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Unsurprisingly, the non-GGG mechs have NO PILOT, but the GGG enemy units proper have Zonder Metal. Come on, even Alpha 3 had Mobile Suits with Zonder Metal!

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Crusader Kings: *Laughs in Sister-Mother-Wives*

Rhea was in Crusader Kings all along?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You're right. But also, Isekai writers coming up with a new premise be like


"imma free slaves..."

oh nic-



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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Rhea was in Crusader Kings all along?

I think there's been a FE based mod attempt or two in the Paradox community. One even about the setting of Three Houses. However, don't think those projects last long before being cancelled.

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Upon routing, the King J-Der takes its leave. J has not much to say, but inwardly he knows about Akito and Van's struggle for things lost, just like him... and thus prays for their success. The two do seem to feel a sense of camaraderie, though, which makes the others feel a bit miffed for being left-out, haha. Still, they agree they won't run off like J did. Akito thanks them and says he'll go back. Though they know he won't board back on the Nadesico, they take this as a victory, specially Ryoko since it seems Akito has finally addressed her by name after so long.

Once back, Van has finished filling Ruri in on what happened. Ruri is glad to know going to Van for help paid off, making Van wonder if it was because she sensed he and Akito had similar goals... and asks if Ruri is the same on that front. She says she has plenty of people to support her, so it's fine. Still, Van offers to help should she need it. Meanwhile, the group at large is glad to see Akito and Van will stick around... though Rami seems to affect the most that in regards to their struggles. Hmm...

Thus, the stage ends.

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Bonus Scenario: Showdown! Cowboy vs CEO!

This scenario happens after the return to Earth.

Aboard the Shuttle, the Cowboy Bebop and Tryder G7 casts are currently on break, having run an errand together. Which was heading off to a Space Colony to gather ingredients. Though Spike doesn't seem to happy at the moment. The whole trip to Astragius was a temporal stop to his bounty-hunting, so his funds are currently low. Now, however, he takes his leave, though not before Watta tries to call him out on walking out on them, but Spike just banters back and leaves... which Watta doesn't take well either. So he decides it's challenge accepted, and just about the rest of the Bebop crew is happy to help knock Spike down a peg, heh. As to what Spike is up to, seems the Bunch 16 colony at Side 6 is currently crawling with space pirates. Thus Watta decides they'll get the bounty first!

Over there, Spike is already confronting the scoundrels, who recognize him to their horror, hah. Just then Watta shows up, declaring he'll be the one to take the pirates in, with Kinoshita even bringing up Takeo General Company has a Cowbow license and everything. And now Spike and Watta get into another petty banter exchange... meanwhile the pirates are a bit at a loss on what to make of this. lol However, just then, a man on horseback arrives, who the pirates recognize as Andy. He saw the exchange between Watta and Spike and has decides it's the latter and not the pirates who are in need to be taught a lesson. And now everyone is at a loss on what is happening right now, heh. Looking up info on Andy, they find he's also a Bounty Hunter... and something of a troublemaker due to how much collateral damage he causes on the job. Now the space pirates take this time to scram...

Now in space, the scoundrels plan to punch a hole at the colony after all this, but TGC and the Bebop crew show up too to put a stop to it! In a sudden sense of camaraderie, they comment how their livelihoods are at stake here, as both need the money.  Still, Watta and Spike still seem to continue their little rivalry here. And the stage begins!

Enemies are a bunch of Zectars and... oh, these are new. A... brownish-gray color? I don't know. But with flame decals on the shoulders and arms. Heh, it's neat. Well, time to go to town!

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Appearently the video soft-confirmed pegs at least.

Interesting thing to note is that Wyvern Knight and Wolf Knight are promoted classes only, which tells me something funky is going on with class progression.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Interesting thing to note is that Wyvern Knight and Wolf Knight are promoted classes only, which tells me something funky is going on with class progressio

They don't want players to get early Wyvern or mounted thief eh xD

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With the Zectars routed, it seems the pirates managed to eject and return inside the colony, so the group goes in pursuit. Once again Watta and Spike get into a spat over who gets to turn them in... only for Andy to show up and declare it will be him. Spike and Andy are ready to fight it out... and then Tetsuya shows up, saying he already caught the pirates and are now in custody. Turns out Saizo had asked him to, knowing Watta and Spike would get into this squabble. So it's SS3 who comes out on top here, ha ha. Andy is graceful in defeat, and it seems he's declaring his Cowboy days to be over, so he takes his leave. Though Tetsuya thinks he might just change costumes and keep the bounty hunting gig. Still, Watta and Spike are NOT happy at this outcome... lol

Thus the stage ends...

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Oh, checking the library, it wasn't a fourth Zectar. It's the one marked for "Civilian Use". Still, the flame decals were unique to these ones. Still, neat.

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Knowing Trails, crossdressing!Joshua feels like it'd be legit another option for Rean.

Rean would have to compete with a certain girl with a big stick, so it wouldn't be worth it.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

75 selge = 7,500 arge, so 1 selge is 100 arge


This was actually first established in Sky the 3rd, in Campanella's trivia game.

