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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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'Morning, everyone!


...I accidentally asked a customer yesterday if they wanted to retreat instead of if they wanted their receipt...

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

'Morning, everyone!


...I accidentally asked a customer yesterday if they wanted to retreat instead of if they wanted their receipt...

Urgh, I've been defeated, but I can't fall here, I must make my retreat.

- The customer probably.

15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Hey, Shrimpy.


Shrimp guy.

Was this necessary? Really.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You were asking for it with your comment xD


It was not necessary.

I must ponder a due punishment for this transgression.

I know: You must use Senno in your next Fates run instead of another anime loli. There. You must, Shrimpy. You owe me this.

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Mflwgg8p o

9 months later

Kck4olpf o

I love how I keep seeing these extremely ironic statements of mine everywhere I go.

And on that note, I believe the time has come. I hope I'll be good enough to defeat the lunatic endgame. And... well, if worse comes to worst, I made sure to capture no less than four Pass peggies in Hinoka's map. I read online those are invaluable to rescueskip the endgame. Alongside Zhara, Nina and Edsel, I should have enough Pass to rescue my way to bEtRaYaL Man.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I will try to use him in linked Rev. No promises tho

Good shrimp.

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The AI of chapter 27's entrap girls is fascinating. I suppose I can understand Nina, she's squishy, and Senno, he's slow.

But... Haitaka? Are you fucking kidding me, Haitaka? The man kills everything! Quixotic accomplishes the impossible in making proc skills reliable! You don't want a monster like that trapped in a room with you...!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Oh hey it's the theme of "goddamnit I forgot to have the upper groups kill the healers, now I am irremediably going to lose, time to reset."

Seriously, that's all it takes. That and some luck with the berserker's crits. Beyond that, this map is done.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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The one time they do what I needed them to (AKA send Haitaka to the berserker) and I forgot to move Benny and Kumagera on the second turn.

Those two upper teams are going to be the death of me. They're the reason I lose every single time and it makes me want to cry. I'm stuck in an endless loop of being a forgetful moron. Please help.

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The earlier Japan talk reminds me that that is a sad but true mindset that is so quite prevalent even today. It's worse when it includes there being legit apologists to Interwar and WWII era Japan. Ever heard of Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There? Pretty much.

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There, it's done.

That should not have takent his long, but I am a very dumb person, so I guess it's enough that I made it at all.

Now to torture myself with this game's endgame. For the record, I believe the hard version is excellent. It's tough, probably the toughest map on the game, maybe only beaten by Takumi's Fun Castle and Ryoma. However, it flows well, it presents a high yet fair challenge, it is visually interesting and it has a great theme playing in the background. It's just awesome.

Now let's see what lunatic does to this.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...you are having trouble with ch27? 


It's one of the easiest chapters in the game

This game has a way to make me hate myself. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm developing depression from this game or anything like that, but... Holy shit, do I end up angry at myself every time I play it.

Yeah, the map's super easy, but I kept forgetting to move the two upper teams. You know, the ones who start near two swordmasters and two spear masters, respectively? The first time I was close to victory, I forgot to move them the first turn, so they couldn't kill the healer, and this made it impossible for them to kill the other enemies  in time. In Kumagera's case, it also meant he couldn't switch to the dual club, so the swordmasters crippled him early on. This all led to the merchant's team to head after Kumagera and Iggy, which forced me to try and improvise to save everyone, which didn't work due to an enfeeble miss. So that was a by all means winnable run gone due to my one stupid mistake at the beginning.

Then I proceeded to forget to move them again another four times.

Fuck me seriously I am the stupidest man on earth, it's a miracle I've made it this far in this game.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sadly, no one is exempt.


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We all wear sombreros now

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for a bigger 3DS model, well... I don't doubt Uprising is good, but I seriously doubt it's 500 bucks good.

In what world are you spending $500 for a New 3DS?

Or is this Spain currency moment?

Anyways maybe mileage does vary but i think i'd swallow a cactus before i emulate Uprising on Citra.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I love how I keep seeing these extremely ironic statements of mine everywhere I go.

Ruben's PoV when talking to Fates fan (2021)


15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The earlier Japan talk reminds me that that is a sad but true mindset that is so quite prevalent even today. It's worse when it includes there being legit apologists to Interwar and WWII era Japan. Ever heard of Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There? Pretty much.

This reminds me, when Godzilla vs King Ghidorah released, Americans accused it of Japanese propaganda or some shit because in one scene, the characters travel back in time to stop Godzilla (then just a normal t-rex) from mutating via atom bomb. Said "Godzillasaurus" is present during WW2 and he saves Japanese troops from Americans.

Mind you, the American actors present there just saw it as a funny haha that they were pretending to be squished by Godzillasaurus but the general public in the US found it sus.

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