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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Alright, so the Blades you are missing are:

  • Praxis (Water Megalance)
  • Theory (Ice Katana)
  • Agate (Earth Greataxe)
  • Newt (Fire Katana)
  • Elma

Praxis and Theory are guaranteed pulls, obtained at the end of their respective Blade Quests.

And since you beat the game, Shulk and Fiora are now available to use outside The Land of Challenge once you beat Dino Drama. Also, T-elos (Dark Greataxe) from Xenosaga has been added into the Blade pool. Has the highest rate of any Blade in the game.

33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

When you said Final Boss has enough HP for 8 Orb Burst i thought i would be facing Final boss with Falcom HP or something (you know how these are), not to mention XB1 final boss also had a gazillion HP or so lol


I'll admit i could be confusing it with HP modifiers but yeah, i remember having enough HP to inflict an 8-Orb Full Burst.

I find myself playing on Custom a lot because Normal got too easy for me haha.

I'll give you something to look forward to, the final boss of Torna does actually have enough HP for an 8-Orb Full Burst and that's on Normal mode (you can't do BoC or Custom in Torna outside of NG+, a shame but Torna is pretty easy and streamlined, which i'm fine with given what it is).

33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I had harder times with UMs xD

*Superbosses intensifes*

Oh yeah, here's the list of them now that you're in "post-game".

  • Gladiator Orion (Lv.100). Found near the Way of the Practitioner, Cliffs of Morytha. You might've seen him, as he does show up early.
  • Reeking Douglas (Lv.104) in Gormott, in the cave where you fought the bandits in Ch.4.
  • Pernicious Benf (Lv.109) in Aegishammer, Temperantia.
  • Cloud Sea King Ken (Lv.110) near the center of lower Tantal but only during Ether Fog conditions

Ch.9 spoilers



  • Artifice Ophion (Lv.117) at the end of the Cliffs of Morytha.
  • Chickenheart Dagmara (Lv.120) in the Old Factory in Mor Ardain
  • Tyranotitan Kurodil (Lv.130) in the Profaned Place in Temperantia. Can technically be fought earlier but you need Lv.12 Fire Mastery and Lv.8 Focus to break the first seal and then Lv.5 Dark Mastery and Lv.5 Ancient Wisdom to break the second seal before you can even fight it.
33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
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I mean,

it was to be expected with how Klaus was going about all that haha

I was thinking about Shulk when it happened lmao



It was hype tho.

Ch.10 as a whole is the secret reason why people say play Xenoblade 1 before Xenoblade 2. Because that final chapter hits very differently if you've played Xenoblade 1 before.


Anyways, congratulations on beating the best game of all time. You gonna do post-game or jump into Torna (i'd imagine you'll be taking a short break before doing either tho, right?)

Edited by Armagon
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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Agate (Earth Greataxe)

I have her though

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh yeah, here's the list of them now that you're in "post-game".


Also your spoiler tag isn't working properly F

>lvl100 and above

oh welp

BEXP can get me to 80something, i bet, other than that, dunno haha

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You might've seen him,

Yeah, i did
I got the chest and ran, faaaaaaaaaaaast xD


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ch.10 as a whole is the secret reason why people say play Xenoblade 1 before Xenoblade 2. Because that final chapter hits very differently if you've played Xenoblade 1 before.



If anything, it made me think i should've played XB2 first, because then the endgame of XB1 wouldn't have felt like a giant asspull...

Or i am just weird xD

Shulk cameos aside, XB2 sets up the story they want to tell through god knows how many games and works as a foundation, much better, i think.

If you remember i complained quite a bit at the end of XB1, and i was not looking forward to that plot point popping up again. XB2 actually changed my mind about that and made me interested in wtf is going and what the conduit thing is.

But might be just me haha.


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways, congratulations on beating the best game of all time. You gonna do post-game or jump into Torna (i'd imagine you'll be taking a short break before doing either tho, right?)

