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49 minutes ago, Sooks said:

With the rpgs I‘ve played (barely any), I wouldn’t be surprised if one or fifty pulled that.

I meant a different boss in Octopath but you're right, it's not exclusive to it.

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I made it through the boss gauntlet again! H’aanit’s summon, please work...

12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Well, I'm heading home from the trip. At least seeing my nieces and nephews was nice. Everything else was pretty uncomfortable and awkward, but it's over already, so there's that.


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This feels like it belongs in a Final Fantasy Warriors. 

Fun fact, recently someone tweeted at Koei Tecmo asking if there were any plans for a Final Fantasy Warriors and KT said "if Square wants it". Tweet got deleted and it likely doesn't mean anything but even as someone who isn't really a fan, a Final Fantasy Warriors does sound pretty dope.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

From what I've heard, people hate the Octopath super boss because of the boss rush. Since you cannot save, you have to go through it every single time. It's... not fun, according to most people I've seen talking about it.

The boss rush isn't terribly challenging tbh, but it is annoying you have to do it every time.

One particularly annoying thing about the rush is there's a boss that always gets a first attack, so you can't completely cheese it with the 1HP Warmaster strat.

The final boss is more annoying to me because it's such a huge level spike compared to the main game, so unless you follow some very specific strategies you have to do a lot of grinding.

Incidentally, if anyone wants an interesting challenge in Octopath, I recommend trying to solo one of the main stories. I did an Ophilia solo recently and it was pretty interesting.

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The problem with this boss is that once it activates the skill that makes every enemy’s skill activate twice, the fight is basically over. There is nothing you can do to counter that, other than concoct something that puts enemies to sleep and pray to RNGesus.

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

but even as someone who isn't really a fan, a Final Fantasy Warriors does sound pretty dope.

FF has already had 3D fighting games in the form of the Dissidia series (which I admittedly haven't played). Fighting and Musou hack n' slash are two different genres, but it provides an idea of how the characters could be transferred from one format to another.

It'd be a little boring to me, since an FF Musou, like Dissidia, will probably boil down a grand intraseries crossover with 2 or 3 representatives per game. And you know the representatives will be 1-2 heroes, the most important ones of course, and a villain. Oh look, it's Tidus, again, and it's Kefka, again.🥱

Maybe I'm jaded with the concept because FF is so profuse in its spinoffs that seeing Cloud and etc. somewhere isn't very exciting.

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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It'd be a little boring to me, since an FF Musou, like Dissidia, will probably boil down a grand intraseries crossover with 2 or 3 representatives per game. And you know the representatives will be 1-2 heroes, the most important ones of course, and a villain. Oh look, it's Tidus, again, and it's Kefka, again.🥱

Maybe I'm jaded with the concept because FF is so profuse in its spinoffs that seeing Cloud and etc. somewhere isn't very exciting.

This is true, they always use the same few characters. Still, would be fun!

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1 hour ago, Robert Stewart said:

Incidentally, if anyone wants an interesting challenge in Octopath, I recommend trying to solo one of the main stories. I did an Ophilia solo recently and it was pretty interesting.

How does that even work with one of the more support based characters? I mean, if the first boss on Primrose's story takes 15 minutes, I don't wanna imagine solo'ing her whole campaign.

Although I only played the demo so maybe things changed.

39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe I'm jaded with the concept because FF is so profuse in its spinoffs that seeing Cloud and etc. somewhere isn't very exciting.

Nah, I get ya. Final Fantasy kinda suffers the Fire Emblem problem of having two or three games they really do crossovers with and the rest don't exist.

Although in Final Fantasy's case, 7 gets Pokemon Gen 1 levels of treatment from what I can tell.

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Although in Final Fantasy's case, 7 gets Pokemon Gen 1 levels of treatment from what I can tell.

Eh, I dunno. I mean there is a reason the 13 trilogy is just that. Not to mention they had Lightning be in a ton of commercials and stuff. Or modeling for clothes as well. To be fair, I cant blame them, but either way. 

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ugh I was going to attempt again right now but that boss rush...



Finally finished chapter 4! I decided to do the merchant auxiliary battle because I need the professor rank.

I am still really worried about getting softlocked, though. Claude kinda sucks, and only two of my units are anything resembling competent.

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7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Eh, I dunno. I mean there is a reason the 13 trilogy is just that. Not to mention they had Lightning be in a ton of commercials and stuff. Or modeling for clothes as well. To be fair, I cant blame them, but either way. 

Then again, literally all the Final Fantasy representation in Smash is exclusively from 7 (chocobo doesn't count).

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59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Then again, literally all the Final Fantasy representation in Smash is exclusively from 7 (chocobo doesn't count).

My point was, FF7 isnt the only game that got alot of attention from SE. But yeah, that's true. 

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I took a nap and NOW I’m willing to do the boss rush! GALDERA WILL FALL!!