Doing the math Jenis Royal Academy and Mercia Orphanage are 490 selge/49 kilometers apart, and Kloe goes back and forth between them regularly, so...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In that case, would you do the "recommend game without actually saying anything about the game" thing, too? Or just plain recommend it, anyway.

In my case I got it because of a review that actually talked about the game. Also, it was on sale.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Avatar 3 found dead in Miami.


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Scenario 22: Who to Fight For?

At the Ra Cailum, Guy is asked to give a briefing on the monsters they just fought. He explains they're extraterrestrial lifeforms, and Harlock adds they're an enemy of anyone that travels the sea of space. There's not much info about them. They live at the center of the Milky Way and number in the... hundreds of millions!? And can warp. During the Golden Age, it was these that killed off any humans who ventured outside the Sol System, and Noriko adds that includes the ship her father was in. Guy adds Commander Ohta was one of the few survivors of that ship, hence being the one leading Top Squadron. Ultimately, this is the reason why humanity gave up venturing outside the Sol System, and thus the end of the Golden Age. The Federation kept their existence under wraps, and only taking a "someone else's problem" approach so long they didn't come to Sol. Without the drive to venture out, it led to the fading of humanity's hopes and dreams, leading to stagnation. Thus the beginning of the Twilight Age.

The talk comes back to the Company, since they were the ones to bring them to the Earth Sphere. They wonder about their recruitment antics, since so far the three people they've fought seemed to have been picked up at random despite their piloting skills. Not much of a lead, so they only have that whole "treasure" Rudi claimed they were seeking. In any case, the plan now is to head to Earth. Harlock says they'll come along the way just in case the Company attacks again. At this Ryoko finally decides to confront Akito, who finally speaks how the Martian Successors experimented on him and Yurika, which left him messed up, including the loss of his sense of taste. Which is why he doesn't want to drag them into his personal vendetta. Still, the Nadesico crew wonder why they were chosen, when Mars has plenty of A-Class Jumpers. Huh, interesting, Wendy and Priscilla bring up they were told they could Boson Jump too, potentially... I get the feeling this could be relevant in the future. Anyway, Akito only cares to go after them, and reveals the Black Sarena was given to him by Nergal President Akatsuki, not wanting to see Nergal challenged by them. Still, the Nadesico crew pledge they will save Yurika too.

In other news, Spike considers this a good point to break things off with the group, considering this no longer being their fight. Just then, Meran shows up, saying he has an urgent message. Haman wants to meet up with T3!

At the most likely meeting point, the group arrives on one side... and Haman and Mashymre on the other. Just the two, making the group comment something must've happened. Some initial pleasantries are exchanged, and the subject of the attempted colony drop is quickly brought up. Haman is aware, thus this meeting as a show of good faith. Bright sends over data about the space monsters, but Haman seems already aware, having heard the tales. Bright says humanity doesn't have the luxury of infighting, and Haman agrees... though her idea of such alliance is for T3 to join Neo Zeon. This makes Kamille and Judao deploy, stating that while their goals align, they won't follow Neo Zeon's methods. Haman brings up how this is quite the different attitude from the AEUG that allowed Quattro, rather Char, to join them. Kamille and Haman then get into a talk regarding Char... and start accusing each other of provoking the other. Then Judau joins in too. Ultimately, Bright declares that her want of destroying the Earth Federation means they won't join her, if it means enabling senseless bloodshed.

Haman declares negations have broken down... and her forces deploy, as if she'd really have come alone. Harlock declares that after everything he's seen about her... he'll stay and fight too. Despite some earlier notes, no one decides to leave either. And stage begins!

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Played some Mario Party Superstars. I wish Ninty hadn't been so parsimonious with the boards- 5 when the first three games had 20 total is downright miserly. If only there was a booster pack like MK8 is getting, maybe with some MP4-8 boards thrown in too.

Nonetheless, cheap booze tastes better with people you love, so it was a fun experience that I certainly don't regret.😄


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You kiddin' me? These are some of the most popular, well-regarded games in the franchise lol

Mind, SF isn't representative of the franchise as a whole. There is something of a Tellius bias here.

And I think a sizable portion of FE can be considered "popular" in a way. Blazing, Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses all have varied claims to that status. Perhaps Archanea too b/c of how long Old Mystery was the best-selling game in the franchise or at least Japan. Maybe Genealogy as well (but it is Japan-only as a limiter)?


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


No idea when I'll get to it. Sometimes it feels like I'm less a video game player than a collector.😣 But I ought to, e-ven-tu-al-ly.


5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

My family is getting bowled over by this flu that's come in.

Knowing my luck I might be next. And considering extended family are doing stuff the next few days we'll have to see if I can go at all.

I know here in the US that the news said a few weeks ago that this is the worst flu season in ~10 years (which coinciding with covid and children's respiratory disease leading to yet another hospital bed shortage, and a flu med shortage too). Not sure if that's true across the pond, but I hope the best for your family nonetheless!


