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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes. This is what most people think, I feel, and I agree.

Also, homework's the worst. It's such an awful feeling for a child, to get home knowing that you have to continue working there even though mom and dad can just laze around after their shift is over. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying children have it worse than adults or anything. It's all a matter of perspective, and from the child's perspective homework's awfully unfair. Doesn't help that usually you don't get anything out of homework, you have to do it because otherwise you're penalized, and that's it. And don't get me started on unrelated homework when exams are right around the corner.

I don’t know how your school system is like, but part of the reason I am or was able to enjoy school was because the work was so laughably easy. I understand it gets harder in high school, but in elementary and most middle schools you can’t get much in the way of actually challenging you if the work is brain dead. The school I’m at now offers this, but as a new student I wasn’t considered for those, so...

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know how your school system is like, but part of the reason I am or was able to enjoy school was because the work was so laughably easy. I understand it gets harder in high school, but in elementary and most middle schools you can’t get much in the way of actually challenging you if the work is brain dead. The school I’m at now offers this, but as a new student I wasn’t considered for those, so...

Maybe Spain's rougher when it comes to homework. Or maybe I just had too little patience for it. Either way, my point, more than the difficulty, is that even if you're interested in what's taught you can't stop to study because you have to waste your time doing homework that more often than not is boring and useless.

When exams are close it's even worse. You need all the time you can get to cram for the test so you don't fail at life, who's going to waste that time doing homework that doesn't count for anything? If school wasn't garbage you'd do both out of a genuine interest in learning, but school isn't interested in the learning experience, it just wants you to memorize crap so you can spew it on a paper and promptly forget everything.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe Spain's rougher when it comes to homework.

From what I’ve heard, our homework (and this applies to all U.S. States) doesn’t get bad until high school. Last year there wasn’t that much, but now everything is at home so I don’t have an accurate judgement for this year.

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Either way, my point, more than the difficulty, is that even if you're interested in what's taught you can't stop to study because you have to waste your time doing homework that more often than not is boring and useless.

Oh I agree. I was saying I am probably luckier because usually (I say glaring at every science class ever) easy work doesn’t take long and thus doesn’t really trouble me. Virginia barely cares if all your classes are super easy.

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When exams are close it's even worse. You need all the time you can get to cram for the test so you don't fail at life, who's going to waste that time doing homework that doesn't count for anything? If school wasn't garbage you'd do both out of a genuine interest in learning, but school isn't interested in the learning experience, it just wants you to memorize crap so you can spew it on a paper and promptly forget everything.

Yup. This is all true.

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Does anyone else ever start feeling really guilty about stupid stuff they did when they were a kid? I locked my brother in a room for... a period of time I can’t remember, but it can’t have been very long. I don’t even know why...

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22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

From what I’ve heard, our homework (and this applies to all U.S. States) doesn’t get bad until high school. Last year there wasn’t that much, but now everything is at home so I don’t have an accurate judgement for this year.

It depends tbh.

I barely did any homework in highschool and got away with it.

Any homework i did do tho was actually me just looking up the answers *cough* math *cough*.

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36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Does anyone else ever start feeling really guilty about stupid stuff they did when they were a kid? I locked my brother in a room for... a period of time I can’t remember, but it can’t have been very long. I don’t even know why...

All the time.

And not just as a kid haha


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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Does anyone else ever start feeling really guilty about stupid stuff they did when they were a kid? I locked my brother in a room for... a period of time I can’t remember, but it can’t have been very long. I don’t even know why...

Tell me about it Sooks. Once as a kid I harbored these grandiose delusions called hope and dreams.

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Just now, Wraith said:

Tell me about it Sooks. Once as a kid I harbored these grandiose delusions called hope and dreams.

Oh it’s pretty simple. I locked my brother in a room for maybe a couple minutes. Not sure why. The end.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Namco x Capcom, i'm guessing?

Correct, as if it isn't obvious enough.

You can blame EF Exceed for this. Sure, the first EF years ago introduced me to the OC hero duo and their foe, but Exceed gave me a refreshing taste of them again. I never emulated those many years ago, Exceed itself is proof I'm willing to do it now. I must get to their source.

I want to do NxC before PXZ, for reasons of NxC being a more dated PXZ minus the Sega. Go backwards from EF and then forwards, for a smoother gameplay experience. But impatience might lead to it being the opposite. PXZ2 will end it. Unless Namco signs off on a PXZ3 for Switch at some point, then I'll be legally obligated to get that.

