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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, I hate winter nights.

I am so fucking comfortable, going to work is twice as hard as it is during summer. I already overslept once since I brought out the heavier covers...

Three days into Fall, and I'm already loathing it myself. The temperature dropped significantly as soon the seasons changed, less realistic gradualism, more Farming Sim "Yesterday there were orange leaves on the trees, now there's layer of snow on every surface imaginable".


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I should find a sunny place in the south to hide in

Not Italy I would strongly advise, I learned a few days ago they're about to vote in Ms. Mussolini.😰

The only thing that made me completely forget that on the day I discovered it, was unexpected horny. Oh sweet escapism.

-I really don't want to keep discussing democratic decline, but I have to warn you. Although I expect you may have already been aware of this, being it's on your continent. Italy picking autocracy in the 20s again, I pray for you and the world that history doesn't repeat itself in the 30s.


36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Do you folks ever take a random fictional character and think about how they would be as a Fire Emblem unit?


  • Anogia Personals
  • Growths:
    • HP: 60
    • Str: 55
    • Mag: 55
    • Dex: 45
    • Spd: 20
    • Lck: 25
    • Def: 30
    • Res: 30
    • Cha: 45
  • Skill Boons:
    • Lances
    • Faith
    • Authority
    • Heavy Armor
  • Skill Banes:
    • Bows
    • Riding
    • Flying
  • Abilities:
    • Model Leader
    • Battalion Wrath
  • Combat Arts
    • Vengeance (C+)
    • Frozen Lance Swift Strikes (A)
    • Sunder (C+)
    • Focused Strike (C+)
  • Reason Magic:
    • Thunder (D)
    • Thoron (C)
    • Luna ^ (C+)
    • Death L (B)
  • Faith Magic:
    • Heal (D)
    • Nosferatu (D+)
    • Seraphim (C)
    • Abraxas (A)
  • “Crest”- Violet Lapis
    • 50% chance of doubling weapon/spell Might when attacking, but crest-bearer suffers 10 nonfatal damage after combat.
  • Personal Skill- Teness Lux:
    • All White Magic Abilities apply to all magic types.
  • Personal Class- Siegfried
    • Description:
      • Mysterious black knight from another world. As a Magi, Anogia is peerless with both lance and [white magic].
    • Armor
    • Can use magic (normal quantity of uses).
    • Stat Boosts:
      • HP: +6
      • Str: +4
      • Spd: -6
      • Def: +4
      • Res: +4
      • Mov: +1
    • Growth Rates:
      • HP: +30%
      • Str: +5%
      • Mag: +5%
      • Dex: +5%
      • Def: +5%
      • Res: +5%
      • Cha: +5%
    • Skill Level Bonus:
      • +3 Lance
      • +3 Faith
      • +3 Armor
    • Innate Abilities
      • Lancefaire
      • White Tomefaire
      • White Magic Uses x2
    • Mastered Ability- Magi’s Tactics:
      • Gambits target the lower defensive stat of enemies.
  • Recruitment:
    • Anogia cannot be recruited until after Chapter 12 Crimson Flower or Chapter 13 on all other routes. Anogia must have his Paralogue completed first.
    • Base Class is Siegfried.
    • Default Skill Levels:
      • Sword: D+
      • Lances: A
      • Axes: C+
      • Bows: E
      • Brawling: D
      • Reason: B
      • Faith: A
      • Authority: B
      • Riding: E
      • Flying: E
      • Heavy Armor: B+
    • Default Abilities:
      • Lance Prowess Lv 4
      • Faith Lv 4
      • Defense +2
      • Armored Blow
      • Renewal
      • Also has all the Abilities and Combat Arts his default Skill Levels unlock in reserves. And HP +5.
    • Default Inventory:
      • Blessed Lance
      • Spear
      • Concoction
      • Seraph Robe
  • Summary:
    • Originally, I was going to whip up one of these profiles for Dino, but being that he would’ve been basically the same as Yuri, I opted for a more interesting gameplay writeup- Anogia.
    • Class:
      • To begin, Anogia combines a Lance boon with a Faith boon, which sounds like the recipe for a Holy Knight. A late recruitment and a Riding bane with a complete lack of starting level -as Luminous Arc 3 has no horse riders- crosses out this idea.
      • Indeed, the ubiquity of Riding or Flying among Lance-oriented classes places severe limits on what Anogia can become. His skill banes are devastating. His Heavy Armor boon and great base level aren’t enough to readily get him into Great Knight.
      • Fortunately, Anogia is a pre-promote with his own unique class that lets him be himself. It isn’t quite as killer as Jeritza in Death Knight, but it’s all he needs to function.
        • Siegfried is an armor class, which in itself is a serious blow. The class that is Anogia’s Magi lineage was given 5 Move to place it on par with the already lackluster Emperor, 4 Move on Advanced/Master classes being a total mistake.
        • Lancefaire, White Tomefaire, and White Magic Uses x2 (because offensive White Magic uses are so limited) emphasize the hybrid offense of the class, and points out that this armor class can uniquely use magic.
        • The class modifiers are minor, but does make Anogia’s durability balanced on both sides. He can survive sword and spell alike.
        • Magi’s Tactics isn’t incredible for a mastery Ability, but it can be useful. Mostly for hitting low Res enemies, given most Battalions are physical.
      • Being over 1000 years old, and legend in his own world, with an imposing presence, Anogia naturally exudes Authority. He can be given a fairly good Battalion from the start.
    • Personal:
      • Stats:
        • Anogia has a high HP growth and base, though his Defense and Resistance growths are equally lacking. Though salvaged by Siegfried’s modifiers and base stats somewhat, he is not an incredible tank, and his durability ends up average or just above it.
        • Greatest among his faults, is Anogia’s low Spd, as it slays the notion of him ever doubling. Lacking in Luck is another issue.
        • Possessing equally high Strength and Magic growths is Anogia’s greatest asset. Though his bases and Siegfried modifiers set his Strength some points above his Magic, his spells can still hit hard. Average Dexterity means he won’t have outstanding accuracy issues.
        • All of the above, minus the Luck and average Charm (which do not exist in LA3) align with Anogia’s bases and Unique option growths.
      • “Crest”:
        • The Violet Lapis is a magic rock embedded in Anogia, evidence of his status as a Magi. In Fodlan, it’s sufficient for him to use Relics without drawbacks.
        • Since he is a Star Eyes however, every use of his Lapis’s full power comes at the risk of sacrificing some of his humanity, reflected in 3H via self-inflicted damage. Paired with a good spell or weapon however, the “Crest” can provide as large a boost to his already potent single-hit offense.
      • Abilities:
        • To fix an inherent problem of latecomers in 3H, a lack of class skills due to missing out on time spent in earlier classes, Anogia joins with four classes already mastered: Commoner, Soldier, Armored Knight, and Bishop.
        • While these free Abilities these provide aren’t ideal, they exist. Which is more than any other pre-promote in 3H can say.
        • The four mastered classes selected are the most basic- Commoner, and one class each from the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced tiers, each reflecting one of the Skill boons of Anogia.
        • Model Leader is there because he is a man of legend. Battalion Wrath is too good, but that’s not my fault, this armor unit could benefit from it.
