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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Oh season 3 will adapt peak Kaguya

After that...

Might end up watching it then, if I still remember its existence by that time. I haven't watched anime in quite a while actually. Might be an occasion.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's not necessary!🤣

And merely having a hypothetical gay option doesn't necessarily mean I'd leap at CS with eagerness. I didn't rush at Niles or Linhardt (or later Jerry, and I didn't buy Named After The Opposite S/S Shipping).

Although, I am looking forward to a mediocre-looking game called Maglam Lord b/c it gives you the option. As long as the price is okay and the gameplay isn't that bad.

I can see where you're coming from. Though the characters from Maglam Lord don't really strike my fancy XP But the option does tend to make me take a peek to games I might've ignored completely otherwise. For better or worse. And I probably wouldn't dive into an entire saga for that alone XD

Who are those mysterious Jerry and S/S?

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1 minute ago, Shrimpresident said:

I watch like 1-3 anime/year nowdays. The days of olden i used to watch like between 6 and 12 a season

I just enjoy gaming and reading much more

I think I can average it to about 1 a year nowadays. I probably never went as many as you just mentioned, but I was pretty deep into it at some point too XP

I do read manga more often now that I think about it. You've probably heard of it, but in case not, if you're looking for romance mangas, I found Horimiya pretty good, lighthearted fun.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


Atleast you fell for the Nakabachi trap for a bit lol

To be completely honest, I tried not to think too hard about it. Nakabachi made sense, so I just latched on to that. I actually did consider the correct answer, but I didn't voice my considerations and tried not to think about them.



When the game just straight up reminded me of Nakabachi, even saying he was "important for the convergence," that was when I started to doubt. Then he started acting like Garon and there was no denying it any longer.

You know, a lot of my problems with S;G are derived from my own subjectivity. I don't like the tropes, I don't like the humor, and it led me to stop caring about the characters and their fate.

But this, I will 100% blame the game for: The writing is about as subtle as a hungry baby. Even when they set up good twists, they ruin them by trying to set them in stone just a bit too heavy-handedly. I would've fallen for this, 100%, but then they made him act like Garon and it was too blatant to be believable. Heck, even when they're not writing plot twists. The Nae thing could've been good, but then the writing in that scene was so absurdly over-the-top, it fell on its face.

Ahh at least I got the answers I wanted. That's enough for now. Hopefully at some point I'll muster the motivation to get to the finish.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, another twist that is only a "twist" because I'm supposed to have forgotten everything that happened in the prologue.


  Reveal hidden contents

"This worldline is headed for World War III" is, uh... Certainly a development.

Not the one I expected. Nor the one I wanted. But it's most definitely a thing that is happening.


Hey you can’t do that, World War 3 is mentioned many, many times about OG Titor, who only exists in the prologue’s worldline. It being in the prologue is apparently more than enough soooooo.

50 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

hey Sooks, hand over the popcorn

I would have, but the thread is going 2 fast 4 me.

Unfortunately, Ruben decided to raise his expectations for no reason, the one time it would have paid off to not do so. F.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Unfortunately, Ruben decided to raise his expectations for no reason, the one time it would have paid off to not do so. F.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a pretty brilliant plot point. But they got carried away. They just had to be a wee bit more subtle, linger on the action scene just a wee bit less, and that was it. They got me, hook line and sinker. S;G is good again.

Instead, they wrote Garon into the story. And that singlehandedly destroyed what could've been an excellent twist, because it was too blatant for its own good.


2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

you are like 20 minutes away from it xD

Ah, good to know.

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10 hours ago, Sooks said:


  Reveal hidden contents

You can absolutely do something here! This is not at all what I was talking about (I’m not entirely sure when the thing I was talking about happens, I think it might have been at 2 days left actually), but you can do something with that. The Recycultist’s HQ should be a dungeon you can interact with, right? You should be able to go inside, and you’ll want to check it out because you’ll get to see the tag images (like how you tag characters in Head Space) for the real life versions of the character, which are absolutely worth it.

