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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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This lady needs to accept that some giant things defy Reality.

I picked Big Falcon at the three-way one-chapter split this time. Maybe I should've glimpsed Nanbara and reloaded, but I didn't. I remember the Wing crew mentioning the Big Falcon later, and I wanted to see more of them, so I chose it. The hostage situation thing seemed appropriate for Lamia's development, though it did also seem to send mixed signals- do the thing your heart tells you, or stick to the mission? Although maybe mixing it was best for her, no clear answer defies how an android is programmed to think more than simply "always follow your heart, not your brain".

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I have a -I wouldn't honor it with the word "memory"- a cognitive small pot shard buried in the millennia-old dirt of what was Mesopotamia, of Gundam. I watched Cartoon Network as a wee child, and I recall they had on that earlier era of the Internet a little browser game for Gundam on its website, a chess meets rock-paper-scissors things. I also remember what I think to be one tiny, itty-bitty half-second of watching Gundam, I think I recall fencing outside of mechs, and I definitely recall someone standing outside of their mech and blowing it up. Reading Heero's profile in AP, I think this lone pollen grain that flew up my nostrils long ago might have been Gundam Wing.


7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh yeah, I actually feel that for that split, Axel fits best for Earth and Lamia in Space. Mostly since, Amnesiac Silly Axel would be gung-ho enough to stay behind to protect the ship. While Lamia, who still remembers her actual orders, would stay inside to ensure Stardust can succeed... only to then doubt, yes.

I'll agree with your logic for the first split.

Correction for the bolded, Lamia's problem is that she can't get in contact with SM, and ? Face encounter doesn't tell her what SM wants, and then she realizes her secret message reader & transmitter is broken. She's a puppet struggling with uncertainty about what her orders are, she doesn't know whether to drop or stop.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Since he'd find camaraderie with the likes of Domon and Kazuya (after being hit by both when trying to interfere in their spat of course, it's like classic shounen situation lol)

Good crossover interaction that was!😄

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Fits well specially if it's Soulgain!Axel.

*Checks the Soulgain's A Portable stats.*



Vs. Vysaga...

  • HP Regen M at the cost of Doubleimage.
  • 900 more HP, 20 additional EN, Armor is 200 thicker, 1 less Move. 
  • Kirin is 200 stronger than Light Edge yet locked into point blank range as opposed to 1-2 range, and Kirin costs 20 EN more. Seismic Slicer is 100 stronger than Genbu Buster with +1 range. Byakko Bite has +10 Accuracy over Tidal Claws, but same power and 2 less range.

I forget if other games make the amount of stat increase per upgrade vary based on the unit or it's the same for everyone. But for AP, if you're lucky enough to have 15 slots available, maxing HP gives +3000 for any unit, and +1200 Armor with 15 there.

Full Upgrade Bonuses are -30% damage taken for Soulgain, +10% Doubleimage activation rate for Vysaga. Both cost 669k, which would definitely better be spent giving two units a full 15 upgrades in their weapons, or like 10 upgrades for six units.

As I feared and expected, this isn't the HP & EN Regens L monster it is in OGG and beyond (well, that I think it is, I haven't actually checked😅). The HP Regen M is better than the meager S the enemy Soulgains get, that was a happy surprise. Still, it looks like Soulgain could possibly be arguably the worst AP original unit in gameplay, I'd have to check Angelg and the Ash Savior to be absolutely sure.

...Yet now I've noticed the Robopedia entry places the Soulgain at 23.8 meters tall and 99.7 tonnes. Which classifies it for L size, despite Getter Dragon being an M at 50 meters. A rare flub of the size categorizations in AP. Soulgain according to Akurasu is also 41.2 meters and 129.8 tonnes (the exact same as Earthgain actually), which I assume applies specifically to OG to explain this disparity. -Although I see 23.8 & 99.7 are the measurements of the Riese, intentional flub or a typo by the devs or the fans?

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd even say, not counting the last split, you took what would've been most likely Axel's path decision.

I picked Mars b/c most of the units I was using went there. Though, owing to that one enemy cross-piloting situation, I do see how it would've been more befitting to send Lammy to Mars.


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



You know I wouldn't complain if otomes where the lead's gender wasn't very relevant (I know some do rely on the lead being female) chose to give options. Although I get that not happening, besides creativity, it'd be mean they'd have to draw a bunch of CGs twice, maybe have alternate sets of dialogue.

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Why did VNs have become so associated with the ways of the Kama and Eros in Japan? -But then as lust is a basic human instinct, a genre for smut games was inevitable, imagine if it was Tetris/twitch reaction-based puzzlers instead.

