kazuma tries acting cooler/more mature than he is at times, yet when she stole the Whispered girls at the end of the Prince of Darkness finale, the fan translation had her say "neener neener!" as an insult to Kazuma. Kazuma can insult, he called Dai Bazaal "Dai Bazaar", but Aria comes off as more immature. ...Which isn't inconceivable. An artificial lifeform raised devoid of a normal human world, forever jealous of a person for the longest time not yet born who has "stolen" your millennia-unborn sisters. Aria is a brat who never grew up. In a loose way like Alfimi, but far older, and not raised by nonhumans whose ideal of "tranquility of the cosmos" left them with a minimal personality for the time they did exist.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Aria has Kazuma as a memory/personality template (and Recorder/Inference too? I know the answer, but has it been stated already?)

Nope! Not yet!😉 Methinks they're saving how Recorder/Inference went awry for the final battle or veeeery close to it.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So Blessfield never thought to make copies of his children and/or Horus? I suppose since he wasn't exactly replacing them... and he admits the copy of his wife was a personal whim. But then why a copy of himself?

With only decades left on the previous universe and both the Recorders of Knowledge and Valstork/hawk & Arm Arcus and Arm Stora to assemble, maybe he ran into time constraints? Or maybe he couldn't think of simple, clearcut roles to distribute amongst copies of his four children, much less Horis. Nor that Garrent guy introduced IIRC as a Valstork Family member at the beginning, but who has strangely been practically nonexistent for the longest time.

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And then there's Critic...

Critic has been very quiet and very firm in his beliefs. Which leaves me to wonder why he has been so underdeveloped of the Database members. Is it going to turn out that the universe before the prior universe was the Alphaverse and Kaiser Ephes survived and turned into a computer virus that infected Critic and that he is the culprit behind the corruption of the Database?😛 -Keep biting your tongue for now, sorry.😝

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I guess we'd have to see what they do first with the current OGverse, before seeing how they'd manage a second one.

True. I guess I think ahead too much.😅

42 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I know this is way too much hopium but...

SRW 30 was in the Japanese Nintendo Direct of June 2021...

Dammit, I just want any scrap of news for a new mainline game.


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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does Trowa even express much? My impression of him is "stoic like Heero, but more eccentric".

Best I know, yeah, he can. But indeed, like Heero, he seems to just go the stoic route.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A hologram can still be seen on camera. Glenn did that before the Successors.

Aaaaah, I see.


So, just hologram hologram, or "Star Trek holograms in the Holodeck" kind of hologram?

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My initial thought was "the dark answer to why we haven't found life elsewhere in the universe yet- all galactic civilizations destroy themselves". ...But then with the Evoluted, the Radam, the Galra later, I guess there's enough would-be invaders out there somewhere. Plus, the Recorders have only been here for the past 10000 years what took so long?, very short in the history of the universe, how many civilizations could they really have seen destroyed?

SRW V certainly gave me that vibe. With both Invaders and the ELS prowling the Large Magellanic Cloud, if not for Iscandar/Gamillas and Gardim, it would really give "Here be Dragons" vibes.

May not apply for this SRW, but I think in one of the others, which also bring up about the Universe dying and being reborn, that the cycle is actually 12000 years. Feels way too short for the Universe to last, but still...

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Someday I guess I could behold it en Anglais.😛

Admittedly, I don't think SRW really goes into detail about Getter Emperor. 30 with the Devolution cast in the DLC is probably one of the closest it has done. Well, that I know of.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Neato!😀 The fourth Touya ending would be declared canon.


2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Good point.🤔

Honestly, Aria doesn't feel very much like Kazuma to me. Yes Kazuma tries acting cooler/more mature than he is at times, yet when she stole the Whispered girls at the end of the Prince of Darkness finale, the fan translation had her say "neener neener!" as an insult to Kazuma. Kazuma can insult, he called Dai Bazaal "Dai Bazaar", but Aria comes off as more immature. ...Which isn't inconceivable. An artificial lifeform raised devoid of a normal human world, forever jealous of a person for the longest time not yet born who has "stolen" your millennia-unborn sisters. Aria is a brat who never grew up. In a loose way like Alfimi, but far older, and not raised by nonhumans whose ideal of "tranquility of the cosmos" left them with a minimal personality for the time they did exist.

