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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

New Bamco logo looks like they should be selling me data plans for my phone

"Bandai Namco now offers new 5G plan for only $169.99"

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Also, do you know you can move the camera?

I did!


5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Knowing that would make it easier to not get lost.

Actually I think I get lost a lot because I accidentally rotate the camera but don't adjust my direction.

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46 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Red for Fire Mages is so stereotyping. Let the Alice-clone wear the color she wants.

Except the way she is dressed makes her look like a maid. And so I conclude her preference for fire comes from mastering the arts of cookery in a hot premodern oven. From large juicy cuts of meat to petit fours, she has learned them all. (Speaking of which, I heard Tudor-era kitchens the size fit for royalty could get so hot, the servants felt inclined to disrobe.) That or a vigorous personality that will simply not take "no" for an answer due to a certain kind of aristocratic upbringing.


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Thanks, I hate it.

I absolutely hate it, minimalism is a plague.

You're serious?

The red-orange-yellow color scheme assured I couldn't mistake it for anything else, it was bright, inviting, and somewhat creative. The thin pink neon and black look incredibly cheap, where is the soul? Where is the pride?

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Except the way she is dressed makes her look like a maid. And so I conclude her preference for fire comes from mastering the arts of cookery in a hot premodern oven. From large juicy cuts of meat to petit fours, she has learned them all. (Speaking of which, I heard Tudor-era kitchens the size fit for royalty could get so hot, the servants felt inclined to disrobe.) That or a vigorous personality that will simply not take "no" for an answer due to a certain kind of aristocratic upbringing.

She looks like a maid to you? She gives more the haughty noblewoman look instead. She's only missing the fan in her hand to go "Ohohohohoho!"

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

She looks like a maid to you? She gives more the haughty noblewoman look instead. She's only missing the fan in her hand to go "Ohohohohoho!"

To be fair, this came to mind.:


Notice the Farmer class. (The character name is purely a fan's choice. Although Etrian Odyssey is made by Atlus, and Miss Wonderland has been around in Shin Megami Tensei since SMT1.)

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38 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Thanks, I hate it.

I absolutely hate it, minimalism is a plague.

Lost all identidy

38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The game's $20, plus an extra $10 for the epilogue DLC, which, despite never being planned originally, is actually vital to the story. So I guess the game's actually $30.

Great. I'll look for the torrent.

38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I could've sworn Jessie drew the short stick on this.

Looks like she dies, but then you see her bandanna on a desk while Biggs is recuperating, so...

32 minutes ago, Benice said:

Actually I think I get lost a lot because I accidentally rotate the camera but don't adjust my direction.

This is absolute hell.

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Well, if the New AVALANCHE members were allowed to live, we can probably expect this could set a precedent.

Just watch. Forget Aerith. Prepare for surviving Dyne, surprise-alive!Seto, and even "gya haa haa haa!" and "kya haa haa haa!" will get to live...

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I did!


Actually I think I get lost a lot because I accidentally rotate the camera but don't adjust my direction.

It was quite the experience trying to navigate all of FC with the awkward camera angles it sticks you with when you leave buildings, especially Rolent. Then I randomly happened to press the button to move the camera in the tower in chapter 3 and my mind was blown. Ah, memories.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

For all the shit I give Nomura, I think 7R's writing does have some strong points. Again, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge are actual characters that I can care about now. But it also has really dumb shit like what I just posted.


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4 hours ago, Armagon said:


Thanks, I hate it.

I absolutely hate it, minimalism is a plague.

  Alright, we should just photoshop it into Bamco because if they've given up so should we.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh yes, I so want a revival of the other games!

So you're saying there's a chance.

Also, Actraiser had more than one sequel?

44 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:


Again, thank fuck he only does character design in TWEWY.

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10 hours ago, Dayni said:


There's definitely been some commentary, but I haven't seen any overarching videos be put out about the game as a whole.

Eh. In all fairness, I'd rather have a video about how the new FE fixes every issue Three Houses had and sets FE back on course after Three Houses came dangerously close to stripping it of everything I love about the series.

...of course, for that to happen, we need a new FE in the first place.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Ayyyy I heard the person who uploaded these videos is way rad. You should all subscribe!

9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

It must be because Three Houses was considered an improvement over Fates and SoV and drew a lot of new people.

Yes, a FE game had marketing for once and it drew people in. Who woulda thunk it.

