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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The main thing you want to avoid is Elemental Awakening. So bringing Shulk is a must.

Then you have to bring a Dark Blade so you can Seal Reinforcements. But that means you can never complete another Blade Combo so it just becomes hitting Elma with Corvin over and over again until her massive HP even on the lowest HP setting depletes.

That's how i've done it anyway.

I'll be honest, Corvin solo has always worked just fine. 

Thats with a maxed out chart and S+ affinity and best pouch items and whatnot ofc.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hinoka needed to be in a game with good story. Then maybe she wouldn't have been fanboying over her treacherous little brother.

Honestly tho, for Fates royals's standards, she got off pretty easy. Outside of the standard avatar dicksucking she's pretty okay. Nowhere near the level of shit of the Nohrian clowns, that's for sure.

Wrong Hinoka, but anyway xD

Out of all the Hoshidan Royals, Hinoka is the only one that made sense to be a bit CornCob obsessive, considering she was the closest to him before he got Garon'd.

Still the way it was done sucks, and she should've been much much more angry with him, and not the royal cockstrocking CornCob get's from everyone.

Takumi's anger being caused by Anankos completely destroyed his Character, and Sakura doesn'T even remember CornCob yet loves him anyway...

Fuck that game's Story lmao

Edited by Shrimperor
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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Uprising doesn't have gyro controls tho.

Wait, what? Then what is the problem with playing it on Citra?

...ahhhh I see, stylus aiming.

........Then what is the problem with playing on Citra?! I could set up a FPS control scheme and have a straight up superior experience!

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy was talking about Lora from Xenoblade haha


I thought it was weird that he brought her up completely out of nowhere...

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Ergh... Wait, she looks exactly like-- ooohhh, I get it now.

So which one came out first?

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11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe it helped she was a (not literally) last-minute addition. Not enough time to ruin her character. lol

Yeah, I heard she was originally meant to be Ryoma's retainer, but then she was madd into a royal and Kagero came to be.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Wrong Hinoka, but anyway xD

Out of all the Hoshidan Royals, Hinoka is the only one that made sense to be a bit CornCob obsessive, considering she was the closest to him before he got Garon'd.

"You are my child now" had me rolling the first time I saw it.

Garon's a treasure.


Still the way it was done sucks, and she should've been much much more angry with him, and not the royal cockstrocking CornCob get's from everyone.

Takumi's anger being caused by Anankos completely destroyed his Character, and Sakura doesn'T even remember CornCob yet loves him anyway...

Fuck that game's Story lmao

Meanwhile Mr. Furrowed Brow who watched Corncob grow up

"J U S T I C E   I S   A N   I L L U S I O N

Now I will kill you for my totally not evil incarnate dad-- oh whoops surprise sister, oh well let's make it a twofer-- oh whoops I have 16 speed in the lategame and am now dead. Gurgle."

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Hah! Gee, Xenoblade. Copycat much? And I was told you were so perfect...

Oh wait, that's right, this is anime. There's like two designs for each trope that everyone uses every time.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What's with having localized Laura as Lora anyway... Is it an anti-Hispanic sentiment!?


She doesn't look brigandish enough.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"You are my child now" had me rolling the first time I saw it.

Garon's a treasure.

Garon be doing the CK2 maneuver.

Kill guy, imprison child for X years while molding them to their interests.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile Mr. Furrowed Brow who watched Corncob grow up

"J U S T I C E   I S   A N   I L L U S I O N

Tfw Nohr royals needed a magical plot chair to see that their dad is actually Ganondorf

TFW IS just made japan heaven while Europe all evil tropes packed in one country

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

oh whoops I have 16 speed in the lategame and am now dead

typical late game Xander

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

...ahhhh I see, stylus aiming.

........Then what is the problem with playing on Citra?! I could set up a FPS control scheme and have a straight up superior experience!

If it were just an FPS like Metroid Prime, yeah, that would work.

But Uprising is a fast-paced action game. You might be able to get away with a FPS control scheme on the rail shooter segments but once the ground segments begin, i don't see how anyone would play it without wanting to uninstall system 32.

Uprising truly was designed for the system it was made for and putting it on anything else would just break it. Which is why as much as i hope for a Switch remaster, i don't see it happening.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So which one came out first?


But Lora is a way better written character. She also uses a whip in combat, like that one guy, Indiana Jones.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What's with having localized Laura as Lora anyway... Is it an anti-Hispanic sentiment!?

There can't be anti-Hispanic sentiment when all of Minoth's attacks are Spanish words. 




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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!  | NeoGAF

Mechas can also helicopter themselves up.

No, really, they're not using an engine booster on their back or feet. It's the actual propeller lifting them up. A beam propeller, so it also function as an energy shield.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I painstakingly fought my way through the stoneborn room… for a spy’s shuriken?? No one on my team even uses shuriken(s?), unless you count Leo’s backpack. Oh well.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ironically, FE's Lora got localized as Laura.


I can't even...


Just now, Shrimperor said:

Sing with me a Song of Serenes and Teehee

As the players go mad at Lunatic

People look at horny art

hard as a stone

then get bonked

all alone


Though maybe I should be more serious about that.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please make the sacrifice. I'd love to see such a thing.

I'm just terrible when it comes to figuring out searching for these templates. Had to use a character confession because there was no blank one for editing. I would be more than willing to revisit this.

Anyways, Rubenio confesses to Fates draft 1:




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