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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Scenario 29

There's a place called Holywood in Al-Warth, or rather, in Mashin Hero Wataru's world? Anyway, the Boss of Fifth Tier, Ack Smoggle, is being informed by Don Goro of X-Cross approach. Smoggle figures it must be due to the Sludge Sanctum, the heart of Operation Pollutification. ¿Este será amigo de El Ecoloco de Odisea Burbujas? Anyway, Smoggle is confident  he has the thing against them. Still, he can't help be worried about the Keepers of Order, since all his pollution will draw their attention. Goro says it's what Doakdar wants, figuring it will give them the chance to strike a blow against them. Though apparently Doakdar later wants the pollution to be undone? How considerate, as if that says much, hahaha.

The recon group arrives to Holywood... okay, I get it, Los Angeles' air pollution and all that. They're told by the locals about how the place used to be beautiful, full of trees, etc. But then Smoggle arrived and started polluting the place. Before they return to the Megafauna to report they actually encounter Fa Yuri, who reveals that, yes, Kamille is here too. He still hasn't fully recovered from Scirocco's mind assault. Fa brought him here hoping the clean atmosphere would help him, but well, Smoggle arrived first. Speaking of the devil, he arrives and introduces himself, and is quick to send his lackeys.

The usual Burikintons, but there's also a Neo Zeon Zaku III Custom... piloted by Mashymre! He... seems way too crazed up. Smoggle even calls him a berserker. Even Judau and Roux can't stand to see him like this, and vow to snap him out of it.

And there's a secret associated with it, too! First step, Mashymre must be defeated within three turns. Let's go!

Okay, did it within two turns. Mashymre remains the same, but it seems he has recognized Judau enough to gun for him specifically. Their fight has brought them dangerously close to where Fa is... and that actually seems to snap Mashymre enough to make him withdraw. The group uses this chance to flee.

Back on the Megafaun, the part as a whole discuss things. The OG has begun to figure out what Goro discussed with Smuggle. That perhaps Doakdar is ready to strike a big blow against the Keepers, now that they have the Olympians and perhaps the way to bring back the Dragon of Darkness on their side. Still, fixing up Holywood is their priority for now. Genryusai brings up it could be fixed with the Good Seeds, another of Mt. Sokai's treasures. Sadly, he doesn't know where it is.

Some time after, Wataru reflexes on things. He's approached by Toraoh, who actually reveals Smoggle has the seeds. Wataru wonders how does he know that, but Maito arriving makes Toraoh disappear. Maito tells Wataru the group is ready to storm the Sludge Sanctum... while remembering it was Toraoh who sent the letter from Joe, making him also wonder just who is he.

The group deploys at large now, and Smoggle does the same, showing he has AI-controlled Mobile Suits in his arsenal too. Okay, next step of the secret. Judau must Talk with Mashymre, then defeat him. Let's go!

Okay, I think I did it. Regardless, Mashymre starts going on a rampage. Amuro realizes he's a Cyber Newtype, which make the UC guys wonder if that's what made him snap. Smoggle finally deploys, with BD Alliance mechs led by Mifune and Hoi Kow Lou. Smoggle gloats they won't make him recover his mind. In what was likely a plan concocted offscreen by the heroes, they have the OG pull the Keepers of Order act. This to not only make Smoggle reveal he has the Good Seeds, but actually bring them out when his credibility is put into question. This allowing for Himiko to snatch them, as always. Haha, sucker.

Still, Smoggle orders Mashymre to chase after her, but Fa shows up trying to save her. This makes Mashymre react again. Though he struggles, Smoggle still gets him to attack, but Roux intercepts the blow with the Zeta Gundam. And then Kamille shows up. Hm? Does bringing the Zeta near him made him recover? Despite Fa's protests, Kamille accepts he has to continue fighting, so long he has someone to protect. Roux gladly hands him the Zeta back. He climbs aboard, though not before telling Himiko to plant the Good Seeds to cleanse the land. Ryujinmau explains the seeds takes the happy memories of people to use as natural energy. Smoggle gloats it won't work, but work it does. A rose blooms, and it actually restores Mashymre back to normal. It's no coincidence. Mashymre Cello, the Knight of the Rose, is back, baby! And so is Kamille.

So, lots of things happening here. Now that Kamille has the Zeta back, it gains the Waverider Charge attack. The ZZ also gains the High Mega Cannon Full Power attack. Fa also joins in her usual Methuss. But also, in a big novelty for SRW, Mashymre is playable! In his Zaku III Custom. Last step for the secret. Mashymre must defeat at two enemies. Alright, let's do this!