Might take a look at Torna tomorrow. MIGHT

Most probably a small few days break though haha

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

>lvl100 and above

oh welp

BEXP can get me to 80something, i bet, other than that, dunno haha

You are aware 99 is the heroes' level cap in XCs 1 & 2? 

100+ is purely enemy vanity.

This is a Xenoblade thing. XCX dropped the level cap to 60, but let the enemies go up to 99.

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When you realize you’re the only teeheer who doesn’t write walls of text after finishing a game

Speaking of games, in keeping with my different-from-the-first-one second play through of Detroit, I’m redoing the chapter I just did because I just learned that you can 


abandon Alice and leave Jericho alone

if your relationship is low enough, which is a huge shock to me since they are a pretty huge plot device, and whereas the other two characters are already ending up with pretty different results since they have major decisions they can make for each chapter but this playable character’s path is more linear (which is one of the reasons why it’s the worst imo), so I’m going back to change something so that the relationship lowers. When I’m cold to them in the next chapter with this character, I should be able to do it, although I have a pretty huge hunch that this might just end the playable character’s story here, but I’m seeing it through to see what happens and because logically, the story ending there still doesn’t make much sense. I can kinda see how they might tie it back to how it normally would progress, just locking you into a specific final chapter, but that would still be kind of underwhelming. Hmm...

9 minutes ago, Dayni said:


It was a 1% in a cave.

Oooo, that one’s evolved form is cool!

I think it takes a long time to get there though.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well instant lose in this case. Although i think you could i-frame through it. Never tried myself tho.

I meant instant win for the boss (I should have clarified). That seems like... really bad design ngl.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I meant instant win for the boss (I should have clarified). That seems like... really bad design ngl.

*remembers Ao's final boss and how he wipes the space time continuum at the end without you being able to do anything against it after 50 minutes of fighting*

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Oooo, that one’s evolved form is cool!

I think it takes a long time to get there though.

Ah yeah, that's Gen 5's mons for you.

Least this one's over level 40. I could actually level it up if I wanted to.

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I have two decisions, I can either go back considerably now or I can keep playing and hope that the only other relationship lowering thing I can do until the moment of the choice (which is a big decrease and not standard) is enough to lower the relationship to distant, since they are only at neutral, which is one tier above. Urgh...

Edit: Okay so, through loading the previous chapter with these characters and looking at the flowchart I’ve learned that the relationship only reached neutral level through forced three forced increases during the story. Now the choice itself is a big relationship decrease in game, and research reveals that the amount these decrease is variable and depends on the event, but none of the ones said person looked at (they were all of a different relationship) were less than or equal to three, so unless the game has a really weird scoring system this should be okay. I’ll keep the choice I changed to since before it still at least raised the relationship, and take the risk.

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49 minutes ago, Sooks said:

When you realize you’re the only teeheer who doesn’t write walls of text after finishing a game

Hmm, let's see, have I...?

Anyway... I think I've brought this up way back before, but haha, it's amusing to see that Skyrim has a character named Mila Valentia...

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Almost the only one

I did went back to check on the times I've finished a game... well, those I could, and yeah, not really big write ups.

I did made one, back when I was playing Dragon Quest V, but not for the ending, rather... well, you can read for yourself, haha:

On 6/4/2020 at 11:35 AM, Acacia Sgt said:

Because of the length of the following part of my DQV playthrough update, it has been placed within spoiler tags for your convenience.

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There comes that time in the life of an adventurer when they start to reflex about the future. They have traveled lots. Seen many places. Met many people. Perhaps the goal they set out at the beginning has been fulfilled and a new one has replaced it, or they’re still working on it. Either way, the big question comes: Do they continue their journey, or perhaps it’s finally time to settle down, if only for a while?

For young Madason, the answer was easy. He knew his adventurer days were far from over. He still had to find his mother, the rest of the Zenithian Equipment, and the Legendary Hero. The fate of the world likely depended on it, at least when it came to the last two; but the first one was a very personal matter to ignore. How long has it been since he set off? Almost two years now? Already over that? In any case, such a consequence of being on the road for so long, was the craving of companionship. 