      • Arts:
        • Sunder is by the far the worst of Anogia’s Combat Arts, being not of his primary physical weapon type and having an only okay Crit bonus. Focused Strike offers an accurate hit at least.
        • Yet, Anogia gets two awesome Lance Arts. His high HP makes the physical pain of Vengeance strong on him, and Swift Strikes throws aside his low Spd for a guaranteed double.
          • I struggled over whether Anogia should get Swift Strikes or Frozen Lance. Since he already has plenty of nice spells and will be struggling to keep up with more mobile frontline units, I settled on Swift Strikes. This will keep his physical offense more relevant.
    • Spells and Anogia’s Personal Ability:
      • At the heart of Anogia’s magical arsenal lay his Personal Ability- Teness Lux.
        • Anogia embraced the power of Teness Lux- the Light of Death. His guardian attribute in LA3 is Light, yet he has the glow of the power more commonly associated with darkness.
        • Also, in LA3, electricity has no specific element to call its own, leaning towards the Silver element, but then the Lightning Whip is a Light weapon of Inaluna.
      • Owing to these circumstances, Anogia gets a melange of Reason and Faith magics.
        • Thunder and Thoron provide a basic utility spell, and a spell with slightly more range for this low Move unit. He is denied Bolting for balance, and because he is ultimately a physical unit in LA3, with a single useful, but not top-tier spell.
        • On Dark Magics, Luna ^ and Death L are both symbolic choices. Death L because Teness Lux is the Light of Death. And Luna ^ because the world era Teness Lux would create is called the Time of the Moon.
        • But above all else, Anogia is Light. And so he gets Heal, and 3/4 of the offensive White Magics. The only one he lacks is Aura, which is denied due to the similarly-named Aura Lux -the Light of Life- being the opposite of his chosen Teness Lux. Seraphim is special for him, since he has a certain bond with the Angel Miria. And Abraxas is there to give him something with high Mt.
      • Thanks to Teness Lux, Anogia is able to buff all three of his magic types with a single skill of its kind if it naturally boosts White Magic. And, look at what Siegfried provides- both White Tomefaire and White Magic Uses x2.
      • Through unique class and Personal Ability, Anogia shows himself a capable Magi Knight indeed. He gets 8 uses out of Thoron and Death, 16 of Seraphim, 4 of Abraxas, and 28 of Nosferatu, not so bad. All of which get +5 Might, even better.
        • As a minor loss, Faith Lv provides half the Hit of Reason Lv, resulting in a loss of 10 Hit if you opt to save an Ability slot and equip only Faith Lv.
        • By themselves the spells aren’t amazing. No Meteor/Bolting nor Dark Spikes nor Warp/Physics/Fortify, but then it’s supposed to be a balanced kit.
        • Due to usable Def & Res and high HP, a Nostanking build is somewhat possible with Anogia, if impaired by him being very vulnerable to being doubled.
      • Yet another benefit to Teness Lux is that Anogia need not ever train up his Reason, given he already has all his spells. He can focus on getting Faith to S rank for White Magic Range +1 for range 4 Thoron instead, and then go a little further to nab a second stack of White Tomefaire.
    • Ultimately, despite being a hybrid unit, Anogia will probably lean magical. The reasons for this are many.:
      • The absence of a Relic weapon.
      • The high risk conditionality of Vengeance.
      • The terrible Spd nulling any chances of doubling.
      • Low movement making getting up close difficult.
      • A solid magic list backed by his class’s Abilities.