And if you want to do the dungeon, just make sure to stock up on first aid kits.


Oooh boy, I can't wait to see what they say about Oregon!

...Goddammit it's another Oregon Trail joke.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They just had to be a wee bit more subtle, linger on the action scene just a wee bit less, and that was it.


Maybe because i watched the anime first, but maybe the anime was more subtle? I don't remember

Like in hindsight some stuff was obvious-ish yeah, especially when you take the introduced rules into consideration, but i never really thought the anime was heavy handed with anything

take into note tho

  • I didn't know about funny ™️ and was more engrossed in the Mystery of how everything kept changing and was expecting more of that
  • I liked the characters much much more than you did
  • It was one of the first anime i watched outside ''mainstream'' stuff

Also being heavy handed about something right before it happens isn't really that bad, imo.

Edited by Shrimpresident
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I just realized


Okarin killed Kurisu. That was what sparked everything into motion.

Literally everything has been Okarin's fault from the beginning.

Okarin you magnificent idiot, I didn't even think it was possible to done goofed THIS badly.


Just now, Shrimpresident said:

take into note tho

  • I didn't know about funny ™️ and was more engrossed in the Mystery of how everything kept changing and was expecting more of that

This is true. A lot of what I predicted about The Funny was from the knowledge that there'd be a Funny in the first place. Come to think of it, how did I even find out about that? Whoever told me is partly to blame for this.

...Then again... Would I have made it to The Funny had I not known about it? The anime shenanigans might've thrown me off sooner...

Just now, Shrimpresident said:
  • I liked the characters much much more than you do

And well... This was doomed from the start. My tolerance for anime tropes is as we know limited.

Just now, Shrimpresident said:

Also being heavy handed about something right before it happens isn't really that bad, imo.

Ehhh I disagree. This would've been much more effective if I hadn't realized ahead of time.

...then again, although I didn't say it, I had considered the possibliity at the same time as I posted about Nakabachi. So I guess I did sorta see it coming even before then. I don't know. Let's go with that, I want to be lenient with the game.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

That's a classic

Haha, I'm not very in touch with what's widely known or not these days XD I just stumbled upon it randomly and found it quite good. Though my favorite find in matters of romance mangas is definitely Ao no Flag, even if its end was... *siiiiiigh* but other than that, I found it amazing. I realize it's got its failings as well in other areas, but it was just generally good enough for me to ignore these. 

2 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


Maybe because i watched the anime first, but maybe the anime was more subtle? I don't remember

Well, there's also pacing. Anime cuts content and will linger less on mood banter to get to the crux of the plot cause it needs to fit within a set number of episodes, so the pacing will leave you less time to realize certain things. Of course you being able to appreciate the characters is also a big factor since you were invested in the bits of simple interactions without desperately trying to find something interesting that's external to it, I'd say. You'll shift your attention to that and some details will be more easily missed. I was in the middle kind. Not caring enough for the characters, but being too gullible for my own good XD

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Literally everything has been Okarin's fault from the beginning.


And that's why there's no Kyouma in 0...

As Kyouma truely brought Chaos & Destruction to the world with his creations, but more importantly...

he hurt his friends

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Would I have made it to The Funny had I not known about it?

I mean, i remember you were engrossed in the Mystery

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come to think of it, how did I even find out about that?

Internet because half the net thinks the story before the Funny is slow (something i don't agree with, and you didn't either iirc, anime funny moments aside)

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50 minutes ago, Dayni said:

The other track I considered was Breaking Free, which is beautiful in it's absolute emo-numetalness and I can't hate it.

If you want emo, try this tune from Shadow the Hedgehog.😛

But no, Breaking Free sounds good. -Although I don't look up lyrics for anything from TWEWY. It's probably better that way.