Really puts into perspective of how Blessfield saw Kazuma, huh.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With only decades left on the previous universe and both the Recorders of Knowledge and Valstork/hawk & Arm Arcus and Arm Stora to assemble, maybe he ran into time constraints? Or maybe he couldn't think of simple, clearcut roles to distribute amongst copies of his four children, much less Horis. Nor that Garrent guy introduced IIRC as a Valstork Family member at the beginning, but who has strangely been practically nonexistent for the longest time.

I feel that, since he knows the Database and his family will meet up, he deliberately avoided making it a Mirror Match. Hence why only he and his already-dead wife are the only true copies. As neither would be there.

Also... hm? Looking up, his name is... Galent Caberinalio. At least that's how Akurasu put it. Surname ain't Ardygun... unless he's Blessfield's brother-in-law? No, would've been mentioned already perhaps. Hmm...

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Critic has been very quiet and very firm in his beliefs. Which leaves me to wonder why he has been so underdeveloped of the Database members. Is it going to turn out that the universe before the prior universe was the Alphaverse and Kaiser Ephes survived and turned into a computer virus that infected Critic and that he is the culprit behind the corruption of the Database?😛 -Keep biting your tongue for now, sorry.😝

Maybe not survive, but his memories transfer over? I think that's actually how it's meant to work. At least as presented in OGverse. That Kaiser Ephes isn't a reincarnation or traveled between worlds. But rather, the memories of his Alphaverse self were "unlocked" to him. Admittedly, been long since I looked that up.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Yeah. The day it finally happens... man, don't even know how I'd react. XD

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Okay, went to see a video of the first map. He's referred to as Blessfield's mentor in the trailer business. So it's more considered family than actual family. At least in the blood sense.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also... hm? Looking up, his name is... Galent Caberinalio. At least that's how Akurasu put it. Surname ain't Ardygun... unless he's Blessfield's brother-in-law? No, would've been mentioned already perhaps. Hmm...

The fan translation went with an "r" in the r/l conundrum I think? It's been quite some time (actually he got one line a few chapters ago, but the last time was waaaaay before that) since he showed up. Came off as like an old family friend at the start.

...And I see you just checked.😅 Yeah, he felt on par with Horis to begin ...but then just went away. Feels odd to have an utterly-minor portrait-having Original character in this game. So why not throw the kitchen sink at the wall and speculate anything using anything?🙃

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, just hologram hologram, or "Star Trek holograms in the Holodeck" kind of hologram?

If by Holodeck you mean "can only appear in a designated hologram machine", then I don't think that'd be the case at all. Since otherwise the heroes would've noticed the holographic nature of the three personas of the Database sooner than they did. Dunno how she can project herself in the Orbit Base then, but the Recorders do have very advanced technology, and presumably she could adapt the transfer of her data into the GGG facility in a matter of minutes.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe not survive, but his memories transfer over? I think that's actually how it's meant to work. At least as presented in OGverse. That Kaiser Ephes isn't a reincarnation or traveled between worlds. But rather, the memories of his Alphaverse self were "unlocked" to him. Admittedly, been long since I looked that up.

That was a total joke with the Kaiser E', and I don't think he has shown up yet? Maybe Moon Dwellers?🤔

Euzeth is mostly an enigma to me, since 2nd OG is where he shines. But:


There is this. -Ingram I don't believe regained his awareness of his past lives until he was fatally wounded or perhaps "relieved of corporeal form" is the better choice of words, gotta wait on what happens to Cobray.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

May not apply for this SRW, but I think in one of the others, which also bring up about the Universe dying and being reborn, that the cycle is actually 12000 years. Feels way too short for the Universe to last, but still...

Agreed, it's downright comical. They would need a reallllllly good excuse for that. Like "Oops! Our universe-sized experiments incredibly messed with universal death & regeneration!".

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The fan translation went with an "r" in the r/l conundrum I think? It's been quite some time (actually he got one line a few chapters ago, but the last time was waaaaay before that) since he showed up. Came off as like an old family friend at the start.

