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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Although i don't remember any FE where the moon wiped out dragons xD

The "Golden Age of Dragons" idea has been around since FE3, and Jugdral's plight is a reverberation of Dragon Decline, and Elibe dragons once lived in blissful harmony with humans, and whatevs happened in Fates and 3H. Thats what I meant.

And I think FE can do better than a falling moon wiping out the dragons. The dragons' understanding of stars reaches the point where they know what supernovas are and that their sun shall within an astronomical soon go supernova and develop the means to move the planet, setting it on a course towards the nearest star safe from the fatal effects of the supernova. However, as they migrate the planet away, the surface loses the red giant's radiant warmth and light and becomes cold and dark. So the dragons carve out a world inside the planet to make use of it molten core's heat to keep alive and power their society. Coming to the realization they don't want to waste their lives inside a planet and not on its surface, they go into stasis and entrust the maintaining of their stasis and the planet's movement towards the new sun to subservient species which they have created for the task. One such species being to malfunction and becomes humanity, totally ignorant to the truth that their natural world with blue skies and green grasses as the Dragons once knew is inside a planet.

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Well, that's that. Easy, short map with a harmless dragon vein mechanic that wasn't impacted by my decision to only have Corrin around to use them. I mean, sure, I took 33 turns, but... ah, who the hell cares.

In fairness, only reason I took that long was because I went out of my way to get the 5000 gold bullion named Waterwheel. Seriously, I love how useless the S rank weapons are in this game. People talk about Binding Blade's weapon ranks, but this one is even worse, it's impossible to get anyone to S. If this were still unatic, all of my generics would've joined with max ranks... Alas, I also wouldn't have made it this far, so I regret nothing.

And now, I get to watch the most unexpected turn of events in the world. Nobody could've seen that coming. Oh dear.

Also, I have two extra slots, so I guess I could deploy Fuga, but... naaah fuck it, I've changed my mind. I don't want to taint my perfect generics only run with a slightly less generic person. Azura and the one Onmyoji that's been sitting in the bench since forever for backup heals it is.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That just makes it seem like you’re leaving the club of beard loving all together.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Can we have more Garon? I really would like more Garon.

Careful what you wish for…

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A game about Garon would be ideal.

Make it yourself, coward.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I see the gimmick, I think it's tasteful enough.

Now imagine doing all these chapters with actual characters, who aren’t inherently fun like generics.


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Oh i get it, it's another Namco joke.

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wouldn't say I hate Revelation, but the general proposition of it being the weakest of the Fates routes from a gameplay perspective. Yes, I agree with that. Setting aside the imbalance issues, it's still too often too sluggish, and isn't a good in-between for CQ and BR. 

I feel like Revelation's gimmicks make it more interesting to play than Birthright though.

32 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Although i don't remember any FE where the moon wiped out dragons xD

Yeah cause that's a major extinction event, one that would likely make the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs look like nothing in comparison.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

People talk about Binding Blade's weapon ranks, but this one is even worse, it's impossible to get anyone to S.

Also only certain classes can even get S-ranks in weapons in the first place.

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Just now, Sooks said:

That just makes it seem like you’re leaving the club of beard loving all together.

If it takes as long to grow as before... I fear I may not be a beard person, even though I'm a beard person.

Just now, Sooks said:

Careful what you wish for…

I want more Garon. It is impossible for them to upset me with Garon. The best they can do is make me laugh some more, which I hope they do.

Just now, Sooks said:

Make it yourself, coward.

Don't tempt me.

Just now, Sooks said:

Now imagine doing all these chapters with actual characters, who aren’t inherently fun like generics.

Not only that, their stats are actually balanced, as opposed to being hilariously good or bad like the proper playables.

Just now, Sooks said:


Imagine having to experience that instead of imagining it like me.

It is bliss, Sooks. Bliss.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I want more Garon. It is impossible for them to upset me with Garon. The best they can do is make me laugh some more, which I hope they do.

I mean, you could like this scene. I can see it going 50/50, you could find it funny, because it kind of is, but then you could… not.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't tempt me.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not only that, their stats are actually balanced, as opposed to being hilariously good or bad like the proper playables.

The generics aren’t hilariously bad? Interesting.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Imagine having to experience that instead of imagining it like me.

It is bliss, Sooks. Bliss.

If I were to do a generics only play through, it would be one of the good routes.

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So far this is being quite the easy map. The promote-demote enemies mechanic, while interesting, mostly works in my favor, and the tiny enemy density per room allows me to just bumrush them, promoted or unpromoted. It'd be more fun if the mechanic impacted my units too, honestly.

Still, not a bad map.

Just now, Sooks said:

The generics aren’t hilariously bad? Interesting.

Occasionally they one-round things. That should be all you need to know.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

If I were to do a generics only play through, it would be one of the good routes.

Oh, no doubt. It's already fun in Rev, imagine in Conquest, where the generics actually have interesting skills. That's gotta be great.