Alright, I routed! Hoi and Mifune flee, while Smoggle's mech blows up. The party destroys the Sludge Sanctum, and combined with the seeds' power, the place is lush and verdant again. The group muses Doakdar and the Keepers are still en route to a big clash, so all they can do is to save everyone caught in the crossfire. Still, Lelouch muses they must look into Al-Warth's origin...

Judau tells Mashymre that Haman is dead. Seems Mashymre had "died" long before that, during Glemy's rebellion, hence why he's here in Al-Warth. He says he heard Haman's voice, speaking about her encounter with Judau. He feels he has a new chance at life, and so he'll continue to be a knight so long he has someone worthy to protect. In any case, Mashymre now fights under the banner of X-Cross. Alright, that was the end result of the secret. For him to permanently join. What happens otherwise? Admittedly, not sure. He wouldn't join, obviously, but I guess he... either stays in Holywood to protect it, or becomes a wanderer, maybe. Either way, so the map ends...

Oh, haha, there really is a Knight's Rose Power Part? +10 to Max Morale and Morale +20 when sortie... *whistle* now that's an effect. And speaking of roses, it looks like Mashymre is now carrying the rose that returned him to normal, showing up in his portraits now. The whole Knight of the Rose is not just for show. Even in the original anime he'd always carry a rose with him, dedicated to Haman Kharn. He vows she'll always remain in his heart, but now there's someone else he has pledged his loyalty to, and this new rose is the symbol of it. The one who saved him from the darkness. Which is Fa. Hmm, considering what happened before, this is something already taken from ZZ. Would be interesting to see the story behind that.

Something minor, but visiting the Vault nets an Extra Arms Power Part. This is optional to get (though why would you skip visiting the Vault?), but it's there.

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The group as a whole is eager to learn about the myth of Al-Warth's creation. As the story goes, first there was nothing. And in that vacuum, Ende created Al-Warth. Wait, where have I heard this kind of story before...? Anyway, Ende, called the God of Wisdom, created the world because Ende acknowledged the world existed within the void. And so Ende called it Al-Warth, the Beginning. It's not the planet's name, but that of the whole world. It was meant to be a paradise brimming with the fruit of wisdom... yeah, definitely heard this one before. Anyway, this attracted beings from other universes who sought it, like the dragons of light and darkness, who fought each other. They were aided by all those who came to Al-Warth as well, the so called Seekers of Paradise, and thus light and darkness came to coexist. The survivors of the battle worshiped Ende, who granted them wisdom. Thus, they became the Keepers of Order.

As it stands, it's not too different from other creation myths Al-Warth has. The party surmises the Olympians were among those who fought alongside the dark dragon. Sala brings up Aura's visit must've happened long after, so even the Seekers of Paradise predate the Ancient Humans. Ange brings up Misurugi's own myth emphasizes more a single hero over Ende, which is likely Embryo, while Viral brings up the Beastmen's own take have it that the Spiral King also fought in the war. As it stands, the current state of things in Al-Warth means the myth might be repeating itself, though some things are certainly different this time around. As always, the main focus is to stop Doakdar and his plans, but Misurugi is currently a wild card too important to ignore. So, it's time for the party to split up again. One team will continue the Doadkar assault, while the order will focus on Misurugi. As always, the split goes:

Anti-Misurugi Team: Gundam + Buddy Complex
Doakdar Assault: Everybody Else

And, as always, gonna go with Everybody Else for this playthrough. This is the split that actually contains the one secret that is fully route exclusive. If not for it, I'd have taken the other routes each time, and leave the ones I'm taking for the second playthrough. Ah well.

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Scenario 30

Over with the Bad Guys (TM), Toraoh actually finds X-Cross defeating Ack Smoggle to be cool. Don Goro isn't as enthusiast, as it ruined their plans against the Keepers. He decides it's time for him to deploy, while negating Toraoh's desire to do the same. He apparently has math homework to do? For real? Well, good to know Doakdar expects his people to do their homework. XD Oh, wait, turns out Toraoh is Doakdar's son. Well, he might want to plunge Al-Warth in darkness, but he still is concerned for his son's education. Well... we can't say he's not a good father? Still, not like Toraoh actually plans to stay behind...

Over with the heroes, the kids are once again playing tag. Wataru's getting bored of it, though, and then Toraoh shows up. Apparently he still doesn't know Wataru is the Savior, so he just joins in gladly. That said, the supervising teens and adults do have piece things out he may be aligned with Doakdar. Lelouch is quick to say he could be a spy, though the others are willing to at least let him continue playing before doing anything. lol, C.C. mocks if perhaps Lelouch needs to look up the word Friend on the dictionary. XD

And now Joe shows up, issuing once again a challenge to Maito. The last duel, apparently. He feels with Purple taking over the Alliance, he might not get the chance anymore for a fair fight. Despite so, BD Alliance mechs are approaching. Nevertheless, Maito accepts the challenge, but with the condition that should he win, then Joe must switch his allegiance...

