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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

still don't see how slower speed would even remotely benefit any game.

Easy, its called "balance". Speed will never be balanced the way games usuallu handle the stat, the best way to fix it is make it a flat rate, or remove it from the system entirely. Turn based games especially fall under this trap. Have you never seen FFT's system? 

Theres a reason its "slow units are shit and faat units are broken." The way speed is handled, the curve of turns between units is a huge imbalance of power.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

speedy units are also fun. I like fun

Hey FFT, it wont be fun. Free wins is what speed units are, haha.

The mod im currently playing requires it, i think that speaks for itself.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Hey FFT, it wont be fun. Free wins is what speed units are, haha.

The mod im currently playing requires it, i think that speaks for itself.

I forgot you were on about FFT 1.3 mod for a moment.

You finished it then?

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We had a scary moment in the mountain today. A scary moment involving extremely slippery grass and a slope going down a good few meters into a bunch of rocks.

My dad, a friend of his and me separated from the group. They were going further into the mountain, while we were going back to pick up the cars, since the other way wouldn't lead back to them. However, we followed the wrong path and ran out of, well, path. While we were making our way through the grassy wilderness to another path further beyond, my dad's friend slipped and slid down a couple of meters before being able to stop herself. I was behind her when it happened. For a moment my dad and I were afraid for her. Then, once it was clear she was safe, I became afraid for myself, still standing on the same grass and looking down the same slope.

Everything ended well, but Jesus fucking Christ that was terrifying. Left all three of us shook for a while. Be very careful if and when you go to these places, guys. They don't have to be dangerous, but you can make them dangerous if you don't plan things properly.

...A fucking goat showed up out of nowhere while this was all going down, too. Just casually strolling in the distance and staring at us like we were the circus troupé. Looking back, the comedic timing couldn't have been any more perfect.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Why is Nowi so bad in teehee’s favorite Awakening patch? She gets one rounded by everything.

She's bad in vanilla too lol. In my run I forgot to move her and she got one-rounded by the first enemy that came up to her. It was very sad.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She's bad in vanilla too lol. In my run I forgot to move her and she got one-rounded by the first enemy that came up to her. It was very sad.

Was she? I guess I didn’t use her that much.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...A fucking goat showed up out of nowhere while this was all going down, too. Just casually strolling in the distance and staring at us like we were the circus troupé. Looking back, the comedic timing couldn't have been any more perfect.

Goats just don't understands how humans do it.

Just, suck at climbing.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My dad, a friend of his and me separated from the group. They were going further into the mountain, while we were going back to pick up the cars, since the other way wouldn't lead back to them. However, we followed the wrong path and ran out of, well, path. While we were making our way through the grassy wilderness to another path further beyond, my dad's friend slipped and slid down a couple of meters before being able to stop herself. I was behind her when it happened. For a moment my dad and I were afraid for her. Then, once it was clear she was safe, I became afraid for myself, still standing on the same grass and looking down the same slope.

Is she unharmed?

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Was she? I guess I didn’t use her that much.

Yeah on higher difficulties she gets creamed if left to her own dievices.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

give yourself the bonk, friend!

Intent has always mattered Shrimpy. The fact you thought of it and I didn't would arguably make you suspect.

But if you insist:


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Done with Chapter 3 in Ys IX. Hawk ended his recruitment chapter more likable than when it started, as it was for White Cat. A pattern that'll continue? Boss fight at the end took some time, because IDK how, but the AI swapped to the useless Defensive mode and I didn't realize this or how to fix it until after like three losses.😅 Fight was a bit tough IMO, but then I'm not a gud player. The *ahem* little plot mystery leaves me wondering what has happened exactly. 

On the raid battle replacements, the fact I can ignore all enemies and focus on smashing the crystals ("Lacrima"? Really? Feels so wrong for the franchise to ever use that word again after VIII.) ought to make them too easy. The mandatory Nox collection via fighting and side quests ain't bad even if it slows the start of every chapter, I was gonna do the side quests anyhow, not a big problem forcing a timetable on me. I just don't get quite yet they can expire. Money seems tight, and I'm not going out of my way to return to collection points for more forging materials just yet. I want to get the Monstrums united first. 