...And I see you just checked.😅 Yeah, he felt on par with Horis to begin ...but then just went away. Feels odd to have an utterly-minor portrait-having Original character in this game. So why not throw the kitchen sink at the wall and speculate anything using anything?🙃

Reminds me SRW V did something similar. There's an OG character with so minor a role, but has a portrait and even a well cemented background. I think I mentioned this in my game narration, but if you didn't know better, you'd think he was a licensed character instead of an OG.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If by Holodeck you mean "can only appear in a designated hologram machine", then I don't think that'd be the case at all. Since otherwise the heroes would've noticed the holographic nature of the three personas of the Database sooner than they did. Dunno how she can project herself in the Orbit Base then, but the Recorders do have very advanced technology, and presumably she could adapt the transfer of her data into the GGG facility in a matter of minutes.

I meant more that "you can actually touch them". Like it happens in Star Trek. "Photons and Force Fields", they have been called to be composed of.

That sounds more plausible, but I'm reminded Star Trek Voyager did had The Doctor (a hologram) able to actually go wherever he pleased thanks to the Mobile Emitter. A portable storage and projector he could carry himself, and thus able to go just about anywhere permisible.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That was a total joke with the Kaiser E', and I don't think he has shown up yet? Maybe Moon Dwellers?🤔

Euzeth is mostly an enigma to me, since 2nd OG is where he shines. But:

Oh LOL, I did meant Euzeth. And I was thinking of him, but it didn't register on me you wrote Kaiser Ephes and I went along with it. XD

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


There is this. -Ingram I don't believe regained his awareness of his past lives until he was fatally wounded or perhaps "relieved of corporeal form" is the better choice of words, gotta wait on what happens to Cobray.

Hmm... curious. Yeah, it might be revealed... or not, in 3rd OG. Whenever that happens.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Agreed, it's downright comical. They would need a reallllllly good excuse for that. Like "Oops! Our universe-sized experiments incredibly messed with universal death & regeneration!".

Okay, I looked up. The 12000 year cycles are from Z, and it's about Hypsistos deliberately resetting the Universe. Advent wanted to take control of the Hypsistos to do a cycle reset himself without waiting for the cycle to end. Or so it goes. I think it's actually mentioned in SRW 30 if you fight him all the ten times (or as you do the fights). So it's not something actually naturally occurring. The 12000 thing would end up being relevant to the non-OG stuff as Z3 added Gunbuster. Gunbuster had the protagoinsts, Noriko and Kazumi, end up 12000 years in the future in the ending. It became a plot point in Z3 that Noriko and Gunbuster showed up in Jigoku-Hen... but not Kazumi, who wouldn't show up until Tengoku-Hen.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Reminds me SRW V did something similar. There's an OG character with so minor a role, but has a portrait and even a well cemented background. I think I mentioned this in my game narration, but if you didn't know better, you'd think he was a licensed character instead of an OG.

So not the only instance of such an oddity then, huh.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I meant more that "you can actually touch them". Like it happens in Star Trek. "Photons and Force Fields", they have been called to be composed of.

Touching the holograms, I don't think it has been said if anyone has. D-Boy was told not to try punching Inference, it'd do nothing. But dematerializing for the sake of avoiding a hit may not preclude being tactile for voluntary touch. But if Blessfield could touch Regulate...

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, I looked up. The 12000 year cycles are from Z, and it's about Hypsistos deliberately resetting the Universe. Advent wanted to take control of the Hypsistos to do a cycle reset himself without waiting for the cycle to end. Or so it goes.

Impatient the self-proclaimed Saint is. But he did need footage to loop & remix for Ultium Deus Initium.

13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The 12000 thing would end up being relevant to the non-OG stuff as Z3 added Gunbuster. Gunbuster had the protagoinsts, Noriko and Kazumi, end up 12000 years in the future in the ending. It became a plot point in Z3 that Noriko and Gunbuster showed up in Jigoku-Hen... but not Kazumi, who wouldn't show up until Tengoku-Hen.

You know, if Progentior Civilization Es had been the only civilization to survive the old universe, the lore dump wouldn't have been so good. The integration of at least four licenses into this Original plot point of universe cycling, made it much more fascinating.😃

-I'm saying it's a good thing the 12000 years ended up being relevant to something not Original then.😀

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