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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So you could actually get away with them?

I'm assuming these cloaks and robes don't have a fur trim (real or not), am I wrong?

Nay, just bought from a historic replica shop. Probably meant for roleplay in hindsight but hey, it works better at repelling rain than any jacket I've worn.

Also some trinkets bought from home, because as I said, country's most liberal cities, weird clothing is almost encouraged there.

Oh! And my poncho from the Andes, can't forget about that.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That or GuardianSing is actually a wizard.

Nope, just a rambling flute player with purposely odd clothing choices.

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Just finished chapter 9 in Tearring.

It's hilarious how mad Eugen is about 2g.

For those who remember correctly:


Does Lan's Mirror stay on Plum after she gets taken?

And how would Meriah's level 15 skills work? Can she get both or only one?

Edited by Dayni
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4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

true XD

Then again am i so different lol

I love Fates, Berwick and 3H kek

You like 3H.

We are not the same.

4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Three Heiters

Haters? Is that me? Who are the other two?

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've watched too much Dateline, I know they'll catch you and convict you 99% of the time.😜


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The fanservice is purely of my own creation in this case! There is no such scene in the game whatsoever. Don't blame the game, blame me!

Too late. I've already

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No two things are wholly incompatible in the opinions of Humankind.

Although, yeah. Just look at the pretty landscapes, and maybe see if the music is overblown or actually good, and that'd be enuf for you and Xeno. You can end it with that. I would evangelize to you no more on Xeno than I would try convincing you to kiss Nabarl/Navarre's tunnel of love.

Hah! What a simile.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My back feels better!

Back Muscles GIF - Back Muscles Anime - Discover & Share GIFs

Glad to hear it. I had meant to give you my best wishes, but I uh... forgot. Sorry.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:


No Capes GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Why? Who's Rebel Friend?

Glad you asked! Rebel Friend is a character that debuted in Lego Star Wars 2, reprising an identical role in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. He is, to my knowledge, the only original character in the game. You can call him the Kris of Lego Star Wars.
Like Kris, he enters the playable cast in the very first level of the game, Secret Plans, where initially you follow Leia and Captain Antilles during their escape from the Tantive IV. After Leia leaves the Death Star plans with R2 and leaves, Antilles is left with the droids. Shortly after, the group encounters Rebel Friend. Rebel Friend is fighting stormtroopers on the other side of a chasm. After the player kills them by dropping them into the void and finds a way across, Rebel Friend joins the group for the remainder of the level. It is worth noting that Rebel Friend is not seen dying - while Vader visibly murders Antilles via kinky magic choke and the droids escape aboard an escape pod, Rebel Friend simply vanishes. Probably because he's a wizard. This leaves his fate open to interpretation.
Visually, Rebel Friend looks exactly the same as the generic rebel troopers, only his shirt is red instead of blue. He has no special abilities to set him apart from his generic peers, his animations are the same, and overall, there's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have been a generic rebel trooper. But he wasn't a generic rebel trooper. He was Rebel Friend.

Wow, that was so unnecessarily long and verbose. I'd be great at writing Wookeepedia articles!

Honestly, I just love the fact that he's in Skywalker Saga. Rebel Friend being in Skywalker Saga is one of the biggest middle fingers to the rabid fans demanding Cad Bane. Not as much as Mamma Hutt, but still. They ommitted many fan favorite Glup Shittos, and yet they introduced the completely random OC from Complete Saga that's literally just a rebel trooper in a red shirt. Generic rebel troopers aren't even playable in Skywalker Saga, and yet Rebel Friend is even though he doesn't even exist in this game. I love it.

The second part of why I like him is that he's called Rebel Friend. They could've called him Rebel Commander, or Rebel Corporal, or... I don't know, Rudimentary Alossss, but they called him Rebel Friend instead. That's just wonderful.

tl;dr: He's a dumb meme and I like dumb memes.


Incidentally, while I was looking for an image of Rebel Friend to share above, I ran into this website.


What the absolute fuck is this.

Why is Rebel Friend for sale at this obvious scam website.

Why does the article name say "Brickipedia | Fandom"

Why did the "guests" become different people, decrease from 4 to 3 and simultaneously edit their comments when I reloaded the page.

Why can I change the price of the article in the URL to the point where they owe me money for obtaining their Rebel Friend.

Just... what, what, what, why? Who would fall for this...?

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I hope Xenoblade 3 has even more fanservice

Reminds me of this Backloggd review


I hope Xenoblade 3 causes even more butthurt

Of course you do.

Well, you know what? I'm still the only one here who has played and enjoyed Dragon Age. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me, the anime hater. Cry me a river.

3 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

You’re telling me you’ve never seen Terminator 2!?!