Not very often. But have I done it before? Yes.

I've been wanting to do it for the Devil Survivor 2 cast recently. But I keep not doing it for no good reason.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not Italy I would strongly advise, I learned a few days ago they're about to vote in Ms. Mussolini.😰



Already happened Ü

Too many idiots in this world

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I pray for you and the world that history doesn't repeat itself in the 30s.

Atleast this time we will be the good guys!


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You know, now I got reminded I actually once tried to think up a fanfic idea where a FE character(s?) end up in one of the SRW settings. And yes, they eventually learn to pilot an actual mecha.

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I don't remember this theme being boring as shit. Although maybe that's why i don't remember it in the first place lmao.

Some of the comments are saying it's supposed to reflect Ganon's personality in this game but idk, you could've made the theme good.

For the record, the last Zelda game i played prior was A Link Between Worlds and it had this

Not an fair comparison, especially given this is a dynamic song. But like, come on.

At least i get to fight Molgera again.

Edited by Armagon
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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I just been made aware this is a thing:


... I don't know what to react to that, admittedly, hahaha.

...Weirder than learning that Tito's pet cockatoo is still alive at 62 years of age (which is still parroting Croatian obscenities and sweet-nothings its long-dead dictator owner once said). Also, more interesting, cultural exchanges are always nice to hear about, even if the root cause was state-imposed bans on the geopolitical-cultural juggernauts. Sometimes, you just have to try having fun with what you've got access to.

As a random factoid you may already be aware of, the Caesar salad was invented in Tijuana. Though the geography of its birth is mostly b/c Prohibition was in force + gambling was legal on the other side of the border. It otherwise probably would've been born in SoCal.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Weirder than learning that Tito's pet cockatoo is still alive at 62 years of age (which is still parroting Croatian obscenities and sweet-nothings its long-dead dictator owner once said). Also, more interesting, cultural exchanges are always nice to hear about, even if the root cause was state-imposed bans on the geopolitical-cultural juggernauts. Sometimes, you just have to try having fun with what you've got access to.

As a random factoid you may already be aware of, the Caesar salad was invented in Tijuana. Though the geography of its birth is mostly b/c Prohibition was in force + gambling was legal on the other side of the border. It otherwise probably would've been born in SoCal.

Still feels a bit random, heh.

No, I didn't. Maybe, though who knows. The circumstances would be hard to repeat themselves exactly as they were, perhaps. Maybe it'd have some differences of preparation, for example.

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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Falcom: “I’m going to write side stories that are three hours long with no gameplay, and you’re going to watch them because they’re the only way to get money in this game.”

Xenogears: *makes the entire second half of the game a cutscene*

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

That is completely unacceptable, you must start Trails from Zero ASAP. Think of Rixia, Lightxhao! Rixia!

Alright, I'll do it... when I get it, at least.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Let’s goooo.

The ship is back boys.

I see Alisa has an S-tier design in this game. In addition to being one of the bridesmaids, Sharon will be in charge of security at their wedding.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Tbf everyone's being gaslit into liking the game rn.

That was when the game first released, Sakurai doesn't care about anime girls except Pyra.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Time to finish El Despertador del Viento

Have you been keeping up with the Nintendo Gallery? I finished it, but I had the benefit of Miiverse to make getting pictographs easier.

Edited by Lightchao42
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So i beat Wind Waker. And uh....i may have saved over my file. Yeah i forgot it goes the NG+ route, i just assumed it put you back at the final dungeon like literally every other game in the series.

And like it told me that, so that's on me tbf but like i didn't register until it was too late.

Actually kinda upset but oh well. Maybe i'll grab a save from somewhere.

40 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Have you been keeping up with the Nintendo Gallery?

Imma be honest, i did not bother with the side-content in this game.

...or like any Zelda game that isn't Majora's Mask or BotW.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sometimes. Sometimes the other way around. Sometimes without FE being in the equation.

1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


and not just FE

Crossover brainrot is real

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I have before, but not lately.

Recently it popped into my had the idea of if Smash brothers was a Fire Emblem game and what that would look like.

