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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

No but Estelle and Joshua doesn’t remind you every five seconds that at one point they were siblings, and Estelle has a character outside of “I love you Joshua”

So JoshuaxEstelle walked so ReanxElise would run?

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:



That music bops tho.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Does anyone in this thread not dislike Rean after CS IV? lmao

I like Rean. He's not the best, but I enjoy his character. He has a surprising bit of character development culminating in a nice, wholesome ending where he finally accepts his feelings for Merric. As a unit, he's outclassed by Etzel, but then, everyone is. He can take a hit and with one arms scroll he's better than Merric. Kinda unremarkable, but you can certainly do worse than him for an excalibur user. Yubello would rather behead people with axes.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good news: a FE amiibo has finally turned up at the second-hand store where I got those 50 trade-in euros in reserve.

Bad news: it's Ike. And I'm the like, one person who doesn't love Ike.

If he gives Micaiah's costume, an acceptable sacrifice.

As someone who has that Amiibo (And is using Ike in that Rev run I've mentioned) it's not like you get them for cheap at all, which is a shame.

14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

For that matter anyone here remember msn messenger lol


Does anyone remember Skype for that matter?

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, it's much easier to hide it. lol

You'd be surprised, especially when you're in choirs with few guys it can be more noticeable in a SATB performance.

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Chapter 17x of The Lonely Mirror may be one of the most cruel chapters I've seen in any FE, FE-like or FEhack. Not in a "wow this map sucks" way, but in a "I can't believe the dev went there" way. To the point where the dev actually got heat from people who were angry over what happens in it.

And I love it.

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7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

If he gives Micaiah's costume, an acceptable sacrifice.

That's the thing, I'm not entirely sure. Do amiibos give tickets you can spend however, or do they unlock their own specific things? I believe people began to piece it together from what was shown, but I'm not certain, myself. If I could

7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

As someone who has that Amiibo (And is using Ike in that Rev run I've mentioned) it's not like you get them for cheap at all, which is a shame.

He costs 10 euros at this store. Probably too much for a piece of plastic that does a little bit in some games, but... then, it's essentially free in my situation and it's not like most things people buy do anything, anyway.

The problem is that it's fucking Ike and I just happen to be the only person who doesn't like Ike lol. Of all places for an Ike amiibo to turn up, why next to me? Shrimpy would probably like it. Why me? Give me Leif. Or Celica, I'd take Celica, I like her design.

...Actually, I did find Celica. She's in another store of the same franchise somewhere, they could ship her to my house for an extra 2 bucks. Problem is, she costs 35 to begin with. Oof...

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Play the games. 

Oh Christ, Zangetsu 2. Fucking Iga gave me and my friend PTSD with that fucking game...

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the thing, I'm not entirely sure. Do amiibos give tickets you can spend however, or do they unlock their own specific things? I believe people began to piece it together from what was shown, but I'm not certain, myself. If I could

I think they do give tickets to spend at your discretion. It was shown when they showed the Lord outfits, if I recall.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think they do give tickets to spend at your discretion. It was shown when they showed the Lord outfits, if I recall.

Right... I thought I remembered as much. I mean, if I'm to celebrate my favorite game series of all time with a silly toy, I'd rather it was one of a character that doesn't embody everything I don't like about the series, but... Eh. Beggars, choosers, etc etc.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He costs 10 euros at this store. Probably too much for a piece of plastic that does a little bit in some games, but... then, it's essentially free in my situation and it's not like most things people buy do anything, anyway.

The problem is that it's fucking Ike and I just happen to be the only person who doesn't like Ike lol. Of all places for an Ike amiibo to turn up, why next to me? Shrimpy would probably like it. Why me? Give me Leif. Or Celica, I'd take Celica, I like her design.

...Actually, I did find Celica. She's in another store of the same franchise somewhere, they could ship her to my house for an extra 2 bucks. Problem is, she costs 35 to begin with. Oof...

10. You lucky fuck, here's hoping more show up at that price point.

Then again I'm the guy with SoV limited edition, so should I complain?

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think they do give tickets to spend at your discretion. It was shown when they showed the Lord outfits, if I recall.

I swore there was suggestion that using FE amiibos could unlock specific stuff, but this has been continuously unclear.

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Claire’s little event thing would’ve been good if I had any idea why she’s going along with Osborne’s plan despite everything.

But I don’t.

Edited by Sooks
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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

10. You lucky fuck, here's hoping more show up at that price point.

Hahah... Ah, you're making me feel bad, now. I did just check out and... outside of Amazon, where it's outrageously expensive, it doesn't seem to be that bad.

...Oh wait, never mind, the more sensibly priced places are just out of stock.

Fair enough. I won't lose sleep over losing an Ike amiibo, but... you know what? If it's still there when I swing by the store tomorrow, I'll grab it. Why not. It's essentially free, and there's a certain brand of cosmic humor to be had with the fact that I'll own a figurine of the lord whose presence marks the lowest points of the series for me.

I mean, if I really really wanted it I could just order it from another Cex store for 2 extra bucks, but I don't care enough to go that far.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's ok, Inti is making Portrait of Ruin 2









Actually, Iga being Iga, I would be more surprised if he didn't make sure to have this happen as a callback haha.

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If it's still there when I swing by the store tomorrow, I'll grab it. Why not. It's essentially free, and there's a certain brand of cosmic humor to be had with the fact that I'll own a figurine of the lord whose presence marks the lowest points of the series for me.

I mean, if I really really wanted it I could just order it from another Cex store for 2 extra bucks, but I don't care enough to go that far.

Never seen one below 20 barring that one Ike I found here and that wasn't much cheaper. If you don't want Ike don't worry I'd say, see what else can be got.

And yes, I too am on about Cex. It's spreading.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Tactics 100


That's an aileron roll, 0/10

When you can't place your missiles where you want, sometimes you have to make do.

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10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Never seen one below 20 barring that one Ike I found here and that wasn't much cheaper. If you don't want Ike don't worry I'd say, see what else can be got.

In this store? Nothing else. I mean, a bunch of other amiibos from other franchises, but I couldn't care less about those. My coworker keeps missing the point and telling me to check out other stores and other places, but like... dude, I've a 50 buck coupon at this store, why would I go elsewhere lol

I'll keep an eye out, I guess. Might find some more FE boos here before Engage comes out. And I need a new mouse, my old one is falling apart. So there's that.

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And yes, I too am on about Cex. It's spreading.

So it would seem.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

See the source image

Peppy is not a reliable source

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

In this store? Nothing else. I mean, a bunch of other amiibos from other franchises, but I couldn't care less about those. My coworker keeps missing the point and telling me to check out other stores and other places, but like... dude, I've a 50 buck coupon at this store, why would I go elsewhere lol

You'd think the coupon could apply to elsewhere, but alas.

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