Purple attacks the group as they return to the N-Nautilus. Wataru makes sure Toraoh is safe, calling him a friend. Apparently Toraoh actually didn't knew the meaning of that, and seems to like the idea. This is where Wataru reveals he's the Savior and summons Ryujinmaru... oh, they're using again the anime clip. That's like the third time now. And only now Toraoh realizes Wataru is his father's enemy.

Okay, we begin with only the Mashin deployed. Purple withdraws, so it's just mooks to deal with for now. Well, let's begin.

Defeating enough enemies, Don Goro finally arrives with reinforcements. The last of Doakdar's Four Generals. The heroes quickly rush over, but Don Goro destroys Senjinmaru and Genjinmaru! Though they all eject in time. Wataru tries to get away, but then Toraoh shows up and strikes. He reveals himself to Wataru, as well as being Doakdar's son. The rest of the party finally arrives, but so does Joe in the Goryu. Wataru is quite shaken, but won't back down of the fight. So the fight continues...

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A guy whose last name is Hancock would take Gold at shooting.

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nature has no intent, beasts have only instinct, no morality.

No, i'm pretty sure wasps are making a conscious effort to be as evil as possible.


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Lowering the Goryu's HP enough, it recovers back to full. Ryujinmaru and Chum sense the power of darkness empowering Joe, who actually protests at this unasked help. Toraoh then aims at Wataru, who still has reservations fighting him. Despite this all, Wataru still sees him as a friend. Toraoh aims for a finishing strike... only to get struck by Kurama. He has arrived in his new Mashin, the Kuohmaru. His village is finally back to normal, so he's here to help. Shibaraku, Genryusai, and Himiko show up, alive and well. Though they lament the loss of their Mashin, their spirits aren't deterred. Then suddenly, the objects they used to summon their Mashin glow and change. Their souls have been brought back, and stronger! They're now Senohmaru and Genohmaru. Wataru also steels his resolve. He'll stop Toraoh from continuing fighting for the forces of darkness, by force if needed.

At this Joe chuckles, being reminded of his younger less jaded self. Maito is ready to prove how wrong he was from discarding the ideals of justice and righteousness. And just in time, Mightgaine is back! It's finally time for him and Might Kaiser to combine into Great Mightgaine! Complete with anime clip, awesome! Arashi no Hero is back!

Toraoh and Goro withdraw once defeated. Defeating Joe ends the map. He immediately intercepts an attack aimed at Maito. Pruple then shows up, angry Joe ruined his chance. Purple reveals he was the one granting the power of darkness to him. Now he's casting Joe out of the Alliance, vowing he'll meet the same fate as his father. He leaves without revealing more. Joe also decides to leave, intending to investigate further, but promises to come back one day.

Now with things calming down, the group is quick to think that Purple could have a hand in Joe's father's death. Wataru is also assured that things between him and Toraoh can change for the better, as Maito and Joe's did, even if it would still require for them to fight it out. In any case, Gaine and Kurama are welcomed back into the team. The group is in high spirits, as they continue to take the fight to Doakdar. So the map ends...

Ah, finally, I'm starting to get Aces into the team. The OG was the first, next was Wataru. There's a secret to unlock if I get 10 by Scenario 41. Hopefully I still have plenty of time...

But, that's it for today. Will resume tomorrow.

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10 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

But if someone has their humanity rejected and [is?] called something else, wouldn't they consider evil [to be?] human?

That aside, ghosts and demons are a thing in this story, but you get the idea xD

Fair. I don't see how that undermines evil as being a distinctly human trait. -And even if some others deject the other person's humanity, it doesn't necessarily mean they don't have it, and thus that they wouldn't have the capacity for evil themselves.


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But Koji... oh man, Koji has the Mazinkaiser! Fun fact (you'd definitely be interested in this, @Interdimensional Observer, hehehe), I believe an interview reveals, or heavily hints at, that this isn't just a Mazinkaiser. It's THE Mazinkaiser from F/FF! As in, the bonified original! Getter Robo may not have shown up in X, but it's here in spirit. After all, both the original Kaiser and Emperor G are Mazingers souped up with Getter Rays, after all. Also, SRW X includes Mazinkaiser's theme from the Alphagames. So we have a bit of everything here. AW YEAH.