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I booted up my old copy of Fates just because I was curious what my teams were looking like, apparently on Revelation my Leo had capped speed. So yeah, there’s your fun fact of the day.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hey so, your images are not loading. I suggest you upload to imgur or just make a discord server for yourself and upload the images there. Cause whatever image hosting site you're using right now isn't working.

F for trying to upload something from a phone. 

Perhaps its best to simply use my PC... Xd

Edit: oh and thank you for the heads up!

Edited by lightcosmo
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Aaaand another map in the sack. These are starting to go by really quick! I grabbed another S rank weapon, which means another 5k to buy brave weapons. With this, I can afford one brave weapon. Selling my entire supply of shurikens and daggers (not like anyone can use them) yields enough for another one. Fritz takes the boots, the arms scroll stays in the convoy while I decide who could grab it, and it's go time once more!

This map's plot reveals that the game is not going to do anything interesting with Azura's mom in the slightest. She's a portrait. Let's go kill the portrait and continue to lament Garon's absence, because he had more personality than any of these goons. A bad one, but a personality nonetheless.

As for the map itself, this is another map that looks like it's going to go by in no time. I have no fliers, unfortunately, because Rev didn't offer any while I still had the ability to capture, but no matter. We just have to zoom in, kill a portrait while Roderick grabs another 5k bullion in the shape of a weapon and go. Easy.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I haven't read Chainsaw Man myself, the only thing I know about it is that fans are horny for one particular female character. To like, an unhealthy degree (she ain't even that hot either).



2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, well. It's all right. I suppose it won't kill me to have a change of look after so long. Who knows, maybe after that it will grow better and my stache will actually reach my beard.

Well, if I shaved my head and survived, you can shave your beard and live too.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

that's not how you spell senpai route 😛

Asumi has the best route route, it's just that there is an ungodly amount of Mafuyu fans. And they created this meme, so...

Fumino is still best girl though



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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And so on, basically, haha!
This is only an idea for now, and I have yet to come up with stuff for everyone else, but I will, when you guys give me the okay! ^^
'cuz I imagine this might be a fun run to do!

Hi-Andromon. Totally Hi-Andromon for me.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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So, apparently the lag is system wide and not Citra being Citra. But I still have no clue what could have caused it or what to do about it. Hm.

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Ah, I miss time when both Gotoubun and Shingeki no Kyojin were good...


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

A Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth run where I name my Digimon after you guys. I already have some ideas which creature I will name after which person, but I want to ask your consent first, so here goes.

Patamon line plz

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I'm starting to think my generics might've grown a wee bit too well. The difficulty has plummeted since the first Valla map. I'm breezing through these!

Also, why did the portrait have such a heroic-sounding boss theme? She had no personality beyond "haha I am evil and Anankos is my liege."

24 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Well, if I shaved my head and survived, you can shave your beard and live too.

We'll see.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So, apparently the lag is system wide and not Citra being Citra. But I still have no clue what could have caused it or what to do about it. Hm.

Oh, shit... That's not good. I hope you find the cause...

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, shit... That's not good. I hope you find the cause...

Thanks. We’ll see, I have at least one idea.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm starting to think my generics might've grown a wee bit too well. The difficulty has plummeted since the first Valla map. I'm breezing through these!

You're not playing on Lunatic — you don't know the true depths of stat inflation!

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"It would be tragic if someone were to betray us during our final battle."

I like how Gunter has literally done the "be a shame if something happened to it" meme. Very subtle, old man.

Also, the plot really has taken a nosedive in this final stretch. The Anthony nonsense hardly served a purpose, we still know next to nothing about Valla, Azura's mother or Anankos even though we've been here for like 6 maps, and now there's this. In the last map, Arete attacked us to prevent us from reaching Anankos. In this map... Arete is attacking us to prevent us from reaching Anankos. Last map was completely pointless filler. Nice.

I am once again upset that Garon is nowhere to be seen.

Aaaaaaaaaanyway, this looks like the bridge map, except instead of manipulating the bridges with dragon veins, it appears I'll have to wait. Marvelous. Thanks, Rev.

Just now, Ghost_06_ said:

You're not playing on Lunatic — you don't know the true depths of stat inflation!

True. Instead I'm having fun. Go figure.

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Ah yes, there it is. The "I won't turn on the Varia Suit until Adam authorizes it, despite it serving no danger to any of the troops here and also I'm burning to death" moment. Everyone's favorite Metroid moment.

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Oh no. Scarlet. How tragic. I am shocked and appalled at this turn of events, how can we ever face our dear friend.

I like how Arete was like "I have a friend of yours with me... you'll know what I mean if you live long enough," and then Scarlet died in turn 2. I mean, c'mon, Arete. It's one thing to be overconfident, but I barely had time to even reach your troops. It was physically impossible for us to die before finding out what you meant. You make no sense, Arete, I nitpick your dialogue without mercy.

Anyway, so far, easy like the other maps, but I have to wait for the bridges to move. Worst Valla map so far, just for that.

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