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I tried Persona 5 because it was recommended to me. The gameplay was literally just generic jrpg gameplay but you could talk to the enemies for various rewards, so you can guess what happened. The story was a little interesting until the girl standing up to the sexually and verbally abusive coach transformed (or whatever it was called), ready to fight back against him and show how his students were in fact not objects……

by gaining a skin tight body suit with a whip and a massive opening at the top and gaining the “lovers” arcana. Then I dropped the game lol.

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In contrast to Orzammar, which felt like it took a million hours, this Dalish quest seems to be going by a lot faster. I've already handled all the sidequests, murdered an insane hermit so I could recover an acorn to return to a tree that rhymes, infiltrated some ruins, fought a couple minibosses and swam to the lair of the werewolves through a conveniently placed... Uh, water tunnel? I don't get it. Did we come out of the werewolves' crapper, is that it?

I'll take a break to have lunch and later I'll keep going. Hopefully I'll be able to wrap this up today, and next will be to bring the fight to Snape at last.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I tried Persona 5 because it was recommended to me. The gameplay was literally just generic jrpg gameplay but you could talk to the enemies for various rewards, so you can guess what happened. The story was a little interesting until the girl standing up to the sexually and verbally abusive coach transformed (or whatever it was called), ready to fight back against him and show how his students were in fact not objects……

by gaining a skin tight body suit with a whip and a massive opening at the top and gaining the “lovers” arcana. Then I dropped the game lol.

Certainly sounds like the kind of game that caters to a certain demographic.

11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


Don't mind me, I'm just messing around.

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, a FE game had marketing for once and it drew people in. Who woulda thunk it.

...certainly not IntSys, since they decided that in order to sell well they also needed to make 3/4ths of the game into a Persona ripoff and put the bare minimum effort into the actual FE part.

But yes. "An improvement" is certainly one way to describe it.

"Marketing" can only do so much. If there is no solid product underneath, there will be no success.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, if Shrimpy can go on a mad Cold Steel rant for 10 pages without anybody saying anything, I think I should be allowed to indulge for just one post. I think I've been exercising enough restraint of late.

The difference is that you go out of your way to make it funny.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Did I

Did I just peacefully parley with a group of werewolves? And they implied they might not actually be the bad guys here?

Oh God, please, please tell me I can side with the werewolves.

So far I've sided with a mad cult and an insane megalomaniac. And I would've sided with the succubus if I hadn't sent Jowan who just straight up refused.

Please let me side with the werewolves.


Yes, you can side with the werewolves and genocide the elves if you have enough persuasion.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Again, the most comic accurate Spidey.

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28 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

"Marketing" can only do so much. If there is no solid product underneath, there will be no success.

Yes, it truly is a mystery how Three Houses did so well.

Aha! I got it! IntSys hired the mafia to coerce people into buying Three Houses. There we go, that explains the discrepancy.


The difference is that you go out of your way to make it funny.

Hah! Well, I'm glad somebody appreciates my efforts.

And now, since you've validated me, here are 20 paragraphs about Three Houses's map design and how it's so bad that it secretly jumpstarted the first World War.


Yes, you can side with the werewolves and genocide the elves if you have enough persuasion.


Oh, this is gonna be good.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Thing is, i dont get the joke here.

It's a dumb meme. Basically, when you're trying to jokingly devalue a game or movie or whatever, you ask why it doesn't have a sequel if it's so amazing.

...Except then Armagon brought to my attention that there is, in fact, a Persona 5 2, so I had to improvise. Peak comedy, I know. I am just the funniest funnyman to ever funny. There should be a Saint Rubenio 2. But don't ask me to produce one. It would prove difficult.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

The story was a little interesting until the girl standing up to the sexually and verbally abusive coach transformed (or whatever it was called), ready to fight back against him and show how his students were in fact not objects……

by gaining a skin tight body suit with a whip and a massive opening at the top and gaining the “lovers” arcana. Then I dropped the game lol.

Only the first villain is sexual icky, and once his dungeon is over, he's in the past. According to what I've read.