My plans for PS2 emulation are intended to be NxC > BS > XS Ep I > SRW Original Generations > a few weeks of prayers for I&II to be translated > acceptance of a few hours at least of Ep II whilst going in with a positive outlook > Ep III.

I think that'll cover most of the PS2 games I want to try. I would consider the Iris trilogy as a gateway into Atelier, though I expect datedness (mostly from menus and inventories regarding alchemic management, my gut instinct says warns me they'll be tedious) that might be a turnoff. All I need is a laptop that can manage it, which is to say all I need is ~$1000, which isn't exactly "little".


3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Has anyone ever actually been assigned a good book to read in school? I have no idea what I just read.

Shall I suggest The Gunpowder Age? Then again, history might be boring to you. Fire pheasants were such a wonderful, and PETA-alarming, idea. Who decided cannons was the future of warfare?

Teachers and the student makeup of the class can majorly affect the experience of the book. A teacher who makes it entertaining, and students who are willing to participate and deep read, can make a book a good social experience. Not always, but often.


3 hours ago, Sooks said:

80 on a Spanish quiz


I remember the days when I'd get an A-. How could I slip up? I mustn't falter down a slippery slope any further!

Don't forget, even some of the better students beat themselves up over what's even less worth self-flagellation.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Does anyone else ever start feeling really guilty about stupid stuff they did when they were a kid? I locked my brother in a room for... a period of time I can’t remember, but it can’t have been very long. I don’t even know why...

Do you want me to begin listing some?😛

Why can't these things fade from our memory? Why must we cling to these odd instances that no longer matter and no one else remembers, but nonetheless we preserve them?


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nah, what Shirmpy was describing (at least i think he was) was Atlus milking strategies. Shoutouts to the Persona 5 remaster that really didn't need to exist this early.

It didn't really need to exist in the day and age of DLC at all. Prior to WiFi enabling updates and DLC, new physical editions was the only way to fix and add to games. Pokemon Blue in Japan was justified as a way of giving them the improved battle sprites and removal of bugs found in Green and Japanese Red.

This said, I am willing to semi-excuse Atlus's DS > 3DS ports. Particularly when Etrian Odyssey 1&2 got serious overhauls on the gameplay level.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then again, history might be boring to you.

It’s one of my favorite subjects, although I don’t know much about non American history since I only look into it recreationally, whereas in school we focus on American history.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't forget, even some of the better students beat themselves up over what's even less worth self-flagellation.

That’s kind of the problem. I’m not at their level.

I mean I consistently end up with As as my final grades but individual scores aren’t always so perfect for me, and for others they are.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why can't these things fade from our memory? Why must we cling to these odd instances that no longer matter and no one else remembers, but nonetheless we preserve them?

This is how I feel.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My plans for PS2 emulation are intended to be NxC > BS > XS Ep I > SRW Original Generations > a few weeks of prayers for I&II to be translated > acceptance of a few hours at least of Ep II whilst going in with a positive outlook > Ep III.

Hey, someone that wants to give Xenosaga a shot! 

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Hey, someone that wants to give Xenosaga a shot! 

Well yes, of course. I must acquire full Xeno enlightenment. I've known Kos-mos since about 2009, and the series's game genre is my preferred one, so I need to fill in this void when I get the chance.

I'm curious about the quality of XS attack animations. Because they've done such a good job with making Kossy entertainingly flashy in her side appearances, I wish to see if she was always that way. With XC2, Monolith has brought the wicked awesome attacks to Xenoblade, but I don't know if Xenosaga or NxC is where they first developed their budding talents at gratuitous battle choreography. If the latter, then I am inclined to believe the, at first indirect and then direct, possibility of influence from SRW was a positive for Monolith. Although I concede the Deathblows in the mother of all origins that is XG (not so much the Gear Deathblows, I blame primitive 3D limitations) are decently cool.

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Well, finally some good news. I've been told I'm gonna receive another interview. Looks like I still have a chance. Will receive more info tomorrow.

Also, interesting development. My heir, holding enough de jure land for it, brought back the Kingdom of Germany title, and decided to make it her main title. Also, I had forgotten child rulers could get a coronation before turning of age.