Half the characters I can't even think of what class they would be.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Anogia Personals
  • Growths:
    • HP: 60
    • Str: 55
    • Mag: 55
    • Dex: 45
    • Spd: 20
    • Lck: 25
    • Def: 30
    • Res: 30
    • Cha: 45
  • Skill Boons:
    • Lances
    • Faith
    • Authority
    • Heavy Armor
  • Skill Banes:
    • Bows
    • Riding
    • Flying
  • Abilities:
    • Model Leader
    • Battalion Wrath
  • Combat Arts
    • Vengeance (C+)
    • Frozen Lance Swift Strikes (A)
    • Sunder (C+)
    • Focused Strike (C+)
  • Reason Magic:
    • Thunder (D)
    • Thoron (C)
    • Luna ^ (C+)
    • Death L (B)
  • Faith Magic:
    • Heal (D)
    • Nosferatu (D+)
    • Seraphim (C)
    • Abraxas (A)
  • “Crest”- Violet Lapis
    • 50% chance of doubling weapon/spell Might when attacking, but crest-bearer suffers 10 nonfatal damage after combat.
  • Personal Skill- Teness Lux:
    • All White Magic Abilities apply to all magic types.
  • Personal Class- Siegfried
    • Description:
      • Mysterious black knight from another world. As a Magi, Anogia is peerless with both lance and [white magic].
    • Armor
    • Can use magic (normal quantity of uses).
    • Stat Boosts:
      • HP: +6
      • Str: +4
      • Spd: -6
      • Def: +4
      • Res: +4
      • Mov: +1
    • Growth Rates:
      • HP: +30%
      • Str: +5%
      • Mag: +5%
      • Dex: +5%
      • Def: +5%
      • Res: +5%
      • Cha: +5%
    • Skill Level Bonus:
      • +3 Lance
      • +3 Faith
      • +3 Armor
    • Innate Abilities
      • Lancefaire
      • White Tomefaire
      • White Magic Uses x2
    • Mastered Ability- Magi’s Tactics:
      • Gambits target the lower defensive stat of enemies.
  • Recruitment:
    • Anogia cannot be recruited until after Chapter 12 Crimson Flower or Chapter 13 on all other routes. Anogia must have his Paralogue completed first.
    • Base Class is Siegfried.
    • Default Skill Levels:
      • Sword: D+
      • Lances: A
      • Axes: C+
      • Bows: E
      • Brawling: D
      • Reason: B
      • Faith: A
      • Authority: B
      • Riding: E
      • Flying: E
      • Heavy Armor: B+
    • Default Abilities:
      • Lance Prowess Lv 4
      • Faith Lv 4
      • Defense +2
      • Armored Blow
      • Renewal
      • Also has all the Abilities and Combat Arts his default Skill Levels unlock in reserves. And HP +5.
    • Default Inventory:
      • Blessed Lance
      • Spear
      • Concoction
      • Seraph Robe
  • Summary:
    • Originally, I was going to whip up one of these profiles for Dino, but being that he would’ve been basically the same as Yuri, I opted for a more interesting gameplay writeup- Anogia.
    • Class:
      • To begin, Anogia combines a Lance boon with a Faith boon, which sounds like the recipe for a Holy Knight. A late recruitment and a Riding bane with a complete lack of starting level -as Luminous Arc 3 has no horse riders- crosses out this idea.
      • Indeed, the ubiquity of Riding or Flying among Lance-oriented classes places severe limits on what Anogia can become. His skill banes are devastating. His Heavy Armor boon and great base level aren’t enough to readily get him into Great Knight.
      • Fortunately, Anogia is a pre-promote with his own unique class that lets him be himself. It isn’t quite as killer as Jeritza in Death Knight, but it’s all he needs to function.
        • Siegfried is an armor class, which in itself is a serious blow. The class that is Anogia’s Magi lineage was given 5 Move to place it on par with the already lackluster Emperor, 4 Move on Advanced/Master classes being a total mistake.
        • Lancefaire, White Tomefaire, and White Magic Uses x2 (because offensive White Magic uses are so limited) emphasize the hybrid offense of the class, and points out that this armor class can uniquely use magic.
        • The class modifiers are minor, but does make Anogia’s durability balanced on both sides. He can survive sword and spell alike.
        • Magi’s Tactics isn’t incredible for a mastery Ability, but it can be useful. Mostly for hitting low Res enemies, given most Battalions are physical.
      • Being over 1000 years old, and legend in his own world, with an imposing presence, Anogia naturally exudes Authority. He can be given a fairly good Battalion from the start.
    • Personal:
      • Stats:
        • Anogia has a high HP growth and base, though his Defense and Resistance growths are equally lacking. Though salvaged by Siegfried’s modifiers and base stats somewhat, he is not an incredible tank, and his durability ends up average or just above it.
        • Greatest among his faults, is Anogia’s low Spd, as it slays the notion of him ever doubling. Lacking in Luck is another issue.
        • Possessing equally high Strength and Magic growths is Anogia’s greatest asset. Though his bases and Siegfried modifiers set his Strength some points above his Magic, his spells can still hit hard. Average Dexterity means he won’t have outstanding accuracy issues.