As for the clothing design, that sounds like a coincidental mismatch between icky story circumstances, the thief-oriented theme to the game, and the normal and the unfortunate underlying tendency to mildly or greatly sexualize female outfits in fantasy popular entertainment of all kinds in ways mens' are not.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I tried

Reminded me too much of Cold Steel and then i dropped it because i couldn't take it anymore

I've stayed away from Modern Persona because the life-sim elements don't interest me. However, I question if I'm as put off by player/MC worship as you. I will agree that undeserved worship is bad, but maybe I've a greater tolerance for the mild stuff? Devil Survivor 2 falls closer to the "mild" category (although the Triangulum scenario Record Breaker added elevates if not the worship, then the "specialness" of the MC), and I was fine with it, it didn't sink the game at all for me. The characters had visible relationships with each other not just the MC.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

but you could talk to the enemies for various rewards, so you can guess what happened.

The enemies got irrationally angry at you and beat the duck out of the heroes in retaliation? Because I never don't go into negotiations aware of the likelihood of that outcome in SMT (or Persona 2).


6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Again, thank fuck he only does character design in TWEWY.

Really? Well it is true I hadn't seen his name come up that much with TWEWY, but I offhand thought he was its writer. It wouldn't make much sense with his micromanagement tendencies and KH & VIIR on dual tracks, three games parallel in his hands wouldn't be possible for him.


14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a dumb meme. Basically, when you're trying to jokingly devalue a game or movie or whatever, you ask why it doesn't have a sequel if it's so amazing.

As a rule, Persona doesn't do direct sequels, like almost all JRPG franchises, and if they are given sequels, they're usually spinoffs and or have questionable quality compared to the original. The lone exception to this is Persona 2, wherein it's Innocent Sin followed by Eternal Punishment. Persona 1 (and SMT If..., Devil Summoner, and Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers) all exist in the same world as P2. It's possible that Personas 3, 4, and 5 are all also the same world, but unlike the separate world culminating in P2, nobody ever shows up from the prior games.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Don't you want to play the progenitor of RPGs?

Dragon quest wasn't anything for me, either 😛

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

maybe I've a greater tolerance for the mild stuff?

I don't mind a bit of mild stuff aslong as

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The characters had visible relationships with each other not just the MC.

This happens.

Let's take for example FE support system. I already showed my distastw for it, but i will take it over Persona/Trails bonding shit any time of the day. Mainly because i can see characters interact with each other and not just be MC's harem checklist, and in some games ship them together even.

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Tread veeeeeeeery lightly, man.

I murdered our healer for no reason.

You think I won't do the same to you if you defy me?

I will slaughter your mother's people, and you will help me. End of story.

...Oh, never mind, a simple persuade check and he was convinced. Great. Now let's go commit genocide.

18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As a rule, Persona doesn't do direct sequels, like almost all JRPG franchises, and if they are given sequels, they're usually spinoffs and or have questionable quality compared to the original. The lone exception to this is Persona 2, wherein it's Innocent Sin followed by Eternal Punishment. Persona 1 (and SMT If..., Devil Summoner, and Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers) all exist in the same world as P2. It's possible that Personas 3, 4, and 5 are all also the same world, but unlike the separate world culminating in P2, nobody ever shows up from the prior games.

All right then. Thanks for the info.

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When asked about the role of Princess Sarah and the reveal of Jack’s full name being Jack Garland, Nomura had this to say:

Originally, I was planning to hide that Jack was Garland.. But I decided to change the direction of the marketing from “Who is Jack?” to “Why did Jack become Chaos?”





Looks like Konami is destroying the PES virtual football alternative to EA's FIFA.

What kind of programming leads to theses snafus?

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Wow, that was so easy. And these are the dudes that we were going to seek out for help? We didn't suffer a single casualty! The elves fell like fleas! I clearly made the rightest of choices by genociding their asses. Now I get a werewolf army! Awesome!

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wow, that was so easy. And these are the dudes that we were going to seek out for help? We didn't suffer a single casualty! The elves fell like fleas! I clearly made the rightest of choices by genociding their asses. Now I get a werewolf army! Awesome!

And now you lost the exploit to get infinite XP. Congrats!

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looks like Konami is destroying the PES virtual football alternative to EA's FIFA.

Just like they destroyed Silent Hill.

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Okay, Denerim at last. First things first, Alistair happened to mention a sister of his, so we went to see her. She brushed him off, manipulated him for money which I allowed because we're swimming in more sovereigns than I know what to do with, and then she kept demanding shit and poor little Alistair was disappointed. Oh, well. At least he seemed happy when I told him he's my friend, even though we haven't spoken since the landsmeet was first planned out and we haven't fought together since Lothering lol. Poor guy.