Of the remaining three yet to be recruited, the Monstrum I'm most interested in is Renegade. What's up with his design? The few lines of dialogue he has had don't show him to be some kind of psycho like his appearance first suggested to me, and that'd be rather redundant with the Feral Hawk. Now I taken the time to seriously notice it's a damaged nun's costume of all things, so Renegade from faith and or from gender norms (when we already have a 100% stereotype bartender)? -Assuming Falcom attached a deeper meaning to the monikers and designs. Hawk has religion connections already though, are they going to assign one to the last male too? Perhaps in relation to the missing Cardinal? -Renegade is getting the attention from me b/c Adol has cardboard for personality, he doesn't count as a playable chatterbox who undergoes any form of character development nor is he new, leaving the balance 2-3 male-female. Ys VIII spent its two non-Adol male slots on a very earthly family man and a young man who surprisingly turned to be an Otome Heartthrob(?), IX gives us A Bird That Hungers For A Decent Challenge, and what?

I know, Doll is next, Renny is going to be either last or second to last, I'm just jotting down my speculations and thoughts because I like doing that. Overall, I guess I like the Monstrum idea, the present introduction method of Monstrum Name with the true name and appearance beneath the transformation showing itself sometime later is not bad. Maybe I like henshin-ing in general.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Doctor can now say the n-word.

I don't need to check the Internet to visualize the shitstorm flying at this decision. And I won't. Enjoy the few years we have left until our new cultural overlords leave television and the creative arts a true wasteland, suffocated with chalk dust.

To change the topic from incredibly optimistic perspectives, how's your Doctor Who marathon coming along? You haven't mentioned that since it started.


38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We had a scary moment in the mountain today. A scary moment involving extremely slippery grass and a slope going down a good few meters into a bunch of rocks.

My dad, a friend of his and me separated from the group. They were going further into the mountain, while we were going back to pick up the cars, since the other way wouldn't lead back to them. However, we followed the wrong path and ran out of, well, path. While we were making our way through the grassy wilderness to another path further beyond, my dad's friend slipped and slid down a couple of meters before being able to stop herself. I was behind her when it happened. For a moment my dad and I were afraid for her. Then, once it was clear she was safe, I became afraid for myself, still standing on the same grass and looking down the same slope.

Everything ended well, but Jesus fucking Christ that was terrifying. Left all three of us shook for a while. Be very careful if and when you go to these places, guys. They don't have to be dangerous, but you can make them dangerous if you don't plan things properly.

This is why I'll stick to video games for hiking and mountain climbing. Less chance of injury and or death.

Glad you came out in one piece!😃

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I forgot you were on about FFT 1.3 mod for a moment.

You finished it then?

If only I were that good... 

Im at Limberry Castle (imo the hardest non END) battle sequence. 

1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:


It's squeenix so fun is probably out lol

The gameplay is really fucked balance wise. 

Shit is broken to the max. The mod im playing removes most of that, but the CPU/Player bullshit ratio is annoying af. If you can look past that the mod is great.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

If only I were that good... 

Im at Limberry Castle (imo the hardest non END) battle sequence. 

Oh good grief, you're there.

And yeah, it'd have been impressive considering how you started Friday.

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is why I'll stick to video games for hiking and mountain climbing. Less chance of injury and or death.

So there's still a chance.

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Oh good grief, you're there.

And yeah, it'd have been impressive considering how you started Friday.

I can kinda run through ch 1 and 2 on auto pilot since I know the setups so well, and how to counter X bullshit. 

But Ch 4 is another can of worms entirely. Infinite elixers is annoying af to deal with.

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Exit Fate continues to be amazing.

Not much else. It just does.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Goats just don't understands how humans do it.

Just, suck at climbing.

We have a talent.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Is she unharmed?

Yes, nothing happened to her other than the unpleasant experience.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Yeah on higher difficulties she gets creamed if left to her own dievices.

Shrimpy already acknowledged the cream thing, so I will instead turn my attention to dievices.

Which is true. She does die if left to her own dievices. Her devices to die.

I'm not funny.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Intent has always mattered Shrimpy. The fact you thought of it and I didn't would arguably make you suspect.

But if you insist:


Who will wield the Bonkstick now?

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is why I'll stick to video games for hiking and mountain climbing. Less chance of injury and or death.

Hahah, well, all right.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Glad you came out in one piece!😃


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Man, got my first typhoon just before the Buddy Battle festival. Thankfully I had already used Wettable Powder on my fields some days ago, so I was ready. No crop lost.