Sure, he had Saber, and his other monster friends; but he knew there was still something missing. Back when he set off, he had his best friend Harry at his side. They journeyed together for what was months. Until Harry’s longing for his old home, the Kingdom of Coburg, led to a big flurry of events that ended with Harry staying behind, having regained his title of Prince of Coburg, which had been taken from him years ago. All while Madason continued with his own journey, not alone but soon coming to miss the company of fellow humans.

Though when did that longing turned into a desire to find a wife? Was it when he heard Harry had married? When he once returned to Coburg and saw how happy he was with his wife? Was it when he finally found the Zenithian Shield, but its current owner, Rodrigo Briscoletti, would only give it away through a challenge that would also grant the privilege of marrying the man’s younger daughter, Nera? In any case, the idea had long gripped him; and as he fulfilled the challenged, it weighted on his mind that it might be something he may not have a choice about after all.

It was then that the fateful day had arrived. He had fulfilled Rodrigo’s challenge, and had returned to the man’s home of Mostroferrato. He knew that soon he’d have the Zenithian Shield... as well as Nera’s hand in marriage. Was it really going to be inevitable? The terms of the challenge were that the reward would be for both, and he wasn’t sure if to dare ask for otherwise, if it meant the shield would be out of his grasp too.

However, just as the eleventh hour struck, fate decided to throw a last second wrench to that plan. Or perhaps more accurate to say, two of them.


That’s right, at that very moment what had been cut and dried became otherwise. Not only he was going to choose who would become his bride, but it was choice between who of three! A very confounding situation, that had left Madason speechless. Rodrigo, however, took it in stride and thus declared that Madason would be free to choose his spouse to be and still be rewarded with the shield as promised. Which for the poor boy, only exacerbated things further. It was clear now he definitely had no choice now but to get married. The quandary now was: Who? 

Would it be Nera still? Compassionate and soft-spoken, she had spent years preparing for this moment. Though even she was surprised at the prospect of the challenge. If it carried some other motive in light of what it conveyed, she didn’t know. She and Madason had only socialized a few times, in the times he had to pass through Mostroferrato as he did the challenge, but perhaps that had been enough for a spark to appear. Perhaps with time and the right opportunity said spark could ignite further.

The first of the two choices was Rodrigo’s other daughter, Deborah. Prideful and haughty, she was an almost complete opposite in demeanor from her sister. She was a woman who definitely liked to be in charge. She had practically forced her way into the situation, after all. Almost as if offended that she was not deemed a prize to win. Though perhaps under that outer layer was a hidden heart of gold? Which only needed the right situation to reveal itself. At the very least, choosing her would mean for interesting times ahead.

Finally, the last choice was Bianca, Madason’s childhood friend, whom he had not seen in over ten years. Kind and courageous, she had helped Madason with the last part of the challenge. Intrigued by the prospect of it, had accompanying him to Mostroferrato. Ironically, it had been Nera the one to point that maybe the childhood friends’ feelings for each other may be more than that. Was that really the case? At the very least, their friendship could indeed be the foundation for things yet to come.

This was to become one of the toughest and most important decisions Madason would do in his life. After all, a spouse is meant to be a lifelong partner. Someone with whom to share laughs and tears. To support as well as be supported by. Through prosperity and hardship. This situation was not how he would’ve liked to choose, but it was the one to be. As such, he would have to think thoroughly and carefully, weight in his options, and be prepared to commit. No doubt it would take a considerable amount of time…












*0.68 seconds later*


I regret nothing.


I still regret nothing...

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Finished Link's Awakening! It was pretty good. I liked the music, visuals and story. The temples were refreshingly tricky and the minigames were pretty good. However, the combat was too simple (IMO) and the overworld wasn't very well-designed; warp points were in odd spots, (rarely where they needed to be) and the navigation of the Tal Tal mountains was nightmarish for most of the game.