...certainly not IntSys, since they decided that in order to sell well they also needed to make 3/4ths of the game into a Persona ripoff and put the bare minimum effort into the actual FE part.

But yes. "An improvement" is certainly one way to describe it.

Hey, if Shrimpy can go on a mad Cold Steel rant for 10 pages without anybody saying anything, I think I should be allowed to indulge for just one post. I think I've been exercising enough restraint of late.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Hahahaha... These mad Berwick Saga strats. Always fun to watch.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Hey, that's actually a pretty cool design!




never used that myself, but saw them haha

And that looks like the kind of character I'd get murdered on purpose!

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Persona ripoff

Shrimpy 🤝 Ruben

Hating Persona ripoffs

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, that's actually a pretty cool design!


I will be doing his Paralogue next so hopefully he get's a super op weapon as well

Because he really needs it because without Brave Axe he can't kill anything

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18 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Shrimpy 🤝 Ruben

Hating Persona ripoffs

But you love the Persona ripoff and I haven't even touched the other Persona ripoff

And heck have either of us even played Persona?



I will be doing his Paralogue next so hopefully he get's a super op weapon as well

Because he really needs it because without Brave Axe he can't kill anything

He looks like a genderbent Echidna with an inverted color scheme. Pretty cool.

Also, he can't kill anything? With those stats? Jesus, how inflated are this game's enemy stats...?

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And heck have either of us even played Persona?

I tried

Reminded me too much of Cold Steel and then i dropped it because i couldn't take it anymore

Cold Steel copied the structure 1:1. 3H is really quite different

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus, how inflated are this game's enemy stats...?

Their stats are usually fine except HP. Those are pretty high (as you that guy has 64 HP, the Mage has 55 HP, regular enemies have ~70HP atm)

And well, his SPD isn't that good. He can't really double your average enemy.

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Did I

Did I just peacefully parley with a group of werewolves? And they implied they might not actually be the bad guys here?

Oh God, please, please tell me I can side with the werewolves.

So far I've sided with a mad cult and an insane megalomaniac. And I would've sided with the succubus if I hadn't sent Jowan who just straight up refused.

Please let me side with the werewolves.


6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I tried

Reminded me too much of Cold Steel and then i dropped it because i couldn't take it anymore

Cold Steel copied the structure 1:1. 3H is really quite different

Well, I wouldn't know. All I know is 3H spends way too much time not being FE, and when it is FE, it's a pretty damn shoddy FE.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Their stats are usually fine except HP. Those are pretty high (as you that guy has 64 HP, the Mage has 55 HP, regular enemies have ~70HP atm)

And well, his SPD isn't that good. He can't really double your average enemy.

Right... So what's his speed? The 7 I see there? Surely not... That's not "isn't that good", that's "catastrophic" lol

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Right... So what's his speed? The 7 I see there? Surely not... That's not "isn't that good", that's "catastrophic" lol


average enemy spd is ~20 atm

And while HP values are quite high, enemy denfence stats are usually thankfully on the lower side, so it kinda balances out

Stat translation






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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The thin pink neon and black look incredibly cheap, where is the soul? Where is the pride?


The Bamco logo is one of the most iconic logos of the industry but the new one doesn't even resemble it.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Great. I'll look for the torrent.

There is a demo on Steam that you could play. Should give you the basics.

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Looks like she dies, but then you see her bandanna on a desk while Biggs is recuperating, so...

Maybe he just recovered it? Idk.

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Reminded me too much of Cold Steel and then i dropped it because i couldn't take it anymore

 But Shrimpy, everyone knows Persona 5 is the grandfather of RPGs. It invented RPGs. Don't you want to play the progenitor of RPGs?

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A while back I found a hunter collapsed in the forest. He was alive, so I looted his valuables before taking him back to camp. Now I have spoken to him, he assumed he lost his equipment to the werewolves and asked if I had found a wooden figurine that he treasured. I returned it to him in exchange for a gem... Even though I was the one who stole it from him in the first place.

I love this game. It lets me be a complete shithead, it's great.

41 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


average enemy spd is ~20 atm

And while HP values are quite high, enemy denfence stats are usually thankfully on the lower side, so it kinda balances out

Stat translation






Right, I see.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

 But Shrimpy, everyone knows Persona 5 is the grandfather of RPGs. It invented RPGs. Don't you want to play the progenitor of RPGs?

If Persona 5 is so good, how come there isn't a Persona 5 2? Gottem

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