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>Far-right misogynist (this is redundant) Andrew Tate banned from Twitter

>Musk takes over and unbans him

>Tate beefs with Greta Thunberg

>She roasts him

>He makes a response video

>This ends up doxxing him to the Romanian police, who arrests him for connections to a human trafficking ring

Season 2022 of Earth ended wild huh.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I still think XBC2 is pretty playable after 3

It very much is, i'm just saying that i instinctively pressed the left control stick to quick dash and instead i turned off the UI because this is Xenoblade 2, not 3.

Now that i think about it, Xenoblade X did let you sprint mid-combat but it wasn't as precise for positioning as 3's quick dashes.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

1 however...

Forget 3, X made Xenoblade 1 basically unplayable.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why did VNs have become so associated with the ways of the Kama and Eros in Japan? -But then as lust is a basic human instinct, a genre for smut games was inevitable, imagine if it was Tetris/twitch reaction-based puzzlers instead.

Huniepop. That's Huniepop.

My friend gifted it to me like five years ago and i still haven't touched it.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Trails in the Sky






Note i am only talking about characters not the gameplay or story xD

Of course, Conquest with that S gameplay babyyy

And S tier Story was… Steins;Gate and that one bunny girl movie, right? Well I guess that’s not a game


No game got the triple S yet

It’s time…


Edited by Sooks
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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And S tier Story was… Steins;Gate and that one bunny girl movie, right?

I was mainly talking about games xD.

I don't rate VNs the same way i do games since, ya know, they lack the gameplay element xD

And anime is a completely different matter ofc.

As for games with S story, only SC and Ao, i think

Steins;Gate i like more than both tho

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Still waiting for XDE

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Why is the adding funds page on the Nintendo website not working... it says Page not Found.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This lady needs to accept that some giant things defy Reality.

Hahaha, yeah, it happens.

If I recall, the first time something like that happened was in SRW F, where Asuka from Evangelion was seeing Master Asia defeat mechs on foot and was like "WTF!?" XD


I picked Big Falcon at the three-way one-chapter split this time. Maybe I should've glimpsed Nanbara and reloaded, but I didn't. I remember the Wing crew mentioning the Big Falcon later, and I wanted to see more of them, so I chose it. The hostage situation thing seemed appropriate for Lamia's development, though it did also seem to send mixed signals- do the thing your heart tells you, or stick to the mission? Although maybe mixing it was best for her, no clear answer defies how an android is programmed to think more than simply "always follow your heart, not your brain".

Gonna admit Big Falcon is my least taken path of the three there.


I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I have a -I wouldn't honor it with the word "memory"- a cognitive small pot shard buried in the millennia-old dirt of what was Mesopotamia, of Gundam. I watched Cartoon Network as a wee child, and I recall they had on that earlier era of the Internet a little browser game for Gundam on its website, a chess meets rock-paper-scissors things. I also remember what I think to be one tiny, itty-bitty half-second of watching Gundam, I think I recall fencing outside of mechs, and I definitely recall someone standing outside of their mech and blowing it up. Reading Heero's profile in AP, I think this lone pollen grain that flew up my nostrils long ago might have been Gundam Wing.

Oh, really? Interesting.

Perhaps not uncoincidentally, there's a reason Heero and the rest of the Wing Boys tend to have the Self-Destruct Seishin in SRW...


I'll agree with your logic for the first split.

Correction for the bolded, Lamia's problem is that she can't get in contact with SM, and ? Face encounter doesn't tell her what SM wants, and then she realizes her secret message reader & transmitter is broken. She's a puppet struggling with uncertainty about what her orders are, she doesn't know whether to drop or stop.

Ah, right, right. Forgot the part of the broken transceiver.


*Checks the Soulgain's A Portable stats.*

As I feared and expected, this isn't the HP & EN Regens L monster it is in OGG and beyond (well, that I think it is, I haven't actually checked😅). The HP Regen M is better than the meager S the enemy Soulgains get, that was a happy surprise. Still, it looks like Soulgain could possibly be arguably the worst AP original unit in gameplay, I'd have to check Angelg and the Ash Savior to be absolutely sure.

Hmm, which is shame since I tend to prefer it when going Super Robot Axel route. Then again, I don't remember how the stats fare in the GBA version.