        • All of the above, minus the Luck and average Charm (which do not exist in LA3) align with Anogia’s bases and Unique option growths.
      • “Crest”:
        • The Violet Lapis is a magic rock embedded in Anogia, evidence of his status as a Magi. In Fodlan, it’s sufficient for him to use Relics without drawbacks.
        • Since he is a Star Eyes however, every use of his Lapis’s full power comes at the risk of sacrificing some of his humanity, reflected in 3H via self-inflicted damage. Paired with a good spell or weapon however, the “Crest” can provide as large a boost to his already potent single-hit offense.
      • Abilities:
        • To fix an inherent problem of latecomers in 3H, a lack of class skills due to missing out on time spent in earlier classes, Anogia joins with four classes already mastered: Commoner, Soldier, Armored Knight, and Bishop.
        • While these free Abilities these provide aren’t ideal, they exist. Which is more than any other pre-promote in 3H can say.
        • The four mastered classes selected are the most basic- Commoner, and one class each from the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced tiers, each reflecting one of the Skill boons of Anogia.
        • Model Leader is there because he is a man of legend. Battalion Wrath is too good, but that’s not my fault, this armor unit could benefit from it.
      • Arts:
        • Sunder is by the far the worst of Anogia’s Combat Arts, being not of his primary physical weapon type and having an only okay Crit bonus. Focused Strike offers an accurate hit at least.
        • Yet, Anogia gets two awesome Lance Arts. His high HP makes the physical pain of Vengeance strong on him, and Swift Strikes throws aside his low Spd for a guaranteed double.
          • I struggled over whether Anogia should get Swift Strikes or Frozen Lance. Since he already has plenty of nice spells and will be struggling to keep up with more mobile frontline units, I settled on Swift Strikes. This will keep his physical offense more relevant.
    • Spells and Anogia’s Personal Ability:
      • At the heart of Anogia’s magical arsenal lay his Personal Ability- Teness Lux.
        • Anogia embraced the power of Teness Lux- the Light of Death. His guardian attribute in LA3 is Light, yet he has the glow of the power more commonly associated with darkness.
        • Also, in LA3, electricity has no specific element to call its own, leaning towards the Silver element, but then the Lightning Whip is a Light weapon of Inaluna.
      • Owing to these circumstances, Anogia gets a melange of Reason and Faith magics.
        • Thunder and Thoron provide a basic utility spell, and a spell with slightly more range for this low Move unit. He is denied Bolting for balance, and because he is ultimately a physical unit in LA3, with a single useful, but not top-tier spell.
        • On Dark Magics, Luna ^ and Death L are both symbolic choices. Death L because Teness Lux is the Light of Death. And Luna ^ because the world era Teness Lux would create is called the Time of the Moon.
        • But above all else, Anogia is Light. And so he gets Heal, and 3/4 of the offensive White Magics. The only one he lacks is Aura, which is denied due to the similarly-named Aura Lux -the Light of Life- being the opposite of his chosen Teness Lux. Seraphim is special for him, since he has a certain bond with the Angel Miria. And Abraxas is there to give him something with high Mt.
      • Thanks to Teness Lux, Anogia is able to buff all three of his magic types with a single skill of its kind if it naturally boosts White Magic. And, look at what Siegfried provides- both White Tomefaire and White Magic Uses x2.
      • Through unique class and Personal Ability, Anogia shows himself a capable Magi Knight indeed. He gets 8 uses out of Thoron and Death, 16 of Seraphim, 4 of Abraxas, and 28 of Nosferatu, not so bad. All of which get +5 Might, even better.
        • As a minor loss, Faith Lv provides half the Hit of Reason Lv, resulting in a loss of 10 Hit if you opt to save an Ability slot and equip only Faith Lv.
        • By themselves the spells aren’t amazing. No Meteor/Bolting nor Dark Spikes nor Warp/Physics/Fortify, but then it’s supposed to be a balanced kit.
        • Due to usable Def & Res and high HP, a Nostanking build is somewhat possible with Anogia, if impaired by him being very vulnerable to being doubled.
      • Yet another benefit to Teness Lux is that Anogia need not ever train up his Reason, given he already has all his spells. He can focus on getting Faith to S rank for White Magic Range +1 for range 4 Thoron instead, and then go a little further to nab a second stack of White Tomefaire.
    • Ultimately, despite being a hybrid unit, Anogia will probably lean magical. The reasons for this are many.:
      • The absence of a Relic weapon.
      • The high risk conditionality of Vengeance.
      • The terrible Spd nulling any chances of doubling.
      • Low movement making getting up close difficult.
      • A solid magic list backed by his class’s Abilities.