35 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Honestly, i think i am in a position where i could if i would, but also in a dangerous position that if something hits the fan while i am in a position, i will be the first one to sacrificed.

Perfectly normal. Few and foolhardy are those willing to risk the preciousness of their lives. Yet brave they are, and deserving of our praise if they are truly noble people.

I offer my solemn silence in respect to the genuine martyrs in the modern day, from America, to the Philippines far to the east. Good souls, who have offered themselves to good causes that so painfully appear to be lost for now, but hopefully not forever.

35 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

But it's all a dream, that i don't see myself achieving to the full thanks to the illness that put a stop to everything

Maybe try to find some not-too-bleak documentaries or magazines that'll let you experience a cup of good humanity the same.


42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Who knows, if I didn't see everything coming anywhere between 30 hours to 1 minute before it happens, I might actually feel something about any of this.


I've found speculating can be fun sometimes. More fun than the reveals actually. (Though I try not to get too disappointed if things don't match my hypotheses.) Though if the story is that predictable and you were hoping it wouldn't be, I see the problem.


33 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Who are those mysterious Jerry and S/S?

It's referring to Three Houses. Jerry being one of my two nicknames for Jeritza, the other being "Donovan". S/S refers to Yuri, which is an ordinary Russian name. But yuri is coincidentally the Japanese term for yaoi, but with lesbians (although it's probably more often written for a straight male audience than real Japanese lesbians -which would make it like yaoi actually). IIRC, both of them were later added as gay options in 3H. Perhaps b/c people weren't happy with the slim m/m pickings of Linhardt and the fake out with Gilbert. While the f/f players had it a little better in 3H.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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ah, Ruben, before you finish, if you are sitll in mood for it, some shining Finger Content




15 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Anime cuts content and will linger less on mood banter to get to the crux of the plot cause it needs to fit within a set number of episodes, so the pacing will leave you less time to realize certain things.

True, not to mention the anime cuts like almost everything Ruben complained about (except for Lukako stuff, and even that was done better in the anime).

15 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Of course you being able to appreciate the characters is also a big factor since you were invested in the bits of simple interactions without desperately trying to find something interesting that's external to it, I'd say. You'll shift your attention to that and some details will be more easily missed. I was in the middle kind.

That's true

It also made made approach the quadzillion side materials later xD


Not caring enough for the characters, but being too gullible for my own good XD

happened to all of us xD

Edited by Shrimpresident
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4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


And that's why there's no Kyouma in 0...

As Kyouma truely brought Chaos & Destruction to the world with his creations, but more importantly...

he hurt his friends

It's as I've been saying all game.

He done goofed.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

I mean, i remember you were engrossed in the Mystery


Aaargh! Asscheeks and damnation! Condemnation! What a shame...

I mean, I dunno if not knowing this would've fixed everything. Doubtful. But...

I need to send a d-mail 

4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Internet because half the net thinks the story before the Funny is slow (something i don't agree with, and you didn't either iirc, anime funny moments aside)

Damnit, internet...

1 minute ago, Shrimpresident said:

ah, Ruben, before you finish, if you are sitll in mood for it, some shining Finger Content

Thanks. Might give it a watch over dinner.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I feel sorry for you.

Don't be (Thanks tho)^^

I will still try to achieve it, and if i don't then i don't. Not everything is achieveable, and i already achieved something in my life (namely my Master degree), so it's not all bleak 😉

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've found speculating can be fun sometimes

Speculating with fellow fans especially tho

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's as I've been saying all game.

He done goofed

His wishes, his delusions of  grandeur...

became true

Monkey's paw

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need to send a d-mail 

You are dooming us to a dystopia for something so simple?


tbh would do the same if i was spoiled something big

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damnit, internet..

I can say that about many things lol

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thanks. Might give it a watch over dinner.

If you do, do tell me your reaction, i have a feeling you might really like this one (or hate it lol, with you i am confused sometime because sometime you like & hate the same exact stuff xDD)

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