Still, I enjoyed it a lot! 7.5/10. The music, visuals and puzzles sealed it for me, and I do have low standards for anything that's not FE.

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also your spoiler tag isn't working properly F

It looks fine on my end but i deleted it just to be safe (i deleted it a while ago, i'm just now responding, i was playing Among Us).

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:
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If anything, it made me think i should've played XB2 first, because then the endgame of XB1 wouldn't have felt like a giant asspull...

Or i am just weird xD

Shulk cameos aside, XB2 sets up the story they want to tell through god knows how many games and works as a foundation, much better, i think.

If you remember i complained quite a bit at the end of XB1, and i was not looking forward to that plot point popping up again. XB2 actually changed my mind about that and made me interested in wtf is going and what the conduit thing is.

But might be just me haha.



Yeah, since you're someone who didn't like the plot twist at the end of Xenoblade 1, i was curious to see how'd you react here.

But it is agreed upon that Xenoblade 2 made it better. In particular with Klaus. Klaus in Xenoblade 1 was just presented as an egotistic scientist whereas Xenoblade 2 gives him depth, a little bit before The Experiment and a lot after. Klaus is probably the most interesting "God" character in fiction for me, especially since despite everything, he's still religious (in the Japanese version, Klaus explicitly states that his current condition is punishment from God. This statement confuses the party because from their perspective, Klaus is God).

I'm very curious for the series' future. As of right now, Xenoblade X is the only Xenoblade game that is completely, 100% standalone but i wouldn't be surprised if it gets connected.



2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah i know, and i wonder how to get to 99 without it feeling like a giant pain haha


There are plenty of enemies to help you get there. Mor Ardain, Uraya, and Temperantia all have good high-level grinding spots. Tantal is especially good under Ether Fog conditions. And none of this is counting UMs.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

I meant instant win for the boss (I should have clarified). That seems like... really bad design ngl.

It really, really depends. If there's nothing you can do about it, sure, but in Xenoblade 2, for example, most people kill the final boss before it even has a chance to do that. 

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9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah i know, and i wonder how to get to 99 without it feeling like a giant pain haha


Set game difficulty to custom and destroy easy higher level UM's.

Just gotta set all the parameters to the easiest, is all. You should easily be able to kill UM's 10-15 levels ahead of you (I could).

With the right Aux cores, I reccomend starting off with Pyra and Crosette (Zeke) to get seriously sky high fusion combo damage if you cant kill fast enough and then just use regular setups to finish them. That's just me personally, I know that setup isnt for everyone though.

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13 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


It seems you're only missing Praxis, Theory, Newt, Zenobia, and Elma. Newt and Zenobia are randomly summonable, but New Game Plus adds new Blades to the summon pool so you might want to wait until you start NG+ to summon for them.

Also in regard to the endings for XC1 and 2:


In hindsight, the big experiment reveal and Alvis's true nature at the end of the first game don't really matter to the overall plot, aside from establishing that Zanza used to be human. It makes more sense after what 2 established, which is odd because 2 wasn't even an idea yet at the time. When I first saw XC1's ending, my main questions were "How exactly do you cause an experiment that destroys the universe?" and "How did a computer gain godlike powers?" XC2 ended up answering both of those questions through the Conduit.


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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Alright so even though the required relationship is low enough, the game still isn’t letting me make the big choice. Why????

Because David Cage, I guess.


I just spent 90 turns in chapter 7 training Hicks's sword rank. He's at D now. Oh, and he's also level 17 and my best unit because scrolls.

Dumb stuff like this is why I enjoy this game. And he's only the beginning for this run... I intend to use not one, not two, but all three of the Selphina scrub squad. Plus Selphina, 'cause Selphina's awesome.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Because David Cage, I guess.

No no, that’s the stupid pilot twist that causes this outcome to be possible.

Anyway, I’m three chapters from the end of the game so I might as well just finish it and try this other outcome later. Or listen to my temptation and just watch one of several videos that’s “What if I do _________?”

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