Not very often. But have I done it before? Yes.

Now this is the way to do it, that is incredible.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I don't remember this theme being boring as shit. Although maybe that's why i don't remember it in the first place lmao.

Some of the comments are saying it's supposed to reflect Ganon's personality in this game but idk, you could've made the theme good.

For the record, the last Zelda game i played prior was A Link Between Worlds and it had this

Not an fair comparison, especially given this is a dynamic song. But like, come on.

At least i get to fight Molgera again.

I always thought it was meant to be simple yet unnerving, a bit of pause and fear of the rising tritones before facing your final battle, it's certainly how I felt playing it.

And it besides, it's Ganon's theme, present in just about every Zelda game with the melody being so iconic that it's simple appearance here feels like a big deal.


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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Recently it popped into my had the idea of if Smash brothers was a Fire Emblem game and what that would look like.

Half the characters I can't even think of what class they would be.

Oh. I've seen people try to do that a few times over the years. Though can't say I remember them well to give you their pointers.

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Wind Waker is good but like with an asterisk.

Now that BotW 2 a.k.a Tears of the Kingdom has an actual release date, I have decided to continue playing every Zelda game that aren't the two DS titles. Much like Majora's Mask and A Link Between Worlds, Wind Waker was a game i had played before and like A Link Between Worlds, too much time had passed to where i needed to refresh my opinion of the game. I had played the original GameCube version but there's no reason to go back to that one since HD exists.

Wind Waker is a good game but with an asterisk because there's certain things that i like and simultaneously kinda don't. Sailing the Great Sea does really feel like you're in an adventure. At the same time, this Great Sea is pretty empty and there's barely anything to do on the islands that you do come across (also thank God for the Swift Sail). The Triforce hunt, made smoother in this version, is conceptually good. But it's also just padding and it feels like you're doing it simply because the game told you too. The counter system is great. But enemies are honestly a push over, you are never in any real danger, not that difficulty has been a big thing in Zelda.

Where Wind Waker excels at is in the artstyle and just how full of personality the game is. Even the original still holds up. Story-wise, it presents some interesting ideas. This game has the best incarnation of Ganondorf, a very fun version of Zelda even if it's kinda sus that the dark-skinned pirate girl was actually just a disguise for the white-skinned princess and just generally an interesting take on the Zelda story formula. It's no Majora's Mask but i wouldn't disagree with calling it one of the better Zelda narratives.