Niiiiiice! Never bad to have good SRW callback.😄 It being subtly the first Mazinkaiser as opposed to brazenly said/shown, is a cool way of adding a brushstroke of multiverseness, without it feeling like a lazy "it's multiverse -be awed at it!" use of the multiverse concept.


59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A guy whose last name is Hancock would take Gold at shooting.

I caught the last minute of this, I think they said this is the guy's fourth Olympic gold in Skeet.

Although when it comes to older weapons- South Korea can't be beat.🇰🇷 I overheard some TV commentary saying South Korea since like 1984 (or was it sometime in the 90s?) has won ~46 Archery medals.🏹🏅 The women's individual competition saw 3 Korean women out of the 64 competitors reach the two medal-winning final matches (though a French victory denied South Korea the bronze). Apparently, the South Korean archery training regiment forces all newbies to practice with a rubber band for the first six months, working on proper form and posture. When they are finally permitted to hold a bow, if they show improper technique, the bow gets taken away and it's back to the rubber band until the basics are remastered.

Of course, I'd have no interest in watching archery were it not for video games.🎮 The same can be said for fencing as well, of which I've caught some minutes over the past week. ...And recently fawning over a daki of a swimmer to appear in a visual novel, may have honestly pushed me into respectfully staring just a little during the men's diving competition.😆

59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No, i'm pretty sure wasps are making a conscious effort to be as evil as possible.

It has been like *searches this topic* three years since I last posted this.😛

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Great, I'm already taking too long to write this one-shot I'm making, yet still I expand the amount of stuff I'm covering. At this rate when will I actually finish it...

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now that I'm bringing up the undesirable, I will say I've had the same accusation thrown at me before.🙂

  To be told you're wrong because they don't see things the same way no matter what you say is a frustration. It hits different with family is all.

We're told to be wary of what you're told by others as a child but for all that so many of us are remarkably incurious about things being said to them and take it on the face of it.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

A guy whose last name is Hancock would take Gold at shooting.

Oh no, the joke got shot.

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58 minutes ago, Dayni said:

To be told you're wrong because they don't see things the same way no matter what you say is a frustration. It hits different with family is all.

Especially when you're so close to them. -And dependent on them too. (If I could/did live on my own like a normal adult, the room would almost certainly diminish the blow.) And in this specific case, with my specific self, I think selfishly. Besides me caring about fellow human beings, considering what I am, I have to keep that "First they came for..." long quote in mind. The fourth letter in the acronym of five is a heat shield for the second.

Here I am, waking up the next day maybe two & 1/2ish hours earlier than usual, and I'm still 😮‍💨ing over the uncivil discourse I silenced via silence as best as I possibly could. I can't let it go. It completely sank my mood for video games yesterday.

58 minutes ago, Dayni said:


That's some slo-mo bounce I can get behind.😆 (Minus any discomfort it may caused and if it did cause disqualification, ouch to both of those things.)

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Me hearing about the riots in Liverpool (that's one of the destinations on my trip this fall).

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course, I'd have no interest in watching archery were it not for video games

Related but they approved eSports for future Olympics.

4 hours ago, Dayni said:


Damn, they gonna disqualify him just cause his 🗼was too long (yes I know that's Tokyo Tower but I didn't have an emoji for the Eiffel).


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Hmm, I was thinking on alternating between Legends Mode and Adventure Mode in HW, but I think I'll just focus on Legends Mode first. Did enough of AM to get a good glimpse (and mainly to unlock the My Fairy feature), but I'll leave it for later.

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29 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

What the fuck is happening over in UK O.o

Middlesborough residents are controlling traffic and only letting people go if they're white.

Mind you even the most racist towns of America's Deep South wouldn't be caught doing this.

And I'm seeing all this and I'm just hoping things die down when I go there in October. Admittedly the parts I'm visiting don't seem to be getting these riots (these riots seem to happen exclusively in England).

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Middlesborough residents are controlling traffic and only letting people go if they're white.

"THeSE PeoPLe ArE JuSt ConCERNED11!!!111!!!!!"

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Mind you even the most racist towns of America's Deep South wouldn't be caught doing this.

A decade ago i used to smh at racism in America

The last few years opened my eyes to how fucking deep racism in the old world is

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7 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The last few years opened my eyes to how fucking deep racism in the old world is

Centuries of blood-and-soil mentality will do that. It's why so many racist Europeans hide behind "it's not racism, it's xenophobia" as if the venn diagram there isn't a flat circle. There's a reason why fascism spread so easily over there in the 20th century. 