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

More and more join the cult.

It will be the first VN I've ever played I think. Ought to test my text tolerance levels to their limit.😆

I do like Vanillaware's works, first one in this topic to play 'em after all.😛 Still, I have been on the fence about it for a long time about 13S, but it's not like there were many other physical games I was considering this holiday season.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Avatar 3 found dead in Miami.


...They're really going to bring in Shadow???😐

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Okay, so! Starting with, enemies are Majins, Shishikis, Muzuras, Dreissens, Zssas, Zaku III's, Batallas, Pez Batallas, Gangrijos, Hokushin in his Yatenko, Mashymre in his Zaku III Custom, and Haman in her Qubeley. SR Point is to rout in four turns. TacP Bonus is for Akito to land the finishing blow on Hokushin. There's also lots of Haman Points to pick up here. Let's go!

Phew, most enemies move from the start. This will make it easier to rout.

Okay, Haman Point Number One: Judau fights Mashymre. Judau is still trying to make Mashymre see through the mind control... but still no dice.

Point Number Two, Kamille fights Haman. Char remains a talking point of disagreement between them, and Kamille realizes that may be why they can't seem to get along.

Point Number Three, Tobia fights Haman. She still tries to get him to join her, but Tobia won't budge.

Point Number Four, Judau fights Haman. She also still tries to get Judau on her side, but that won't be happening either. He even tells her that if she wants him that much she should be the one to join him. No Judau, don't humor the cougar!

Upon Haman's Qubeley reach half HP or so, she comments how she might be forced to use her Funnels after all. She praises Kamille and Judau's Newtype power, but also says those with power should decide the direction the world takes. But Kamille counters Newtypes are not world-changers any more they're tools for war. Power begins to swell within him, making him feel it's just like the time he fought Scirocco. He says how he learned that Newtypes is the power of mutual understanding, but humans aren't qualified for such power, since if it's not put to proper use then what hope is there for humanity to evolve to the next stage? He says how he has learned about what Haman seeks, and Judau adds she should listen, as power also is swelling within him too. True Newtypes should rise above fighting. They try to reach out to her, but Haman expels them from her mind, adding that intruding on someone else's mind is something she won't forgive. Judau asks if she'd truly reject the idea of mutual understanding and if she's so afraid of it. But Haman insists she'll strike them both down! So they will take it upon themselves to teach her, what it means to understands other people and each other.

With this event, the Zeta Gundam unlocks the Waverider Charge attack and the ZZ Gundam the High Mega Cannon Full Power attack.

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49 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


I did slip in most of the penultimate battle of A Portable yesterday. "Most" b/c I didn't take out the aforementioned lady, nor the rival A protag who didn't pop up yet. I did enable infinite SP to try to get through it a little faster, every single enemy having at least 20k HP and Cyber Newtype status for +evade got real annoying. The three or four Alpha Azierus had over 90k, more than Haman's own 70k.

Visually, the battle does remind me of the third-to-last (minus GBA's true secret final battle) OG2 map. The winding grey metallic interior of a fortress, wherein you wipe out what remains of entire enemy faction, and dispatch an A protagonist. IIRC, Serious Axel spoke of "Whoever wins and therefore lives gets to decide what is right", and Haman sounded like she was saying similar stuff when she showed up. The placement of the A protagonist after you've disposed of the other bad guys whereas in OG2 it was the opposite, makes sense b/c this is A's original baddies in A itself we're talking about. Whereas placing the Inspectors after Axel placed them more on equal footing, even if Vindel outlives them. 

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did slip in most of the penultimate battle of A Portable yesterday. "Most" b/c I didn't take out the aforementioned lady, nor the rival A protag who didn't pop up yet. I did enable infinite SP to try to get through it a little faster, every single enemy having at least 20k HP and Cyber Newtype status for +evade got real annoying. The three or four Alpha Azierus had over 90k, more than Haman's own 70k.

Visually, the battle does remind me of the third-to-last (minus GBA's true secret final battle) OG2 map. The winding grey metallic interior of a fortress, wherein you wipe out what remains of entire enemy faction, and dispatch an A protagonist. IIRC, Serious Axel spoke of "Whoever wins and therefore lives gets to decide what is right", and Haman sounded like she was saying similar stuff when she showed up. The placement of the A protagonist after you've disposed of the other bad guys whereas in OG2 it was the opposite, makes sense b/c this is A's original baddies in A itself we're talking about. Whereas placing the Inspectors after Axel placed them more on equal footing, even if Vindel outlives them. 

Oh, that close, huh. Still, yikes you had to resort to infinite SP again.

Ah, that stage is... quite memorable. Winding path with lots of Funnel spammers. Those 3-11 range attacks sure are lovely, eh.

Also, I suppose it's fine to say it now. The thing A!Vindel got that OG!Vindel didn't? Boson Jump technology. It's how he got to perfect the transportation device. As stated, warping Axis was a test to see if it truly worked perfectly now.

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