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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well as for XS episode I... they arent too bad. 


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Episode III has the best animations, i don't recall that much from Episode I and II tho.

Episode III is also when mech animations began to look cool.

Thanks for the information.

It might sound weird to pay attention to this, but perhaps it's a little bit of historian in me. In the sense that it's detecting for change and similarity over time.

With artists, you can make a retrospective of their artistic output, Picasso for instance had a "Blue Period" followed by a "Rose Period" and a move away from his signature Cubism to Neoclassicism after WWI, then back to his modernist style. And from what I read once, George R.R. Martin wrote the first three ASoIaF books in one style, and has since developed a perfection streak that is blame for the series being unfinished, perfection taking time.

A video game developer being a group of many people, with members working on separate things at the same time and people coming and leaving after every project, cannot be treated the same as a singular artist. Nonetheless, I'm considering the possibility that to some extent there is memory and continuity within a company. 

It is rare that a developer would admit influence on a particular point, which leaves me to be left mostly to speculate. I can examine the credits to see who is shared between games and consider if they would've had a significant say in their development, but that is about as much circumstantial evidence as I think I could likely find.

Why like the speculation? Well, progression can be beautiful thing. You do not love a song for an individual note, you love the flow from beat to beat. If it were the case that Xenogears's Deathblows influenced NxC-EF-PXZ's flashy 2D combat, and then XC2 looked to PXZ and said "the duo units look cool" and transmuted that to 3D, then that'd be one heckuva chain of links. It'd be an evolution dating back decades and multiple corporate overlords in this specific case, thats impressive. And it would mean Monolith's Xeno-team and non-Xeno group actually converse with one another. This would not be to venerate XG as the greatest thing ever, nor demean XC2 as unoriginal, rather, each entry would be appreciated for its role in the development of the entire sequence, be it the original seed, the intermediary sapling, or the flowering final fruit of the process.

Although, as I said, this is purely speculative. Reading into things too much and taking that seriously is too easy to do. I am willing to entertain ideas, without accepting them as fact or headcanon.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

know that's like around the time frame that saw the shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

"Renaissance" is still a popular term to use, but for most historians, the term for what comes after "Middle Ages/the Medieval Period" is now "Early Modern".

The issue with "Renaissance" is that some historians have now argued for "renaissances" in the centuries preceding the big famous one that happened in Italy in the 1300s and 1400s and then spread at the very end of the 1400s into the rest of Europe for maybe a century.

"Early Modern" captures a wider time frame and events besides the Renaissance, which is still acknowledged to exist. Early Modern in Europe is universally agreed to end in 1789, the start of the French Revolution.

Outside of Europe, attempts have been made to apply a European Antiquity > Classical > "Dark Ages"/Early Medieval > Late Medieval > Early Modern framework to some other cultures. In the case of Japan for instance, the end of feudal Japan and the birth of Early Modern Japan is the creation of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1600. When the United States forces Japan to open up in 1852 and the Shogunate starts crumbling, Early Modern Japan ends.

What follows Early Modern is... "Late Modern". It's the best catchall we can come up with right now. You'll need to wait a few centuries for a better formulation.


4 hours ago, Benice said:

Musician ain't really a career...

I'm mostly mad 'casue I am SUPPOSED to be smart at certain things and evreryone else in my family is brilliant, and I'm...Well, just me. I feel like I'm underachieving, since Socials is my strongest subject and I can't do better than 89%.

I also kinda feellike my brain is atrophying. I think that my grammar has deteriorated recently.

I can see why you'd dislike the overpowered and like the underpowered in video games then. You'd be happy to know Canada is underpowered in Civ6 then. Although not happy it's a bit of an American stereotype.

I'm not an overachiever, though I think I'm too smart to say I can offer true sympathy unfortunately. But I do offer my condolences inasmuch as I can.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You'd be happy to know Canada is underpowered in Civ6 then. 

Time to play civ 6!

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Man, waking up at 2 am sucks...


Uh, good morning, then, I suppose?

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I am thinking of starting Torna now lol

Dont have your expectations to high, as I said, it's very short and only slightly touches up on a few things from XC2. The combat is something you should look forward to, though. Its superior to 2's imo, and that it should have been the base.

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42 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also to the Xenosaga 1 players, as I said before, Jr. Has the best animations to look at, particularly coin trick, I believe? Is a sick animation for its time.


Any chance it looks something like this?:

I set the time to the relevant attack, Storm Waltz.

Just asking in case Kossy actually referenced another XS character.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Man, Gamera really is being ruthless with his kills. 

Very glad to see the movies improve tremendously after the mistake that was Gamera vs Viras. I mean, it could only go up from there.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

why can’t the U.S. do it for you and other countries can?

There are so many things you can ask this question about haha.

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The issue with "Renaissance" is that some historians have now argued for "renaissances" in the centuries preceding the big famous one that happened in Italy in the 1300s and 1400s and then spread at the very end of the 1400s into the rest of Europe for maybe a century.

Yeah, i actually did argue that in an essay i had to write for my European History class i took last Fall.

