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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Thats so confusing to me I dont know why, either!

eh, it's not really

I will try to explain it using this pic from the worst Saga in existence part 1


Currently it's white hairs turn (0 Delay). The craft she uses gives her 11 Delay (Girl is fast). That's a ''turn''

She will get a ''turn'' again after worst MC in existence (Black Hair) and Jusis (Blondie).

The boss will attack again after 236 ''Delay''. Or Time ticks if it makes you understand it better.

He never get's to attack because he get's AT-delayed to hell and back because Worst Saga gameplay sucks, but that's beside the point

Edited by Shrimperor
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And done with Hubris Comics. A shame about the cut content. It amounted to being part of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest, having to actually go and print out copies of the thing. A terminal at the printing presses area still has the command to turn them on, and I think unused lines in the data itself are still there. But oh well, this stage of the quest got cut, but apparently dialogue pointing this out was added instead. Heh, quite cheeky.

One more metro system to go through and finally near the Arlington Library.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I finished chapter 26. All that’s left is Endgame, but 26 took me way, way longer than expected, so I’ll do Endgame tomorrow, unless I can’t sleep. But I know I should do homework.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

this i can relate to as someone who is dangerously underweight. I hope your alright.

Dangerously? I hope you’re doing okay!

16 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

I'm going to commit murder

You okay?

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41 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

eh, it's not really

I will try to explain it using this pic from the worst Saga in existence part 1


Currently it's white hairs turn (0 Delay). The craft she uses gives her 11 Delay (Girl is fast). That's a ''turn''

She will get a ''turn'' again after worst MC in existence (Black Hair) and Jusis (Blondie).

The boss will attack again after 236 ''Delay''. Or Time ticks if it makes you understand it better.

He never get's to attack because he get's AT-delayed to hell and back because Worst Saga gameplay sucks, but that's beside the point

Sick background. Honestly, I don't believe you, it can't be that bad.

31 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You okay?


I'll calm down soon.

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Well, after a couple detours and taking such a busy way in, I've finally reached the Arlington Library.

... no, there's still one more place to pay a visit before heading in there. That will be for another day, however.

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The Endgame save mod didn’t work, it looks like. Oh well, that’s what save states are for. I am going to try to complete the chapter without save states though, because it’s the only Conquest chapter I haven’t beaten without save states on hard (unless you count paralogues and dlc).

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I feel like shit.

That is all.

I hope it gets better!

I’ve been saying that a lot today, but it’s true.

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

eh, it's not really

I will try to explain it using this pic from the worst Saga in existence part 1


Currently it's white hairs turn (0 Delay). The craft she uses gives her 11 Delay (Girl is fast). That's a ''turn''

She will get a ''turn'' again after worst MC in existence (Black Hair) and Jusis (Blondie).

The boss will attack again after 236 ''Delay''. Or Time ticks if it makes you understand it better.

He never get's to attack because he get's AT-delayed to hell and back because Worst Saga gameplay sucks, but that's beside the point

Well in the case of any game past Sky, they do the math for you so its easier to understand. 

That or im just really slow. Probably that one.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Dangerously? I hope you’re doing okay!

I'm alright, thank you for worrying though!

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... I just did over 32M damage in AF following that one strategy I found...

If it wasn't for that HP stopper at 50% left, I'd have one-rounded the boss, who only has 20M.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm ready to three-turn this with another AF barrage (second turn needed to refill the bar).

Over 44M on the second barrage, and its down!

And then I only get a message that Skull joined. That's it!? No cutscene or anything? Pft, lol. Well anyway, time to pick up Violet and Skull's prf weapons and VC Grasta. Finish this AD run and... maybe try this strategy on Chaos. Even if it won't be as effective.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Benice said:


Also sick background. Where is this from?

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Well, I hope everything gets better for you.

I'm fine now. The secret is to ignore existence.

Accept what you cannot control.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Also sick background. Where is this from?

Pygmy's Throne, from The Ringed City.

It's where you fight the final boss of the entire Souls trilogy...

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pretty sure I'm running a fever.

Just a fun fact. How's everyone else's night or day going?

Did you felt like this with your first shot?

Trying to beat a boss in AE, so mostly fine.

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did you felt like this with your first shot?

Nope. I felt almost nothing then.

13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Trying to beat a boss in AE, so mostly fine.

Good luck!

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Yeah, after a couple failed attempts, I see I'm still not ready for this.

I guess for now I'll focus on getting Yuri, Velvet, and Skull all to level 80. Then see if I can deal with Teyul first then...

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I spent nearly my entire day off playing 13 Sentinels, this is a good-ass game.

Don't know if I'd personally call it a masterpiece yet but that's really gonna depend on if the gameplay manages to hit just right for me. Cause on the story front, it's amazing how it's doing. It feels like it should be convoluted as hell and it probably is but in like a good way. I'm keeping up with everything with the way it's all structured.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nope. I felt almost nothing then.

Well, hopefully the fever is just the worst you'll feel.

Been there with the single J&J shot I got. Also felt terrible during the night.

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38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Don't know if I'd personally call it a masterpiece yet but that's really gonna depend on if the gameplay manages to hit just right for me. Cause on the story front, it's amazing how it's doing. It feels like it should be convoluted as hell and it probably is but in like a good way. I'm keeping up with everything with the way it's all structured.

Not going to say "everything is relative/the same", but to an extent, I'd want to say convolution is... an accusation too easy to make?

I don't know, but if you wrote down a start-to-end step-by-step summary of a story in moderate detail for a great majority of stories that attempt something more than simplistic, wouldn't it look convoluted if you tried reading it? Does one have to -excluding books obviously- see the story in action to make a judgement call as it to whether or not it's convoluted? Hearing people discuss topics of a story with its jargon on full display isn't a good arbiter of convolution.

I'm also pondering if all convolution has an equal impact on one's appreciation of the plot. When I think of Xenogears, I do think it has some convolution (not helped by the near-unceasing rush of big plot that is Disc 2), but how much of the convolution has to be understood to actually get the basic story? What amount of the XG convolution is window dressing, backstory details that don't seriously matter? (And of course, I shouldn't understand just the absolute bare minimum of the basics of a story, I should understand enough that I feel compelled to learn more, ideally excitedly. -But this is so heavily subjective.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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