...Yet now I've noticed the Robopedia entry places the Soulgain at 23.8 meters tall and 99.7 tonnes. Which classifies it for L size, despite Getter Dragon being an M at 50 meters. A rare flub of the size categorizations in AP. Soulgain according to Akurasu is also 41.2 meters and 129.8 tonnes (the exact same as Earthgain actually), which I assume applies specifically to OG to explain this disparity. -Although I see 23.8 & 99.7 are the measurements of the Riese, intentional flub or a typo by the devs or the fans?

Oh, that's interesting.

There's probably more to size than just the height. Maybe. Can't recall what its size in other games to check.


I picked Mars b/c most of the units I was using went there. Though, owing to that one enemy cross-piloting situation, I do see how it would've been more befitting to send Lammy to Mars.

Indeed. Though overall I prefer Mars over Small Bharm regardless of who is the protagonist because of letting Tsukumo live.

But yes, Lamia could fit more Mars and Axel for Small Bharm.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I was mainly talking about games xD.

I don't rate VNs the same way i do games since, ya know, they lack the gameplay element xD

And anime is a completely different matter ofc.

Right right

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

As for games with S story, only SC and Ao, i think

So what actually got S-tier gameplay? I was just assuming Conquest because Conquest, but it does have some weaker maps and I know how picky you are with handing out S’s.

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42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Huniepop. That's Huniepop.

My friend gifted it to me like five years ago and i still haven't touched it.

Of course such a thing has to exist.

And uh, I hope your friend meant well and that you never have to explain why you have that to anyone.🙄

42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now that i think about it, Xenoblade X did let you sprint mid-combat but it wasn't as precise for positioning as 3's quick dashes.

Complete with...

  • A Soul Voice -Sprinter- that only triggers if you continuously sprint for three or more seconds in battle.
  • A Skill -Unstoppable- which grants increased Topple, Stagger, Knockback, and Launch resistance while sprinting.
  • An Armor Augment- Untouchable Dash- that increases Evasion by 5-25% per Augment while sprinting.
  • A Javelin Aura Art -Speed Demon- that gradually heals you and accelerates Art cooldown while sprinting.

Might as well start vomiting ectoplasm and speaking in tongues while spanking yourself if you do use these. Because, if you've put away your weapons running across half of Mira while your allies are slugging it out, you ought to look no less insane from their perspectives.

If you insisted on trying to make this work -and not become disoriented with the battlefield because you're frequently running big distances- I'd consider an Assault Rifle as the companion ranged weapon. Decoy Round/Infuriate to taunt the enemy, and then dodgetank hits while being healed from what you do take and getting your offense recharged quicker. Not exactly useful once you can infinite Overdrive though, as the cooldown acceleration from that ought to be more than enough.


33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, which is shame since I tend to prefer it when going Super Robot Axel route.

Still plenty usable. I'm kinda splitting hairs, not to mention fun > objective statistics.😄 The EG-X ain't one of those puny mass-produced Gundam series units by a long shot.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I can't believe I finally got this

Aabxjb4g o

Xs130ish o

I finally succeeded at this event... I never thought I would. I even got the Alexander bloodline event

Xhjcpzj2 o

Hgjn7bed o

This is certainly the best game I ever had in my almost 500 hours

I think the only thing that isn't possible now is becoming a saint

Maybe I can do a S.P.Q.R. run?

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Ah, yes, the Immortality Event Chain. I've gotten it a few times already.

Including in my planned megacampaign. Unfortunately I got the Visit from Death event chain during the Black Plague, and my character didn't make it.

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I played Starfox 64 and while it was fun I did get frustrated at how difficult it was to aim at enemies or to even identify them. I'm pretty sure I shot down my teammates more than the enemies.

Also I definitely think it would've been improved had they allowed the characters to swear when they got shot down.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Petra, Hapi, Claude, Cyril and Catherine


With the possible exception of Hapi who I didn't know existed until now, the rest aren't ethically black like I believe Dedue is supposed to be.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

You haven’t seen her timeskip design?

Not in a while no.


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16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, yes, the Immortality Event Chain. I've gotten it a few times already.

Including in my planned megacampaign. Unfortunately I got the Visit from Death event chain during the Black Plague, and my character didn't make it.

I got this event before too

0xdac2ta o

My ruler is truly blessed

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3 minutes ago, Green06 said:

I got this event before too

0xdac2ta o

My ruler is truly blessed

Oh, not the Chess with Death one.

The one that happens precisely during the Black Plague I think, when you're secluded. Death comes and, one of the worst outcomes is for him to go all Sith Lightning on your court. This can not only result in your death, but just about everyone in court is in danger too. When I got the event, my character died, so did his two children, and at least one grandchild. Fortunately, there was at least one grandchild who got spared, so the Dynasty continue through the main line. Still, it was a close call.