It's just that people have gotten too used to Renaissance so trying to now use a different term for it is gonna take a while for it to catch on. Even my Art History 2 class used Renaissance although tbf, we didn't cover anything prior to 1400s in that class.

42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I am thinking of starting Torna now lol

"Dew it".

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33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Any chance it looks something like this?:

I set the time to the relevant attack, Storm Waltz.

Just asking in case Kossy actually referenced another XS character.

Storm Waltz is one of Jr.'s attacks, but it's one of his tech attacks or in Xenosaga 3, one of his specials. Cept Jr.'s version he shoots a bunch of coins he throws into the air and had his bullets bounce off em, which is also sick.

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The one I'm referencing to is just a basic combo attack in Xenosaga I. 

Another cool thing about Jr.'s specials in Xenosaga I is that most of em have some music thing in their name.

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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Storm Waltz is one of Jr.'s attacks, but it's one of his tech attacks or in Xenosaga 3, one of his specials. Cept Jr.'s version he shoots a bunch of coins he throws into the air and had his bullets bounce off em, which is also sick.

Thanks for the info. Something not native to the combat android mascot is good to see. I thought it odd that she'd have a coin trick given it doesn't fit the rest of her personality and repertoire. If she is all there is going to be of XS, having her draw from those not present is alright compensation. One Kos-mos's weapons in Exceed, which are purely names and stats with no visuals, alluded to Jin Uzuki.

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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thanks for the info. Something not native to the combat android mascot is good to see. I thought it odd that she'd have a coin trick given it doesn't fit the rest of her personality and repertoire. If she is all there is going to be of XS, having her draw from those not present is alright compensation. One Kos-mos's weapons in Exceed, which are purely names and stats with no visuals, alluded to Jin Uzuki.

Well, what other attacks does she know? I could tell you if any of em are in Xenosaga Episodes I-III more than likely.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, what other attacks does she know? I could tell you if any of em are in Xenosaga Episodes I-III more than likely.

The rest of them seem native to her, nothing referencing any other XS characters I would think.

Her full arsenal in Exceed is:

  • S-Sault
  • Valkyrie
  • G-Shot
  • Storm Waltz
  • X-Buster
  • Phoenix Strike
  • Lightning Waltz- Which has nothing to do with Storm Waltz, it's her R-Blades(?) electrified and slashing away.

Her two Special Skills are:

  • Hilbert Effect- A very weak, and thankfully appropriately inexpensive, damage-free debuff to all enemies. Contradictions regarding whether this is necessary for combat with Gnosis in the Endless Frontier, in the first game, you don't have Kos-mos when you first encounter Gnosis and they're no problems at all to kill. While Exceed has the Gnosis first appear as transparent and thus transdimensional, and Kos-mos at the same time arrives and from her maintenance bed deploys the Hilbert Effect to fix that.
  • Star Action- MOMO tags along in Exceed, so Kos-mos calls for her and she applies Valor (50% damage increase for one full attack sequence) to the four active characters. 

Kos-mos's two Overdrives -ultimate attacks- are:

  • D-Teneritas: Which consists of a barrage of Valkyrie gunshots, followed with Dragon Tooth gatling laser, then into Dragon Tooth beam saber, then X-Buster, thrusts her hand into the enemy's chest, and at last opens her top and entraps the enemy in an energy sphere, followed by tossing a small explosive straight at them whilst she turns her back on the enemy and the explosions wrap up the onslaught. 
  • Spell Blade: Was originally a Special in the first EF, Exceed gave MOMO that second Special skill slot, and turned Spell Blade into Kos-mos's second Overdrive, which is weaker than D-Teneritas, but the final hits target multiple enemies. It's a series of simple, clean, deliberately delayed strokes of the R-Blades, with plenty of vertically-aligned Japanese incantations popping up on the screen. Our android jumps into the air with the full moon behind her, lowers her combat eyepatch, more visual incantations, and then swings a scythe, producing a flurry of crescent energy beams that rip into the enemies.

And because I mentioned MOMO in Exceed earlier, as an Assist Character, she gets one attack- Star Wind Mode. A volley of arrows from her bow, at the end of which the enemy is frozen, she swipes with magic wand and undergoes magical girl-esque transformation, with a small cyclone dealing wind slashes to the enemy before she untransforms and leaves the stage of battle.

T-ELOS as an Assist Character in Exceed gets U-Teneritas as her lone attack. The entrapping energy sphere, with a little G-Shot, a slice from her right laser R-Blade, she explodes the energy sphere, does two crescent kicks to the enemy lifting them into the air, and then puts her foot on them and holding her Magdalena gun to them as if she was cold serious and psychotically going to put the worthless dog out of their misery, and shoots them once.

Oh, and I don't know how accurate it is to Xenosaga, but statwise, Kos-mos is one of the slowest characters in EF. She and Reiji usually show up at the end of the turn order. I think her HP and Def are the higher side of things.

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I have gotten so lazy thanks to online school, an essay is too much work... and I’m here because a virus has killed two million people...

how did life end up this way?

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