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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Mandatory and optional dungeons, the latter of which will have the more difficult puzzles

That seems like a nice compromise

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

They don't want to get rid of puzzles completely

Understandable - but imo, how they were in Crosscode was just too much.

Pyramid Dungeon honestly completely burned me from a game i was otherwise having aloooooooot of fun with

37 minutes ago, Dayni said:

CDN media

Akane reacting to how Aka made her a Clown


This looks really cool

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Radfish made a whole thread about this.

Tl;dr acknowledges that it's impossible to please everyone. Game's still early in development but main thing they are looking at is:

  1. Less focus onĀ timing
  2. Mandatory and optional dungeons, the latter of which will have the more difficult puzzles

They don't want to get rid of puzzles completely, it'll be a core component of the game, and they don't want to sacrifice the integrity of those puzzles but they also do understand that for some it's just a bit too much.

Never a bad thing to see developers listen to feedback.šŸ˜€

Would I consider it? ...The combat in Xcode still saw me die a lot even with the settings turned down, so adjusting puzzles alone might not be enough.


53 minutes ago, Dayni said:

The governor whose staff turned on him

Didn't help the previous governor was still there (no reason stated, probably b/c it'd have taken months for de Vaca to get there), and popular.

49 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And people complain about maybe getting cancelled for affairs

What a messed up situation.

Adultery with a lord's wife could be considered high treason at the time. And in the case of the female royal or wife of a royal, lese majeste.

Philip IV was said to be cruel even by Medieval standards. His nicknames included "Philip the Handsome", and "Philip the Iron King"- because he was ambitiously aggressive and autocratic. As I heard elsewhere, he is the King of France who expelled the Jews and forcefully destroyed the Knights Templar -because he was in debt to both.Ā His reign began the Avignon Papacy too.

Philip IV was the fourth-to-last Capetian king, his three sons all becoming King.

  • When Philip IV died (in 1314, the Affair was the last major political event of his life), his eldest son Louis X took the throne. And possibly had Margaret (whom he was always cold to)Ā murdered the next year (even as Queen she remained in imprisoned) so he could remarry.
  • When Louis X dies two years later, his second wife's newborn son (John I) lives only for five days, passing the throne to Philip V. -This only happens because Philip V pushes his niece Joan to the side by digging up that ancient relic called "Salic Law".
    • Ironically, this comes back to bite Phil 5, as he dies without sons, only daughters (with his wife he still loved Joan, who was treated as a Queen of France should be).Ā 
  • The last son of Philip IV, Charles IV, then takes the throne. But despite remarrying after getting that annulment fromĀ Blanche (it was said Charles IV was overbearing towards her), he had only one surviving daughter, born after he died in 1328.

Thus, despite Phil 4's ambitions, the Capetian dynasty came to an end. The Valois dynasty began (and ironically would also end in three brief sons' reigns) -but only because the French invoked that Salic Law thing that Louis X had used to legitimize his reign. The young Edward III, son of Isabella of France, after executing Roger Mortimer and throwing his mother briefly in prison to disempower her, got to using his mother's genes to proclaim his rightful rule over France.


9 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

This looks really cool

I saw one website call it a "Rhythm JRPG". That word instantly shut it down for me.šŸ˜… Yes I like and get through Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario just fine, but reflexes beyond that? Mine are worse than a dead squirrel's.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:


CDN media

Behold, a reaction image.

Unrelated by the way, just wanted to show this.

Itā€™s alright Dayni, weā€™re here for you. We all suffered the ignominy of playing that game and now stand proud as a band of bothers.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Pyramid Dungeon honestly completely burned me from a game i was otherwise having aloooooooot of fun with

Iirc there was a tidbit about how the CrossCode early access was up to the Fire Temple. There was a lot of feedback on the puzzle quantity which is why the rest of the dungeons are significantly shorter.

It's funny because the devs acknowledge that while for them the puzzles made up like 60% of the game, the players felt like it was 99%.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The combat in Xcode still saw me die a lot even with the settings turned down, so adjusting puzzles alone might not be enough

On my second playthrough I realized a lot of it came down to equipment and the best equipment came from trades and not storebought.

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With context, ouch.

11 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Itā€™s alright Dayni, weā€™re here for you. We all suffered the ignominy of playing that game and now stand proud as a band of bothers.

Which one?

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Adultery with a lord's wife could be considered high treason at the time. And in the case of the female royal or wife of a royal, lese majeste.

Philip IV was said to be cruel even by Medieval standards. His nicknames included "Philip the Handsome", and "Philip the Iron King"- because he was ambitiously aggressive and autocratic. As I heard elsewhere, he is the King of France who expelled the Jews and forcefully destroyed the Knights Templar -because he was in debt to both.Ā His reign began the Avignon Papacy too.