She's making her way up the world. So proud. XD

Also, her betrothed is the prince and heir of Suomi. So another inheritance down the road, hehehe. This is the Habsburg method to follow... not the other one they're infamous for.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, finally some good news. I've been told I'm gonna receive another interview. Looks like I still have a chance. Will receive more info tomorrow.


4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, interesting development. My heir, holding enough de jure land for it, brought back the Kingdom of Germany title, and decided to make it her main title. Also, I had forgotten child rulers could get a coronation before turning of age.


She's making her way up the world. So proud. XD

Also, her betrothed is the prince and heir of Suomi. So another inheritance down the road, hehehe. This is the Habsburg method to follow... not the other one they're infamous for.

So you play as the pope?

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Just now, Sooks said:

So you play as the pope?

Because of the game's dynastic focus, you can't play as the Pope.

Finally. It. Is. Done!


1st of January, 1453AD. That's the end point of the game. From 769AD to 1453AD, 684 years of in-game time. Phew! The bar on the right scrolls through every character you played as, but I'm not gonna take a picture of them all, haha.

Some other pictures coming shortly.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Because of the game's dynastic focus, you can't play as the Pope.

I assumed the picture on the left without a crown would be the Pope since they were the one doing the crowning and saw they’re identical to the person in the top left, which I thought was a good place for the playable character! Genius I know.

So who is that guy? Is it your guy, randomly there?

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I assumed the picture on the left without a crown would be the Pope since they were the one doing the crowning and saw they’re identical to the person in the top left, which I thought was a good place for the playable character! Genius I know.

So who is that guy? Is it your guy, randomly there?

Yes, it's my guy. When other rulers have coronations, you have the option to go, so this event is basically what my character is watching.


ZA WARUDO, circa 1453AD:


Central Eastern Europe continues to be a mess, but now the Mongol Empire is following suit. Their grip in India got loosen up. That French Scandinavia is quite the highlight, meanwhile.

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It's mostly the same... BUT, there is one highlight. One of the still-Sunni vassals of the Mongol Empire managed to break off. So in spite of everything, there's one independent Sunni ruler on the map, so Islam is barely clinging on into EUIV. Hard to miss, it's that green spot in the sea of white. lol

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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, her betrothed is the prince and heir of Suomi. So another inheritance down the road, hehehe. This is the Habsburg method to follow... not the other one they're infamous for.

So you'll still be able to inherit it in EUIV.


6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Central Eastern Europe continues to be a mess, but now the Mongol Empire is following suit. Their grip in India got loosen up. That French Scandinavia is quite the highlight, meanwhile.

Wait, does France also have Ireland and Britain?

And meanwhile Aquitaine still exists. And in independent Abyssinia.

How does Sumoi have a part of Arabia?

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I mean I consistently end up with As as my final grades but individual scores aren’t always so perfect for me, and for others they are.

Imagine getting an A in nothing but band.

Even though your sister got 99 in Ap bio, human geo and human sciences, your mom has a PhD and your dad has a Master's degree...

27 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, finally some good news. I've been told I'm gonna receive another interview. Looks like I still have a chance. Will receive more info tomorrow.

Good luck!

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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wait, does France also have Ireland and Britain?

And meanwhile Aquitaine still exists. And in independent Abyssinia.

How does Sumoi have a part of Arabia?

Tributary. Suzerain's name gets imposed over tributaries.

I'm guessing inheritance. It used to be part of Arabia. My guess is they don't have the rule that prevents inheritances splitting off your realm if the person that inherits isn't part of your realm.

Culture map:


The Mongol Empire was busy. The culture evolution is also quite fascinating. Egyptian Iceland, to start. XD

Some cultures are hanging by threads. Some like Hungarians, Bulgarians, Welsh, and Picts only exist in one province each. Though who knows in terms of characters. To my surprise I saw Dalmatian also lives. They begin in just one county at 769AD... and here in 1453AD is still in just one county. Though a different one, go figure.

Some cultures straight up gone, at least on the map, includes the Carantanians, Scottish, Vlachs, Songhay, and some others from Western Africa.

What I didn't took notice was that Prussian Holy Land, hah.

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Imagine getting an A in nothing but band.

Even though your sister got 99 in Ap bio, human geo and human sciences, your mom has a PhD and your dad has a Master's degree...

Become a musician then! Don’t try to be someone you’re not, you don’t have to go into science.

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