No, that's not what I was telling you. That being said, I could tell you that, because it's true.

3 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

I used the ending of that film to show that you were selfless to sacrifice your ego to apologize to someone.


2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Here at home I often wear cloaks and robes over normal clothing since I find it more comfortable and nice looking than modern stuff.

I live an hour away from the country's most liberal city so the worst I get is the occasional odd stare from an older person, so that proves that this kind of stuff is the future.

I wish I were as brave as you.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That or GuardianSing is actually a wizard.

I knew it! I knew it all along!

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Probably meant for roleplay in hindsight but hey, it works better at repelling rain than any jacket I've worn.

Cosplayers in shambles.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Just finished chapter 9 in Tearring.

It's hilarious how mad Eugen is about 2g.

Eugen has three states of being: Extremely angry and sassy at something/someone, flirting with women but only so he can conscript them to his army, or smugly bragging about his plans despite the fact that they're the worst plans in the history of planning.

I love him so much.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Your aunt wants what?

She wants nachos.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

For those who remember correctly:

  Hide contents

Does Lan's Mirror stay on Plum after she gets taken?

Yep. It's the only item that does, alongside Enarmor, if she got it from Lee.

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Comments from Excelblem's newest part of the Rev KMU




I get why though.

1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:





Great, do I have to make an edit for that one too?

Also, am I misunderstanding this map? Is Corrin alone? Do you not have anyone-



Is Corrin now the villain?

Truly this is the providence of Chaos!

1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:



The mighty Rolf!

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Haters? Is that me? Who are the other two?

Heit is Frisian for Father.

I should have looked into what the plural was, but I got lazy.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yep. It's the only item that does, alongside Enarmor, if she got it from Lee.

That's good.

Didn't help the Witches kept trying to kill her.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eugen has three states of being: Extremely angry and sassy at something/someone, flirting with women but only so he can conscript them to his army, or smugly bragging about his plans despite the fact that they're the worst plans in the history of planning.

Runan just spent 20k when arriving on the mainland too on equipment.

8k of which was a repair hammer because I forgot where I'd get one.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Is Corrin now the villain?


but yes, Corrin is the boss of the map, and we have to start from where Iago usually is and work our way towards Corrin, defeating the retainers and sisters along the way

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Everyday is Earth day,

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish I were as brave as you.

If a 17 year old can do it, then you can do it as well.

...Unless of course you live in an area where dressing such a way puts you at a genuine disadvantage.

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The weather wasn't as warm as I was hoping it'd be. Windchill just had to get in the way.😑 Why couldn't they be hot winds? And the carpenter bees came back after who being who knows where for the past few days, where did they go? They come and leave as if only to bother me.

Still, I was able to enjoy the day enough to read the intro and first chapter of the wine history book. I don't want to burn myself out on the book so soon (or wear it out b/c it's from a library and looks fairly new and undamaged), but I so want to type up notes on dozens and dozens of factoids that I found fascinating within. From 3150 BC Egyptian king who was buried with possibly 6000 wine jars, to the world's earliest wine labels, with some such as "Wine for taxes" and "Wine for offerings", which might mean that the wine was of inferior quality and thus not worth selling on the market. Also possible evidence of early alcohol-related misogyny of women being particularly heavy drinkers if you let them have it. It's sorta amazing Egypt could grow wine at all, given the country is stated as being too hot and too-heavily watered to suit grape vines, and yet, the more temperate Nile Delta thanks to Mediterranean breezes could support viticulture, and even some oases far inland in the south could sustain wine grapes.

I might need to get that Hundred Days wine simulator video game in a Steam sale at some point. It has gotten positive reviews.


I saw that people have been gathering more details concerning Nintendo of America's objectionable practices now that we have the one complaint. Seems like NoA engages in questionable behaviors that are standard across modern industries. Specifically- hiring contractors and keep them permanent contracted in practice, but don't formally bring them into NoA itself. As long as they belong to nominally independent companies, NoA's corporate legal responsibilities and liabilities remain limited, and the salaries and benefits of the contract employees can remain low. Amazon is another user of these practices.

Reminds me somewhat of what I know of academia actually. "Adjunct" professors are freelancers who get underpaid and overworked teaching courses at multiple colleges and universities. Hiring adjuncts is very popular, since no institution of higher learning wants to devote more money to salaries than they have to, students and their parents never stop complaining about tuition costs and increases already. The dream of getting on the tenure-track, of becoming a full-time professor working at a single university, is the illusive and hard fought for escape from adjunct hell. It's similarly contractual.


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Nope, just a rambling flute player with purposely odd clothing choices.

A flute is a musical instrument. 