I've taken a couple of days off the game, but I definitely want to have a crack at it myself. Here's hoping I won't have to grind too much...

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

...after I listen to some Octopath music, of course. 

Always be shilling.

Best theme for best character. Seriously though, Octopath's soundtrack is brilliant. And brilliantly used, too. Those build-up themes to the boss battles are wonderful.

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Ever play a game where you want to play it, but at the same time are feeling worn from it and not really enjoying it, despite feeling compelled to continue with it?


52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, I get ya. Final Fantasy kinda suffers the Fire Emblem problem of having two or three games they really do crossovers with and the rest don't exist.

Although in Final Fantasy's case, 7 gets Pokemon Gen 1 levels of treatment from what I can tell.

Well, FFVII is the breakout title of the franchise. Not to say it was obscure beforehand, IV and VI got it acclaim, but of course, VII defined JRPGs in the PS1 era with all its then-awesome presentation and modern aesthetic.

Though even for a breakout title, maybe FFVII is something of a black hole.:

  • Symphonia might be the breakout of Tales, but Abyss and Vesperia seem as loved, and with less dated gameplay than ToS.
  • Persona became famed starting with 3, but it was willing to move on and shift all the focus onto the next title when 4 and then 5 came around, and I'd assume the same of the eventual P6.
  • For SMT, Nocturne is what made it "big", but SMTIV opted to narratively borrow much more from I & II (V is leaning on Nocturne though, the most recent trailer screamed that).
  • Dragon Quest, I don't think there is a single momentous title. III and V are the most loved it seems, but I don't sense any great bias for a single game.

Intraseries FF crossovers do give a fair shake to the other games. I'd think for crossovers beyond FF, they'd stick to VII and whatever the latest entry is.


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

This is true, they always use the same few characters. Still, would be fun!

Sometimes, I feel like opting for the main character in a video game, specifically a JRPG, for a crossover is kinda a bad move regarding gameplay. Yes, Smash (and Musou) shows that you can differentiate a thousand blades- Shulk is not the same as Link nor Marth (yes, I know I picked the Action-Adventure guy and the original SRPG guy), but, the lead is so often a male, so often a sword user. It's a bit bland.

Deuteragonists allow for more creativity. The female leads, who although often magical in contrast to the JRPG hero's physicality, might on average deviate more than the male leads from an established gameplay trope (I've done no formal analysis to confirm this). Yuna, X-1's Summoner or X-2's Gunner/Dress-Sphere master sounds more creative than Tidus, to pick a random example off the top of my head. And if I was granted the power to add a Baten Kaitos (I know I should stop mentioning these antiquated inferior games) character to Smash, it wouldn't be Kalas or Sagi, because wings and a sword might have a bit of potential though they'd both be branded as Pit/Sephiroth knockoffs, but why not wings and Xelha's magic? Or wings and Milly's twin maces? Or no wings, but an automata of magic and fists- Guillo? Or wings and Gibari's oars to paddle Mario to death? 

There are exceptions to what I say. FFVI's Terra and Celes are both sword users in a game with no main male hero (Locke tries to be that at first, but ultimately isn't), and Estelle in Tales of Vesperia is the female lead who uses a sword alongside a male lead with a sword. Fei never grabs a sword and I'm proud of him for that. Say what you will of KOS-MOS establishing an slight archetype to be followed in XC1 & X of the female lead having twin daggers/swords, but KOS-MOS couldn't be readily lumped with the Sword Smashers.

Not that I would protest Rex & MyPy getting into Smash, because ya know, Rex and Pyra & Mythra are the main characters of XC2. However, is it wrong to ponder if it'd be more fun if Nia & Dromarch got in instead?😸


32 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Eh, I dunno. I mean there is a reason the 13 trilogy is just that. Not to mention they had Lightning be in a ton of commercials and stuff. Or modeling for clothes as well. To be fair, I cant blame them, but either way. 

Wasn't Lightning spun as being a female version of Cloud in a loose sense?

Considering the rate of new FFs has slowed, due to a combination of XV's terrible development and the increasing cost of AAA game production, it makes sense that any developer with the means to do so will invest a ton into trying to market their next great gamble.


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Then again, literally all the Final Fantasy representation in Smash is exclusively from 7 (chocobo doesn't count).

And it's a little annoying, because FF's first six entires wherein it invented most of the stuff that the later games would reincarnate and reinterpret* in new graphics, were all NES/SNES. Whilst 1-3 aren't the greatest games, as I said above IV and VI are well loved.

Partly, the annoyance I feel stems from this fun memories of this:


A more charming version of FF, which VII can never be because it's too "cool" to be warmly charming, worked so well with Mario before.


*"Reincarnate and reinterpret" is a nicer -and fairer- way of saying 3.4 quadrillion rehashes on the same old summons, crystals and classes. It's fairer, because we mustn't forget Monolith does something similar if not as severe zo as har as we all know.

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