Philip IV was the fourth-to-last Capetian king, his three sons all becoming King.

  • When Philip IV died (in 1314, the Affair was the last major political event of his life), his eldest son Louis X took the throne. And possibly had Margaret (whom he was always cold to)Ā murdered the next year (even as Queen she remained in imprisoned) so he could remarry.
  • When Louis X dies two years later, his second wife's newborn son (John I) lives only for five days, passing the throne to Philip V. -This only happens because Philip V pushes his niece Joan to the side by digging up that ancient relic called "Salic Law".
    • Ironically, this comes back to bite Phil 5, as he dies without sons, only daughters (with his wife he still loved Joan, who was treated as a Queen of France should be).Ā 
  • The last son of Philip IV, Charles IV, then takes the throne. But despite remarrying after getting that annulment fromĀ Blanche (it was said Charles IV was overbearing towards her), he had only one surviving daughter, born after he died in 1328.

Thus, despite Phil 4's ambitions, the Capetian dynasty came to an end. The Valois dynasty began (and ironically would also end in three brief sons' reigns) -but only because the French invoked that Salic Law thing that Louis X had used to legitimize his reign. The young Edward III, son of Isabella of France, after executing Roger Mortimer and throwing his mother briefly in prison to disempower her, got to using his mother's genes to proclaim his rightful rule over France.

Good old "cheats for me but not for thee" for the ruling folk. Really backfired on the Capets it seemed.

Hadn't heard the pogrom, but the Templar end I had. Also an Anipope legacy, I should go to Avignon.

Phillip the Banisher

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

On my second playthrough I realized a lot of it came down to equipment and the best equipment came from trades and not storebought.

I don't know if it was me not having good equips, or just me not getting gud.šŸ˜…


34 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I have such a big urge for Xenoblade 2 and Engage atm....

But i have other games...

And I've been plagued with my usual indecisiveness, sometimes "excused" by "mood/immersion" and the occasional bit of stubborn planning. It's so annoying.šŸ˜‘

Can I delete Ys X from existence, so I don't feel like I should hold off on Felghana or Napishtim b/c it will be coming? -Or should I get my memories rewritten so that I am led to believe I played Berseria a year ago so I can move on to Arise?


5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Hadn't heard the pogrom, but the Templar end I had.

He expelled the Jews in 1306, and did the Templar Delenda Est in 1307. What kind of debt was this guy in?

...Philip IV took out loans from Lombard merchants and then arrested them a decade before that. And temporarily debased the French coinage. This man deserves no credit.

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I should go to Avignon.

I saw a slow aerial view plus description of it once on TV. Looked pretty IIRC. But travel isn't my thing.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Can I delete Ys X from existence, so I don't feel like I should hold off on Felghana or Napishtim b/c it will be coming?

You have enough time to marathon all Ys games. GO FOR IT šŸ˜„

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21 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

You have enough time to marathon all Ys games. GO FOR IT šŸ˜„

Can I binge a series? *Recalls my black sheep Atelier rush last year, thinks on all the mecha I've been playing for last year into this year, and a fair deal of Ys in this same timeframe too, actually.*

Yes.šŸ˜† -But another portion of my brain insists on properly spacing things out.šŸ˜…Ā Though over a long enough time period, things will average out to be the same no matter when in that timeline the games were played.šŸ˜

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Alvar Nunez Cabez de Vaca

Why they call him cow head?

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Akane reacting to how Aka made her a Clown

Is it true that Oshi no Ko fell off?

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I have such a big urge for Xenoblade 2 and Engage atm....

But i have other games...

Can relate. I am 70 hours into my Xenoblade 3 replay, just now reached Ch.7. And there are still other games i want to replay.

This is a replay year for me tbh.

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Can I delete Ys X from existence, so I don't feel like I should hold off on Felghana or Napishtim b/c it will be coming? -Or should I get my memories rewritten so that I am led to believe I played Berseria a year ago so I can move on to Arise?

You'll open that packaging of the Xenoblade 3 box one day.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why they call him cow head?

Cabeza de Vaca is a legit surname. Apparently dates from the Reconquista.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is it true that Oshi no Ko fell off?


The most important arc was rushed af and at the same time slowly paced, and alot just off-screen'd

Akane, which was my fav. character for most of the series turned into an absolute clown. She was supposed to be the smart one...and her "master plan" was basically NTR'ing herself.

And don't let me start on how Aka handled the killer šŸ˜‚

And the less i say about the waste of pages that is Kana the better.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-But another portion of my brain insists on properly spacing things out.

understandable - my brain is telling me to finish my current games first before i replay anything xD

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why they call him cow head?