Bards are musicians.

Bards are sometimes associated with magic.

You can't hide from me, Orpheus!


4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My back feels better!

Back Muscles GIF - Back Muscles Anime - Discover & Share GIFs

First, my apologies for not wishing you well before. I wasn't sure what to say this time. Although I have had a few strange incidents of lumbar agony despite not being old, probably from living an overly sedentary lifestyle.

Though, I have also been informed that back pain is an inevitable byproduct of human evolution. The result of our evolutionary ancestors learning to walk upright, the spine hasn't found a way to alleviate the issues that came with that yet. Its curvature awkwardly tries to keep our bodies balanced upright without leaning too far forward or back.

-Though we should not curse our primate predecessors, for it is walking upright -possibly due to those ancestors leaving the safety of treetops- that slowly brought us to our present state. Freeing up our arms and hands meant we could do things with them we hadn't considered, which led to the use of tools. Tools grew our brains, which made us more effective at gathering foodstuffs and made us into hunters, and protein-rich meat further grew our brains and made us yet better with tools. Eventually freed hands and tool-loving big brains invent animal husbandry and agriculture and human civilization as we live it begins and here we are.

Overall, not a terrible tradeoff if you ask me.🤓

Oh, and second, thanks for the gif!😉

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Okay, time to continue going through Delirium Lava Ruins. Hmm, not yet decided if to just marry right away now or wait. Usually I've always felt that the intermission between Acts 2 and 3 to be a good spot narrative wise for the protagonist to finally tie the knot... hmm... perhaps I might wait after all. Helps I can see the other events and save myself from unlocking all Newlywed Modes through multiple playthroughs. Then I'd just need two for that, one for each of Lest and Frey.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

Everyday is Earth day,

Any one day is one Earth day long after all.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw that people have been gathering more details concerning Nintendo of America's objectionable practices now that we have the one complaint. Seems like NoA engages in questionable behaviors that are standard across modern industries. Specifically- hiring contractors and keep them permanent contracted in practice, but don't formally bring them into NoA itself. As long as they belong to nominally independent companies, NoA's corporate legal responsibilities and liabilities remain limited, and the salaries and benefits of the contract employees can remain low. Amazon is another user of these practices.

Reminds me somewhat of what I know of academia actually. "Adjunct" professors are freelancers who get underpaid and overworked teaching courses at multiple colleges and universities. Hiring adjuncts is very popular, since no institution of higher learning wants to devote more money to salaries than they have to, students and their parents never stop complaining about tuition costs and increases already. The dream of getting on the tenure-track, of becoming a full-time professor working at a single university, is the illusive and hard fought for escape from adjunct hell. It's similarly contractual.

More of that shit, ugh.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

It was a miss-



Hans was rolling his RNG to be in his favour here as far back as Chapter 3

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12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

More of that shit, ugh.

I thought at some point, somebody would bring this up. Might as well make myself the bearer of the bad news.

Not saying we have to talk about, I just wanted to get it over with. We're pretty powerless in these matters after all. We can bury it now...


...as they will these village ruins from the Yayoi period of Japanese history (~300 BC-300 AD), which they found under the construction site of Nintendo's planned history of itself museum.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe I should wait a little more before entering the thread...

Post SRW

3 hours ago, Dayni said:

Since when?

Ever since I decided you are.

Thumbsup GIF - ThumbsUp Ok Good GIFs | Anime motivational posters, Anime,  Cute gif

52 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Please, don't give up! You have to destroy the forces of Chaos once and for all


54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glad to hear it. I had meant to give you my best wishes, but I uh... forgot. Sorry.

No problem

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Enjoy having a horrible death when your cape gets caught on something

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glad you asked! Rebel Friend is a character that debuted in Lego Star Wars 2, reprising an identical role in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. He is, to my knowledge, the only original character in the game. You can call him the Kris of Lego Star Wars.
Like Kris, he enters the playable cast in the very first level of the game, Secret Plans, where initially you follow Leia and Captain Antilles during their escape from the Tantive IV. After Leia leaves the Death Star plans with R2 and leaves, Antilles is left with the droids. Shortly after, the group encounters Rebel Friend. Rebel Friend is fighting stormtroopers on the other side of a chasm. After the player kills them by dropping them into the void and finds a way across, Rebel Friend joins the group for the remainder of the level. It is worth noting that Rebel Friend is not seen dying - while Vader visibly murders Antilles via kinky magic choke and the droids escape aboard an escape pod, Rebel Friend simply vanishes. Probably because he's a wizard. This leaves his fate open to interpretation.
Visually, Rebel Friend looks exactly the same as the generic rebel troopers, only his shirt is red instead of blue. He has no special abilities to set him apart from his generic peers, his animations are the same, and overall, there's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have been a generic rebel trooper. But he wasn't a generic rebel trooper. He was Rebel Friend.