The dungeon design is fairly standard, i don't really have too much to say about it. I do really like the Earth Temple though, it's honestly on the same level as the Stone Tower Temple with how it uses the mechanics it presents. This game also has Molgera, which cemented itself as one of my favorite bosses in the series. Music's good because it's Zelda, of course it is.

Yeah this game's about as good as i remember it being....with an asterisk.



I can finally update the list now: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Armagon/list/ranking-every-game-i-played-in-2022/

Guess which game is at the top.

17 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

And it besides, it's Ganon's theme, present in just about every Zelda game with the melody being so iconic that it's simple appearance here feels like a big deal.

I'd agree but damn, i was underwhelmed at how it was used here. 

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I suppose Oracle of Seasons Onyx fight is difficult if you dont realise you can use the rod of seasons to knock Din away without getting zapped (assuming no green holy ring, if you got it, then its easy)

Edited by lightcosmo
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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Now this is the way to do it, that is incredible.

The thing is- I don't even like Anogia all that much.😆

This was a very strange case of things falling readily and perfectly into place. Three Houses was the most recent FE at the time Luminous Arc 3 got its fan translation, thus both were fresh in my mind. Both share in being SRPGs with a school setting, which made for a natural crossing of LA3 into FE3H. Anogia being light-attributed yet given to the unholy Light of Death sounded like something to refer to in a personal skill, one that coincidentally could creatively blur 3H's division of magics. Trying to make White Tomefaire worth a damn sounded like a good challenge too, since practically everyone agrees offensive Faith magic is mediocre. Anogia being heavily armored meant making him an armor unit was certain, so again, I was able to toy with attempting to redeem an underpowered something (without making something overpowered). Anogia being armored and magical gave me the opportunity of envisioning the missed opportunity of an armored mage that people saw in Edelgard's Emperor class. The dark spell names was another nice coincidence I could play with. I couldn't have asked for a better choice of character and games.

All in all, it was fun to write.😄


29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Artificial difficulty tbh.

True. LoZ1 is tolerable with maps, but AoL... the side-scrolling action is hindered by the primitiveness of the game. Those "I shield 80% of your stabs and stab you too many times in return" knights wouldn't be such a chore if Link had more than just a stab and a crouch stab for attacks. Considering Classic Mega Man and SMB3 are still highly regarded from this time period, it's likely Zelda's fault for not doing 2D platforming/action-platforming good.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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You know, one that's turning into a favorite to write is an Awakening idea that basically boils down to: "What happened to Emmeryn between Chapter 9 and Paralogue 20". I'm not going to deny that I find some ease with it since it relies mostly on OC's with Emmeryn as just about the only canon character present, at least for the majority of the planned story. Though then I wonder just how much it could qualify as an Awakening fanfiction if actual canon elements are minimal to begin with. Well, I'll still write it out as I want to write it.

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This is going to take a while huh?

40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, one that's turning into a favorite to write is an Awakening idea that basically boils down to: "What happened to Emmeryn between Chapter 9 and Paralogue 20". I'm not going to deny that I find some ease with it since it relies mostly on OC's with Emmeryn as just about the only canon character present, at least for the majority of the planned story. Though then I wonder just how much it could qualify as an Awakening fanfiction if actual canon elements are minimal to begin with. Well, I'll still write it out as I want to write it.

That's an interesting premise. You do forget that by the time you recruit her she's been living like this for over 2 years.

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Oh man.

Oh God 

Oh yeah, getting up today was a bitch.

My blanket fortress...

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Three days into Fall, and I'm already loathing it myself. The temperature dropped significantly as soon the seasons changed, less realistic gradualism, more Farming Sim "Yesterday there were orange leaves on the trees, now there's layer of snow on every surface imaginable".

It's wonderful. So much better than hot summer nights where all you can do is lie on bed (not in) and turn. Which is bad when the time comes to leave.

31 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is going to take a while huh?

It'll be worth it when you have a baby blue-colored summoner.

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