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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's possible.

Well in RD at least she is good at SKL, just like the FE4 T mages. Coincidence? I think not! Her SKL is decent in PoR as well. And... that's all the evidence i have, really.

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23 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

And the whole show's wrapped up, so no waiting for future episodes too.

Oh no.

I've fallen right into your trap in America.

23 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

(Though I could see you not liking the show overall)

Why? Is it very anime?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why? Is it very anime?

No, but I doubt it'll work anyways.

The show's relatively kid friendly (that one deer aside.... ugh) and definitely comes off childish at times especially early on. As a result, I don't see that many people going into it after the fact (considering it finished a few years back).

On the other hand, one of the main characters ends up failing in several relationships and the other one's a giant shapeshifting Bender. I don't know how you'll feel about it.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know this seems pretty epic. If by "Bender" you mean the Bender I think you mean.

I mean, it's the same VA, it only helps the comparison.

The show itself has a continuity, though you can skip a fair amount of standalone episodes I'd have to have a lookover to confirm. The pilot that was made for a different network's up here, if you want a sense of it very early on (and with one character whose name would change).

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3 hours ago, Teeheeyni said:

I will say I really like this sequence of everyone joining up in separate battles to get through.

I won't disagree there. Quina and Amarant (why you fizzle on me?) have real Character Irrelevancy Syndrome, and Freya isn't that behind, but the elemental shrine scenes and Zidane's moment of loner do help keep them, if not relevant, then bonding with each other, which is the next best thing. Irrelevancy and isolation together would beg the question "why are the heroes working together?" in the first place.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Presenting the Storm Emperor, one of three dragons you usually have to defeat in the postgame to unlock the level cap (usually 70, and after defeating all three, you can go to 99. In Nexus, it's 99, and defeating the dragons lets you go to 130).

From what I've read, EOIII began this tradition of bosses (5/6 times the Dragons) raising the level cap. For EOI&II original, the level cap was 70, and the way you increased it was by retiring,  at the maximum level being mandatory I think. This increased the level cap by... 1 each time. Therefore, a character needs to retire at their maximum level 29 times to hit 99. 

If that sounds tedious, it sounds as though level 70 was enough to complete everything.


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I think his Etrian Odyssey Nexus incarnation has this move, as well. Dunno for the other games he appears in, since in those, I, uh, never even got that far. XD

I remember Stormy's U1 incarnation being heavy on the binds, ailments, and buff removal, which was bad when my Classic team relied heavily on the Troubadour. For IV, you're also in for a bad time if you buff up too much (a few will be okay).


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The second the thing starts glowing, the heartbeat accelerates.
I never saw what happens if you fail to kill it in time, and I don't really care to find out, either. XD

Looking at the Wiki:

When enough damage has been done to it, the Yellow Heart on its forehead will begin to glow. At the end of each turn, the Yellow Heart will cast Resonant Volt, which deals heavy volt damage to the entire party, and will increase in power for each turn the core has remained active. This is often lethal on higher difficulties, especially on Expert, as the core damage escalates very quickly, and by turn 4 or 5, the damage will be enough to wipe out your entire party.

Ah, I've heard of Atlus using this kind of "kill before it gets too strong to survive" mechanic before. The first Devil Survivor applied it to Lucifer's Megidoladyne, which as the "Megido" in its name indicates, is Almighty.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's possible.

I'd say it's absolutely the case.

Ilyana, coincidentally like Alicia, is a visual throwback to Jugdrali thunder mage girls, the same way Tormod and Rishel are to the fire boys. Tellius as a whole channels Jugdral as its spiritual predecessor, like Elibe invoked Archanea and Magvel, Valentia.

Post-attack Canto returned, the full-fledged return of Skills, quad-refreshing refreshers, the Str/Mag split, the split of Anima, the Valkyries use swords, stealing applying to weapons. Elincia is a green-haired pegasus with a Staff, Geoffrey is a blue-haired pony with a Brave Lance. Kilvas & Phoenicis were once one country like Thracia, with a heroic king vs. an underhanded mercenary king; Greil & Titania have select elements of Eyvel & Dagdar in them. Not everything is a Jugdral reference, it's a blend of original stuff with remembrance of the past.

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Same with Armagon, who doesn't seem to be enjoying Atelier Sophie a whole lot

Shit, i've been found out.

Honestly, i do think i'd enjoy it more if i hadn't already played other Atelier games.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The final boss gave me hell on my first playthrough of the OG

It's really weird too because battles barely seemed to matter in this game up until this point. I mean, the final boss is Lv.25, that's got to be the lowest level for a final boss i've ever seen.

3 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

Tfw eye with own HP bar

oh boi

So Anankos then?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh look, it's Person I Never Used from Tellius.

I didn't use her either because Tellius mages suck.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All of Ruben's points are good



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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1eyujy6h o

This is a masterpiece.

2 hours ago, Teeheeyni said:

I will still argue for Azel!Tinny

Azel is too busy banging Lachesis for that Pursuit children with good Mag. Also, Lewyn!Tinny is the only one who can make Forseti cry.

28 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

you got:

  • MC-kun
  • Dragon Loli
  • Old Man knight
  • Maiden Knight
  • former frienemy mage
  • Elf Waifu

You have my attention.

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40 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Can you all quit reacting like this to that?

39 minutes ago, Teehee the Sixth said:

This is a masterpiece.

Thank you. It was fun making it, and making it happen.

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7 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

I come home, whole and purified from the taint of Teehee. The Emperor protects!


You’ve freed Iceland from the taint of teehee, I… what… there’s an emperor…

…what’s happening to me?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh no.

I've fallen right into your trap in America.

America has a much worse trap than that.

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The final boss of Atelier Sophie does a thing where he can send out a substitute enemy that you have to kill before you can resume the fight proper.

I genuinely just thought it was a buff but no, he can essentially just make you fight someone else.

This is dumb.

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36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is quite possibly the most absured Pokemon-inspired game I've ever seen.

Now can it deliver?

I mean, you have TPS elements where the Pal can shoot off your shoulder or cover you. Fishing where you can electrify the water. Rocket Launchers which can destroy buildings in all this. How amazingly dumb is that?

It sounds like it's full of ethical awfulness with the sweatshops and apparently being okay with poaching.

The end result is to me that this is so dumb. So, so dumb. And I hate I'm smiling a little.

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1 minute ago, Teeheeyni said:

The end result is to me that this is so dumb. So, so dumb. And I hate I'm smiling a little.

Yes, yes! That's exactly it. It's so fucking stupid in it's concept that i think i will actually try it out.

Like, look at the Steam page



"It's only illegal if you get caught" lmaoooooo.

This is so stupid.

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