-The article indeed mentioned what his surname translated to, and how "startling and unusual" it is for a Spanish name.

According to a legend mentioned in a side paragraph, it goes back to the 13th century. A shepherd named Martin Alhaja helped the Christians at the 1212 Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. When the shepherd marked a secret, unguarded mountain pass on a map -with a cow's head. King Sancho of Navarre used the mountain pass to launch a surprise attack on the Muslim enemy. Victorious, King Sancho bestowed Martin Alhaja with the name Cabeza de Vaca.

...I'm more inclined to think somebody lost a drunken bet.šŸ»šŸ®

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You'll open that packaging of the Xenoblade 3 box one day.

It was going to be this month -were it not for me moving too slowly with Megaton Musashi. Playing two grand sci-fi stories at once I judged to be too many.

So it'll be almost next. I finish MMWW's story in the next week or twoĀ what's left is the Xenovillain, and I take a very short not-so-PG trip with PG on my laptop as an interlude, and I begin XC3 at the start of next month. At about the same time that I begin, I buy Future Redeemed, so any maingame DLC benefits should be present from the start or close to it.Ā 

I finish XC3's main story by ideally late October if that's reasonable, I pivot into some SRW replaying as my medication for November Nerves, I move into Future Redeemed in December or something. Don't ask where Engage and Tears of the Kingdom still in their plastic wrap fall into this picture.

Yet as was once said "no plan survives contact with the enemy". -And my worst enemy, is me.šŸ˜†

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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Cabeza de Vaca is a legit surname.

I think the progression of time has kinda turned it into an insult idk.

I mean i certainly wouldn't want to be called cow head. That's just ripe for bullying.

17 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

my brain is telling me to finish my current games first before i replay anything xD

So how many times have you replayed Fates this year?

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At about the same time that I begin, I buy Future Redeemed, so any maingame DLC benefits should be present from the start or close to it.Ā 

The Season Pass does tell you when things become available so you can save it for once you're there?

And of course, unlike Torna, do not play Future Redeemed first.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So how many times have you replayed Fates this year?

Funny enough not that often - like only the current run. And if it counts, the Shadow Dragon hack during the linked ironman (which we started last year)

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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Finished Nocturne Season 1. If you're going to watch, I recommend waiting for the second season to come out so you don't have to wait like I do now.


That Gandalf the White ass moment from Alucard, with his white hair and all. Boi.

Also, they really had to make it a darkest before the dawn kind of end for the season.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He expelled the Jews in 1306, and did the Templar Delenda Est in 1307. What kind of debt was this guy in?

...Philip IV took out loans from Lombard merchants and then arrested them a decade before that. And temporarily debased the French coinage. This man deserves no credit.

This man would have a dozen maxed credit cards and financed to the hilt

19 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


So we still rec Perfect Blue over it?

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet as was once said "no plan survives contact with the enemy". -And my worst enemy, is me.šŸ˜†

*smacks himself before singing Antihero's chorus

What's the gameplan out of curiosity?

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13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Perfect Blue

On my to watch list

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Imma keep it real with ya Japan: this will not solve your declining birthrate.

As if the writers care about that šŸ˜›

Also is this like reverse Roshidere xD

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42 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Also is this like reverse Roshidere xD

Russian girls, Latinas. Next up: Bosnians.

Edited by Armagon
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1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

understandable - my brain is telling me to finish my current games first before i replay anything xD

Attention spans are *opens another webpage and starts looking at things*

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:



Sorry for your entertainment misery, but there are reasons why people love studying the decline of the Roman Empire.šŸ˜›Ā So thanks for the details about something I have no interest whatsoever in experiencing or learning more about.šŸ˜†

Progression is an art- a manmade effort that must be actively made.Devolution is a science- seemingly beyond control and inevitable. Both can be fascinating.šŸ§


55 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Season Pass does tell you when things become available so you can save it for once you're there?

-Thanks for the tip.šŸ˜€

56 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And of course, unlike Torna, do not play Future Redeemed first.

Is that a dare? -Got it!šŸ˜‰Ā 

The teeeeeeeeeniest most surface-level bit that I know about who is in FD makes meĀ šŸ˜¬Ā irrationally how about it's gonna go. In the absence of evidence to theĀ contrary I fear for the worst possible execution.


54 minutes ago, Dayni said:

*smacks himself before singing Antihero's chorus

What's the gameplan out of curiosity?

Beyond what I wrote above? Not sure.šŸ˜… I don't plan all my gaming out.

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3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I have such a big urge for Xenoblade 2 and Engage atm....

But i have other games...

Play what you truly desire to rather than something you feel obligated to.

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