3 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

And now you lost the exploit to get infinite XP. Congrats!

Pfft. You think I would've used that? I don't like breaking games like that. I would've gone out of my way not to use it if I'd even known it was a thing.

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Really? Well it is true I hadn't seen his name come up that much with TWEWY, but I offhand thought he was its writer. It wouldn't make much sense with his micromanagement tendencies and KH & VIIR on dual tracks, three games parallel in his hands wouldn't be possible for him.

As discussed by some of the other devs, he wasn't involved on how characters were written based off the designs he had given. He is titled as Creative Producer as well though, so I'd doubt he had zero input.

I do think he might have been more involved in the original, but even still he wasn't head writer there. Probably should have said mostly rather than only, but still.

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Oh hey. Zevran's old pal came after him. Tried to convince him to rejoin their band of assassins, but Zevran wasn't having any of it, so we fought. Afterwards, the man went and gave me some earring he stole off of his first kill, which is just the most romantic of gestures. I couldn't find it in my inventory, so I went online, thinking it might be a bug. Ended up going back to camp to get it... only to find that it never was bugged at all, it just got added to the list of key items and I didn't think to look for it there.

Well, it was a happy accident, because while I was at camp, I was able to conclude the romance arc. I tried having secks with him and he wasn't feeling it, and after some pressure he more or less admitted that he's in love with the rotten raisin and it's left him profoundly confused because assassins can't have emotions and stuff. Probably just didn't want to admit he cannot understand how he can possibly find her attractive. So I promised there'll be a future between us and now his heart's all aflutter. How cute. It's a happy ending.

You know, as long as I save the world. Otherwise there'll be no future for him, me or anybody. Jury's still out on that one, my track record when it comes to saving things isn't exactly reassuring.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Morrigan doesn't like that Zevran and my girl are all lovey-dovey with each other. Pffft. You jealous or what? Sten doesn't say a peep. Man probably doesn't even comprehend it. Learn from his example. And count your lucky stars, I taught you the meaning of friendship, you little shit.

How any of my team puts up with me, let alone grows fond of me, is a complete mystery. My character isn't just hideous, she's also an absolutely horrible person. Why, guys? Why are you like this?

In other news, I finally, FINALLY defeated the 30 soldiers encounter that starting occuring after I did one Slim Couldry quest. That's such a beginner's trap. Even now the battle was absurdly difficult, I had to throw everything I had at them to be able to barely scrape by. And it happens from doing one seemingly inoffensive pickpocketing quest. Did Kaga secretly develop this game? Well, it's behind me now, at least.

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So fellow Tales of Arise players: which character did or so you enjoy playing as most so far? There can be no multiple choices, one only. 

As far as I go, i'm gonna have to go with Shionne. Im comfortable being able to heal reliably and attacking at a distance is fine with me. Xd

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All right, so I found some guy called Gaxhang. I was sure this location was where I'd find one of the plot important people for the main quest, but instead, I stumbled into some sidequest that I'd started God knows when and that led me to a secret boss that slaughters me every time.

That was confusing. Yeah, I'll bother some other time.

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Absolute madman

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, so I found some guy called Gaxhang. I was sure this location was where I'd find one of the plot important people for the main quest, but instead, I stumbled into some sidequest that I'd started God knows when and that led me to a secret boss that slaughters me every time.

That was confusing. Yeah, I'll bother some other time.

Gaxkang is part of "The Forbidden Ones", the strongest demons per lore. Every game has one of them as an optional boss for you to kill.

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20 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So fellow Tales of Arise players: which character did or so you enjoy playing as most so far? There can be no multiple choices, one only. 

As far as I go, i'm gonna have to go with Shionne. Im comfortable being able to heal reliably and attacking at a distance is fine with me. Xd

Tbf I barely tried anyone else, but I'm so comfortable using Alphen at this point that I probably won't switch.

I just like maining my sword boi.

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8 hours ago, Dayni said:

Also, Actraiser had more than one sequel?

In a way. There is Actraiser 2, but Actraiser also forms a loose tetralogy with Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma. The Master from Soul Blazer is implied to be the same one from Actraiser, for example. Outright confirmed in the Japanese script, since both are meant to be the actual Abrahamic God. Same how both Tanzra and Deathtoll are Satan.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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