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The main duo in the Three and Nine Books Are seriously cool characters.

I hope they’re as well written in Reverie…

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

With the possible exception of Hapi who I didn't know existed until now, the rest aren't ethically black like I believe Dedue is supposed to be.

Ah right, the DLC. If you want my 2 cents on it (which idk if you do):

Only get it if you really like Three Houses and want a bit of extra content. Cindered Shadows is fun and I thought most of the maps were actually really well designed, but it only lasts a couple hours. Other than that, the tons of costumes can spice up your replays if you’re into that.

As far as the characters, imo Hapi is S-tier, Yuri is great, Constance is cringe, and Balthus is a character.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Not in a while no.

Well, guess you have something to look forward to.

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Even if the Cross edition is a thing, I still think this one has a charm of its own.

The idea I wanted to write would've actually involved this game. Though considering the kids' parent figure is meant to be player (at least in the GBC version), it would've involved basically creating an OC. Hence why I was thinking on writing it in first person perspective, to simplify things. Still, I might still write it somewhere down the line...

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5 hours ago, Sooks said:

now did you wanna go for my platonic final bonding and get nothing or my romantic final bonding and get a trophy

Elise won't mind, Sooks

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ya know, all that talk about Benice being protag reminds me of the map i wanted to create one day with him as the lord XD

Oh dear.

I don't know that I'm protagonist material...

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Do i need to find Benice a little sister


More importantly, why does she play harmonica?! At least she could pick a better instrument...

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Years later, on my first day of university, I’ll stop after getting off the train, take in the sights and go “Are those lino flowers? I‘ve never seen so many all blossoming at once.” before a blonde physically runs into me and I go “sorry, I could’ve picked a better spot to take in the view”.

Sooks later barely passes his final exam for saying "haha" 1,753 times in his essay response.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Don’t worry the oldest student is 17. Don’t ask questions.

"B-by the way, I just turned 19. Today, actually"-Blonde Deuteragonist after they graduate.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Thanks! Even though I actually graduated college three years ago.

Late promotion is a viable strategy for higher stats in the mid-to-lategame!

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

It’s time…

The "Press X to Shaun" scene is so powerful and truly subverted my expectations of what a game can be, David Cage truly did make the perfect SSS-tier game.

Also Sooks if you want a game with S-tier characters and story, you should try-

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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

He becomes the final boss of the whole series as princess Joshua

Time to play 1400 hours of RPG to kill Joshua.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

asked around and it does seem that colorado is mainly a Spain and Central American thing. Because Latin America really does not use it at all. 

Being pedantic, isn't central America also Latin America?

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Not even in this context. "Haha la cara se le puso roja".

Yeah see, that works, but here in Spain it would be more common to use colorada here.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well he was speaking Spanish fluently. Like not in a "gringo learned to speak Spanish" way.

Interesting. In that case, it's possible he was from a different Latin country entirely that does use colorado more than rojo.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah. It's what makes our language fun. But also Venezuelan Spanish is the correct one, everybody else is wrong.

It originated from Spain, you know. It's named after Spain too.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I do plan on playing Xenoblade after my Fire Emblem marathon but whether or not I record it is up to you folks.

I said it before and I'll say it again. You play Xeno and share your impressions, there'll be war. Guaranteed. I could even tell you the exact words that will be said. Up to you whether you feel up to that.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Far-right misogynist (this is redundant) Andrew Tate banned from Twitter

>Musk takes over and unbans him

>Tate beefs with Greta Thunberg

>She roasts him

>He makes a response video

>This ends up doxxing him to the Romanian police, who arrests him for connections to a human trafficking ring

Season 2022 of Earth ended wild huh.

Elon Musk is singlehandedly killing Twitter, his own reputation and getting human traffickers arrested. He's so incompetent that he's doing so much good completely by accident. Impressive.

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This game has some great lines.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Ah right, the DLC. If you want my 2 cents on it (which idk if you do):

Only get it if you really like Three Houses and want a bit of extra content. Cindered Shadows is fun and I thought most of the maps were actually really well designed, but it only lasts a couple hours. Other than that, the tons of costumes can spice up your replays if you’re into that.

As far as the characters, imo Hapi is S-tier, Yuri is great, Constance is cringe, and Balthus is a character.

No worries, I'm happy to receive insight on games or portions of games as long as there are little story spoilers.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I said it before and I'll say it again. You play Xeno and share your impressions, there'll be war. Guaranteed. I could even tell you the exact words that will be said. Up to you whether you feel up to that.