For the festival I used a Buffamoo and a Cluckadoodle. They couldn't be a more opposite team-up. The former decided to just wander around while the latter aggressively attacked and... well, pretty much did all the work, pft. I won, but well, for next festival I'm definitely not using the Buffamoo again. XD

Started my incursion through the Sechs Territory. I fully explored the first area and half of the cave area. I might do the rest in a couple days... and I do say a couple days since, now that I got Maraget over 10LP, the pre-marriage event triggered! I'm done playing for the day, but I'll definitely finish it next time!

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4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


That's "step on Lego" levels of hate right there xD

You deadass gotta be like frameperfect here, this guy did it successfully and even then he was close to death also he's playing with the borders, eww.

And see, i got Save Assist on, which means infinite lives. If i was playing the original version, i'd have to be dealing with lives and game overs.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Easy, its called "balance". Speed will never be balanced the way games usuallu handle the stat, the best way to fix it is make it a flat rate, or remove it from the system entirely. Turn based games especially fall under this trap. Have you never seen FFT's system? 

Theres a reason its "slow units are shit and faat units are broken." The way speed is handled, the curve of turns between units is a huge imbalance of power.

Just one small issue, speed is super important because it determines who gets to go first. It's not unbalanced, it's just simple logic, the faster guy acts first.

Only way to avoid that would just be to have a fixed order and have speed just affect evasion or some shit.....in which case those with higher evasion would still be better than those with lesser evasion.

And that's in RPGs, in fighting games it's a whole other can of worms.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everything ended well, but Jesus fucking Christ that was terrifying. Left all three of us shook for a while. Be very careful if and when you go to these places, guys. They don't have to be dangerous, but you can make them dangerous if you don't plan things properly.

At least everything was fine in the end thankfully.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't need to check the Internet to visualize the shitstorm flying at this decision. And I won't

The moment i saw who it was i was like "mmm yep, i see the comments now". The tamer ones are just shit like "he's too young" which doesn't make sense because Matt Smith was younger than Ncuti when he played The Doctor. "He's too unknown" setting aside the fact that he's apparently won a few awards over there in the UK, a lot of Doctor Who actors are pretty unknown before they become a part of it. Apparently Tom Baker was deadass just picked up from a construction site and he ended up becoming the actor with the longest time spent playing The Doctor.

The more intense comments are.....well, you already know without me having to tell you.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

how's your Doctor Who marathon coming along? You haven't mentioned that since it started.

Yeah about that.

I said before i would skip episodes i wasn't being engaged in and tbh, i'm feeling this for the whole First and Second Doctor eras. I respect the legacy but they ain't really doing it for me. And well, with 90% of Second Doctor eras being lost to the void, i think i'm gonna make the decision to just fast-forward to the start of the Third Doctor era (also when the show transitioned to color finally).

As for why i haven't really mentioned it, it's because i haven't really been watching too much for the afromentioned reason. Of course, i gave up on the Xenoblade deadline, Monolith Soft told my plans to go fuck themselves. Instead, i have a new deadline: November 23, 2023: the show's 60th anniversary and the start of the 14th Doctor era. That's a long-ass time but it'll pretty much ensure i'm fully caught up by then. I still haven't seen 13th's final season (tho there's still some episodes left to air).

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Haven't really paying attention to Doctor Who, but I take it they retcon the whole "only 13 regenerations" in order to have a 14th regeneration into the 14th Doctor (since War Doctor does still count, right?). Or do something at least to address that.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Haven't really paying attention to Doctor Who, but I take it they retcon the whole "only 13 regenerations" in order to have a 14th regeneration into the 14th Doctor (since War Doctor does still count, right?). Or do something at least to address that.

Sorta. Matt Smith's final episode had The Doctor being given a new set of regenerations. 

Then that was retconned so that The Doctor has always had infinite regenerations (alluding to a plot point in the Tom Baker episode The Brain of Morbius where pre-Hartnell incarnations briefly showed).

But it was so controversial that Chinball (the guy who wrote the retcon) apparently expects RTD to just retcon that.

Retconning is in this show's DNA tbf.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

while fire is behind you? OOF

What's extra fucked is that if you proceed like normal to the next area and then come back, the lava is gone, but if you go up the path, you'll come across a pit of lava you can't cross. You can only go that route while the lava is chasing you, meaning no cheesing.

Literally that first wall jump is the biggest issue, if i didn't have to frameperfect that, it would be so much more doable.

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