Wow, that was so unnecessarily long and verbose. I'd be great at writing Wookeepedia articles!

Honestly, I just love the fact that he's in Skywalker Saga. Rebel Friend being in Skywalker Saga is one of the biggest middle fingers to the rabid fans demanding Cad Bane. Not as much as Mamma Hutt, but still. They ommitted many fan favorite Glup Shittos, and yet they introduced the completely random OC from Complete Saga that's literally just a rebel trooper in a red shirt. Generic rebel troopers aren't even playable in Skywalker Saga, and yet Rebel Friend is even though he doesn't even exist in this game. I love it.

The second part of why I like him is that he's called Rebel Friend. They could've called him Rebel Commander, or Rebel Corporal, or... I don't know, Rudimentary Alossss, but they called him Rebel Friend instead. That's just wonderful.

So, what I get from this is: you like this character because he is generic and causes butthurt in the fanbase...

Yeah, we're really not that different.

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course you do.

Well, you know what? I'm still the only one here who has played and enjoyed Dragon Age. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me, the anime hater. Cry me a river.

And I like you even more for it, Rooben.

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

First, my apologies for not wishing you well before. I wasn't sure what to say this time. Although I have had a few strange incidents of lumbar agony despite not being old, probably from living an overly sedentary lifestyle.

No prob

42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Though, I have also been informed that back pain is an inevitable byproduct of human evolution. The result of our evolutionary ancestors learning to walk upright, the spine hasn't found a way to alleviate the issues that came with that yet. Its curvature awkwardly tries to keep our bodies balanced upright without leaning too far forward or back.

-Though we should not curse our primate predecessors, for it is walking upright -possibly due to those ancestors leaving the safety of treetops- that slowly brought us to our present state. Freeing up our arms and hands meant we could do things with them we hadn't considered, which led to the use of tools. Tools grew our brains, which made us more effective at gathering foodstuffs and made us into hunters, and protein-rich meat further grew our brains and made us yet better with tools. Eventually freed hands and tool-loving big brains invent animal husbandry and agriculture and human civilization as we live it begins and here we are.

Wouldn't be you without this😜

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, and second, thanks for the gif!😉


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The game bamboozled me. The rumor I purchased said Rebel Friend was at Hoth. The rumor also said I had to progress in Empire Strikes Back and travel to a place called Crait. What it didn't say was that Crait is a planet that does not appear in Empire Strikes Back. So now I have to wait to get Rebel Friend.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Runan just spent 20k when arriving on the mainland too on equipment.

8k of which was a repair hammer because I forgot where I'd get one.

The TRS experience.

59 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw that people have been gathering more details concerning Nintendo of America's objectionable practices now that we have the one complaint. Seems like NoA engages in questionable behaviors that are standard across modern industries. Specifically- hiring contractors and keep them permanent contracted in practice, but don't formally bring them into NoA itself. As long as they belong to nominally independent companies, NoA's corporate legal responsibilities and liabilities remain limited, and the salaries and benefits of the contract employees can remain low. Amazon is another user of these practices.

Reminds me somewhat of what I know of academia actually. "Adjunct" professors are freelancers who get underpaid and overworked teaching courses at multiple colleges and universities. Hiring adjuncts is very popular, since no institution of higher learning wants to devote more money to salaries than they have to, students and their parents never stop complaining about tuition costs and increases already. The dream of getting on the tenure-track, of becoming a full-time professor working at a single university, is the illusive and hard fought for escape from adjunct hell. It's similarly contractual.

Gonna have to latch on to the good ol' "THEY MAKE GOOD GAMES" argument real hard for this one.

It's starting to become the one thing setting them apart from the likes of Ubisoft.

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Enjoy having a horrible death when your cape gets caught on something

I will.

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

So, what I get from this is: you like this character because he is generic and causes butthurt in the fanbase...

Truth be told, the one that really causes butthurt is Mamma the Hutt. People are incredibly angry at that character. But Rebel Friend would cause butthurt if they stopped to think about him, I mean, he's a pointless recolor with a ridiculous name that's playable instead of their beloved Cad Bane.

10 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Yeah, we're really not that different.

Not really, are we. Even if you're the anime master and I'm... well, me.

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14 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

pro strat

managing to get sick right before finals deadlines are coming up

this is big brain, folks.

I hope you’re able to get that all sorted out. And that you get well soon! Take care of yourself.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I want the story mode to end on Revenge of the Sith


52 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

It was a miss-



>86 HP

This definitely isn’t vanilla Fates.

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