I'm in for the long haul at this point, go ahead and shoot.

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Still flipping out over the Andrew Tate thing. Just, how do you manage to screw yourself this bad? For no reason! There was no fight, he started it, proceeded to lose spectacularly and then got himself arrested.

Heck, his brother was also arrested. Imagine being his brother. Imagine setting up a human trafficking ring, and then you find yourself in jail because your dumbass brother picked a fight with a 19-year-old girl on Twitter. It's like Capone being downed by a parking ticket, but somehow even MORE pathetic. And poetic, seeing how Greta, being a young woman, is exactly the type of person these assholes went after.

What a fucking way to end 2022. They better not put them in shared cells, 'cause if I was the other Tate I'd be looking to shank him first chance I got lol

Thanks, Elon. Couldn't have happened without you.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This game has some great lines.

And you haven't seen anything yet. Just you wait till you meet Miles.


I'm in for the long haul at this point, go ahead and shoot.

Oh I won't be the one shooting you.if anything I expect I'll be more likely to go to your aid lol

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Please tell me I'm not the only one who races the loading screen.

I treat Byleth as a sliding block on ice myself.

This being on handheld I'd tilt the Switch.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


As annoying as it is that you can't customize Byleth's face, I am glad they gave me the coolest outfit in the game right off the bat. I had the dancers outfit all game in my run as male Byleth and I cannot tell you how disappointed I was when I learned I couldn't make him a dancer unit.

Dancer Byleth would have been nice.

And yes, the best outfit for Byleth is for a class they can't have.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Eh...is the implication that he's using someone's underwear to wipe sweat?


It is.

This is a one-off, but why to begin with?

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I mean I've met 14 year olds who look 18 so I can give this a pass.

Still not quite over it.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So since I'm a big dumb idiot I went through my entire original run without fully knowing how classes worked and class changing worked and I still am not 100% sure but if you folks have any suggestions on who to change into what class I'm happy to hear 'em.

As someone who had a similar experience their first time I get ya.

Paladin Ferdinand has a pretty solid niche and you can decide if you want to go for something else, but I'll just suggest that for now.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Huh, they changed the dialogue for female Byleth. For male Byleth she just says “it’s like a pale blue cloth” and leaves it at that.

Weird that she’s blushing about an undershirt though. The things the Church of Seiros teaches young women.

I could bet that being a somewhat censorious change, an undershirt seems a little large for the cloth gag they're going for.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

No game got the triple S yet

Any game get the triple F?

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Far-right misogynist (this is redundant) Andrew Tate banned from Twitter

>Musk takes over and unbans him

>Tate beefs with Greta Thunberg

>She roasts him

>He makes a response video

>This ends up doxxing him to the Romanian police, who arrests him for connections to a human trafficking ring

Season 2022 of Earth ended wild huh.

The series of events coming to a head last night was actually giving me a good laugh.

He'd already had the Romainan authorities raid him back in April in connection with a woman who was thought to be in the villa he has there (they found two). He was released back then. They were looking for him again on human trafficking but weren't sure where he was before that video, which.... yeah.

@Green06 Good luck holding onto the immortal one

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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I still think XBC2 is pretty playable after 3

1 however...

Im probs the only one who thinks 2 has better gameplay than 3! Xd

Edited by lightcosmo
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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And uh, I hope your friend meant well and that you never have to explain why you have that to anyone.🙄

He does genuinely like the games.

But tbf, I gifted him Trails in the Sky and he hasn't opened it yet either lmao.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Elon Musk is singlehandedly killing Twitter, his own reputation and getting human traffickers arrested. He's so incompetent that he's doing so much good completely by accident. Impressive.

"You are bad guy but you are not bad guy"

16 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Im probs the only one who thinks 2 has better gameplay than 3! Xd

I think from a combat perspective it does at least.

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8 hours ago, Sooks said:

So what actually got S-tier gameplay? I was just assuming Conquest because Conquest

You assumed right. Conquest is Conquest and is in S tier gameplay

Here're my "S-tier" gameplay games


I think you might enjoy Valkyria Chronicles, it being a SRPG and all, and a pretty unique one at that.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Oh dear.

I don't know that I'm protagonist material...

You're my son ofc you are!

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Any game get the triple F?

CS4 and FE6.

41 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Im probs the only one who thinks 2 has better gameplay than 3! Xd

I think some stuff 2 does quite better actually...however i didn't really play 2 after 3 yet. 

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