Not that Asians aren't racist either but (maybe it's because the news don't spread far) they're not really gonna lash out like this. East and South East Asians anyways. 

Not that this side of the Atlantic didn't have it (see: Civil Rights movement, the fucking Civil War) but the adoption of Jus Solis by every New World country not named Colombia went a long way in smoothing out racial relations and America's particular presentation as a "country of immigrants" is why even the most racist movements aren't gonna be pulling shit like this.


(extremely rare Regan W) it's why MAGA's insistence on going back to the old ways are found vile by many.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not that Asians aren't racist either but (maybe it's because the news don't spread far) they're not really gonna lash out like this. East and South East Asians anyways. 


Look at what's happening in India and China - makes these UK thingies look like child's play

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I wouldn't say "can not", but it's defo harder than america from what i hear/know/read. And honestly, you can't really compare how the different countries deal with that.

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4 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Look at what's happening in India and China - makes these UK thingies look like child's play

India's thing is because they got a caste system going on. How in God's name they have a caste system in current year idk but it's the cause of a lot of issues. Add in the racial distribution of these cases and yeah.

China, I'm really not knowledgeable on. Apart from the Uighur genocide, which is so covered up by the Chinese government you barely hear it, I don't think anything has really spread as far as riots outside of Hong Kong and even that is pretty rare.

6 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

And honestly, you can't really compare how the different countries deal with that.

My point was there is a reason why old-world racism tends to not fly over here.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

India's thing is because they got a caste system going on. How in God's name they have a caste system in current year idk but it's the cause of a lot of issues. Add in the racial distribution of these cases and yeah.

China, I'm really not knowledgeable on. Apart from the Uighur genocide, which is so covered up by the Chinese government you barely hear it, I don't think anything has really spread as far as riots outside of Hong Kong and even that is pretty rare.

What i am more trying to say is - Asians are not exactly better than Europeans in that regard - in fact, by the news we get they are much worse. And much more ruthless.

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Well, despite how fun it is, I think I'll have to stop my SRW narration... again. It is taking too much time to make them, as it were, for how little the payoff seems to be. Almost none. I'll keep to my schedule, four maps each weekend day. Should be able to finish about... well, still got half the game to go over, more or less. Probably by mid-September, maybe. If I still make a comment or two, they will be brief, I guess.

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Aw, he knows.

36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Me hearing about the riots in Liverpool (that's one of the destinations on my trip this fall).

Bunch of shit going on elsewhere too: heard Rotherham had similar and Belfast too (fires set in places last night), not sure how connected these had been but far right spurring is very much going on with these (the Irish flags in Belfast at an event organised by loyalists weren't from CNR in the north let me tell you, the amount of bussing in the far right does and then complains about others doing is so much)

38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Damn, they gonna disqualify him just cause his 🗼was too long (yes I know that's Tokyo Tower but I didn't have an emoji for the Eiffel).

Looks like he wasn't, but still didn't do well enough to qualify besides.

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, despite how fun it is, I think I'll have to stop my SRW narration... again. It is taking too much time to make them, as it were, for how little the payoff seems to be.

Sorry. When the possibility exists that I might play it... don't want to spoil too much of the magic.😅

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, I was thinking on alternating between Legends Mode and Adventure Mode in HW, but I think I'll just focus on Legends Mode first.

Whilst it was shorter in the Wii U version b/c Cia's Tale was part of a free update a little while after release, and Linkle and the WW stories didn't exist, I chose to do the entirety of Legends Mode before I ever began Adventure Mode.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Takahashi recruiting for his next game.

Can't be X2, that should already be well underway, it's going to be a year-one Switch successor title as a showcase of the system's technical power. ...Right?😐

(Okay, maybe X1 port first. It'd be quicker, and it'd allow everyone who didn't play the 10-year-old game as of next year, to get caught up on the -pretty simple and brief- plot.)

Takahashi is Xeno, the only thing where he wasn't was like Soma Bringer. So unless he feels like taking a break -perhaps do a light one-off, maybe revive that scrapped fantasy project we saw conceptual art for- we should know what it'll roughly be.

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sorry. When the possibility exists that I might play it... don't want to spoil too much of the magic.😅

Heh, it's okay. I know you were avoiding it due to spoilers.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Whilst it was shorter in the Wii U version b/c Cia's Tale was part of a free update a little while after release, and Linkle and the WW stories didn't exist, I chose to do the entirety of Legends Mode before I ever began Adventure Mode.

I suppose there is no incentive to jump straight away in the original. But with the My Fairy feature in both Legends and Definitive Edition, and it being unlocked in the Adventure Mode, then there is at least some incentive to at least play it out a little.

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